Personal Emails

Both emails and letters are actually same—the only difference is the way they are sent to the recipients. Letter is a physical mean whereas emails are sent electronically via the internet. If you know the process, you can easily answer in your exam script. Here are some examples for you. 

21. Write an email to your brother advising him not to adopt unfair means in the exam.



Subject: Do not adopt unfair means in the exam.

My dear brother,

How are you? I hope you are ok. I am also well by the grace of God. 

Dear brother, today I’m writing to you about a very serious matter. Your exam is knocking at the door. I know your preparation is good. You always did the best in your last exams. So, I’m not at all anxious about your result. Yet, I will advise you not to adopt any unfair means in your exams. You must remain 100% fair and honest in your life and God will give you reward for this. 

Many students try to adopt unfair means in the exams. Some are caught red handed and expelled from the exams. They bring hatred and disgust both for their life and the family. They spoil the hopes and aspirations of their parents and relatives. Everybody hates such people. 

Some may go on without being caught. But they don’t actually learn well and fail to get admission in good universities and remain unemployed in their future life. So, adopting unfair means in the exam is like committing suicide. 

No mote today. Give my salam to mother and love to Titli. 

Ever Yours


22. Write an email to your friend thanking him /her for a birthday gift.



Subject: Thanks for your birthday gift.

My dear A, 

I have received your mail just now. Form your mail I come to know that you are unable to attend my birthday party for illness. But you have sent me a nice birthday gift. I cannot but thank for this.

Dear friend, I was displeased with you when I did not find you in my birthday party. But when I have come to know the reason, I am no longer angry with you. Rather I cannot but praise your far-sightedness in presenting gifts. I have got a lot of gifts on my birthday. Some has presented me a camera, some a clock, some a diary, some a piece of shirt etc. But you have presented me the ‘Complete Poetical Work of Tagore’. All the gifts that I have got are valuable to me. But yours is the best of all. I don’t know how you have come to know that I like the poetry of Tagore. In my leisure period, I enjoy Tagore’s poetry. It is close related with the incidents of our daily life. The poetry of Tagore gives me much pleasure. It has an eternal appeal to me. The gift of my other friends and relatives are temporary. They will be broken or torn with the passage of time. But the gift that you have presented will endure throughout my life. So, I must thank you for sending me such a valuable gift.

No more today. I am well by the grace of almighty Allah/God. Please, come to visit our house as soon as you can. 

Yours ever,


Write an email to your friend thanking him for sending you a nice birthday present.



Subject: Thanks for your birthday gift.

My dear A, 

I have received your mail just now. Form your mail I come to know that you are unable to attend my birthday party for illness. But you have sent me a nice birthday gift. I cannot but thank you for this.

Dear friend, it would have been a great pleasure for me if you had joined my birthday party. I know you could not come because of illness. But you have sent me a nice birthday present. My heartiest thanks for presenting me a unique gift. I have got a lot of gifts on my birthday. Some has presented me a camera, some a clock, some a diary, some a piece of shirt etc. But you have presented me the ‘Complete Poetical Work of Tagore’. All the gifts that I have got are valuable to me. But yours is the best of all. I don’t know how you have come to know that I like the poetry of Tagore. In my leisure period, I enjoy Tagore’s poetry. It is close related with every incident of our day-to-day life. The poetry of Tagore gives me much pleasure. It has an eternal appeal to me. The gift of my other friends and relatives are temporary. They will be broken or torn with the passage of time. But the gift that you have presented will endure throughout my life. So, I must thank you for sending me such a valuable gift.

No more today. I am well by the grace of almighty Allah/God. Please, come to visit our house as soon as you can. 

Yours ever,


Write an email to your friend thanking him for sending you a nice birthday present.



Subject: Thanks for your birthday gift.

Hi X,

How are you? I hope you are ok. I got your mail yesterday. But I could not respond in time because my computer was not working properly. Moreover, net speed was very slow. So, I could not download your attachment file. 

I am glad to inform you that I have got the gift you sent me on my birthday. I have got about fifty gifts on my birthday this year, but your book is the best of all. I have read the book thoroughly. It is a very fantastic story book. Really, you have a great choice. Thank you very much for your nice gift.

No mote today. I am pretty well now. Give my salam to mother and love to Titli. 

Ever Yours

23. Write an email to your friend describing your native village.



Subject: About our native village.

My dear A, 

I have received your sweet note just now. In it you have given a vivid description of your native village and have wanted to know about my village. Now I am describing it to you.

The name of my village is Mailmara. It stands on the river Salta. It is one of the best villages in our Thana. It is two kilometres long and one kilometre wide. There is a big river in the east of our village. We catch hilsa fish there. The natural scenery of our village is very charming. About one thousand people live in this village. Both Muslims and Hindus live in our village. There is very good relation among us. We share each other’s joy and sorrow.  Most of the people are farmers. Some people are service holders, businessmen, fishermen, day labourer, etc.  

No more today. I am well by the grace of almighty Allah/God. Please, come to visit our village as soon as you can. 

Yours ever,


24. Write an email to your friend describing the co-curricular activities of your school.



Subject: Co-curricular activities of our school.

My dear A,

I have received your sweet note just now. In it, you have described the co-curricular activities of your school and have wanted to know about ours. I am now going to describe them to you.

You know that our school is one of the most famous schools in our country. In addition to formal education, it offers an extensive range of co-curricular activities. We can enjoy the facilities of different clubs, games and sports and can do different social services. There is a large play ground in front of our school and we practise football, cricket, basketball, volley ball, hand ball regularly there. We can also play many indoor games like chess, carom, table tennis etc. in our common room. Besides, there are facilities of debating club, computer club, English language club, art and musical association in our school and we often arrange debate, art and music competition among classes and other schools. You will be happy to know that I am in the musical group and do a lot of dramas. Besides these, we have opportunity to be the members of different charitable organizations like Red Cross, Red Crescent, Boys Scout etc. and take part in many social services. Moreover, our school arranges study tour every year. We participate in them and can visit the many interesting and attractive places of our country. Again, we observe Independence Day, Victory Day, International Mother Language Day, Pahela Baishakh, etc. with due solemnity and festivities. We also take part in Science Fair every year and get reward. Thus, the students of our school get the opportunity to develop their potentiality by participating in different co-curricular activities. 

No more today. I am well by the grace of the Almighty. Please, come to visit my school and I am sure you will be fascinated by the co-curricular activities provided by this institution.

Yours ever,


25. Write an email to your mother about your hostel life.



Subject: About my hostel life.

My dear mother,

Please take my ‘salam’ at first. It is for the first time I am staying far away from you. Naturally, you are anxious about me. But I can assure you that I am passing a very pleasant time in our school hostel.

Dear mother, I am really enjoying my hostel life. I with two of my classmates live in a large room. They are very nice and amiable boys. We make fun, cut jokes and gossip whenever we find time. Every one of us has got a cot, a chair, a table, a book shelf and a rack for clothes. We also have the facility of electric light and fan. There is no problem of food here. An expert cook prepares food for us three times a day. An important thing about my hostel life is that life here is very disciplined and planned. There is fixed time to read, eat, play, sleep, rest and recreation. We have to get up very early in the morning and take part in parade. We are given breakfast at 7.30 a. m. Our school starts at 8.30 a. m. and breaks up at 2.30 p.m. In the afternoon we can play both indoor and outdoor games like carom, chess, table tennis, football, cricket, badminton etc. We can also watch important programmes on the TV. In the evening we can go to the market for a short time to buy necessary things. After Mogreb Prayer/ evening prayer we must sit to read. There are five teachers on the charge of the hostel. They help us in our studies. They also help us in all affairs. We also have a rich library. We can read books or newspaper there. Thus, I am passing a very busy but pleasant time in our school hostel. 

I am well by the grace of almighty Allah/God. Please, pray for my good result and bright future. With best compliment to you and father and love to Rumi.

Yours affectionately,


26. Write an email to your younger brother advising him to follow the rules of health.



Subject: Follow the rules of health.

My dear brother,

How are you? I hope you are ok. I got your mail yesterday. You have written that you are having some health problems. 

I would tell you that health is wealth. It is the root of all happiness in life. So, you should have a good health.  For this, you have to follow some rules of health. Firstly, you have to build up your body. For this, eat a balanced diet. Never eat too much or too less. Eat as much as you need. Secondly, follow the rules of cleanliness. Wash your hands with soap before you eat anything. Don’t eat dirty food. Cover your food well. Rotten food is also dangerous. So, don’t eat rotten food. Drink pure water. Never drink dirty water. Cut your nails regularly and brush your teeth every day.  Thirdly, save yourself from skin infection. For this, use soap when you take a bath. Always put on clean cloth. Never put on dirty cloth. Fourthly, go to bed early and get up from sleep early. Take some exercise every day. You can walk in the morning and play in the afternoon. This will make your body strong and keep your mind fresh. Finally, avoid dangerous habits like smoking and taking drugs. Always avoid evil company. All these will help you keep fit.

No mote today. I am pretty well now. Give my salam to mother and love to Titli. 

Ever Yours


27. Write an email to your friend telling him about an accident you witnessed. 



Subject: About an accident I witnessed.

My dear Raju,

How are you? It is dead of night and the world is sleeping. There is silence everywhere. But there is no sleep in my eyes. I have been trying to call you for several days but your mobile is off. Perhaps you have changed your SIM again!

You will be upset to hear that I saw a terrible accident yesterday. It happened at 4 pm near our school. A boy was crossing the road. He was walking unmindfully. Suddenly a bus ran over him. He was seriously injured. We took him to hospital. Doctors tried their best to save him. But he died at 5 pm. It shocked me very much. So, be careful when you are on the way. 

No more today. Call me as soon as you get the letter. My number is ok. Give my salam to your parents and love to younger.

Take care


Write an email to your friend describing a street accident you have witnessed.



Subject: About an accident I witnessed.

My dear A,

I have received your mail just now. In your mail you have wanted to know how I am and what I am doing now. In reply I inform you that I am not well and doing nothing because of a terrible accident that I have witnessed yesterday. I cannot but write to you about it.

It was about 3 p. m. when our school broke up. We came out of our school and were waiting for vehicles. The Lower Jessore Road in front of our school was very busy then. Many students were crossing the road taking high risk. Suddenly it came to my notice that a small boy was trying to cross the road dangerously. When he reached the middle, we saw a truck coming with a great speed but the boy could not see it. When the truck came very nearer the boy saw it and tried to run to save himself. But unfortunately, the truck ran over the boy. The boy groaned for once and then fainted. Soon people from all around gathered there but all were afraid to see his condition. One of the legs of the boy was threshed. His head also crushed against the road. So, profuse blood was coming out of his nose and leg. Without wasting a moment, we stop a car and took the boy to Sadar Hospital but the doctor declared him dead. Later on, I came to know that he was a bright student of our school and he was the only child of his parents. This heart-rending sight still haunts me and I cannot pay concentration to my studies.

I cannot write any more today. My mind is overwhelmed with grief. Please, write to me about what you are doing now.

Yours ever,


28. Write an email to your father about your result and requesting him to send you some money.



Subject: Please send me some money.

Hi Dad!

How are you? I hope you are ok. I got your mail yesterday. But I could not respond in time because my computer was not working properly. Moreover, net speed was very slow. So, I could not download your attachment file. 

I am glad to inform you that the result of my final examination has come out today. I have become first in my class. I have got A+ in all subjects. My total number is 840. Now I need 1000 taka to buy new books. Please send me the money.

No mote today. I am pretty well now. Give my salam to mother and love to Titli. 

Ever Yours


Write an email to your father asking him to send you some money to buy books.



Subject: Please send me some money.

My dear father,

Please, take my salam at first. Hope you are well. Then, I have received you mail just now. In your mail you have wanted to know about my result in the exam and what I am doing now.

Dear father, the result of our Annual Exam has just been published. You will be happy to know that I have stood first in the exam. All my teachers have praised me highly. Our new session is going to begin from 1st January. The text books of the new class will be distributed on that day. But our English teacher has suggested us to buy a new grammar book. The book costs Tk. 450/=. Our Bangla teacher has also told us to buy a new Bangla grammar which costs Tk. 400/=. Besides, I also need to buy an Oxford Dictionary. It will cost about Tk.400/=. Moreover, I need to make a new dress and buy a pair of shoes. They will cost me about Tk.2000/=. Please, send me Tk.4000/= as early as possible. 

I am well by the grace of almighty Allah/God. Please, convey my best regards to mother and love to my younger brother, Roni.

Your loving son,


29. Write an email to your friend consoling him on the unexpected death of his father.



Subject: Heartfelt Condolences on the Loss of Your Father

My dear A, 

Your sorrowful mail is just to hand. I am greatly shocked to know that your dear father is no more among us. I cannot still believe this painful news.

Dear friend, the news of your father’s death comes to me as a bolt from the blue. I know that he had a mild stroke last year. But he looked so cheerful and fit. Nobody has ever imagined that he will pass away so soon. The death of your father is a great loss to your family. Your father was the only earning member of your family. Besides, he took great care of you and your brother and sister. He never thought about his own comfort and happiness. His only dream was to make you great in life. His death is also a great loss to me because he was one of my best guardians and loved me like his own sons. He also inspired me in my studies. So, his death is an irreparable loss to both you and me. But you must not forget that man is mortal. We must die today or tomorrow. It is the unbreakable law of Nature and none can violate it. Always mind it that everything happens at the will of Allah/God. We have to depart from the world when we are called from the Heaven. So, I tell you not to break down. Have courage and face the reality. You are the eldest son of your parents. If you bread down, your family will lose all hope. Your father was a very pious man. Merciful Allah /God will place him in Heaven. I pray for the salvation of his departed soul.

I am visiting you very soon. Don’t feel yourself deserted. I am always by your side in weal and woe. Please, convey my words of consolation to your mother and to the youngers.

Yours ever,


30. Write an email to your friend describing a train journey you have recently enjoyed.



Subject: A train journey I have recently enjoyed.

My dear A, 

It is many days since I got your last mail. Hope you are well. I am sorry not to tell you that I have recently enjoyed a journey by train. Now I am writing to you about it.

Last Friday I paid a visit to my uncle’s house in Dhaka and enjoyed a journey by train. My parents were also with me. On the appointed day we reached Khulna Railway Station at 8 a.m. My father bought three first-class tickets. Then we got on the train which was waiting at the station. Soon the guard blew his whistle and waved his flag. Then the train began to move with a long whistle. The speed of the train increased gradually. It was the Chittra Express which was running very fast. I sat beside the window and looked outside to enjoy the sights on either side of the railway line. I gazed and gazed at the houses, buildings, trees and meadows with a cheerful mind. It seemed to me that the trees, housed, buildings- all were running back. I saw that the farmers were working in the fields, cattle were grazing and children were playing here and there. When it was noon, my father bought some fruits, pea-nuts and cakes from the hawkers. I was taking them and enjoying the beauty of nature. I was thrilled when our train was passing over the mighty river Jamuna. The wonderful construction of the Jamuna Bridge impressed me much. Thus, enjoying the sights and scenery we reached Dhaka Airport Station in the evening. Then we got down from the train and went to my uncle’s house. It was really a memorable experience in my life.

No more today. I am well by the grace of almighty Allah/ God. Please, convey my best regards to your parents. More when we meet.

Yours ever, 


31. Write an email to your friend describing how to adjust with the new place and new food.



Subject: How to adjust with new place and food.

Hi Dad!

How are you? I hope you are ok. I got your mail yesterday. But I could not respond in time because my computer was not working properly. Moreover, net speed was very slow. So, I could not download your attachment file. 

A new place is a new experience. We often have to stay or live in different places some of which are quite new and unknown to us. If you have to stay in any of such places, you should first know the culture of the place. People, their behaviour, dress, and food habits----all are important to know. 

No mote today. I am pretty well now. Give my salam to mother and love to Titli. 

Ever Yours


32. Write an email to your friend describing the procedures of opening a bank account.



Subject: Procedures of opening a bank account.

My dear X,

At first take my sweet love. I hope you are well by the grace of God. I am also well. In your last mail, you wanted to know how to open a bank account. Now, I am writing about it.  

Bank is the most reliable place to keep money. You can keep money there only if you have an account. So, you should know how to open a bank account. And you can do it in the following way. First, select the bank. Then, find a person who has an account with it. He will be your introducer. He will introduce you to the bank and attest your photos. Next, choose people who will your nominee. They will own the money if you suddenly die. After that, go to the manager with the photos and your introducer. The manager will give you an application form and a signature card. Fill up the form correctly and attach the photos in right places. Give your signature in the signature card. Next, deposit some money. Finally, the manager will give you an account number and a cheque book. Now you have an account with the bank. Keep your cheque book and account number in a safe place. 

No mote today. I am pretty well now. Give my salam to mother and love to Titli. 

Ever Yours


33. Write an email to your pen friend describing Bangladesh and her people.



Subject: About Bangladesh and her people.

My dear X,

At first take my sweet love. I hope you are well by the grace of God. I am also well. In your last mail, you wanted to know about Bangladesh and her people. Now, I am writing about it.  

My country is Bangladesh. It is in South Asia. It is between India and Myanmar. The Bay of Bengal is to the south. The land of our country is plain. We have few hills in the east. Our largest forest is the Sundarbans. It is famous for the Royal Bengal Tiger. Dhaka is our capital city. Bangladesh is a small country. But it has a large population. Most of them are farmers. They live in villages. We became independent from Pakistan in 1971. Bangladesh is a beautiful country. I love Bangladesh.

No mote today. I am pretty well now. Give my salam to mother and love to Titli. 

Ever Yours

34. Write an email to your friend thanking him /her for hospitality.



Subject: Thanks for your hospitality.

My dear X,

At first take my sweet love. I hope you are well by the grace of God. I am also well. Today, I am writing to thank you for your hospitality.  

Dear friend, I really passed a happy week at your house. You all are so nice! Your parents took me as their child. They looked after me very dearly. They always looked for my ease and comfort. How happy I was at my house! I shall never forget those happy days.

No mote today. I am pretty well now. Give my salam to mother and love to Titli. 

Ever Yours


Write an email to your friend thanking him for his hospitality.



Subject: Thanks for your hospitality.

My dear A,

A few days have passed since I left your home. I stayed there for two days. Returning home, I have fully concentrated on my studies. But I cannot still forget the hospitality of you and your family members. So, I cannot but thank all of you for your hospitality and entertainment.

Dear friend, I really spent a very nice time with you and your family members. Your parents became very busy to make me happy as soon as I reached your house. Your mother prepared different delicious food like ‘korma’, ‘polao,’ ‘biriani’ etc. and different kinds of cakes. I cannot still forget the taste of those food items. Your father also bought for me different sweetmeats and seasonal fruits. They treated me like their own son. Then, your elder brother is a very amiable person. He entertained me by telling interesting stories. He cut jokes with me and made fun with me. He also presented me a nice camera which I always keep with me. Besides, you always accompanied me while I stayed at your house. You took me to see the interesting things and places of your locality. I was much delighted to see them and acquired much knowledge and experience from them. Thus, the amiable behaviour of your family members made me forget about my own family. I must thank you all for hospitality you had shown.

I am well by the grace of almighty Allah/God. Convey my best regards to your parents and elder brother. Let me know when you will visit me. I look forward to meeting you very soon.

Yours ever,


Write an email to your friend thanking him for his hospitality.



Subject: Thanks for your hospitality.

My dear A,

A few days have passed since I left your home. I stayed there for two days. Returning home, I have fully concentrated on my studies. But I cannot still forget the hospitality of you and your family members. So, I cannot but thank all of you for your hospitality and entertainment.

Dear friend, I really spent a very nice time with you and your family members. Your parents became very busy to make me happy as soon as I reached your house. Your mother prepared different items of delicious food and entertained me with them. I cannot still forget the taste of those food items. Your father also bought for me different sweetmeats and seasonal fruits from the market. They treated me like their own son. Then, I cannot forget your elder brother too. He is a very amiable person. He entertained me by telling interesting stories. He cut jokes with me and made fun with me. He also presented me a nice camera which I always keep with me now. Besides, you always accompanied me while I stayed at your house. You took me to see the interesting things and places of your locality. I was much delighted to see them and acquired much knowledge and experience from them. Thus, the amiable behaviour of the members of your family made me forget about my own family. So, I must thank you all for the hospitality you had shown.

I am well by the grace of almighty Allah/God. Convey my best regards to your parents and elder brother. Let me know when you will visit me. I look forward to meeting you very soon.

Yours ever,


35. Write an email to your friend describing your birthday celebration. 



Subject: Describing my birthday celebration.

My dear X,

At first take my sweet love. I hope you are well by the grace of God. I am also well.  

You know that last Sunday was my birthday. For this we decorated our house with colourful papers and lights. A fine pandal was made in one corner. There were chairs and a table in the pandal. The guests sat there. A beautiful gate was also made. The ceremony began at 9 am. At first, I cut the cake. Then foods were served. I got 30 gifts on my birthday. At last, there was a cultural function. Mainly my friends performed there. But I also sang a song. It was very interesting. But every time I was missing you. Please don’t miss it again. 

No mote today. I am pretty well now. Give my salam to mother and love to Titli. 

Ever Yours


36. Write an email to your friend describing your sister’s marriage ceremony. 



Subject: Describing my sister’s marriage ceremony.

My dear X,

At first take my sweet love. I hope you are well by the grace of God. I am also well.  

You know that last Sunday was my sister’s marriage ceremony. For this, we decorated our house with colourful papers and lights. A fine pandal was made in one corner. There were chairs and a table in the pandal. The guests sat there. A beautiful gate was also made. The ceremony began at 9 pm. At first the marriage was solemnized. Then foods were served. We got 30 gifts on my birthday. At last, there was a cultural function. Mainly my friends performed there. But the bride groom also sang a song. It was very interesting. But every time I was missing you.

No mote today. I am pretty well now. Give my salam to mother and love to Titli. 

Ever Yours

37. Write an email to your friend describing the bad effect of smoking.



Subject: Bad effect of smoking.

My dear X,

At first take my sweet love. I hope you are well by the grace of God. I am also well. 

I am greatly shocked to know that you have started smoking cigarettes. You know it is a very dangerous habit. It does a lot of harm. It makes you lose two things at a time. You lose both money and health. One puff of cigarette contains fifty billion particles of harmful matter. Smoking causes high blood pressure, cancer, heart disease and many other fatal diseases. So smoking is like taking poison. I hope you will stop smoking as soon as you get this letter.

No mote today. I am pretty well now. Give my salam to mother and love to Titli. 

Ever Yours


Write an email to your friend about the bad effects of smoking.



Subject: Bad effect of smoking.

My dear A, 

Many days have passed since I got your last mail. Hope you are well. But I am greatly shocked to know that you have become a chain smoker. I think you do not know the bad effects of smoking. Now I am telling you about it.

Dear friend, you must know that smoking is a dangerously bad habit. One puff of cigarette smoke contains fifteen million particles which are harmful to hour health. Nicotine is one of them. It prevents the free flow of blood through the veins. It also reduces the supply of Oxygen in the blood. Besides, smoking causes many fatal diseases like blood-pressure, heart attack, cancer etc. It damages our lungs, nerves and brain too. Smoking irritates our eyes, offends the nose and unsettles the mind. Moreover, smoking pollutes the environment. The stench of smoking is unbearable to the non-smokers. The non –smokers are equally affected if the smokers smoke publicly. It also costs a lot of money. Sometimes, it leads to social crimes. The young smokers have to commit crimes to arrange money. Though some young people smoke cigarette to look them smart, it is totally harmful in all respects. I think you will now realize that smoking does only harm to people. 

I am well by the grace of almighty Allah/ God. Hope you will give up smoking as soon as you get my letter. Please, convey my best regards to your parents.

Yours ever,

38. Write an email to your brother about your mother’s illness.



Subject: About my mother’s illness.

My dear Raju,

How are you? It is dead of night and the world is sleeping. There is silence everywhere. But there is no sleep in my eyes. I have been trying to call you for several days but your mobile is off. Perhaps you have changed your SIM again!

I am very sorry to inform you that mother has fallen ill. She has been suffering from fever. Her condition is very serious. She is now in Dumuria Hospital. She wants to see you. So, please come to her as soon as possible.

No more today. Call me as soon as you get the mail. My number is ok. Give my salam to your parents and love to younger.

Take care

39. Write an email to your friend describing yourself and your family.



Subject: About myself and my family.

My dear Z,

At first take my love. I hope you are well. I am so so. In your last mail you wanted to know about myself and my family. Thank you very much for your interest to know about us.  Now, I am writing about it. 

My name is Ashika. I am 12 years old. I am a student. I am in class six. I read in Dumuria Govt. Girls’ High School. 

Our family has four members. They are my father, my mother, my brother and I. My father’s name is Ali Ahmed. He is 40 years old. He is a farmer. My mother’s name is Shiuly Begum. She is 35 years old. She is a teacher. My brother’s name is Mukul. He is only 8 years old. He is a student. 

No more today. Please write to me about yours.

Yours ever,


40. Write an email to your brother describing how to follow the rules of health.



Subject: How to follow the rules of health.

My dear Raju,

How are you? I hope you are well by the grace of Almighty. I am also well. From a reliable source, I have come to know that your health has broken down. This is because you do not follow the rules of health. But you should know that health is wealth. It is the root of all happiness in life. So, you should have a good health.  For this, you have to follow some rules of health. Here are those.

Firstly, you have to build up your body. For this, eat a balanced diet. Never eat too much or too less. Eat as much as you need. Secondly, follow the rules of cleanliness. Wash your hands with soap before you eat anything. Don’t eat dirty food. Cover your food well. Rotten food is also dangerous. So, don’t eat rotten food. Drink pure water. Never drink dirty water. Cut your nails regularly and brush your teeth every day.  Thirdly, save yourself from skin infection. For this, use soap when you take a bath. Always put on clean cloth. Never put on dirty cloth. Fourthly, go to bed early and get up from sleep early. Take some exercise every day. You can walk in the morning and play in the afternoon. This will make your body strong and keep your mind fresh. Finally, avoid dangerous habits like smoking and taking drugs. Always avoid evil company. All these will help you keep fit.

No more today. Wishing you every success in life.

Ever yours,