National Curriculum 2012 [English 2nd Paper]

National Curriculum 2012


Classes VI-X

Curriculum Wing National Curriculum and Textbook Board

English Paper –Two

National Curriculum 2012

Classes: VI-VIII

Class VIClass VIIClass VIII
1. Parts of speech1. Parts of speech1. Parts of speech
2. Nouns (Countable and Uncountable)2. Nouns (Countable and Uncountable)2. Nouns (Countable and Uncountable)
3. Modal3. Modal3. Modal

4. Tenses 

  • Simple present 
  • Simple Past 
  • Simple Future 
  • Present continuous 
  • Past continuous 
  • Present Perfect 
  • Present continuous for indicating   future 

4. Tenses 

  • Simple present 
  • Simple Past 
  • Simple Future 
  • Present continuous 
  • Past continuous 
  • Present Perfect 
  • Present continuous for indicating   future 

4. Tenses 

  • Simple present 
  • Simple Past 
  • Simple Future 
  • Present continuous 
  • Past continuous 
  • Present Perfect 
  • Present continuous for indicating   future 
5. Verbs (to be, regular & irregular)5. Verbs (to be, regular & irregular)5. Verbs (to be, regular & irregular)
6. Adjectives6. Adjectives6. Adjectives
7. Adverb (Time, frequency)7. Adverb (  Time, place,  frequency)7. Adverb (Time, place, manner, frequency)
8. Basic Prepositions(on, in, at, upon, above,  by, for, to,)8. Prepositions8. Prepositions
9. Linking words (and, but, yet, so, firstly, secondly,……..etc.)9. Linking words (and, but, yet, so, firstly, secondly,……..etc.)9. Linking words (and, but, yet, so, firstly, secondly, etc.), however, hence, therefore, by the way, any way, as well as, etc. 
10. Articles10. Articles10. Articles
11. Possessives11. Possessives11. Possessives

 12. Sentences 

  • Affirmative 
  • Negative 
  • Interrogative 
  • Imperative 
  • Exclamatory

12. Sentences 

  • Affirmative 
  • Negative 
  • Interrogative (what, when, what time &wh-questions) 
  • Imperative 
  •  Exclamatory

12. Sentences 

  • Affirmative 
  • Negative 
  • Interrogative (how, how often, how much time, how long, how well, how good)
  • Imperative 
  • Exclamatory
13. Introductory ‘There’ (Positive and Negative)13. Introductory ‘There’ [There is/isn’t, there are/aren’t]13. Introductory ‘There’ positive and Negative
14. Gerund and Participle14. Infinitive, Gerund and Participle14. Infinitive, Gerund and Participle
15. Capitalisation and Punctuation15. Capitalisation and Punctuation15. Capitalisation and Punctuation
--16. Direct and Indirect Speech16. Direct and Indirect Speech
--17. Passive voice17. Passive voice
----18. Degree (Comparative, superlative)
----19. Use of Suffix & Prefix
----20. Punctuation Marks


1. Paragraph 

2. Letter


• Short Composition 

• Letter


• Short Composition 

• Letter

National Curriculum 2012

Classes: IX-X


1. Nouns 

  • - Proper
  • - Common
  • - Collective
  • - Material
  • - Abstract
  • Number
  • Gender
  • Possessive
  • Appositive

2. Pronouns

  • - Personal
  • - Interrogative
  • - Demonstrative
  • - Distributive
  • - Relative (use of who, which, that, what, etc)
  • - Reflexive
  • - Reciprocal

3. Adjective 

  • - Articles
  • - Determiners
  • - Degree of Comparisons
  • - Quantifiers

4. Verb and Tenses

  • - Regular and Irregular verbs
  • - Be verbs
  • - Finite verbs
  • - Transitive and Intransitive verbs
  • - Infinitive, Gerund, Participle
  • - Modals

5. Adverb and Adverbials

6. Prepositions

7. Sentences

  • - Types of Sentences( Affirmative, Negative, Interrogative, Imperative, Exclamatory, Simple, Complex, Compound)
  • - WH questions
  • - Short answers
  • - Tag questions
  • - Use of Introductory ‘there’/ ‘it’
  • - Sentence connectors
  • - Punctuations

8. Voice

9. Speech

10. Conditionals


  1. Types of paragraph (paragraph writing by listing, narration, comparison and contrast, cause and effect)
  2. Descriptive, narrative, imaginative and creative writing (such as completing story) 
  3. Formal and informal writing (application, letter, CV, cover letter, emails, online form filling etc.)
  4. Analysing graphs and charts, summary writing, referencing

11. Distributions of marks for Paper Two

Total marks 100

Grammar 45

Composition 55

12. Grammar test items

  1. Gap filling activities with and without clues
  2. Cloze test with and without clues
  3. Substitution table
  4. Right forms of verbs
  5. Use of articles
  6. Changing sentences (change of voice, narrative style, sentence patterns, degrees)
  7. Completing sentences
  8. Tag questions
  9. Use of suffixes and prefixes

Note: Question setters will use all items from the above list and make questions of 5 marks for each question item. Test items must have contexts. Sentences which are isolated and out of context cannot be given as questions. Question setters will prepare the test items. No questions will be set from the textbook or/and any help books.

13. Composition test items

Group: A (Any two items will be used in a question paper) Marks

  • Informal letters/emails 10
  • Formal letters/emails 10
  • CV writing 10

Group: B (Any two items will be used in a question paper)

  • Completing stories 10
  • Short paragraphs (from a given model or by answering questions) 10
  • Dialogue writing 10
  • Analyzing graphs and charts 10

Group: C Composition (200-250 words) based on personal experience, everyday problems, events and incidents etc. 15 

Note: Question setters will select two items from Group A (10 X 2 = 20 marks), two items from Group B (10X2= 20 marks), and Group C has no alternative (15 marks). For Group A, and B no alternatives will be given. Question C will clearly mention the desired writing style i.e., whether it will be written in descriptive or narrative, or listing, or comparison and contrast style.