Voice C2

University Admission Questions on Active & Passive Voice MCQs 3

University Admission Questions on Active & Passive Voice MCQs 3

Select the correct answer


What is the correct passive of the sentence: ‘I do not like Pasta’? [Jashore Science & Technology University 2019-20]

Pasta does not liked by me.
Pasta is not liked by me.
Pasta is not liked to me.
Pasta is not liked for me.

Change the form of voice: 'He did not up the fight even though badly bruised.' [DU 2019-20]

The fight did not give up by him even though was badly bruised.
The fight had not given by him even though was badly bruised.
The was not given by him even though he was badly bruised
The was not giving by him even though he was badly bruised

Change the voice of the following sentence, 'Whom does he look for? [Jahangirnagar University 2019-20]

He is looked after for whom?
Who is looked after for him?
He is looked after by him?
Who is looked for by him?

Select the passive form: 'Who is creating this mess?' [National University 2018-19]

Who has been created this mess?
By whom has this mess been created?
By whom this mess being created?
By whom is this mess being created?

Passive voice of 'Whom were you calling?' is: [Rajshahi University 2018-19]

Who was being called you?
Who are called?
Who called by you?
Who were you called?

The active voice of ‘It has to be done by me’ is-----. [Chattogram University 2018-19]

I must do it.
I should do it.
I must have done it.
I have to do it.

By whom-----? [Chattogram University 2018-19]

the glass was broken
did the glass break
was the glass broken
was the glass break

The passive voice of the sentence 'I don't like idle people' is: [Chattogram University 2018-19]

I am not liked by the idle people
Idle people are not like by me
Idle people are not liked by me
Idle people are not of my liking

Identify the correct passive form-'open the window'. [Khulna University 2018-19]

The window should be opened.
Let the window be opened.
Let the window is opened.
The window must be opened.

Who can solve the problem? (Make it passive) [Khulna University 2018-19]

By whom the problem can be solved?
By whom could the problem be solved?
By whom can the problem be solved?
The problem can be solved by whom?

He was driving a car when the accident occurred. (Make it passive) [Khulna University 2018-19]

A car driven by him, when the accident occurred.
A car was driven by him when the accident occurred.
A car has been driven by him, when the accident occurred.
A car was being driven by him, when the accident occurred.

Take care of your health. (Make it passive) [Khulna University 2018-19]

Let the health be taken care of.
Let your health be taken care of.
Your health should be taken care of.
Let us take care of your health.

It is known to me that America was discovered by Columbus. (Make it active) [Khulna University 2018-19]

It is known that Columbus discovered America.
I knew that America was discovered by Columbus.
I know that Columbus discovered America.
It is known by me that America has been discovered by Columbus.

His behavior surprised me. (Make it passive) [Khulna University 2018-19]

I was surprised at his behavior.
I was surprised by his behavior.
I was surprised at his behavior.
I was surprised to his behavior.

The passive form of the sentence 'I know him' is-----. [National Poet Kazi Nazrul Islam University 2018-19]<

He is known by me.
He was known by me.
He is known to me.
He is knew to me.

'Let not the door be opened'. The active form of it is-----. [National Poet Kazi Nazrul Islam University 2018-19]<

Don't open the door.
Opening the door.
Open the door.
Do open the door.

‘Who is calling me?’ The best passive form is: [National Poet Kazi Nazrul Islam University 2018-19]

By who I am called?
By whom am I being called?
By whom and being called?
By whom have been called?

Choose the correct passive form, ‘Never tell a lie.’ [National Poet Kazi Nazrul Islam University 2018-19]

Let not a lie be told.
Let not a lie ever be told.
Let not a lie been told over.

‘His performance surprised me’. The passive form of the sentence is: [National Poet Kazi Nazrul Islam University 2018-19]

I was surprised.
I had been surprised at his performance.
I was surprised by his performance.
I was surprised at his performance.

‘Did the boy catch the ball?’ The best passive form of the sentence is: [Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman University of Science & Technology 2018-19]

Has the ball been caught by the boy?
Is the ball caught by the boy?
Was the ball being caught by the boy?
Was the ball caught by the boy?