Transitive & Intransitive Verbs

Action Verbs are Transitive & Intransitive. 

1. Transitive Verbs

Transitive verbs have objects. 

  • Cats like milk.
  • Mother gave the cat some fresh milk.

Transitive Verbs are divided into three groups.

(i) Mono-transitive 

Some transitive verbs have only one object. They are Mono-transitive. 

  • A man is calling you.
  • Do you know the man? 

(ii) Di-transitive 

Some transitive verbs have two objects. They are Di-transitive. Of the two objects, one is direct object, and the other is indirect object. 

  • The man showed me a bag. 
  • Give me a pen. 

(iii) Ambi-transitive 

Some verbs can function both as transitive and intransitive. They are Ambi-transitive.

  • He reads in class 6. 
  • He reads a book. 

2.  Intransitive Verbs 

Intransitive verbs do not have objects. 

  • Cats mew.
  • Dogs bark.

Important Rules: 

Every Transitive Verb has a direct object [which is a noun, pronoun or gerund]. 

 Subject + vt + direct object

  • Cows eat grass.
  • Dogs like meat. 

If a transitive verb has a direct object and an indirect object, the indirect one is placed before the direct object.

 Subject + vt + indirect object + direct object

  • He gave me a rose. 

If you put the indirect object after the direct object, you need to put a preposition before the indirect object.

 Subject + vt + direct object + preposition + indirect object

  • He gave a rose to me. 

Transitive verbs can be used in passive form. 

  • Grass is eaten by cows.
  • Meat is liked by dogs. 

Intransitive verb does not have any object. 

 Subject + vi

  • Cows moo.
  • Dogs bark

Intransitive verbs are not used in passive form.