Appropriate Prepositions

SSC English Board Questions: Appropriate Prepositions

1. Read the following passage and fill in the blanks with appropriate prepositions:

1. DHAKA BOARD—2007 

The Olympic Games were named (a) — the town of Olympia in Greece. In those days Greece was divided (b) — many cities. They used to fight (c) — themselves. A man named Iphitos was concerned (d) — such wasteful strife. He hit (e) — a plan to set up peace in the country. His plan worked well.


Cordellia took leave (a) — her jealous sisters with tears in her eyes. She begged them to take good care (b) — their father. But they said it was not necessary for her (c) — teach them their duty. She should look (d) — her husband's welfare, and not trouble (e) — them.


I hope you are alright. What are you going to do (a) — the next autumn vacation? Please come to my village. I invite you to pass a few days (b) — me in my village-home. I hope you will have a jolly good time here. My village is (c) — the bank of a small river which is full (d) — the brim (e) — the rainy season.


You will be happy to learn that I won the first prize (a) — the speech competition held (অনুষ্ঠিত)  (b) — our school yesterday (c) — the importance (গুরুত্ব) of learning English. Now I am telling you briefly (সংক্ষেপে) what I said (d) — that occasion (অনুষ্ঠান). Being an international language, English holds (ধরে) the key (e) — the broad expanse (বিস্তার) of learning (শিখন) and knowledge.


Noise is different (a) — sound. It is harmful (b) — our health. If somebody is exposed (c) — noise exceeding 70 decibels, he/she is likely to suffer (d) — hearing problem. This problem is acute (e) — big cities.


A good student is fond (a) — books. He adheres (b) — his studies. He always tries to cut a brilliant figure (c) — the examination. He never deviates (d) — his duties because success depends (e) — hard work.


Mr. Abdullah was a school teacher. He was very popular (a) — his students. The students had easy access (নিকটে যাবার অধিকার) (b) — his room. Whenever the students entered (c) — his room, they found him absorbed (মগ্ন) (d) — studies. He was proficient (বিজ্ঞ) (e) — English.


The Eiffel Tower was named (a) — Gustave Eiffel, a Frenchman. He was born (b) — a prosperous (সমৃদ্ধ) family in 1832. He graduated (স্নাতক হয়েছিলেন) (c) — the Central School of Engineering (d) — Paris. Then he went to work (e) — a railway construction (নির্মান) company.


The Eiffel Tower was named (a) — Gustave Eiffel, a Frenchman. He was born (b) — a prosperous (সমৃদ্ধ) family in 1832. He graduated  (গ্রাজুয়েট হলেন) (c) — the Central School of Engineering (d) — Paris. Then he went to work (e) — a railway construction company.

10. COMILLA—2008 

One should not run (a) — money because those who hanker (b) — money cannot enjoy mental peace. Sometimes it may lead one (c) — some unexpected troubles. It also happens that greed for money brings (d) — many problems. So we should be contented (e) — what we have.

11. DHAKA BOARD—2008

Although a city life has many advantages, a city dweller sometimes gets tired (a) — it. He cannot attend the office and other places (b) — time because (c) — traffic jam. The air in the city is polluted (d) — smoke and dust. Besides, he is always busy (e) — a lot of commitments.


Today man has been suffering (a) — various diseases. And there is no remedy (b) — some fatal diseases. So man is subject (c) — decay and death. One day he will depart (d) — this world. Here he cannot live (e) — a long life.

13. SYLHET BOARD—2008 

It might have been known (a) — you that smoking is as if one is taking slow poison to die. It is very injurious (b) — health. A puff (c) — smoke contains millions of particles which may cause cancer, blood pressure, loss of eye-sight. Nicotine in tobacco is very dangerous (d) — your health. Your teeth and fingers will be affected. You will also suffer (e) — lack of oxygen in your blood resulting in respiratory troubles.

14. SYLHET BOARD—2009 

A diary is a record (a) — daily events, thoughts and feelings. Many things happen (b) — life. We cannot keep all of them (c) — memory. A complete diary is a life story (d) — brief. We should always develop the habit (e) — writing a diary.


Yesterday a college student was run (a) — by a car. The student was crossing the road and walking (b) — Dhaka College. The passers-by and the students of Dhaka College rushed (c) — the spot. he student was taken to Dhaka Medical College Hospital. The doctors and the nurses came (d) — to help the student. A medical board was formed headed (e) — Dr. Hasibur Rahman.


Man has an unquenchable thirst (a) — knowledge. He is never satisfied (b) — what he has known and seen. For this, he sets out (c) —travelling. But it needs a lot of money and patience. The people of developed countries are fit (d) — it. So they are capable (e) — earning practical knowledge.

17. Com B—2009 

Man has an unquenchable thirst (a) — knowledge. He is never satisfied (b) — hat he has known and seen. For this, he set out (c) — traveling. But it needs a lot of money and patience. The people of developed countries are fit (d) —it. So, they are capable (e) — earning practical knowledge.


An honest man is true (a) — his word. He does not deviate (চ্যুত হওয়া) (b) — the path of honesty. He knows that true peace (সত্যিকারের শান্তি) consists (নিহিত থাকে) (c) — honesty. So he does not fall a victim (শিকার) (d) — any greed (লোভ). He has no ambition (পাওয়ার আকাঙখা) (e) — worldly things (পার্থিব জিনিস).


The result of honesty (সততা) is (a) — description. It results (b) — peace. On the other hand, misery (দু:খ কষ্ট) results (c) — vice. So we should abstain (বিরত থাকা) (d) — evil deeds (মন্দ কাজ). Evil deeds bring (e) — ruin (ধ্বংস).


A pious (ধার্মিক) man is absorbed (মগ্ন থাকে) (a) — meditation (ধ্যান). He has firm faith (বিশ্বাস) in the Almighty. He abides (b) — the rules of religion. He clings (c) — his faith. He knows that man is accountable (দায়বদ্ধ) to the Almighty (d) — his action. So, he leads his life according to religion. He is not angry (e) — anybody.

21. RAJSHAHI—2009 

An honest man is true (a) — his word. He does not deviate (বিচ্যুত হওয়া) (b) — the path of honesty. He knows that true peace consists (নিহিত থাকে) (c) — honesty. So he does not fall a victim (d) — any greed (লোভ). He has no ambition (আকংখা) (e) — worldly (পার্থিব) things.

22. DHAKA BOARD—2009

A good student is fond (a) — books. He adheres (b) — his studies. He always tries to cut a brilliant figure (c) — the examination. He never deviates (d) — his duties because success depends (e) — hard work.

23. DHAKA BOARD—2009 

About 72 per cent of the surface (a) — the earth is covered (b) — water, but its distribution (c) — the land is not at all even. The desert region has little or no water, but our country has been richly endowed (d) — water resources. Apart (e) — heavy rainfall during the monsoon, we have one of the largest networks of rivers in the world. 

24. DHAKA BOARD—2009

A good student is fond (a) — books. He adheres (b) — his studies. He always tries to cut a brilliant figure (c) — the examination. He never deviates (d) — his duties because success depends (e) — hard work.


Everyone desires (a) — wealth. But a few attain It. Some people hanker (b) — riches. Some are content (c) — hat they have. True happiness lies (d) — contentment. It is high time we gave (e) — the habit of covetousness.

26. RAJSHAHI—2009

An honest man is true (a) — his word. He does not deviate (b) — the path of honesty. He knows that true peace consists (c) — honesty. So he does not fall a victim (d) — any greed. He has no ambition (e) — worldly things.

27. RAJSHAHI—2010

The Eiffel Tower was named (a) — Gustave Eiffel, a Frenchman. He was born (b) — a prosperous (সমৃদ্ধ) family in 1832. He graduated  (গ্রাজুয়েট হলেন) (c) — the Central School of Engineering (d) — Paris. Then he went to work (e) — a railway construction company.


Man has an unquenchable thirst (a) — knowledge. He is never satisfied (b) — what he has known and seen. For this, he sets out (c) —travelling. But it needs a lot of money and patience. The people of developed countries are fit (d) — it. So they are capable (e) — earning practical knowledge.

29. CHITTAGONG—2010 

An honest man is true (a) — his word. He does not deviate (বিচ্যুত হওয়া) (b) — the path of honesty. He knows that true peace consists (নিহিত থাকে) (c) — honesty. So he does not fall a victim (d) — any greed (লোভ). He has no ambition (আকংখা) (e) — worldly (পার্থিব) things.


The Eiffel Tower was named (a) — Gustave Eiffel, a Frenchman. He was born (b) — a prosperous (সমৃদ্ধ) family in 1832. He graduated (স্নাতক হয়েছিলেন) (c) — the Central School of Engineering (d) — Paris. Then he went to work (e) — a railway construction (নির্মান) company.


A good student is fond (a) — books. He adheres (b) — his studies. He always tries to cut a brilliant figure (c) — the examination. He never deviates (d) — his duties because success depends (e) — hard work.

32. SYLHET—2010, DHAKA—2010

A good student is fond (a) — books. He adheres (b) — his studies. He always tries to cut a brilliant figure (c) — the examination. He never deviates (d) — his duties because success depends (e) — hard work.


An honest man is true (a) — his word. He does not deviate (b) — the path of honesty. He knows that true peace consists (c) — honesty. So he does not fall a victim (d) — any greed. He has no ambition (e) — worldly things.


In a society all men are not equally well-off. Some are rich and some are very poor. This is because (a) — unequal distribution of national wealth. Many are deprived (b) — the basic needs of life. They must be provided (c) — their dues. The rich always draw a line of contrast (d) — themselves and the poor. They look down (e) — the poor. They think if the poor have riches they will lose their control over them. What a strange idea!


A good student is never indifferent () (a) — his study. He knows well that success lies (b) — hard work. So he is always absorbed () (c) — deep studies (). Nothing can prevent () him (d) — working hard. His hard work and sincerity () result (e) — ultimate success ().


In a society all men are not equally well off (সচ্ছল). Some are rich and some are very poor. This is because (a) — unequal (অসম) distribution (বিভাজন/বন্টন) of national wealth (জাতীয় সম্পদ). Many are deprived (বঞ্চিত) (b) — the basic needs (মৌলিক প্রয়োজন) of life. They must be provided (সরবরাহ করা) (c) — their dues (ন্যায্য পাওনা). The rich always draw a line of contrast (তূলনা রেখা) (d) — themselves and the poor. Most of them look down (e) — (অবজ্ঞা করে) the poor. They should be conscious (সচেতন) and their humanity (মানবতা) should be improved (উন্নত করতে হবে).

37. DHAKA BOARD—2011

The moon is a very familiar figure (পরিচিত রুপ) (a) — all of us. She awakens (জাগিয়ে তোলে) a feeling (b) — love and tenderness (কোমলতা) in our hearts. Even the infant (শিশু) in arms (কোলে) stretches (বাড়িয়ে দেয়) (c) — its hands to grasp (আঁকড়ে ধরতে) this beautiful object (বস্তু). Nor is her appeal (আবেদন) confined (সীমিত) (d) — only to children. Ever since the stirring (জন্ম/জাগ্রত হওয়া) of the poetic faculty (কবির ভাব) in man, she has furnished (তৈরি করে দিয়েছে) a theme (e) — poets and artists. 

38. COMOLLA—2011 

An honest man is true (a) — his word. He does not deviate (বিচ্যুত হওয়া) (b) — the path of honesty. He knows that true peace consists (নিহিত থাকে) (c) — honesty. So he does not fall a victim (d) — any greed (লোভ). He has no ambition (আকংখা) (e) — worldly (পার্থিব) things.

39. COMOLLA—2011

An honest man is true (a) — his word. He does not deviate (b) — the path of honesty. He knows that true peace consists (c) — honesty. So he does not fall a victim (d) — any greed. He has no ambition (e) — worldly things.


One should not run (a) — money because those who hanker (b) — money cannot enjoy mental peace. Sometimes it may lead one (c) — some unexpected troubles. It also happens that greed for money brings (d) — many problems. So we should be contented (e) — what we have.

41. DHAKA BOARD—2011

Polybags are used (a) — many ways. They are particularly used (b) — carrying things and packing. But these bags do not decompose (c) — any rate. So, when people throw these bags, they create many problems. These thrown (d) — bags in town and city areas ultimately find ways (e) — drains and sewerage lines.


A pious man is absorbed (a) — meditation. He has firm faith in the Almighty. He abides (b) — the rules of religion. He clings (c) — his faith. He knows that man is accountable to the Almighty (d) — his action. So, he leads his life according to religion. He is not angry (e) — anybody.


Do you want (a) — enjoy sound health? Your answer will certainly be (b) — the affirmative. It is because everybody wants to enjoy this. But you have (c) — know the way of maintaining sound health. (d) —this you need to know what sound health is when a person has both physical fitness and mental fitness, he/she can be said to be enjoying sound health. Now, you can think (e) — physical fitness first.


A good student is fond (a) — books. He adheres (b) — his studies. He always tries to cut a brilliant figure (c) — the examination. He never deviates (d) — his duties because success depends (e) — hard work.


The result of honesty (সততা) is (a) — description. It results (b) — peace. On the other hand, misery (দু:খ কষ্ট) results (c) — vice. So we should abstain (বিরত থাকা) (d) — evil deeds (মন্দ কাজ). Evil deeds bring (e) — ruin (ধ্বংস).

46. JESSORE—2012 

An honest man is true (a) — his word. He does not deviate (বিচ্যুত হওয়া) (b) — the path of honesty. He knows that true peace consists (নিহিত থাকে) (c) — honesty. So he does not fall a victim (d) — any greed (লোভ). He has no ambition (আকংখা) (e) — worldly (পার্থিব) things.


A good student is fond (a) — books. He adheres (b) — his studies. He always tries to cut a brilliant figure (c) — the examination. He never deviates (d) — his duties because success depends (e) — hard work.

48. JESSORE—2012

An honest man is true (a) — his word. He does not deviate (b) — the path of honesty. He knows that true peace consists (c) — honesty. So he does not fall a victim (d) — any greed. He has no ambition (e) — worldly things.