Transformation of Degree of Comparison

Adjectives are used to modify nouns and pronouns. Adjectives are also used to make comparisons. We call it degree of comparison.

Adjectives take three forms when they are used to make comparisons. They are:

  • Positive Degree
  • Comparative Degree
  • Superlative Degree

Positive Degree

Positive degree is the simple form of adjectives and adverbs. For example, the adjectives and adverbs in the following sentences are in the positive forms. Remember that we use positive forms of adjectives when no comparison is made

  • A tiger is a large animal. 
  • It can run fast
  • A dog cannot run as fast as a tiger.

Comparative Degree

Comparative forms of adjectives are mainly formed by adding -er to the positive or primary forms of adjectives. We use comparative degree when comparison is made between two nouns or pronouns  and one becomes higher or lower in degree. Note that comparative degrees follow than.

  • A tiger is larger than a dog.
  • It runs faster than a cat.
  • It is braver than a crocodile.

Superlative Degree

    Superlative forms of adjectives are mainly formed by adding -est to the positive or primary forms af adjectives. We use superlative degree when comparasion is made between more than two nouns or pronouns  and one becomes highest or lowest in degree. We always use the before a superlative degree.

    • The whales are the largest animal in the world.
    • April is the cruelest month.
    • Tanha is the tallest girl in the class.

    Rule 1. Interchange of Comparative & Positive Degrees

    It is possible to interchange positive and comparative degree without changing the meaning of the sentence. Read the following examples first. Note that both the sentences have the same meaning, but different form. 

    (a) Comparative: Jessica is older than Linda.
    Positive: Linda is not as old as Jessica.
    (b) Comparative: A cow is larger than a cat.
    Positive: A cat is not so large as a cow.

    Grammar Explanation

    (i) We use than after comparative.

    (ii) We use so or as before positive. After the positive degree, we use as.

    Rule 1 in Table:


    adjective + er + than

    /more + adjective + than

    as + adjective + as

    so + adjective + as 

    A lion is braver than a monkey.
    A monkey is not so brave as a lion.
    A rose is more beautiful than a lily.
    A lily is not as beautiful as a rose.

    1. Change the following sentences as directed in brackets. 

    (a) They were wiser than the Magi. (Positive)

    (b) I am not as old as you. (Comparative degree)

    (c) Prevention is better than cure. (Positive)

    (d) A bus does not run as fast as a train. (Comparative degree)

    (e) An aero plane flies faster than a bird. (Positive)

    (f) Honesty is not as much as it. (Comparative degree)

    Rule 2. Interchange of Superlative, Comparative & Positive Degrees

    We can interchange superlative, comparative, positive degree without changing the meaning. Read the following examples first. Note that all the sentences have the same meaning, but different form. 
    Superlative: The rose is the finest flower.
    Comparative: The rose is finer than any other flower.
    Positive: No other flower is as fine as the rose.

    Grammar Explanation

    (i) We use the before the superlative degree

    (ii) We use than any other after the comparative degree

    (iii) We use as before and after the positive degree. The sentence begins with No other

    Rule 2 in Table

    the + superlativeOthello was the bravest knight. 
    comparative + than any otherOthello was braver than any other knight. 
    as/ so + adjective + asNo other knight was as brave as Othello. 

    2. Change the following sentences as directed in brackets. 

    (a) Iron is the most useful metal. (Make it Comparative) 

    (b) The Ganga is the largest river in India. (Make it Comparative)

    (c) The rose is the finest of all flowers. (Make it Positive)

    (d) January is the coldest month in Bangladesh. (Make it Positive)

    (e) He is better than any other boy in the class. (Make it Superlative)

    (f) Elizabeth was greater than any other king of England. (Make it Superlative)

    (g) Mr. James is more popular than any other teacher.

    (h) Shakespeare was greater than any other dramatist. (Make it Positive)

    (i) It burns prettier than any other wood. (Make it Positive)

    (j) No other man in the village is as old as Willy. (Make it Comparative)

    (k) No other town in England is as large as London. (Make it Comparative)

    (l) No other girl in the class is as pretty as Rani. (Make it Superlative)

    (m) No other animal is as useful as the cow. (Make it Superlative)

    Rule 3: Interchange of Superlative, Comparative & Positive 

    We can interchange superlative, comparative, positive degree without changing the meaning. Read the following examples first. Note that all the sentences have the same meaning, but different form. 

    Superlative: He is one of the best boys in the class. 

    Comparative: He is better than most other boys in the class.

    Positive: Very few boys in the class are as good as he.

    Grammar Explanation

    (i) We use one of the before the superlative degree

    (ii) We use than most other after the comparative degree

    (iii) We use as before and after the positive degree. The sentence begins with Very few

    Rule 3 in Table

    one of the + superlativeOthello was one of  the bravest knight. 
    comparative + than most otherOthello was braver than most other knights. 
    as/ so + adjective + asVery few knights were as brave as Othello. 

    3. Change the following sentences as directed in brackets. 

    (a) Boston is one of the largest towns in the USA. (Make it comparative) 

    (b) Rani is one of the prettiest girls in the class. (Make it comparative)

    (c) The cow is one of the most useful of all animals. (Make it positive)

    (d) A cat is one of the cleverest animals. (Make it positive)

    (e) Charles was greater than most other kings of England. (Make it superlative)

    (f) Collins is more popular than most other teachers. (Make it superlative)

    (g) Shakespeare was greater than most other dramatists. (Make it positive)

    (h) The duck was more beautiful than most other birds. (Make it positive)

    (i) Very few metals are as useful as iron. (Make it comparative)

    (j) Very few rivers in Bangladesh are as large as the Padma. (Make it comparative)

    (k) Very few flowers are as fine as the rose. (Make it superlative)

    (l) Very few birds are as intelligent as the crow. (Make it superlative) 



    Jasmin is older than Runa.
    Runa is not as old as Jasmin.

    Dhaka is larger than Khulna.
    Khulna is not as large as Dhaka.

    A lion is not braver than he.
    He is as brave as a lion.

    A lion is braver than he.
    He is not as brave as a lion.

    They were wiser than the Magi.
    The Magi were not as wise as they.

    You are older than I.
    I am not as old as you.

    Prevention is better than cure.
    Cure is not as good as prevention.

    A train runs faster than a bus.
    A bus does not run as fast as a train.

    An aero plane flies faster than a bird.
    A bird does not fly as fast as an aero plane.

    It is more than honesty.
    Honesty is not as much as it.


    Mike is the best boy in the class.
    Mike is better than any other boy in the class.
    No other boy in the class is as good as Mike.
    Shahid is the oldest man in the village.
    Shahid is older than any other man in the village.
    No other man in the village is as old as Shahid.
    Iron is the most useful metal.
    Iron is more useful than any other metal.
    No other metal is as useful as iron.
    Dhaka is the largest town in Bangladesh.
    Dhaka is larger than any other town in Bangladesh.
    No other town in Bangladesh is as large as Dhaka.
    The Padma is the largest river in Bangladesh.
    The Padma is larger than any other river in Bangladesh.
    No other river in Bangladesh is as large as the Padma.
    Rani is the prettiest girl in the class.
    Rani is prettier than any other girl in the class.
    No other girl in the class is as pretty as Rani.
    The rose is the finest of all flowers.
    The rose is finer than any other flower.
    No other flower is as fine as the rose.
    Shakespeare was the greatest of all dramatists.
    Shakespeare was greater than any other dramatist.
    No other dramatist was as great as Shakespeare.
    The cow is the most useful of all animals.
    The cow is more useful than any other animal.
    No other animal is as useful as the cow.
    It burns the prettiest of any wood.
    It burns prettier than any other wood.
    No other wood burns as pretty as it.


    He is one of the best boys in the class.
    He is better than most other boys in the class.
    Very few boys in the class are as good as he.
    Shahid is one of the oldest men in the village.
    Shahid is older than most other men in the village.
    Very few men in the village are as old as Shahid.
    Iron is one of the most useful metals.
    Iron is more useful than most other metals.
    Very few metals are as useful as iron.
    Akbar was one of the greatest kings of India.
    Akbar was greater than most other kings of India.
    Very few kings of India were as great as Akbar.
    Dhaka is one of the largest towns in Bangladesh.
    Dhaka is larger than most other towns in Bangladesh.
    Very few towns in Bangladesh are as large as Dhaka.
    The Padma is one of the largest rivers in Bangladesh.
    The Padma is larger than most other rivers in Bangladesh.
    Very few rivers in Bangladesh are as large as the Padma.
    Mr. Jabber is one of the most popular teachers.
    Mr. Jabber is more popular than most other teachers.
    Very few teachers are as popular as Mr. Jabbar.
    Rani is one of the prettiest girls in the class.
    Rani is prettier than most other girls in the class.
    Very few girls in the class are as pretty as Rani.