Personal Pronouns

A personal pronoun is a pronoun which replaces names of people.

We use personal pronouns in replace of the names of people. Here are some examples:

  1. Mike is a footballer. He plays for the Inter Milan. 
  2. Kate and Sara are here. They are sleeping. 

In the above sentences, the pronoun 'He' replaces the noun 'Mike', and the pronoun 'They' replaces the noun phrase 'Kate and Sara,. 'He' and 'They' are personal pronouns. 

There are two types of personal pronouns:

  1. Subject pronouns, and
  2. Object pronouns. 

The pronouns mentioned in the left column of the following table are used as subject; and the pronouns in the right column are used as objects.

Subject Pronouns
Object Pronouns

Personal pronouns have different singular and plural forms. They also have different forms for different persons (first person, second person, & third person). 

Person & Number
First person singular
I am a teacher.
My students love me.
First person plural
We are students.
Our teachers teach us sincerely.
Second person singular
You are a nice man.
Your friends like you.
Second person plural
You are nice men.
Your friends like you.
Third person singular
He is a popular teacher.
His students love him.
Third person singular
She is a mother.
Her children love her.
Third person singular
A pen is a useful thing.  It helps us to write.
 Every student needs it.
Third person plural
Kate and Sara are sisters. They read in a college.
Their teachers love them.

Worksheet 1

Instructions: Replace the underlined words in each sentence with the appropriate pronoun from the word bank. Write the correct pronoun on the line provided.

Word Bank:

he, she, it, they, we, me, you, him, her, us, them


  1. Jenny and Tim went to the park. ________________ played on the swings.
  2. The cat is chasing a mouse. ________________ is very fast. 
  3. My mom and I baked cookies. ________________ used a special recipe.
  4. The big dog barked at the mailman. ________________ is very protective.
  5. Alex and Maya are coming to the party. I can't wait to see ________________.
  6. The spaceship is landing on Mars. ________________ will explore the planet.
  7. Sarah, can you pass ________________ the blue crayon?
  8. Max is bringing his guitar. ________________ will perform a song.
  9. The birds are singing in the trees. ________________ have such lovely melodies.
  10. Jake, Mia, and ________________ are going to the movies tonight.

Worksheet 2

Instructions: Identify and underline the nouns that need to be replaced with pronouns. Write the appropriate pronouns.


  • Lisa is reading a book. Lisa is enjoying Lisa's book.


  • Lisa is reading a book. She is enjoying her book.


  1. Alex and Emma are playing in the park. Alex and Emma brought Alex and Emma's toys.
  2. The cat is sleeping on the windowsill. The cat looks very comfortable.
  3. Sarah is baking cookies. Sarah loves to bake Sarah's own recipes.
  4. The dogs are chasing their tails. The dogs are barking loudly.
  5. The bike belongs to Tim. The bike is Tim's favorite possession.
  6. The birds are singing in the trees. The birds sound lovely.
  7. Mom and Dad are making dinner. Mom and Dad are preparing Mom and Dad's special dish.
  8. The book is on the table. The book needs to be returned to the library.
  9. The students are listening to the teacher. The students are paying attention to the students' lesson.
  10. The sun is setting behind the mountains. The sun is painting the sky with the sun's colors.

Worksheet 3

Instructions: Fill in the blanks with the correct personal pronouns from the options provided in brackets.

  1. Tina and __________ (I / me) went to the park yesterday.
  2. Could you please give __________ (they / them) a call to confirm the meeting time?
  3. The keys are on the table. __________ (He / They) left them there.
  4.  __________ (She / Her) and I are going shopping this afternoon.
  5. The cake was baked by my sister and __________ (I / me).
  6. Mark and __________ (he / him) are working on the project together.
  7. Could you pass __________ (we / us) the salt, please?
  8. The new employee, John, brought __________ (his / him) laptop to the office.
  9. Lisa and __________ (she / her) will be joining the conference call.
  10. The movie tickets are for Rachel and __________ (I / me).

Worksheet 4

Instructions: Fill in the blanks with the appropriate personal pronouns from the options in brackets.

  1. The phone is ringing. Could you answer  __________ (it / them), please?
  2. Sarah and I are going to the concert.  __________ (We / They) bought tickets last week.
  3. Mark, please pass __________ (me / him) the salt from the table.
  4. The kittens are adorable. __________ (They / It) are playing in the garden.
  5. Mom asked if __________ (we / they) could help with the groceries.
  6. Jane and __________ (I / her) are going shopping this afternoon.
  7. The lost keys are on the counter. Please find __________ (it / them) for me.
  8. Chris, did you invite __________ (they / them) to the party?
  9. The project is challenging, but __________ (we / she) will complete it on time.
  10. The letter is for you. __________ (It / They) arrived this morning.

Worksheet 5

Instructions: Fill in the blanks with the appropriate personal pronoun by choosing the correct option from the brackets.

  1. Maria and __________ (I / me / my / we) went for a walk in the park.
  2. Could you please give __________ (I / me / myself / mine) a hand with this heavy box?
  3.  __________ (He / His / Him / Himself) is coming to the party later.
  4. The dogs were barking loudly, and __________ (it / them / its / they) woke up the whole neighborhood.
  5.  __________ (We / Our / Ourselves / Us) are going to cook dinner together tonight.
  6. Lisa and __________ (he / him / his / himself) are going to the movies.
  7. I can't find my keys. Have you seen __________ (it / them / its / they) anywhere?
  8.  __________ (She / Her / Herself / Hers) is a talented musician.
  9. The cake was delicious.  __________ (We / Us / Our / Ourselves) baked it from scratch.
  10. Please pass __________ (they / them / their / theirs) the message about the meeting.

Worksheet 6

Instructions: Choose the correct personal pronoun from the options in brackets to complete each sentence.

  1. Could you please pass __________ (me / them / her / us) the salt?
  2. James and Lisa are my friends. __________ (They / We / He / She) are coming to the party.
  3. The cat is sleeping. __________ (It / She / He / They) looks so peaceful.
  4. Mark and __________ (I / you / they / he) went to the park yesterday.
  5. Mom asked __________ (us / her / them / him) to help with the dishes.
  6. The book belongs to Susan. __________ (She / He / It / We) left it on the table.
  7. The children are playing in the yard. __________ (They / You / We / Me) are having a great time.
  8. Could you tell __________ (he / she / it / them) to call me back later?
  9. The car keys are missing. __________ (We / They / I / You) must have left them in the house.
  10. The laptop is yours. __________ (Its / Her / Our / Your) battery needs to be charged.

Worksheet 7

Passage Story: The Adventure in the Woods

Once upon a time, there were three friends named Emily, Alex, and Max. They decided to go on a camping trip in the nearby woods. (1) __________ (They / He / She / I) wanted to experience the beauty of nature and have an exciting adventure.

As (2) __________ (they / he / she / I) entered the woods, the sun was shining brightly. (3) __________ (He / She / It / They) could hear birds singing and the sound of rustling leaves. Emily and (4) __________ (he / she / it / they) set up the tents while Max gathered firewood for the evening.

Later, (5) __________ (they / it / he / she) sat around the campfire, roasting marshmallows and sharing stories. Suddenly, a rustling noise came from the bushes nearby. Emily and Alex exchanged glances, and (6) __________ (he / she / they / it) cautiously approached the bushes to investigate.

Out jumped a friendly rabbit! (7) __________ (It / He / She / They) hopped around, seemingly unafraid of (8) __________ (they / them / their / us). Max pulled out some carrots from their bag and fed the rabbit. (9) __________ (They / Them / It / He) watched in delight as the rabbit nibbled on the treats.

As night fell, (10) __________ (they / he / she / it) gazed up at the starry sky. (11) __________ (He / She / They / It) felt a sense of wonder and connection to the universe. (12) __________ (He / She / They / It) realized that this adventure had brought (13) __________ (he / she / they / it) closer together as friends.

The next morning, (14) __________ (he / she / they / it) packed up their belongings and began their journey back home. As (15) __________ (he / she / they / it) walked out of the woods, (16) __________ (he / she / they / it) knew that this camping trip would always be a cherished memory.

Worksheet 8

Passage Story: Fill in the Blanks - Lost Backpack Adventure

One sunny morning, Emily and (1) __________ (she / her / they / them) decided to go on a hike in the nearby forest. Emily loved nature, and her backpack was packed with sandwiches, water bottles, and a map. As (2) __________ (she / her / they / them) entered the woods, (3) __________ (she / her / they / them) marveled at the tall trees and colorful flowers.

After walking for a while, Emily realized that (4) __________ (she / her / they / them) had left (5) __________ (her / them / his / its) backpack near a large rock. (6) __________ (She / Her / They / Them) retraced (7) __________ (her / them / his / its) steps, but the backpack was nowhere to be found. Feeling worried, (8) __________ (she / her / they / them) decided to ask for help.

Luckily, (9) __________ (they / them / he / she) spotted a friendly park ranger named Alex. Emily explained the situation, and (10) __________ (he / she / it / them) kindly offered to assist. Together, (11) __________ (they / them / he / she) searched the area, and within minutes, (12) __________ (they / them / he / she) found the missing backpack hidden under some leaves.

Emily was relieved and thanked Alex for (13) __________ (his / her / their / its) help. (14) __________ (She / Her / They / Them) continued (15) __________ (her / them / his / its) hike with a smile, grateful for the adventure and the kind stranger who had helped (16) __________ (she / her / they / them).

Answers 1:

  1. They played on the swings.
  2. It is very fast.
  3. We used a special recipe.
  4. He is very protective.
  5. I can't wait to see them.
  6. It will explore the planet.
  7. Sarah, can you pass me the blue crayon?
  8. He will perform a song.
  9. They have such lovely melodies.
  10. Jake, Mia, and I are going to the movies tonight.

Answers 2:

  1. They brought their toys.
  2. It looks very comfortable.
  3. She loves to bake her own recipes.
  4. They are barking loudly.
  5. It is his favorite possession.
  6. They sound lovely.
  7. They are preparing their special dish.
  8. It needs to be returned to the library.
  9. They are paying attention to their lesson.
  10. It is painting the sky with its colors.

Answers 3:

  1. I
  2. them
  3. They
  4. She
  5. me
  6. he
  7. us
  8. his
  9. she
  10. me

Answers 4:

  1. it
  2. We
  3. me
  4. They
  5. we
  6. I
  7. them
  8. them
  9. we
  10. It

Answers 5:

  1. we
  2. me
  3. He
  4. they
  5. We
  6. he
  7. them
  8. She
  9. We
  10. them

Answers 6:

  1. me
  2. They
  3. It
  4. I
  5. us
  6. She
  7. They
  8. him
  9. We
  10. Its