Active & Passive Voice C2

About the Test

  • Learner Level: Intermediate to Advanced
  • Exam TypeOnline MCQ
  • Exam Code: VOICE86105
  • Number of Questions: 20
  • Full Marks: 20

This quiz tests what you learned on the Active & Passive Voice page. Some of the questions are easier, some are more difficult. Don’t worry if you don’t know the answer! Don’t use any books or websites to help you – the idea is to find your natural level! 

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Select the correct answer

Q1. ‘All his pupils like him.’ The passive form is:
He was liked by all his pupils.
He is liked by all his pupils.
He is being liked by all his pupils.
He is like by all his pupils.
Q2. The passive form of the sentence ‘You should not scold the boy' is:
The boy should not be scold by you.
The boy should not have been scold by you.
The boy should not be scolded by you.
The boy should not have been scolded by you.
Q3. Select the passive voice of "His behaviour surprised me."
I was surprised at his behaviour.
I was surprise with his behaviour.
I was surprised to his behaviour.
I was surprised his behaviour.
Q4. Select the active structure:
The tree has been uprooted.
I have lost my watch.
The door should be kept closed.
My suggestion was not accepted.
Q5. Correct passive form of- ‘I have to do it.’
It has to be done by me.
Let it be done by me.
It is to be done by me.
It has to be done to me.
Q6. "He calls me by my nickname." Change the sentence into passive.
My I call his nickname.
I am called by my nickname.
My nickname is called by him.
I am called by my nickname by him.
Q7. One should keep one's promise. (Choose the passive form)
Promise should be kept.
Promise should kept.
Promise should have kept.
Promise should keep.
Q8. Human lives-----.
has been driven by fiction most
have been deeply driven by fiction
have been deeply driving by fiction
has been drived by fiction
Q9. The passive form of the sentence 'I know him' is-----.
He is known by me.
He was known by me.
He is known to me.
He is knew to me.
Q10. We ought to obey our teachers. The correct form of voice is:
We obey our teachers.
Teachers ought to be obeyed by us.
Our teachers ought to be obeyed by us
Our teachers should be obeyed by us
Q11. Who taught you grammar? (Choose the passive form)
By whom you were taught grammar?
By whom were you taught grammar?
By whom was grammar you taught?
By whom were grammar taught to you?
Q12. The best passive form of the sentence: 'We don't like idle people'.
We are not liked by idle people.
Idle people are not like us.
Idle people are not liked by us.
Idle people are not of our liking.
Q13. The passive form of the sentence 'Who has written Hamlet?' is:
Hamlet has written by whom?
By whom Hamlet is being written?
By whom Hamlet is written?
Who has Hamlet been written by?
Q14. Construction augers-----drill holes in soft grounds for the piers of large buildings.
used to
are used by
are used to
Q15. Which of the following is the passive voice form of “Smartphones are very cheap today?”
Smartphones are being very cheap today.
Smartphones can be very cheap today.
Smartphones are available at a cheap rate today.
Smartphones are considered to be very cheap today.
Q16. The correct passive form of 'You must shut these doors' is-----.
These doors must be shut by you.
These must be shut doors.
Shut the doors you must.
Shut must be the doors.
Q17. Choose the correct passive form of “Who will do the work?”
Who will be done the work?
Who will done the work?
By whom will the work be done?
Whom will the work be done?
Q18. ‘Trees are considered one of our best friends.’ (Make it active)
It is tree which is our best friend.
Trees are our best friend.
We considered trees one of our best friends.
We consider trees are of our best friends
Q19. Choose the correct passive form: 'I have lost my wallet.'
My wallet had been lost.
My wallet was lost.
My wallet has been lost.
My wallet is lost.
Q20. The unfed should be fed. (Active)
Feed the unfed.
Please feed the unfed.
We should feed the unfed.
They should be feeding the unfed.