Essay & Composition
What is an essay?
An Essay is a relatively short piece of writing on a particular topic. It can be categorized as narrative, descriptive, persuasive, argumentative, expository, etc. Essay is always written in prose.
What is a composition?
A Composition is a creative work. It can refer to any creative work, be it a short story, novel, poem, essay, drama, painting, piece of music, etc. Composition can be prose or verse. Not all compositions are essays.
Essays and compositions for Exams
Here are some sample essays for board and school exams. Use it as sample.
- My Aim in Life
- Computer
- My Daily Life
- Discipline
- Student Life
- Duties to Parents
- My Favourite Game
- Floods in Bangladesh
- My Favourite Hobby
- A Journy by Boat
- A Journey by Bus
- A Journey by Train
- Newspaper
- Physical Exercise
- Population Problem in Bangladesh
- The Season I Like Most
- The Rainy Season
- The Spring
- Science in Everyday Life
- The Wonders of Modern Science
- Television
- Tree Plantation
- The Value of Time
- A Village Doctor
- A Village Fair
- A Village Fair I Have Visited
- A Village Market
- Our Village