Population Problems of Bangladesh
Write a composition on the population problems in Bangladesh.
Population Problem in Bangladesh
Introduction: Bangladesh is a land of problems. Population problem is the mother of all. It causes all other problems in our country.
Causes of over population: Many things are responsible for our over population. Early marriage is the first of them. Other major causes are illiteracy and ignorance.
Present Condition: Our country is only 1, 47,570 square kilometres. It includes forests and rivers. But about 15 million people live here. It is too large for her area. As a result, we are facing a lot of problems.
Problems: Over population causes many problems in our country. Here are some of them.
Food Problem: We have 15 million mouths to feed every day. But our land cannot grow enough food. So, we have acute food problem in Bangladesh. Many people do not get enough to eat and many remain hungry.
Transport Problem: Seats in vehicles are limited. But people are unlimited. So, people do not get seat in buses or trains. Many people travel on the roof.
Education Problem: We have a large number of students. But good schools, colleges and universities are very limited. Only limited students can read there. Majority students read in low standard schools. So, they do not get proper education.
Employment Problem: Everybody wants a good job. But jobs are very limited in Bangladesh. So many young people are jobless. They live a sub-human life. So, they often commit crimes.
How to solve: Population problem is our creation. So, we have to solve it ourselves. Everyone should be aware of the danger. No couple should take more than two children. Early marriage should be stopped and girls should be educated.
Conclusion: A country is like a boat and population is like its passenger. When too many people get in a boat, it sinks. Similarly, our Bangladesh is going to sink into problems. So, we must control our population.
Population Problem of Bangladesh-2
Introduction: “Optimum population is a boon
Over population is a bane.”
Our Bangladesh is only 1, 47,570 square kilometres. But about 16 million people live here. It is too large for her area. As a result, we are facing a lot of problems. And population problem is the mother of all. It breeds all other problems in our country.
Causes of over population: The causes of over population are many. The most common ones are illiteracy, ignorance, superstition and early marriage. Our life style, food habit and climate are also responsible for over population.
Problems: Over population causes many problems in our country. Here are some of them.
Food Problem: Population is increasing every day in our country. But land is not increasing. So, we have to import foods from other countries of the world. As a result, prices are increasing very fast.
Transport Problem: More people need more transport. But our vehicles are limited. So, buses, trains and launches are overcrowded. We hardly get a seat to sit.
Education Problem: We have a large number of students. But good schools, colleges and universities are very limited. Only limited students can read there. Majority students read in low standard schools. So, they do not get proper education.
Job Problem: Everybody wants a good job after education life. But jobs are very limited in Bangladesh. So most young people are jobless. They live a sub-human life. So, they often commit crimes.
How to solve: Population problem is our creation. So, we have to solve it ourselves. Everyone should be aware of the danger. No couple should take more than two children. Early marriage should be stopped and girls should be educated.
Conclusion: A country is like a boat and population is like its passenger. When too many people get in a boat, it sinks. Similarly, our Bangladesh is going to sink into problems. So, we must solve it.
Population Problem in Bangladesh-3
Population is one of the main elements of a country. It is also an asset of country. But if a country cannot afford her people the basic need of life, it becomes a problem. Bangladesh is a small country having an area of 1,47,570 square kilometres. But about 16 million people live in this small country. So, Bangladesh is called an over populated country and this huge population has become a great problem for us.
The population of our country is increasing rapidly. But there are many causes behind this high growth rate of population. First, with the advancement of medical science death rate has gone down. But the birth rate is constant. As a result, population is growing quickly. Then, early marriage and polygamy are two important causes of high population growth. Again, illiteracy and superstitions are also responsible for further growth of population. However, over population causes a lot of problems in every sphere of our life.
Over population is very harmful for our economy. About half of the people of our country live below the poverty line because of over population. They have problems of food, cloth, shelter, health care, education etc. There is a severe unemployment problem in our country. Unemployed youths are involved in many anti-social activities. Moreover, over population is a cause of environment pollution. People are cutting down trees and doing a lot of harms to our environment. They are pollution air and water too. Our standard of living is falling down day by day. But the cost of living is increasing rapidly. Thus, over population is the main cause of our suffering and it stands on the way of our development.
As population problem is a threat to our existence, we must take steps to control the over-growth of population. First, the high birth rate of population must be checked through family planning. More family planning centres should be set up with sufficient number of health workers. Each family must not have more than two children. Secondly, the priority should be given to the education of the poor people. All illiterate people must be taught about the bad effects of a large family. Thirdly, early marriage must be stopped by enacting laws. If anyone breaks the law, he will be severely punished. Fourthly, various incentives should be given to people who have small family. Finally, the Govt. should export manpower to other countries.
Population problem is the number one problem of Bangladesh now. It is the main barrier of our development. To exist as a civilized nation in the world, we have to check population growth at any rate. Otherwise, our existence as a nation will be endangered.