Inversions C2

About the Test

  • Learner Level: Intermediate to Advanced
  • Exam TypeOnline MCQ
  • Exam Code: INVERSIONS0120
  • Number of Questions: 20
  • Full Marks: 20

This quiz tests what you learned on Inversions page. Some of the questions are easier, some are more difficult. Don’t worry if you don’t know the answer! Don’t use any books or websites to help you – the idea is to find your natural level! 

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Q1. Hardly-----entered the office when he realized that he had forgotten his wallet.
he had
he was
did he
had he
Q2. Times have changed and so-----.
we are
we have
have we
are we
Q3. I didn't know the answer, and-----.
neither did he
nor does he
he didn’t too
he does not either
Q4. Times have changed and so-----.
I had
I have
Had I
Have I
Q5. Only after entering the bedroom-----.
he saw the strange figure
did he saw the strange figure
he has seen the strange figure
did he find the stranger
Q6. They are engrossed in studies and-----.
so do I
so I am
so am I
so did I
Q7. A good number of adolescents do not socialize,-----.
they neither build up their career
nor they build up their career
nor do they build up their career
hardly they build up their career
Q8. Rarely-----anyone using typewriters now-a-days.
you see
will you see
you will see
you have seen
Q9. Which is the correct conditional inversion?
If I had known, would I have helped.
Had I known, I would have helped.
If had I known, I would have helped.
Had I known, would I have helped.
Q10. Not often-----fatal today, but immediate medical attention is essential.
a rattlesnake bit's
by a rattlesnake's bite
a rattlesnake bit is
is a rattlesnake bite
Q11. Rajshahi relies heavily on income from fruit crops,-----.
and so is Dinajpur
and so are other districts
and so is Chittagong
and so does Dinajpur
Q12. -----received law degrees as today.
Never so many women have
The women aren't ever
Never have so many women
Women who have never
Q13. I can remember all their names and so-----my sister.
Q14. He did not know the answer-----.
and either did I
and neither did I
and neither have I
and I did not neither
Q15. In no way-----.
we can justify militancy
can we justified militancy
can we justify militancy
we cannot justify militancy
Q16. -----but also it filters out harmful rays.
The atmosphere gives us air to breathe
Not only the atmosphere gives us air to breathe
The atmosphere which gives us air to breathe
Not only does the atmosphere give us air to breathe
Q17. 'I don't like coffee' '-----do I'
Q18. Rarely-----seen from water.
spotted frogs
spotted frogs have
have spotted frogs
are spotted frogs
Q19. You like chocolate-----.
and I too.
and so do I.
and I do.
and me too.
Q20. -----have goods returned to us because they are faulty.
Seldom we do
Seldomly we do
Seldom do we
Rarely we