Writing Dialogues

Writing Dialogues

41. A dialogue between the headmaster and a student.

Rahim: Good morning, Sir. May I have word with you?

Headmaster: Good morning. What can I do for you?

Rahim: My mother is ill. There is none to look after her. May I take the day off?

Headmaster: I am sorry that your mother is ill. What is her problem?

Rahim: She has a fever and she feels weak.

Headmaster: You should call in a doctor.

Rahim: My father has gone to his office. On his way home in the afternoon, he will bring a doctor with him.

Headmaster: OK, you can go home now. I hope she will get well soon.

Rahim: Thank you, Sir.

Headmaster: Welcome.

42. A dialogue between a Headmaster and a student over a transfer certificate.

Student: May I come in, sir?

Headmaster: Yes, come in.

Student: Good morning, sir.

Headmaster: Good morning. Do you have any problem?

Student: Yes, sir, I want a transfer certificate.

Headmaster: A transfer certificate! Why do you need a transfer certificate now. It is the middle of the session.

Student: My father has been transferred to Dhaka. We have to shift there very soon.

Headmaster: Oh! I see. Can you stay at the school hostel?

Student: Sorry, sir. My father is unable to afford me here?

Headmaster: Do you have any relative here where you can stay?

Student: No, I have not any, sir.

Headmaster: Oh, then, where is your application?

Student: Here it is, sir.

Headmaster: Have you cleared off your tuition fees?

Student: Yes, sir. Here is the receipt.

Headmaster: Meet the clerk.

Student: Thank you, sir.

43. A dialogue between you and your friend about how to do well in the examination.

Myself: Hello Anik, how’re you?

My friend: I am not. But you?

Myself: I’m well. But will you tell me why you’re not well?

My friend: Because I have cut a sorry figure in the exam as usual. Please, friend, tell me how I can do well in the exam.

Myself: To do well in the exam two things are necessary.

My friend: What are they?

Myself: They’re subject knowledge and some techniques in the exam hall.

Myfried: Will you please explain them to me?

Myself: Of course. Subject knowledge means your depth in a subject. To acquire proper knowledge in all subjects you have to be very attentive to your studies from the very beginning.

My friend: Ok. But what should I do next?

Myself: Then you must attend the classes regularly and listened to your teachers attentively. You also have to understand your lessons instead of memorizing them.

My friend: Some topics are too difficult for me to understand. So, I always memorize answers whether I understand or not.

Myself: It is a very wrong way. You must understand everything clearly and then you have to memorize them.

My friend: Ok. But will you tell me how I can do well in the creative questions?

Myself: To do well in the creative questions you have to have deep knowledge in a subject.

My friend: But I never get good marks in objective questions. What can I do?

Myself: In order to do well in objective questions, you have to go through the texts again and again and try to understand the topics properly.

My friend: Anything more?

Myself: Yes. You have to answer to the point. You also have to be careful about your hand writing. Your hand writing should be attractive. If you follow all these things, I am sure you will do well in the exam.

My friend: Thank you very much for your valuable suggestions.

Myself: You are welcome.

44. A dialogue between you and your friend about the importance of morning walk.

Myself: Hi Rahim, how are you?

Rahim: I am fine, and you?

Myself: I am fine too.

Rahim: But where are you going so early in the morning?

Myself: I am going to take morning walk.

Rahim: My parents often tell me to walk early in the morning. But I think it is not necessary. Can you please tell me something about the importance of morning walk?

Myself: Morning walk is useful for us in many ways. In the morning the air is fresh and full of Oxygen. So walking in the morning refreshes our body and mind. It is also a kind of physical exercise which helps to build up our body.

Rahim: Does it do good to us in any other way?

Myself: Yes. We can enjoy the beauty of Nature if we walk in the morning. Besides, in the morning many flowers bloom. The sweet scent of different flowers fills our mind with joy. Moreover, the chirping of birds can please our mind.

Rahim: Ok. Can you tell me about any more benefit?

Myself: Sure. If we walk in the midst of Nature in the early morning, our mind is filled with heavenly bliss. We can then realize the existence of God /Allah in the universe. The belief in God /Allah helps us to lead an honest, peaceful and pious life.

Rahim: Now I understand everything. Thank you very much for your valuable information.

Myself: You are welcome.

45. A dialogue between you and your friend about load shedding.

Myself: Hello Rahim, how’re you?

Rahim: I’m not so well, but you?

Myself: I’m well. But will you tell me why you are not well?

Rahim: Because last night I could not study because of load shedding.

Myself: Yes, load shedding has become a great problem for us now.

Rahim: But can you tell me why load shedding occurs?

Myself: Load shedding occurs because of less production of electricity.  The increase of demand and the multi-purpose uses of electricity are also responsible for load shedding. 

Rahim: Ok. But it causes a great harm to us, doesn’t it?

Myself: Yes, because of load shedding the production in mills and factories come to a stand- still.

Rahim: You’re right. Besides these, operation in the hospitals also stops for load shedding.

Myself: I agree with you. But it is more painful that TV, fan, light, refrigerator don’t work and as a result, domestic life becomes painful.

Rahim: Moreover, food kept in the cold- storage also gets rotten.

Myself: Above all, load shedding causes a great harm to our economy too.

Rahim: But can you tell me what its solution is?

Myself: The Govt. must set up more power plants to increase the production of electricity.

Rahim: It is true. In this case, the government can use atomic energy to produce electricity. Myself: But at the same time, we have to put importance on the use of solar energy.

Rahim: Thank you very much.

Myself: You are welcome.

46. A dialogue between two friends on reading habits.

Rahim: Good morning, Karim. Where are you rushing to with so many books?

Karim: Good morning, Rahim. I am going to our school library to borrow some books.

Rahim: Then what Ali told me about is correct.

Karim: What did he say?

Rahim: I am sorry; I am not a book-warm. I am a bibliophile.

Karim: A bibliophile? What does it mean?

Rahim: It means a book-lover.

Karim: I see. Will you tell me why you love those dead things leaving aside so many attractive things around you?

Rahim: You are wrong. Books are not dead things. They are living sprits of great men. If you are with them once, you cannot leave them.

Karim: Will you teach me how to enjoy books?

Rahim: Sorry. None can teach you how to enjoy books. You yourself have to develop reading habit. Gradually you will learn to read book.

Karim: Thank you for your suggestion. I will try.

Rahim: Thank you. I am sorry I have to go now. I am in a hurry.

Karim: Welcome.

47. A dialogue between you and your friend about how to make a good result.

Myself: Hello Anik, how are you?

My friend: I am so so. And you?

Myself: I am well. But why do you look so sad today?

My friend: Because I have cut a sorry figure in the exam as usual. Could you please tell me how to make a good result?

Myself: Of course. To make a good result you have to be very attentive to your studies from the very beginning.

My friend: Ok. But what should I do next?

Myself: Then you must attend the classes regularly and listened to your teachers attentively. You also have to prepare notes by yourself.

My friend: It is difficult to make notes. So, I always memorize answers from books whether I understand or not.

Myself: It is a very wrong way. You must understand the topics very clearly and then you have to memorize them.

My friend: I now understand. But will you tell me how I can do well in the creative questions?

Myself: To do well in the creative questions you have to have deep knowledge  in a subject.

My friend: But I never get food marks in objective questions. What can I do?

Myself: In order to do well in objective questions, you have to go through the texts again and again and try to understand the topics properly.

My friend: Thank you very much for your valuable suggestions.

Myself: You are welcome.

48. A dialogue between you and your friend about the importance of good handwriting.

Myself: Hello Rahim, how are you?

Rahim: I am fine and you?

Myself: I am fine too. Please, sit down on the chair.

Rahim: Thank you. But what are you doing with rapt attention?

Myself: I am practicing hand writing.

Rahim: Do you think hand writing very is important for us?

Myself: I actually think so. Good hand writing is important for us in many ways. First, if your hand writing is good, your answer scripts will look neat and clean. An examiner can easily read it.

Rahim: Is it necessary for any other reason?

Myself: Yes. You will get very good marks if your hand writing is attractive.

Rahim: Can good hand writing help us in any other way?

Myself: You can easily get a job for your good hand writing. In our country there are some jobs where importance is given on good hand writing.

Rahim: Is good hand writing necessary in our personal life? 

Myself: Good hand writing is an art. You can attract any man’s attention for good hand writing. You will be respected everywhere if your hand writing is attractive.

Rahim: Thank you very much.

Myself: You are welcome.

49. A dialogue between you and your friend about the importance of fresh vegetables.

Myself: Hello Rahim, how are you?

Rahim: I am fine, and you?

Myself: I am fine too.

Rahim: But where are you going with spade and hoe?

Myself: I am going to look after my vegetables in the garden. 

Rahim: So, you don’t buy vegetables from the market and you always eat fresh vegetables. But can you tell me why we should take fresh vegetables? 

Myself: First, fresh vegetables are important to preserve our health.

Rahim: Right. The vegetables that we get from the market is poisonous. This kind of vegetables causes a great harm to our health.

Myself: I agree with you on this point. But fresh vegetables are also important to prevent diseases. You know vegetables contain vitamins and vitamins prevent diseases.

Rahim: But if we take poisonous vegetables, they may cause many fatal diseases which may lead one to death.

Myself: You are right. From poisonous vegetables we only get poison but we can get all nutrients from fresh vegetables. 

Rahim: It is true. Besides this, fresh vegetables keep our skin fresh and prevent fat.

Myself: Fresh vegetables also help us to live long.

Rahim: I have learnt much about the importance of taking fresh vegetables. So thank you very much.

Myself: You are welcome.