English Syllabus for University & Medical Admission

Detailed syllabus of admission English along with expert suggestions.
Many students take part in admission tests every year but most of them fail to get a good subject. This is because there is no limit of learning for competitive exams where only a small number of candidates are taken and the rest are thrown away. This means if someone does better than you, you will be kicked away from the competition. So, you have to try your best to gear up your skills in English grammar. This article will give you a thorough knowledge about what you need to do to ensure a top position and guide you thoroughly.
Course Overview
English holds great importance in admission tests in all the public and private universities and medical colleges in Bangladesh. The following syllabus includes all the topics you need to learn to get 100% common questions in the admission tests in all Medical Colleges and public universities including BUET, DUET, RUET, CUET, KUET, SUST.
All About Admission English
English is a compulsory subject for admission tests in almost all the universities. Most of the questions of English are set from English grammar, and universities follow a specific syllabus of English which students learn mostly at their secondary and higher secondary levels. Here is a complete syllabus of admission English along with expert analyses and instructions about how to prepare for them.
Instructions and analyses written beside every item are prepared by university toppers and expert teachers who have a good experience of teaching admission English. Besides, there are links of online MCQ tests which include the last 10 years’ admission questions, and study materials prepared by experienced teachers and professors of English.
Detailed Syllabus of Admission English
• Identifying Parts of Speech:
Students have to identify parts of speech by looking at their form and position in the sentence. There will be more than two questions from this item.
• Subject Verb Agreement:
You need to learn how to use the correct forms of verbs according to the forms of subject.
• Tense & Aspect:
This is one of the most compulsory parts. Questions are set as right form of verbs or translation. You must have a clear idea of tense and aspect to answer questions on this section properly. Especially, you need to learn the tense markers and tensed forms of verbs.
• Nonfinite Verbs:
Students are asked to identify/ choose/ use infinitives, participles, and gerunds. For this purpose, you need to learn the differences among Infinitive, Participle, & Gerund and how to use them/ fill up gaps with the right forms of nonfinite verbs.
• Appropriate Prepositions:
You will get more than 3 questions from this item. You will be asked to fill in the gaps with correct preposition. To do well in this item, you need to study the normal usages of prepositions and memorize all the appropriate prepositions.
• Phrasal Verbs or Group Verbs:
Phrasal verbs and phrasal prepositional verbs are important topics for admission tests and exams. Memorize phrasal verbs and their usage. This will also help you use appropriate prepositions. This is optional part for question.
• Idioms & Phrases:
You will be asked to choose the right meaning of an idiom or phrase in a sentence. You may also be asked to make sentences from given idioms. This is also an optional part for question.
• Phrases: Students are asked to choose the type of phrase from a sentence by looking at its structure and position.
• Clauses:
Students are asked to choose the type of clause from a sentence in this item.
• Conditional Sentences:
This topic includes all the four forms of conditional sentences. You need to choose the right form of modal verb in the result clause.
• Transformation of Sentences:
You will get more than three questions from this topic. This is the largest and most advanced topic in English grammar. You will be asked to transform sentences or choose options from multiple choice questions. Transformation of sentences includes interchange of sentences among Affirmative, Negative, Assertive, Interrogative, Imperative, Exclamatory, Positive, Comparative, Superlative, Simple, Complex, & Compound
• Dangling or Misplaced Modifiers:
You will be asked to choose right sentence which has logical modifier. This is an optional part for question.
• Parallelism:
It is all about maintaining balance of several words in a sentence. This is an optional part for question.
• Narration:
You have to select right direct speech or indirect speech from four options on behalf of the given speech in the question.
• Correction of Sentences:
You will get about two questions from this topic. This item is based on all the grammatical topics.
• Pinpoint Errors:
You may get one question from this topic. You have to find out the part in a sentence that is wrong. It is also based on all the grammatical topics.
• Spelling:
Two or more questions are set on this topic. It is an item that makes you most confused.
• Analogy:
To answer this question, you must have a good stock of vocabulary.
• Synonyms & Antonyms:
You will get more than three questions from this section. This is the part where most of the students get less number. You have to study a dictionary on Synonyms and Antonyms for doing better in this part.
• Subjunctives:
This is an optional item. You need to learn mood to answer this topic.
• Word Formations:
You will get more than three questions from this part. You have to choose the right form of the part of speeches as directed in the question. For this, you need to learn how to interchange the four major open class of words-Noun, Verb, Adjective and Adverb.
If you practice the above topics regularly, we are sure you will get the highest score in English in Admission tests.