Past Perfect / Past Perfect Continuous

Using the words in parentheses, complete the text below with the appropriate tenses.

Verb Tense Exercise 1

Past Perfect / Past Perfect Continuous

Using the words in parentheses, complete the text below with the appropriate tenses.

Last Saturday, I was really excited because my friends and I had planned a picnic at the park. When I (get) ______ to the park, I saw that Tom (finish, already) ______ his lunch and (wait) ______ for me for half an hour. He looked upset. We (plan) ______ to go on a hike for weeks, but the weather (turn) ______ bad just before we left. By the time the bus finally arrived, we (stand) ______ in the rain for over an hour. We (not bring) ______ an umbrella because we didn't expect it to rain. When we arrived at the park shelter, everyone (start, already) ______ to eat, and we felt a little awkward joining in so late.

Tom told me he (try) ______ to find a dry spot for us, but it was no use. We all ended up huddling under the small shelter, trying to stay dry. After a while, the rain finally stopped, and we decided to play some games. I (bring) ______ a frisbee, and we had a great time playing, even though we (be) ______ soaked. By the time we finished, the sun (come) ______ out, and we were able to lay our blankets on the grass to dry.

After the games, we (sit) ______ around talking when I noticed that my friend Emily (fall) ______ asleep. She (stay) ______ up late the night before, finishing a school project. We decided to let her sleep while we cleaned up. By the time she woke up, we (pack) ______ everything and (get) ______ ready to leave.

As we walked back to the bus stop, I (realize) ______ how much fun we had despite the rain. Tom apologized for being grumpy earlier, and I told him it was okay. We all agreed that it had been a memorable day. When I finally got home, I (take) ______ a hot shower and (fall) ______ asleep almost immediately, tired but happy from the day’s adventure.

Verb Tense Exercise 2

Past Perfect / Past Perfect Continuous

Using the words in parentheses, complete the text below with the appropriate tenses.

Last month, my family and I went on a trip to the mountains. We (plan) ______ this trip for months, and we were all excited. When we (arrive) ______ at the cabin, we found out that my dad (reserve, already) ______ a cozy spot near the lake. He (tell) ______ us that he (stay) ______ there when he was a kid and wanted us to experience it too.

On the first day, we decided to go hiking. By the time we (reach) ______ the trailhead, we (walk) ______ for about an hour. My little sister, who (complain) ______ the whole time, finally cheered up when she saw a deer. We took lots of pictures and enjoyed the beautiful scenery.

One evening, while we (sit) ______ around the campfire, my dad told us stories about the adventures he (have) ______ when he was our age. He said he (fish) ______ in the same lake and (catch) ______ the biggest fish he had ever seen. My brother, who (bring) ______ his fishing rod, was eager to try his luck the next morning.

On our last day, we decided to explore a nearby cave. By the time we got there, we (walk) ______ for quite a while and were tired. However, the cave was amazing, and we (be) ______ glad we made the effort. Inside, we saw beautiful rock formations and even some bats. My mom, who (be, never) ______ in a cave before, was a bit scared but still enjoyed the adventure.

As we packed up to leave, we all felt a bit sad that our trip was over. My dad told us that he (enjoy) ______ the time with us and hoped we could come back next year. By the time we (get) ______ home, we (make) ______ lots of great memories and were already planning our next adventure.

Answer to Verb Tense Exercise 1

Past Perfect / Past Perfect Continuous

Last Saturday, I was really excited because my friends and I had planned a picnic at the park. When I (got) ______ to the park, I saw that Tom (had already finished) ______ his lunch and (had been waiting) ______ for me for half an hour. He looked upset. We (had planned) ______ to go on a hike for weeks, but the weather (had turned) ______ bad just before we left. By the time the bus finally arrived, we (had been standing) ______ in the rain for over an hour. We (had not brought) ______ an umbrella because we didn't expect it to rain. When we arrived at the park shelter, everyone (had already started) ______ to eat, and we felt a little awkward joining in so late.

Tom told me he (had tried) ______ to find a dry spot for us, but it was no use. We all ended up huddling under the small shelter, trying to stay dry. After a while, the rain finally stopped, and we decided to play some games. I (had brought) ______ a frisbee, and we had a great time playing, even though we (were) ______ soaked. By the time we finished, the sun (had come) ______ out, and we were able to lay our blankets on the grass to dry.

After the games, we (were sitting) ______ around talking when I noticed that my friend Emily (had fallen) ______ asleep. She (had stayed) ______ up late the night before, finishing a school project. We decided to let her sleep while we cleaned up. By the time she woke up, we (had packed) ______ everything and (were getting) ______ ready to leave.

As we walked back to the bus stop, I (realized) ______ how much fun we had despite the rain. Tom apologized for being grumpy earlier, and I told him it was okay. We all agreed that it had been a memorable day. When I finally got home, I (took) ______ a hot shower and (fell) ______ asleep almost immediately, tired but happy from the day’s adventure.

Answer to Verb Tense Exercise 2

Past Perfect / Past Perfect Continuous

Last month, my family and I went on a trip to the mountains. We (had planned) ______ this trip for months, and we were all excited. When we (arrived) ______ at the cabin, we found out that my dad (had already reserved) ______ a cozy spot near the lake. He (told) ______ us that he (had stayed) ______ there when he was a kid and wanted us to experience it too.

On the first day, we decided to go hiking. By the time we (reached) ______ the trailhead, we (had been walking) ______ for about an hour. My little sister, who (had been complaining) ______ the whole time, finally cheered up when she saw a deer. We took lots of pictures and enjoyed the beautiful scenery.

One evening, while we (were sitting) ______ around the campfire, my dad told us stories about the adventures he (had had) ______ when he was our age. He said he (had fished) ______ in the same lake and (had caught) ______ the biggest fish he had ever seen. My brother, who (had brought) ______ his fishing rod, was eager to try his luck the next morning.

On our last day, we decided to explore a nearby cave. By the time we got there, we (had been walking) ______ for quite a while and were tired. However, the cave was amazing, and we (were) ______ glad we made the effort. Inside, we saw beautiful rock formations and even some bats. My mom, who (had never been) ______ in a cave before, was a bit scared but still enjoyed the adventure.

As we packed up to leave, we all felt a bit sad that our trip was over. My dad told us that he (had enjoyed) ______ the time with us and hoped we could come back next year. By the time we (got) ______ home, we (had made) ______ lots of great memories and were already planning our next adventure.