Prepositional Phrase

A prepositional phrase is a group of words that begins with a preposition and usually ends with a noun or pronoun (the object of the preposition).

Preposition follows an object. The preposition along with its object is called prepositional phrase. Sometimes, there may be additional words in the phrase that modify the object. 

Prepositional Phrase=Preposition + Noun Phrase

  • In fact, whales behave like human beings. 
  • We can learn a lot from the whale.
  • Some whales sing beautifully for twenty hours at a stretch.

Function of Prepositional Phrases:

A prepositional phrase describes location, time, manner, direction, or relation. Here are some examples:

Location: A prepositional phrase tells us where something is or happens.

  • **The cat jumped on the couch.

Time: A prepositional phrase tells us when something happens.

  • **I woke up before dawn. (time)

Manner: A prepositional phrase tells us how something happens.

  • **We sang with all our hearts. (manner)

Direction: A prepositional phrase tells us where something is moving.

  • **The arrow flew into the target. 

Relationship: A prepositional phrase tells us the relationship between two persons or things.

  • **The crown of the king sparkled in the sun. (relationship)


A prepositional phrase acts as an adjective or an adverb. If a prepositional phrase does the work of an adjective, it is called an adjective phrase. If it does the work of an adverb, it is called an adverbial phrase. 

If a prepositional phrases modifies a noun, it is called adjective phrase. 

The whale is an animal of friendly nature. 

A woman with a veil over her body approached the doctor. 

The people in the room stood up to him. 

The girl with long hair is my cousin. 

If a prepositional phrases modifies a verb, it is called adverbial phrase. 

Whales live in water. 

Some whales sing beautifully for twenty hours at a time.

We were waiting for the bus. 

The police arrested him for speeding.

Prepositional Phrases Functioning as Preposition

He was absent on account of illness. 

The beggar in front of the gate looked very hungry.