Simple Present / Simple Future / Present Continuous / Future Continuous

Using the words in parentheses, complete the text below with the appropriate tenses.

Verb Tense Worksheet  1

Simple Present / Simple Future / Present Continuous / Future Continuous

Using the words in parentheses, complete the sentences below with the appropriate tenses.


Right now, I am playing in the yard. Tomorrow at this time, I (play) __________ in the park.


After school tomorrow, I (visit) __________ my grandparents.


I am planning a fun day at the amusement park. While you (do) __________ your homework, I (ride) __________ the roller coasters. Are you excited for me?


We (hide) __________ when Sarah (arrive) __________ at her surprise party. As soon as she opens the door, we (jump) __________ out and (yell) __________, "Happy Birthday!"


We visit the library every Saturday. If you (come) __________ over while we (read) __________ books, we will not be able to talk. Just in case, we (leave) __________ a note on the door so you know where we are.


While you (study) __________ at home, Emma (be) __________ at soccer practice.


When I (arrive) __________ at the picnic, Tom and Jerry (play) __________ frisbee, Lily (set) __________ up the blanket, Sam and Jess (talk) __________ about their favorite movies, and Bob (complain) __________ about the bugs. They always do the same things. They are so predictable.


When you (get) __________ off the bus, I (wait) __________ for you at the stop.


I am tired of homework! Hopefully, when we (wake) __________ up tomorrow, we (have) __________ a fun, homework-free day.


If you (need) __________ to find me next weekend, I (camp) __________ in the forest with my family.


Right now, I am baking cookies. Tomorrow at this time, I (bake) __________ a cake.


After lunch tomorrow, I (play) __________ soccer with my friends.


I am planning a day at the zoo. While you (attend) __________ your classes, I (watch) __________ the monkeys and lions. Are you envious?


We (whisper) __________ when the teacher (enter) __________ the classroom. As soon as she comes in, we (stop) __________ talking and (pay) __________ attention.


We visit the park every Sunday. If you (arrive) __________ while we (have) __________ a picnic, you can join us. Just in case, we (save) __________ a spot for you.


While you (do) __________ your chores, Alex (be) __________ at his piano lesson.


When I (reach) __________ the beach, Sam and Chris (build) __________ a sandcastle, Kelly (collect) __________ seashells, Jane and Mark (swim) __________ in the ocean, and Tim (take) __________ pictures. They are always having fun like this.


When you (arrive) __________ at the playground, I (wait) __________ for you by the swings.


I am tired of cold weather! Hopefully, when we (wake) __________ up next Saturday, the temperature (be) __________ warmer and we can play outside.


If you (want) __________ to join our game next Friday, I (be) __________ at the community center playing basketball with my team.

Verb Tense Worksheet  1 - Answers

Simple Present / Simple Future / Present Continuous / Future Continuous

Using the words in parentheses, complete the sentences below with the appropriate tenses.


Right now, I am playing in the yard. Tomorrow at this time, I will be playing in the park.


After school tomorrow, I will visit my grandparents.


I am planning a fun day at the amusement park. While you are doing your homework, I will be riding the roller coasters. Are you excited for me?


We will be hiding when Sarah arrives at her surprise party. As soon as she opens the door, we will jump out and yell, "Happy Birthday!"


We visit the library every Saturday. If you come over while we are reading books, we will not be able to talk. Just in case, we will leave a note on the door so you know where we are.


While you are studying at home, Emma will be at soccer practice.


When I arrive at the picnic, Tom and Jerry will be playing frisbee, Lily will be setting up the blanket, Sam and Jess will be talking about their favorite movies, and Bob will be complaining about the bugs. They always do the same things. They are so predictable.


When you get off the bus, I will be waiting for you at the stop.


I am tired of homework! Hopefully, when we wake up tomorrow, we will have a fun, homework-free day.


If you need to find me next weekend, I will be camping in the forest with my family.


Right now, I am baking cookies. Tomorrow at this time, I will be baking a cake.


After lunch tomorrow, I will play soccer with my friends.


I am planning a day at the zoo. While you are attending your classes, I will be watching the monkeys and lions. Are you envious?


We will be whispering when the teacher enters the classroom. As soon as she comes in, we will stop talking and pay attention.


We visit the park every Sunday. If you arrive while we are having a picnic, you can join us. Just in case, we will save a spot for you.


While you are doing your chores, Alex will be at his piano lesson.


When I reach the beach, Sam and Chris will be building a sandcastle, Kelly will be collecting seashells, Jane and Mark will be swimming in the ocean, and Tim will be taking pictures. They are always having fun like this.


When you arrive at the playground, I will be waiting for you by the swings.


I am tired of cold weather! Hopefully, when we wake up next Saturday, the temperature will be warmer and we can play outside.


If you want to join our game next Friday, I will be at the community center playing basketball with my team.