Singular & Plural Number Worksheets

Singular & Plural Number Worksheets

(i) Give the correct number of the nouns in the brackets.

  1. He bought ten--------------(sheep).
  2. The hunter killed two--------------(deer).
  3. Ill--------------(news) runs fast.
  4. The--------------(knife) are sharp.
  5. The--------------(key) are new.
  6. (Politic)--------------  is against my nature.
  7. (Vegetable)--------------are not cheap.
  8. The--------------(Chinese) are short.
  9. Seven--------------(ox) are grazing in the field.
  10. There are three------------(M.A.) in our school.

(ii) Give the correct number of the nouns in the brackets.

  1. The girl lost all her---------------(tooth).
  2. The green--------------(leaf) look fresh.
  3. He has two--------------(brother-in-law).
  4. My--------------(father-in-law) is a good man.
  5. He has one--------------(maid-servants).
  6. The--------------(passers-by) were looking at the sky.
  7. Local--------------(buses) does not run fast.
  8. A--------------(lice) fell from her head.
  9. The cat killed two--------------(mouse).
  10. He is good at--------------  (politic).

(iii) Give the correct number of the nouns in the brackets.

  1. (Flies) -------------- sit on uncovered food.
  2. The -------------- (baby) are crying.
  3. The -------------- (day) have become shorter.
  4. The--------------(woman) in the room is my sister.
  5. The--------------(ladies) in the club are gossipping.
  6. (Child--------------are playing.
  7. (Hero)---------------are always welcomed.
  8. The----------(woman) of our country are poor.
  9. The-------------- (boatmen) is taking rest.
  10. (Mango) -------------- is not available.

(iv) Change the following sentences into singular.

  1. Roses are flowers.                                             
  2. Dogs are animals.
  3. Houses are shelters.                                           
  4. Nouns are the names of things.
  5. Dogs have tails.                                                  
  6. Soldiers carry guns.
  7. Cows are useful to farmers.                               
  8. Students are reading books.
  9. The workers are clearing the floors.                
  10. Birds are making nests.

(v) Change the following sentences into singular.

  1. These oranges are very sweet.
  2. Those mangoes are not ripe.
  3. Three boys were present yesterday.
  4. Good children are liked by all.
  5. There are ten geese in the pond.
  6. Some women are waiting at the station.
  7. Many boatmen are sailing their boats in the sea.
  8. Some oxen are found in the field.
  9. Mosquitoes are insects.
  10. Babies are playing with their toys.

(vi) Change the following sentences into singular.

  1. The poor become beggars.
  2. The teachers are helping the students.
  3. Tigers give birth to cubs.
  4. Pens are useful things.
  5. The hunters were killing birds.
  6. The teachers were teaching the students.
  7. Children are fond of toys.
  8. Our parents bought many pieces of furniture.
  9. Farmers are selling some sacks of wheat.
  10. Politicians tell lies.

(vii) Change the following sentences into singular.

  1. Students are future leaders.
  2. Rulers are important figures.
  3. Kings love their subjects.
  4. The boys are learning their lessons.
  5. Tigers have sharp claws.
  6. Books are our best friends.
  7. The buses are full of passengers.
  8. Many books are on the tables.
  9. Their heads are full of lice.
  10. Cats kill mice.

(viii) Change the following sentences into singular.

  1. The guests were eating many mangoes. 
  2. People light cigarettes with matches. 
  3. Many monkeys are eating bananas. 
  4. The rich hate the poor. 
  5. The virtuous are saints.
  6. Imams are pious men. 
  7. Girls become housewives. 
  8. The houses are made of bamboos.
  9. The children lost their teeth.
  10. Maid servants work as helping hands.

(ix) Change the following sentences into singular. 

  1. The brave are heroes.
  2. The guests were narrating their stories.
  3. Our friends send us letters.
  4. Many women are garment workers.
  5. Asses carry loads.
  6. Lions are ferocious animals.
  7. Owls are nocturnal birds.
  8. Children like toys.
  9. Fishermen catch fishes.
  10. Nurses serve patients.

(x) Change the following sentences into singular.

  1. Roses are flowers.                              
  2. Tigers are animals.
  3. Houses are buildings.                         
  4. Chairs are pieces of furniture.
  5. Knives are made of steel.                   
  6. Carpenters work with hammers.
  7. Dogs have tails.                                  
  8. Oaks are big trees.
  9. Soldiers carry guns.                           
  10. Cows are very helpful to cultivators.

(xi) Put the following sentences into singular.

  1. These oranges are very sweet.
  2. Those mangoes are not ripe.
  3. Three boys were present yesterday.
  4. Good children are liked by all.
  5. There are ten geese in the pond.
  6. Some women are waiting at the station.
  7. Many boatmen are sailing their boats in the sea. 
  8. Some oxen are found in the field.
  9. Mosquitoes are insects.
  10. Babies are playing with their toys.

(xii) Change the following sentences into plural.

  1. There is a deer on the hill side.                        
  2. This sheep is white.
  3. That bookcase is made of wood.                       
  4. He has caught a fish.
  5. I am going to pay the workman.                       
  6. My school is big.
  7. He is a school boy.                                              
  8. This woman has an umbrella.
  9. This is a boy.                                                        
  10. That is a big house.

(xiii) Change the following sentences into plural.

  1. I saw a man sleeping.                                    
  2. This is the boy whose pen is lost.
  3. This is a woman.                                            
  4. A cow is a useful animal.
  5. Chair is made of wood.                                 
  6. Loaf is made from flour.
  7. Chair is made of wood.                                  
  8. A cat is under my table.
  9. A horse is useful to farmers.                        
  10. A noun is the name of a thing.

(xiv) Make the following sentences into plural.

  1. There is a deer on the hill side.                             
  2. This sheep is white.
  3. That bookcase is made of wood.                            
  4. He has caught a fish.
  5. I am going to pay the workman.                            
  6. My school is big.
  7. He is a school boy.                                                   
  8. This woman has an umbrella.
  9. This is a boy.                                                             
  10. That is a big house.

(xv) Choose the correct number in brackets.

  1. More than one--------------(singer/singers) pang beautiful songs.
  2. I always use--------------(spectacle/spectacles).
  3. His--------------(circumstance/circumstances) are good.
  4. Spare--------------(part/parts) are sold in the market. 
  5. I bought three--------------(dozen/dozens) oranges.
  6. He addressed all--------------(lady/ladies) present there.
  7. I bought five-------------- (kilo/kilos) meat.
  8. There are many--------------(wolf/wolves) in the zoo.
  9. The old man has not a single--------------(tooth/teeth).
  10. He divided the mangoes into two--------------(half/halves).

(xvi) Choose the correct number in brackets.

  1. The police arrested all the--------------(thief/thieves).
  2. (That/those) --------------trees are very tall.
  3. I like to wear ready-made--------------(trouser/trousers).
  4. The (brother/brothers)--------------of the club are very co-operative.
  5. The (salesman/salesmen)--------------in this shop are very skilled.
  6. His (step-brother/step-brothers)--------------like him very much.
  7. (Bamboo/Bamboos)--------------are used for various purposes.
  8. (Baby/Babies)--------------usually like to play with toys.
  9. Seven (day/days)------------------make a week.
  10. (Hero/Heroes)-------------are respected by all.

(xvii) Give the correct number of the nouns in the brackets.

  1. The------------------(wage) of sin is death.
  2. There are many--------------(fox) in this jungles.
  3. (Potato)-----------grow plenty in Bangladesh.
  4. His shop is full of------------------(piano).
  5. All the -------------- (chief) met together.
  6. He used to tell me many-----------------(story).
  7. Beware of------------------(fly).
  8. The old man has two------------------(wife).
  9. Meghna is the deepest--------------(river) in Bangladesh.
  10. The Padma is one of the biggest--------------(river) in Bangladesh.

(xviii) Use the right form of nouns in the brackets.

  1. (Child) -------------- like sweets.
  2. (Baby) -------------- love toys.
  3. The farmer has five -------------- (sheep).
  4. The hunter killed three-------------(deer).
  5. He bought two dozen of-------------- (pen).
  6. Ten-------------(mile) is a long way.
  7. She will draw some -------------- (picture).
  8. He has six-------------(ox).
  9. There are three----------- (knife) on the table.
  10. He lost all his -------------- (tooth).

(xix) Use the right form of nouns in the brackets.

  1. The green-------------- (leaf) look beautiful.
  2. He has five -----------(man-servant) in his house.
  3. A large number of--------(people) have gathered.
  4. Every-------------- (babies) has a toy.
  5. The furniture is made of-------------- (woods).
  6. A -------------- (lice) fell from her head.
  7. There are some--------------(boatman) in the river.
  8. A few--------------(passer-by) are crossing the road.
  9. He has sold all his-------------(furniture).
  10. Both of his-------------(foot) are injured.

(xx) Use the right form of nouns in the brackets.

  1. He took two -------------- (spoonful) of sugar.
  2. I bought five--------------(kilo) of rice.
  3. He sold three--------------(book-shelf) today.
  4. All the--------------(child) are playing.
  5. The cat caught three--------------(mouse).
  6. I go to school on-------------- (feet).
  7. These--------------(sheep) are white.
  8. He gave many important--------------(information).
  9. His--------------(trouser) were torn.
  10. The--------------(cattle) are grazing in the field.

(xxi) Use the right form of nouns in the brackets.

  1. Many--------------(people) were present in the meeting.
  2. He bought ten--------------(pair) of shoes.
  3. There are seven---------(M.A.) in our village.
  4. There are many---------- (louse) on his head.
  5. The weight of the man is four---------(stone).
  6. I saw two-------------- (cuckoo) on the tree.
  7. He took two--------------(loaf) of bread.
  8. (Hundred)-----------of people supported him.
  9. He read a -------------- (poetry).
  10. Give me two-------------- (hundred) taka.

(xxii) Use the right form of nouns in the brackets.

  1. Some--------------(person) went to visit Cox's Bazar.
  2. These are my--------------(pen).
  3. He sold four--------------(dozen) of oranges.
  4. I bought four pair of--------------(shoe).
  5. He gifted me two ------------(pair) of spectacles.
  6. Every body likes a good -------------- (children).
  7. Good--------------(child) are favourite to all.
  8. He killed some--------------(mouse).
  9. He is one of my-------------- (cousin).

(xxiii) Use the right form of nouns / pronouns in the brackets.

  1. (We) --------------am going to Dhaka tomorrow.
  2. The classroom is full of --------------(bench).
  3. Those are his -------------- (shelf).
  4. One of the -------------- (boy) was singing.
  5. The--------------(Muslim) are courageous.
  6. The-------------- (brave) deserve the fair.
  7. He was pulled by his-------------- (arm).
  8. Trees give us--------------(shade).
  9. A few --------(woman) attended the programme.
  10. Some--------------(sheep) are grazing.

(xxiv) Use the right form of nouns in the brackets.

  1. There are many--------------(apparatus) in our school.
  2. There were two ------------(cannon) at Gulistan.
  3. (Fifty mile)--------------is a long way.
  4. He has kept his--------------(word).
  5. More than one -------------- (boy) was present.
  6. Every -------------- (student) was given a pen.
  7. This shirt cost seven-------------- (hundred) taka.
  8. He gave me many good --------------(advice).
  9. The--------------(German) are active.
  10. Many--------------(man), many minds.