Articles [A, An, The]

JSC English Board Questions: Articles [A, An, The]

1. Fill in the gaps in the following text with appropriate articles (a, an or the). Put a cross (x) where no article is needed. [Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education, Jashore-2023]

Computer is a great wonder of modern science. It is (a) — electronic device. It renders a great (b) — service to mankind. It works on (c) — basis of commands given by the operator. It processes data according to (d) — instructions. It can handle (e) — lot of operations at a time at a great speed. It is used in all spheres of life. It has lessened our (f) — workload. It is also used as (g) — source of entertainment. Actually it has brought about (h) — revolutionary change in our daily life. In fact, (i) — computer works like a magician. Modern life cannot be imagined without (j) — computer.

1. (a) an; (b) ×; (c) the; (d) the; (e) a; (f) ×; (g) a; (h) a; (i) a; (j) ×.

2. Fill in the gaps in the following text with appropriate articles (a, an or the). Put a cross (x) where no article is needed. [Dhaka Board-2019]  

Once we went (a) _____ hunting in (b) _____ deep jungle. Many (c) _____ beast was moving to and fro. Suddenly, we noticed (d) _____ ewe. It was looking at us. (e) _____ ewe had (f) _____ unique beauty. We could not kill (g) _____ ewe as it would be (h) _____ unkind deed. In fact, we are not rude by (i) _____ nature. We returned (j) _____ home happily for not killing any creature.

2. (a) a; (b) a; (c) a; (d) a; (e) The; (f) a; (g) the; (h) an; (i)×; (j)×.

3. Fill in the gaps in the following text with appropriate articles (a, an or the). Put a cross (x) where no article is needed:  [Mymensingh Board-2019] 

English is (a) _____ international language. It is spoken all over (b) — world. Today English is a must in order to get (c) _____ good job. Those who speak and write (d) _____ standard form of English are in great demand. So it helps (e) _____ man to get (f) _____ honourable job. It is (g) _____ official or semi-official language in many countries. (h) — official must have good command over English. Ours is an age of (i) _____ globalization. In order to keep pace with time, a Bangladeshi has to know (j) _____ English.

3. (a) an; (b) the; (c) a; (d) the; (e) a; (f) an; (g) an; (h) An; (i) ×; (j) ×.

4. Fill in the gaps in the following text with appropriate articles (a, an or the). Put a cross (x) where no article is used: [Cumilla Board-2019]

Each and every student wants to make (a) _____ good result in (b) _____ examination. But it is not (c) _____ easy task. (d) _____ student has to do something which can lead him to (e) _____ success. From (f) _____ very beginning, he must be (g) _____ very serious. He should read (h) _____ texts again and again. He must not make (i) _____ notes from (j) _____ common source. 

4. (a) a; (b) the; (c) an; (d) A; (e) ×; (f) the; (g) ×; (h) the; (i) ×; (j) a.

5. Fill in the blanks in the following text with appropriate articles (a, an or the). Put a cross (x) where no article is used: [Rajshahi Board-2019]

(a) _____ ant is an industrious insect. Bees are also (b) _____ industrious. If we observe (c) _____ life of a successful man, we find that he is also (d) _____ industrious. (e) _____ industrious are always crowned with (f) _____ success. On the other hand, (g) _____ idle fail in life. So, industry is (h) _____ must to prosper in life. We should bear in mind that industry is (i) _____ key to success and laziness leads us to (j) _____ misfortune. 

5. (a) An/The; (b) ×; (c) the; (d) ×; (e) The; (f) ×; (g) the; (h) a; (i) the; (j) ×.

6. Fill in the gaps in the following text with appropriate articles (a, an or the). Put a cross (x) where no article is used: [Dinajpur Board-2019]

Early rising is (a) _____ good for all. It is (b) _____ very good habit for (c) _____ people who want to shine in (d) _____ life. (e) _____ early riser gets much time for (f) _____ day's work. (g) _____ student who rises early, gets huge time for (h) _____ his/her study. Such (i) _____ student never lags behind. So, we should form (j) _____ habit of rising early in the morning. 

6. (a) ×; (b) a; (c) the; (d) ×; (e) An; (f) the; (g) A; (h) ×; (i) a; (j) the.

7. Fill in the gaps in the following text with appropriate articles (a, an or the). Put a cross (x) where no article is used: [Jashore Board-2019]

Idleness brings sufferings. (a) _____ idle man and (b) _____ active man cannot be equal. We know (c) _____ story of (d) _____ ant and (e) _____ grasshopper. (f) _____ ant was industrious. On (g) _____ other hand, the grasshopper was a lazy (h) _____ person. The ant knew that (i) _____ industrious shine. On the contrary, (j) _____ lazy one suffers in life. 

7. (a) An; (b) an; (c) the; (d) an; (e) a; (f) The; (g) the; (h) ×; (i) the; (j) the.

8. Fill in the gaps in the following text with appropriate articles (a, an or the). Put a cross (x) where no article is used: [Chattogram Board-2019]

At present, Bangladesh faces (a) _____ number of (b) _____ problems. Of all these problems, (c) _____ population problem is (d) _____ most acute one. Population is undoubtedly (e) _____ great asset of (f) _____ country. But when (g) _____ country fails to feed and provide them with (h) _____ suitable jobs, they become (i) _____ burden. Similar is (j) _____ case with Bangladesh. 

8. (a) a; (b) ×; (c) ×; (d) the; (e) a; (f) a; (g) the; (h) ×; (i) a; (j) the.

9. Fill in the gaps of the following text with appropriate articles (a, an or the). Put a cross (x) for zero article: [Sylhet Board-2019]

(a) _____ 16th of December is (b) _____ red-letter day in the history of Bangladesh. On this day, we achieved victory at (c) _____ cost of (d) _____ bloody battle. Bangladesh came into being as (e) _____ independent country. It occupied a place in the world (f) _____ map. Every year, we observe (g) _____ day with due solemnity. We remember (h) _____ supreme sacrifices of our heroic sons. The day is (i) _____ public holiday. The day begins with gunshots. The national flag is hoisted on (j) _____ top of important houses. 

9. (a) The; (b) a; (c) the; (d) a; (e) an; (f) ×; (g) the; (h) the; (i) a; (j) ×.

10. Fill in the gaps in the following text with appropriate articles (a, an or the). Put a cross (x) where no article is used: [Barishal Board-2019]

Teaching is (a) _____ noble profession. Mr. Salam is (b) _____ expert teacher. He is (c) _____ MA in English. He serves in (d) _____ famous institution. He is very (e) _____ punctual and tries to lead (f) _____ honest life. He loves (g) _____ students like his own (h) _____ children. In fact, he is (i) _____ most favourite teacher to (j) _____ students.

10. (a) a; (b) an; (c) an; (d) a; (e) ×; (f) an; (g) the; (h) ×; (i) the; (j) the.

11. Fill in the gaps in the following text with appropriate articles (a, an or the). Put a cross (x) where no article is used. [Dhaka Board-2018]

(a) — aim of every student is to do better in (b) — examination. But it is not (c) — easy task. Regular study is (d) — must. It is (e) — unique quality of a good student. He should not cram (f) — answers without knowing the meaning. He should have a good command over (g) — English, too. Besides, a student should form the habit of speaking (h) — truth. He should make (i) — best use of time. But the students who are (j) — idle will suffer in the long run.

11. (a) The; (b) the; (c) an; (d) a; (e) a; (f) the; (g) ×; (h) the; (i) the; (j) ×.

12. Fill in the gaps in the following text with appropriate articles (a, an or the). Put a cross (x) where no article is used: [Cumilla Board-2018]

James Norman Hall was (a) _____ American writer. He wrote (b) _____ story about (c) _____ wonderful piece of business that took place between him and a farmer. While living in (d) _____ Tahiti, he was short of (e) _____ money and rented (f) _____ one-room house about 22 kilometers from (g) _____ town. He was doing (h) _____ interesting writing there. To save money, he wanted to make (i) _____ vegetable garden in front of his house. But (j) _____ land was full of ants and land-crabs. They foiled all his attempts. 

12. (a) an; (b) a; (c) a; (d) ×; (e) ×; (f) a; (g) the; (h) an; (i) a; (j) the.

13. Fill in the gaps in the following text with appropriate articles (a, an or the). Put a cross (x) where no article is used. [Rajshahi Board-2018]

Money cannot buy (a) _____ happiness. Money is (b) _____ must for our life. But it is not (c) _____ necessary to bring our happiness. Happiness is absolutely (d) _____ psychological thing. It is (e) _____ name of (f) _____ feeling. It means the contentment of mind. He who is (g) _____ satisfied with what he gets and is content with his life is really (h) _____ happy man. On the other hand, (i) _____ unhappy man finds no contentment with his things. Happiness is (j) _____ blessing of the Almighty. 

13. (a) ×; (b) a; (c) ×; (d) a; (e) the; (f) a; (g) ×; (h) a; (i) an; (j) a.

14. Fill in the gaps of the following text with appropriate articles (a, an or the). Put a cross (x) for zero article. [Dinajpur Board-2018]

Bangladesh is (a) _____ world's most densely populated country. Our development efforts are frustrated because of (b) _____ enormous size of population. (c) _____ population explosion is (d) _____ constant threat to our environment and (e) _____ society. Population is growing at such (f) _____ high rate that (g) _____ environment may soon fail to supply (h) _____ people with their minimum necessities. It is indeed (i) _____ alarming situation. Something should be done to change (j) _____ situation. 

14. (a) the; (b) the; (c) ×; (d) a; (e) ×; (f) a; (g) the; (h) the; (i) an; (j) the.

15. Fill in the gaps in the following text with appropriate articles (a, an or the). Put a cross (x) where no article is used. [Jashore Board-2018]

Bangladesh is a land of rivers. It got freedom in 1971 through (a) _____ Liberation War. It is located in (b) _____ South Asia. Dhaka is (c) _____ capital of Bangladesh. Dhaka is also known as (d) _____ city of mosques. Our main food is (e) _____ rice and fish. It is (f) _____ country of beauty. It is, in fact, (g) _____ large village. (h) _____ people of Bangladesh are very hospitable. There are many beautiful things here that attract (i) _____ travellers and tourists. The people of Bangladesh like to lead (j) _____ simple life. 

15. (a) the; (b) ×; (c) the; (d) the; (e) ×; (f) a; (g) a; (h) The; (i) the; (j) a. 

16. Fill in the gaps in the following text with appropriate articles (a, an or the). Put a cross (x) where no article is used. [Chattogram Board-2018]

There once lived (a) — poor farmer. He was (b) — honest and hard-working. He never wastes (c) — time while working. He had (d) — few pieces of land, but he had to maintain (e) — large family. One day, he found (f) — umbrella with a bag. In (g) — bag, he found a letter. He showed it to (h) — one-eyed learned man. The man told him that it was (i) — important letter of (j) — university.

16. (a) a; (b) ×; (c) ×; (d) a; (e) a; (f) an; (g) the; (h) a; (i) an; (j) a.

17. Fill in the gaps in the following text with appropriate articles (a, an or the). Put a cross (x) where no article is needed.

Though newspaper is not always (a) _____ unmixed blessing, it is (b) — most useful thing in life. We rarely think of (c) — day without reading (d) — newspaper. Reading newspaper is one of (e) — good habits of a man. We shall be like (f) — frog in a dark well if we neglect developing the habit. However, some people prefer (g) — electronic media to reading (h) — newspaper. But (i) — newspaper offers more to its readers than (j) — electronic media.

17. (a) an; (b) the; (c) a; (d) a; (e) the; (f) a; (g) ×; (h) ×; (i) ×; (j) ×.

18. Fill in the gaps in the following text with appropriate articles (a, an or the). Put a cross (x) where no article is used.

After summer comes (a) — rainy season. People have a sigh of (b) — relief. The sky is overcast with (c) — clouds and (d) — sun can't be seen for hours. Rivers are full to (e) — brim. Rain is a great blessing for our (f) — country. If it rains in time, our farmers can reap (g) — good harvest. After (h) — rainy season comes (i) — autumn season. Then (j) — sky looks very clear.

18. (a) the; (b) ×; (c) ×; (d) the; (e) the; (f) ×; (g) a; (h) the; (i) the; (j) the.

19. Fill in the gaps of the following text with appropriate articles. Put a cross (x) for zero article: 

(a) — Patriotism is a noble (b) — virtue. It inspires (c) — man to shed (d) — last drop of blood to defend (e) — freedom of his (f) — country. (g) — unpatriotic man is no better than (h) — beast. (i) — true patriot is honoured by (j) — all.

19. (a) ×; (b) ×; (c) a; (d) the; (e) the; (f) ×; (g) An; (h) a; (i) A; (j) ×.

20. Fill in the gaps in the following text with appropriate articles (a, an or the). Put a cross (x) where no article is needed:

A library is (a) — part and parcel of (b) — educational institution. It is (c) — unique place where books of different subjects are kept for (d) — reading. It enables (e) — readers to read books of their choice that creates (f) — enthusiasm for learning. Students should pay (g) — visit to (h) — library regularly. They can borrow books for (i) — certain period and return them after (j) — given time.

20. (a) ×; (b) an; (c) a; (d) ×; (e) the; (f) an; (g) a; (h) the; (i) a; (j) the.

21. Fill in the gaps of the following text with appropriate articles. Put a cross (x) for zero article.
To be (a) — good in English, practice is (b) — must. Those who do it, can do well in the examination. (c) — main thing which is needed most is (d) — determination. It helps a student for doing (e) — better result. Though it is (f) —  international language, it can help us in different ways. Moreover (g) —  student must have efficiency on (h) — skills of English to do well in the exam. Actually, (i) — importance of practicing English is (j) — undeniable.
21. a) ×; b) a; c) The; d) ×; e) a; f) an; g) a; h) the; i) the; j) ×.
22. Fill in the gaps in the following text with appropriate articles (a, an or the). Put a cross (×) where no article is used.
What is life? Life is (a) _____ challenge, meet it; (b) _____ adventure, dare it; (c) _____ duty, perform it; (d) _____ mystry, unfold it; (e) _____ opportunity, take it, (f) _____ tragedy, accept it, (g) _____ agreement, fulfill it, (h) _____ endeavour, fight it, and (i) _____ enjoy it. There is no (j) _____ ambiguity in it.
22. a) a; b) an; c) a; d) a; e) an; f) a; g) an; h) an; i) ×; j) ×.
23. Fill in the gaps of the following text with appropriate articles. Put a cross (x) for zero articles.
(a) — teacher is often compared with (b) — architect. Mr.Hasan is (c) — English (d) — teacher. He is (e) — M.A. in (f) — English. He serves in (g) — famous institution. He tries to lead (h) — honest life. He is (i) — most favourite teacher to (j) — students.
23. a) A; b) an; c) an; d) ×; e) an; f) ×; g) a;  h) an; i) the; j) the.
24. Fill in the gaps with appropriate articles, put a cross for zero article: 
Hasan was not (a) _____ studious. He never stood second from (b) _____ bottom in any test. But, one day, he drew (c) _____ beautiful picture of (d) _____ scarecrow in (e) _____ field of maze. To his surprise, (f) _____ drawing was (g) _____ only one to get full marks. It was for (h) _____ first time that he became (i) _____ best in the class. He proudly pinned (j) _____ picture up on the wall of the class.
24. a) ×; b) the; c) a; d) a; e) the; f) the; g) the; h) the; i) the; j) the.
25. Fill in the gaps with appropriate articles (a, an or the). Put a cross (x) for zero articles. 
(a) — objective of (b) — education is not only to pass (c) — exam and get (d) — job but also to acquire (e) — knowledge and widen (f) — third eye. (g) — student should realize (h) — fact. Otherwise, his (i) — education will be (j) — incomplete one.
25. a) The; b) ×; c)  the; d)  a; e)  ×; f)  the; g)  A; h)  the; i)  ×; j)  an.
26. Fill in the gaps of the following text with appropriate articles (a, an, or the). Put a cross (x) where no article is used.
Man has no escape from (a) — death. Sooner or later, they will die. They die in (b) — many ways. Many die of diseases and many die by accident. Again (c) — some die from something excessive. But those die for (d) — country are martyrs. Many modern weapons can kill (e) — man in (f) — moment. Things have been discovered to keep (g) — dead body alive for long time. So (h) — man is called mortal. It is (i) — meaningless effort if (j) — man tries to escape from death.
26. a) ×; b) ×; c) ×; d) the; e) a; f) a; g) a; h) ×; i) a; j) a.
27. Fill in the gaps with appropriate articles (a, an, the) or cross (x) for no article option.
Eid-ul-Fitr is (a) — biggest (b) — festival of (c) — Muslims. It comes at (d) — end of (e) — holy (f) — month of (g) — Ramadan. It is (h) — occasion for thanks (i) — giving to (j) — Almighty. 
27. a) the; b)  ×; c)  the; d)  the; e)  the; f)  ×; g)  ×; h)  an; i)  ×; j)  the.

28. Fill in the gaps in the following text with appropriate articles (a, an, the). Put a cross (×) where no article is necessary.

Truthfulness is (a) — greatest of all (b) — virtues which makes (c) — man really great. If we do not cultivate (d) — habit of speaking (e) — truth, we cannot command (f) — confidence of others. We may succeed once or twice by telling (g) — lie, but it never brings about (h) — good result. A lie never lies hidden. When (i) — real character of (j) — liar is revealed, nobody believes him. All hates him and speaks ill of him behind his back.

28. (a) the; (b) ×; (c) a; (d) the; (e) the; (f) the; (g) a; (h) a; (i) the; (j) a.

29. Fill in the gaps in the following text with appropriate articles (a, an or the). Put (×) where no article is needed.

Education is (a) — weapon to improve one’s life. It is probably (b) — most important tool to change one’s life. Education for (c) — child begins at home. It is a lifelong (d) — process that ends with death. Education certainly determines (e) — quality of (f) — individual’s life. Education improves one’s knowledge, skills and develops (g) — personality and attitude. Most noteworthy, education influences (h) — chances of employment for people. A highly educated (i) — individual is probably very likely to get (j) — good job.

29.  (a) a; (b) the; (c) a; (d) ×; (e) the; (f) an; (g) the; (h) the; (i) ×; (j) a.

30. Fill in the gaps in the following text with appropriate articles (a, an or the). Put (×) where no article is needed.

English is (a) — international language. (b) — English speak (c) — English. The people speaking in other languages can also speak in (d) — English language. There are many varieties of English. But (e) — English of the English is different from that of the others. To get (f) — good job and (g) — salaries, (h) — students must know (i) — English well. Otherwise, he will be upset in (j) — long run.

30. (a) an; (b) The; (c) ×; (d) the; (e) the; (f) a; (g) ×; (h) the; (i) ×; (j) the.

31. Fill in the gaps in the following text with appropriate articles (a, an or the). Put (×) where no article is needed. 

English is (a) — international language. (b) — importance of learning English is increasing day by day. (c) — English use it as (d) — native language. But we use it as (e) — second language. So English is (f) — must for better communication. It is also (g) — necessary for getting (h) — good jobs. (i) — more you are good in English, (j) — better job you will find.

31. (a) an; (b) The; (c) The; (d) ×/a; (e) a; (f) a; (g) ×; (h) ×; (i) The; (j) the.

32. Fill in the gaps of the following text with appropriate articles (a, an or the). Put a cross (×) for zero article is used.

Kuakata, locally known as Sagar Kanya is (a) — rare scenic spot located on (b) — southernmost tip of Bangladesh. Kuakata is 70 km from (c) — Patuakhali district headquarters and 320 km from (d) — Dhaka. (e) — excellent combination of (f) — picturesque natural beauty, sandy beaches, blue sky and (g) — shimmering expanse of water of (h) — Bay of Bengal and (i) — evergreen forest makes Kuakata (j) — much sought after tourist destination.

32. a) a; b) the; c) ×; d) ×; e) An; f) the; g) the; h) the; i) the; j) a.

33. Fill in the gaps of the following text with appropriate articles. Put a cross (×) for zero article. 

Drug addiction is now (a) — global problem. It has spread its poisonous claw all over (b) — world. Frustration is (c) — main cause of (d) — drug addiction. Drug bears (e) — terrible effect on (f) —  human body. It kills (g) — man little by little. No physician can stop (h) — changes that take place in (i) — organs of (j) — addict.

33. a) a; b) the; c) the; d) ×; e) a; f) ×; g) a; h) the; i) the; j) an/the.

34. Fill in the gaps in the following text with appropriate articles. Put a cross (×) where no article is used.

Mr John was (a) — European. As he was (b) — Englishman, he knew (c) — English very well. He was (d) — honourable man to everyone though he became (e) — one-eyed man in his old age. One day having (f) — SOS, he went to (g) — USA. His brother, Milton, living there had joined (h) — army. He was (i) — younger of two brothers. When the two brothers saw each other, (j) — brother rose in the both.

34. a) a; b)  an; c)  ×; d)  an; e)  a; f)  an; g)  the; h)  the; i)  the; j)  the.

35. Fill in the gaps in the following text with appropriate articles. Put a cross (×) where no article is needed:

(a) _____ Bengali, the 7th language among (b) _____ important languages of the world is our mother tongue. Its present status is not (c) _____ result of (d) _____ effort of (e) _____ single year or of (f) _____ century. It belongs to (g) _____ Aryan family. Its (h) _____ origin is from (i) _____ Satam branch of (j) _____ Indo-European parents speech.

35. a) ×; b) the; c) the; d) the; e) a; f) a; g) the; h) ×; i) the; j) the.
36. Fill in the gaps using appropriate articles (a, an, the). Put a cross (×) where no article is necessary.
Industry is (a) — key to success in life. The ant is (b) — industrious insect. No other insect is as (c) — industrious as the ant. If we open (d) — pages of history, we shall see that (e) — men who have become great were (f) — industrious. (g) — industrious are liked by all. On (h) — other hand, (i) — idle man is hated by all. So, industry is (j) — must to prosper in life.
36. (a) the; (b) an; (c) ×; (d) the; (e) the; (f) ×; (g) The; (h) the; (i) an; (j) a.
37. Fill in the gaps using appropriate articles (a, an, the). Put a cross (×) where no article is necessary.
Specialists say that (a) — tiger is stronger than (b) — lion. Jim Corbelt, (c) — well-known hunter, once followed (d) — tiger as it dragged a big (e) — cow through (f) — dense forest. (g) — jaws of a tiger are so strong that it can crush (h) — human skull like (i) — eggshell. Jim Corbelt calls the tiger a large hearted (j) — gentleman.
37. (a) a; (b) a; (c) a; (d) a; (e) ×; (f) a; (g) The; (h) a; (i) an; (j) ×.
38. Fill in the gaps using appropriate articles (a, an, the). Put a cross (×) where no article is necessary. 
An angry man is not liked even by (a) — idiot. There is (b) — difference between (c) — educated and (d) — uneducated. Again, there is (e) — difference between (f) — rich and (g) — poor. An educated man should come forward to educate (h) — uneducated man. Similarly, (i) — rich man should have (j) — sympathy for a poor man.
38. (a) an; (b) a; (c) the; (d) the; (e) a; (f) the; (g) the; (h) the; (i) the; (j) ×.
39. Fill in the gaps in the following text with appropriate articles (a, an, the). Put a cross (×) where no article is necessary. 
It was (a) — dark night. (b) — blind man was walking along a road. He held (c) — lamp in his hand. Two men laughed at him. One of them said, "What is (d) — use of lamp to (e) — blind man?" The other called (f) — blind man a fool. (g) — blind man heard this. He said, "(h) — lamp is not for me. It is for those people who are careless. They will not see me in darkness. The lamp will show them (i) — way." They felt sorry for their foolishness. We can set (j) — example of humanity by helping a blind man.
39. (a) a; (b) A; (c) a; (d) the; (e) a; (f) the; (g) The; (h) The; (i) the; (j) an.
40. Fill in the gaps in the following text with appropriate articles (a, an, the). Put a cross (×) where no article is necessary. 
Iran is (a) — old country. Many (b) — poets were born in that country. They were famous all over (c) — world. Sadi was such (d) — poet. He got (e) — invitation from the king. He started for the capital. He was in (f) — very simple (g) — dress. On his way to (h) — court, he took shelter in i) —  nobleman's house to pass the night. (j) — noble man took him for an ordinary man watching his dress only.
40. (a) an; (b) ×; (c) the; (d) a; (e) an; (f) a; (g) ×; (h) the; (i) a; (j) The.
41. Fill in the gaps with appropriate articles. Put a cross (x) where no article is used. 
One day (a) — crow saw (b) — piece of meat. It took (c) — meat in its mouth. It sat on (d) — branch of (e) — tree to eat (f) — piece of (g) — meat. (h) — fox was looking for (i) — food. He came under (j) — tree.
41. a) a; b)  a; c)  the; d)  a; e)  a; f)  the; g)  ×; h)  A; i)  ×; j)  the.
42. Fill in the gaps of the following text with appropriate articles. Put a cross for zero article.
My brother is (a) — army officer. He is working in (b) — UN mission in (c) — African country. He is (d) — physician. He is not only (e)  — MBBS but also (f)  — FRCS. We, (g) — family members, are looking for (h) — suitable bride for him primarily. We have chosen two girls. Now, we will finalize of (i) — two who is (j) — better. 
42. a) an; b) the; c) an; d) a; e) an; f) an; g) the; h) a; i) the; j) the.
43. Fill in the gaps in the following text with appropriate articles (a, an, the). Put a cross (×) where no article is necessary. 
(a) — idle man and (b) — active man cannot be equal. We know (c) — story of (d) — Ant and (e) — grasshopper. (f) — ant was industrious. On the other hand, the grasshopper was (g) — lazy. The ant knew that (h) — industrious shine. On (i) — contrary, (j) — lazy suffer in life.
43. (a) An; (b) an; (c) the; (d) the; (e) the; (f) The; (g) ×; (h) the; (i) the; (j) the.
44. Fill in the gaps of the following text with appropriate articles (a, an, or the). Put a cross (x) for zero articles.
(a) — friend in need is (b) — friend indeed. (c) — true friend is (d) — asset. He stands by his friend in the time of (e) — danger. He always wishes for (f) — welfare of his friend. He never misguides (g) — friend to (h) — path of violence and dishonesty. But it is (i) — matter of sorrow that (j) — real friend is very rare nowadays.
44. a) A; b)  a; c)  A; d)  an; e)  ×; f)  the; g)  a; h)  the; i)  a; j)  a.
45. Fill in the gaps in the following text with appropriate articles (a, an or the). Put a cross (×) where no article is used. 
Summer and rainy season are two consecutive seasons. Rainy season is (a) _____ better of the two. It is (b) _____ most enjoyable season in Bangladesh. It rains almost all (c) _____ day long. Everybody becomes (d) _____ poet on a rainy day. But (e) _____ poor suffer much on this day. Floods occur during (f) _____ rainy season. None can avoid (g) _____ bad impact of it. (h) _____ English who speak (i) _____ English don't come to visit (j) _____ St. Martin during this season.
45. a) the; b) the; c) ×; d) a; e) the; f) the; g) the; h) The; i) ×; j) ×.
46. Fill in the blanks of the following text with appropriate articles. Put a cross (×) for zero articles. 
Punctuality is (a) — unique virtue. It leads a man to (b) — path of success. (c) — punctual man does all his work in (d) — due time. He never puts off his (e) — work for tomorrow. So, we should acquire (f) — quality of punctuality from (g) — very beginning of our life. (h) — unpunctual man lead (i) — very unhappy life. So, everybody should maintain (j) — rules of punctuality.
46. a) a; b) the; c) A; d) ×; e) ×; f) the; g) the; h) An; i) a; j) the.
47. Fill in the gaps in the following text with appropriate articles (a, an or the). Put a cross (×) where no article is used.
Once upon (a) _____ time, there lived (b) _____ idle king who didn't like physical labour. As a result, he become very fat and could not move from one place to another. He called in (c) _____ European doctor. (d) _____ doctor was (e) _____ one-eyed man but very intelligent. He did not prescribe any medicine for (f) _____ king. He advised the king to buy a heavy club and move it in (g) _____ air till he got tired. Following (h) _____ advice of the doctor he became thin from (i) _____ obese man. The king became very grateful to the doctor for (j) _____ unique advice.
47. a) a; b) an; c) a; d) The; e) a; f) the; g) the; h) the; i) an; j) the.
48. Fill in the gaps of the following text with appropriate articles. Put a cross for zero article.
We know (a) — man is (b) — rational creature. It is (c) — rationality in him which makes him (d) — different species. He can differentiate between (e) — right and (f) — wrong. This is why (g) — man is considered (h) — best creation of (i) — Creator of (j) — universe.
48. a) ×; b) a; c)  the; d)  a; e) ×; f) ×; g) ×; h)  the; i)  the; j)  the.
49. Fill in the gaps in the following text with appropriate articles (a, an, the). Put a cross (×) where no article is used.
Bangladesh is (a) _____ small country. It is (b) _____ agricultural country. It is not (c) _____ industrial country. Many people are unemployed. (d) _____ unemployed man leads (e) _____ poor life. He is (f) _____ beggar so to say but he cannot beg. It is more pathetic for (g) _____ educated youth. He looks at (h) _____ wanted columns. He is a liability to his (i) _____ family. If many industries are set up, it will go (j) _____ long way to solve our unemployment problem.
49. a) a; b) an; c) an; d) An; e) a; f) a; g) an; h) the; i) ×; j) a.
50. Fill in the gaps in the following text with appropriate articles (a, an or the). Put a cross (x) for zero article.
It was (a) — day of bitter cold. A farmer was passing by a bush. He saw (b) — snake almost dead in cold. (c) — farmer felt pity for (d) — snake and brought it home. He lit (e) — fire and warmed the snake up. He gave a cup of milk to (f) — snake to drink. After drinking milk, the snake became all right. Sometimes he played with (g) — farmer's son but later on he spread its hood and was about to bite him. (h) — farmer was standing nearby. He realized that (i) — venomous snake couldn't be believed. So, the farmer took a stick and hit (j) — snake. Then the snake was killed.
50. a) a; b)  a; c)  The; d)  the; e)  ×; f)  the; g)  the; h)  The; i)  the; j)  the.