Active & Passive Voice C2

About the Test

  • Learner Level: Intermediate to Advanced
  • Exam TypeOnline MCQ
  • Exam Code: VOICE4665
  • Number of Questions: 20
  • Full Marks: 20

This quiz tests what you learned on the Active & Passive Voice page. Some of the questions are easier, some are more difficult. Don’t worry if you don’t know the answer! Don’t use any books or websites to help you – the idea is to find your natural level! 

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Select the correct answer

Q1. Select the correct passive voice of “Who is calling me?”
By whom are I called?’
By whom am I being called?
By whom am I called?
By whom am I being call?
Q2. Passive voice of 'Whom were you calling?' is:
Who are called?
Who called by you?
Who were you called?
Who was being called you?
Q3. By whom-----?
the glass was broken
did the glass break
was the glass broken
was the glass break
Q4. ‘We ought to have saved our environment.’ (Choose the passive form)
Our environment ought to have been saved.
Our environment ought to have been save.
Our environment ought to had been saved.
Our environment ought to have saved.
Q5. ‘Look at the poll results; do they inspire hope?’ (Choose the passive form)
Let the poll results be looked; is hope inspired by them?
Let the poll results be looked at; hope inspired by them?
Let the pool results be looked at; is hope being inspired by them?
Let the poll results be looked at; is hope inspired by them?
Q6. Coca-Cola is drunk on new year's eve. (Choose the passive form)
People drink Coca-Cola on new year's eve.
Let us drink Coca-Cola on new year's eve.
They will drink Coca-Cola on new year's eve.
People always drink Coca-Cola on new year's eve.
Q7. The buildings-----at this moment.
have to complete
are being completed
has to be completed
have been completed
Q8. The active voice of ‘It has to be done by me’ is-----.
I must do it.
I should do it.
I must have done it.
I have to do it.
Q9. By whom-----?
the picture was hanged
was the picture hung
did the picture hang
was the picture hanged
Q10. Active voice of 'Movies are not watched by him'.
He does not watch movies.
He did not watch movies.
He is not watched movies.
He do not watch movies.
Q11. ‘People always remember the patriots.’ Which of the following is the best passive form of the above sentence?
The patriots will always be remembered by people.
The patriots are always being remembered.
People are always remembered by the patriots.
The patriots are always remembered.
Q12. ‘They have built a perfect dam across the river.’ (Choose the passive form)
Across the river a perfect dam was built.
A perfect dam has been built by them across the river.
A perfect dam should have been built by them.
Across the river was a perfect dam.
Q13. The passive form of the sentence ‘The boy laughed at the lame man' is—.
The lame man was laughed by the boy.
The lame man was laughed at by the boy.
The lame man was being laughed by the boy.
The lame man was being laughed at by the boy.
Q14. The passive form of 'He pleases us' is.
We were pleased with him.
We are pleased by him.
We are pleased with him.
We will be pleased by him.
Q15. The passive form of ‘They have won the battle’ is:
The battle have won by them.
The battle had been won by them.
The battle was won by them.
The battle has been won by them.
Q16. Change the voice of the sentence. ‘They greet me cheerfully every morning.’
Every morning I was greeted cheerfully.
I am greeted cheerfully by them every morning.
I am being greeted cheerfully by them every morning.
Cheerful greeting is done by them every morning.
Q17. The correct passive form of “You must shut these doors” is:
These must be shut doors.
Shut the doors you must.
Shut must be the doors.
These doors must be shut.
Q18. Choose the right change of voice. ‘Nobody has invited you to tea tomorrow.’
You haven't been invited to tea tomorrow.
None has been invited to tea tomorrow.
You have not been invited to tea tomorrow by anybody.
Someone has not invited you to tea tomorrow.
Q19. Passive voice of ‘She fanned herself’ is:
She herself fanned.
She was fanned by herself.
She was to be fanned by herself.
Herself was fanned by her.
Q20. The passive voice of the sentence 'I don't like idle people' is:
I am not liked by the idle people
Idle people are not like by me
Idle people are not liked by me
Idle people are not of my liking