Informal Emails

Both emails and letters are actually same—the only difference is the way they are sent to the recipients. Letter is a physical mean whereas emails are sent electronically via the internet. If you know the process, you can easily answer in your exam script. Here are some examples for you. 

1. Write an email to your father informing him about your preparation for examination.



Subject: About my preparation for examination.

Dear Father,

Take my sweet love at the very beginning of mail. I hope my mail will find you hale and hearty. I am also ok. 

You know my exam is knocking at the door. I am now working heart and soul for it. My overall preparation is good. I expect letter marks in every subject. You know I am always good at Math and science. So, I shall do well in these subjects. I was a little weak in Bangla and Social Science. These subjects need a lot of practice. And I have done it too. Now my fear is only in English. But I am trying to overcome it. Please pray for me.

No more today. Give my salam to mother and love to younger.

Ever Yours


Write an email to your friend about your preparation for the JSC Examination.



Subject: About my preparation for examination.

My dear A,

I have received your mail just now. In your mail you have wanted to know about my preparation for the JSC Examination. I am now writing to you about it.

You know that JSC Examination is very important in our life. So, I am working very hard to do well in this examination. You know that English is always an interesting subject to me. So, I have read the text book thoroughly and practised all the unseen items well. I have also practised all the grammatical items again and again and learnt the probable paragraphs, letters, composition, e-mails, application etc. I hope I shall get A+ in English. Then, Math is another favourite subject to me. I have practised all the sums several times. I also have learnt the geometrical problems very well. Now, I hope to get full marks in Mathematics. My preparation in Bangla is also very good. I have gone through the text again and again and learnt grammar very well. I hope to get A+ in Bangla also. My preparation in Bangladesh and Global Studies, Science, Religion and Moral Studies, Agricultural Studies, Physical Education and Health Science and Art and Crafts and Information and Communication Technology is also very good. I have thoroughly read these books. To do well in creative questions and objective questions I am revising the texts again and again.  I hope I will do fairly well and get Golden A+ in the JSC Exam.

I am well by the grace almighty Allah/God. Pray to Allah/ God for my good health and success. Please, convey my best regards to your parents and write to me about your preparation as soon as you get this mail.

Yours ever,


2. Write an email to your friend congratulating him on his brilliant success.



Subject: Congratulation on your brilliant success.

My dear A,

I receive your mail yesterday. From your letter I came to know that you have stood first in the Annual Examination. I cannot but congratulate you on your brilliant success.

Dear friend, I was in tension about your result because you had been ill before your examination. But when I came to learn from your letter that you have got GPA-5, I became very happy. My joy knew no bounds when I learnt that you have got Golden A+. I must congratulate you for making such an excellent result. You have always made good results in the school exams. But the result of this time is really worth mentioning. You have brought honour to your parents, friends and relatives. We really feel proud of you. You are now the hopes and inspiration for us all and others will follow you from now. You are the eldest child of your parents. Following you, your younger brother and sister will try to make good result. You have surely done a very excellent job in the examination. But it is not all. You have ‘miles to go’ in life and have to become great. So don’t waste a moment. Go on with strong determination for the nest exam. Wish you every success in life.

No more today. I am well by the grace of almighty Allah/God. Convey my best regards to your parents and love to the youngers. Write to me about your feelings as soon as you get the mail .

Yours ever,


Write an email to your friend congratulating him on his brilliant success in the examination.



Subject: Congratulation on your brilliant success.

My dear Raju,

How are you? It is dead of night and the world is sleeping. There is silence everywhere. But there is no sleep in my eyes. I have been trying to call you for several days but your mobile is off. Perhaps you have changed your SIM again!

I am glad to hear that you have got A+ in the SSC Exam. Congratulations for your brilliant success. You are really great. You have proved that industry is the mother of good luck. You have worked hard all the year and now you have got the fruit. We all are proud of you.

No more today. Call me as soon as you get the letter. My number is ok. Give my salam to your parents and love to younger.

Ever Yours


Write an email to your friend congratulating him on his brilliant success in the JSC Examination.



Subject: Congratulation on your brilliant success.

My dear A,

I receive your mail yesterday. From your mail I have learnt that you have got GPA-5 in the SSC Examination. I cannot but congratulate you on your brilliant success.

Dear friend, I was in great tension about your result. But when I have learnt through your letter that you have got GPA-5, my joy knew no bounds. I must congratulate you for making such an excellent result. You have always made good results in the school exams. But the result of this time is really worth mentioning. You have brought honour to your parents, friends and relatives. We really feel proud of you. You are now the hopes and inspiration for us all and others will follow you now. You are the eldest child of your parents. Following you, your younger brother and sister will try to make good result. You have surely done very well in the examination. But it is not all. You have ‘miles to go’ in life and have to become great. So don’t waste a moment. Go on with strong determination for the nest exam. Wish you every success in life.

No more today. I am well by the grace of almighty Allah/God. Convey my best regards to your parents and love to the youngers. Write to me about your feelings as soon as you get the mail.

Yours ever,


Write an email to your friend congratulating him on his brilliant success in the examination.



Subject: Congratulation on your brilliant success.

My dear A,

I receive your mail yesterday. From your letter I came to know that you have cut a good figure in the JSC Examination. I cannot but congratulate you on your brilliant success.

Dear friend, you will be glad to know that I have got Golden A+ in the JSC Exam and I am happy with my result. But I was in tension about your result because you had been ill before your examination. But when I came to learn from your letter that you have got GPA-5, I became very happy. My joy knew no bounds when I learnt that you have got Golden A+. I must congratulate you for making such an excellent result. You have always made good results in the school exams. But the result of this time is really worth mentioning. You have brought honour to your parents, friends and relatives. We really feel proud of you. You are now the hopes and inspiration for all and others will follow you from now. You are the eldest child of your parents. Following you, your younger brother and sister will try to make good result. You have surely done a very excellent job in the examination. But it is not all. You have ‘miles to go’ in life and have to become great. So don’t waste a moment. Go on with strong determination for the nest exam. Wish you every success in life.

No more today. I am well by the grace of almighty Allah/God. Convey my best regards to your parents and love to the youngers. Write to me about your feelings as soon as you get the mail.

Yours ever,


3. Write an email to your friend inviting him to the marriage ceremony of your elder brother.



Subject: Inviting to the marriage ceremony of my elder brother.

Dear Raju,

Take my sweet love at the very beginning of the mail. I hope my mail will find you hale and hearty. I am also ok. I have been trying to call you for several days but your mobile is off. Perhaps you have changed your SIM again!

I am glad to inform you that the ceremony of my sister’s marriage comes off on 30th this month. We have decided to arrange it at our house. Many of our friends will attend the party. I do invite you to attend it also. I expect that you will come to our house at least two or three days before. My parents also want you to come. I shall be very unhappy if you do not come. Don’t forget to bring your camera.

No more today. Call me as soon as you get the mail. My number is ok. Give my salam to your parents and love to younger.

Ever your


Write an email to your friend inviting him to join the marriage ceremony of your sister.



Subject: Inviting to the marriage ceremony of my sister.

My dear A,                                                                                                                                                                                                                 

Many days have passed since I got your last mail. Hope you are well by the grace of Almighty.

However, you will be glad to learn that the marriage ceremony of my elder sister comes off on the16 July, 2021 at our residence. The bridal party will arrive at 8 p.m. My parents have decided to give a dinner party on this occasion. All of our relatives and friends have been invited to the party. As you are my best friend, you are cordially invited to the marriage ceremony. My parents will be very glad to have you in our midst. You know I have no elder brother. So, I want your help to make the function successful. The duty of over-all management and looking after the guests rests with you and me. So, please come to our house at least 3 days ago. Don’t forget to bring your younger sister with you. I’ll be greatly shocked if you fail to join the ceremony.

I am well by the grace of almighty Allah/God. More when we meet.

Yours ever,


4. Write an email to your friend inviting him/her to attend your birthday party.



Subject: Inviting to attend my birthday party.

Dear Raju,

Take my sweet love at the very beginning of the mail. I hope my mail will find you hale and hearty. I am also ok. I have been trying to call you for several days but your mobile is off. Perhaps you have changed your SIM again!

I am glad to inform you that the ceremony of my 12th birthday comes off on 30th this month. We have decided to observe it at our house. On this day we shall arrange a party at our house. I do invite you to attend the party. I expect that you will come to our house at least two or three days before. My parents also want you to come. I shall be very unhappy if you do not come. Don’t forget to bring your camera.

No more today. Call me as soon as you get the mail. My number is ok. Give my salam to your parents and love to younger.

Ever your


Write an email to your fried inviting him to attend your birthday celebration.



Subject: Inviting to attend my birthday party.

My dear A,

Many days have passed since I got your last mail. Hope you are well by the grace of Almighty. 

You will be happy to know that I am going to celebrate my 13th birthday on Sunday next. On this occasion, my parents have decided to arrange a tea party in the evening in our house. All our friends and relatives have been invited to the party. As you are my best friend, everybody of our family expects your presence at the party. So, you are cordially invited to the party. Your presence will give me much pleasure and joy. Besides, as you are my most intimate friend, you have to play a vital role on that occasion. The success of the function depends much on you. Please, come to our house at least a day or two before the function. I will be greatly shocked if you fail to join the party.

Please, don’t dishearten us. We are waiting eagerly for your arrival. With best wishes.

Yours ever,


5. Write an email to your friend inviting her to join a picnic.



Subject: Inviting to join a picnic.

Dear Hridi,

Take my sweet love at the very beginning of the mail. I hope my mail will find you hale and hearty. I am also ok. I have been trying to call you for several days but your mobile is off. Perhaps you have changed your SIM again!

I am glad to inform you that we are going to arrange a picnic in Bagerhat next Friday. You also have a lot of spare time then. So, come to my house as soon as possible. It will be a great fun if you go with me. So please don’t miss it. I shall be unhappy if you do not come. Don’t forget to bring your camera.

No more today. Call me as soon as you get the mail. My number is ok. Give my salam to your parents and love to younger.

Ever yours


Write an email to your friend inviting him to join a picnic with you.



Subject: Inviting to join a picnic.

My dear A,

Many days have passed since I did not get any mail from you. Hope you are well by the grace of almighty Allah/ God. I am very glad to let you know that I am going to enjoy a picnic on Friday next.

Dear friend, monotonous classes and home-works have made our life dull and boring. To remove our boredom, the students of our class have decided to go on a picnic. I want you to join with us in the picnic. We have already selected The Shat Gambuj Mosque as our picnic spot. It is a very important historical place full of scenic beauty. If we visit this place, we will be able to learn many things about the history of our country. Such a picnic will also increase our practical knowledge which is very essential for our studies. Besides, we will make a lot of fun in the picnic. We will arrange a cultural function there and some of us will sing songs, dance, cut jokes, recite poems etc. Moreover, the natural beauty of the surrounding places will impress you. I am sure that all these things will remove our boredom and refresh our body and mind. We will surely get new strength and energy to study. So, you are cordially invited to our party. If you join with us our joy will increase a lot. Please come to our house at least on Wednesday next.

I am well. Please convey my best regards to your parents and love to the youngers. More when we meet.

Yours ever, 


6. Write an email to your friend inviting to spend holyday at your village.



Subject: Inviting to spend holyday at my village.

My dear A,

Many days have passed since I did not get any mail from you. Hope you are well by the grace of almighty Allah/ God. I am very glad to let you know that I am going to enjoy a picnic on Friday next.

I am glad to inform you that I am going to spend the summer vacation at our village home. You also have a lot of spare time then. So, come to my house as soon as possible. It will be a great fun if you come and stay with me. So please don’t miss it. I shall be unhappy if you do not come. Don’t forget to bring your camera.

I am well. Please convey my best regards to your parents and love to the youngers. More when we meet.

Yours ever, 


Write an email to your friend inviting to spend the summer vacation with you.



Subject: Inviting to spend the summer vacation with us.

My dear A,

I have received your sweet note just now. In it you have mentioned that your school will be closed for summer vacation from the 15th May. Our school is also going to be closed from the same date. You will be glad to know that I have decided to spend the summer vacation in my village home. I would like to give you a proposal to spend the vacation with me at my village home in Rajshahi.

Dear friend, monotonous classes and home-works have made our life dull and boring. To remove our boredom, we should do some recreational activities. I think my village is the most suitable place where we can do many recreational activities. Our village is free from dins and bustles of city life and it is full of serene beauty. The natural scenery of our village will refresh your mind and restore your energy. Besides, our village is situated on the bank of the river Padma. It is a great fun to row boats and swim in this river. You may enjoy walking in the morning and in the evening on its bank. You may also fly kites in the afternoon if you like. Again, at the back of our house there is a big pond which is full of fishes. You can fish there with a fishing line. You know that Rajshahi is famous for fruits. We have a large orchard around our pond. Almost all kinds of summer fruits like mango, jackfruit, lichi, black-berry etc. are available in our garden. You can enjoy them as much as you can. If you come and stay in our village for some days you will certainly enjoy mental and spiritual peace. All these things will certainly refresh your mind and give you new strength of work. Moreover, my parents will be very glad to have you in their midst. Please, do come as soon as possible. I shall be greatly disappointed if you decline my invitation. 

No more today. I am well by the grace of almighty Allah. Please, convey my best regards to your parents. More when we meet.

Yours ever,


7. Write an email to your friend telling him about the necessity of reading newspapers.



Subject: Necessity of reading newspapers.

My dear A,

Many days have passed since I did not get any mail from you. Hope you are well by the grace of almighty Allah/ God. 

I have heard that you do not read newspaper. You say it is wastage of time. But you are not right. Newspaper is the store house of knowledge and information. It contains news of everything of the world. It tells us what is happening in the world. Again, newspaper is the people’s parliament. It contains the views of great people of the world. You can know many things by reading it. So, you must read newspaper every day.

No more today. I am well by the grace of almighty Allah. Please, convey my best regards to your parents. More when we meet.

Yours ever,


Write an email to your friend about the importance of reading newspaper.



Subject: Importance of reading newspaper.

My dear A,

Many days have passed since I got your last mail. Hope you are well. But I am greatly shocked to learn that you do not read newspaper at all. So, as a friend, I cannot but tell you about the importance of reading newspaper. 

Dear friend, you must not forget that newspaper is important for the people of all ages and classes.  You can know about the daily happenings of home and abroad through newspaper. You can also know the news of games and sports, trade and commerce, science and technology, national and international politics through it. Again, by readings newspaper you can gather much general knowledge which is very essential for your success in life. Besides, if you read English newspaper, your reading skill will be developed to a great extent. Your stock of words will also increase considerably. Moreover, you can know about policy of the government and the opinions of the experts through newspaper. You must go through the newspaper regularly also to make a good result in the exam. In every newspaper there are some pages for the students. The problems of different subjects are discussed there. You can be benefited by reading those pages. Remember that if you read newspaper, you keep pace with the rest of the world. But if you do not read it, your condition will be just like a frog in a narrow well.

I am well. Hope you will realize your mistake and begin to read newspaper daily after reading my mail. Please, convey my best regards to your parents. 

Yours ever,


8. Write an email to your friend describing the prize giving ceremony of your school.



Subject: Prize giving ceremony of our school.

My dear Sumona,

Take my sweet love at the very beginning of the mail. I hope my mail will find you hale and hearty. I am also ok. I have been planning to write to you for a few days, but time is betraying me. I think I am getting too busy now-a-days. But don’t think that I have forgotten you. You are in my heart every moment I live. You are my nearest and dearest person.

You will be glad to know that last Sunday was the sports day of our school. For this we decorated our school with colourful papers and lights. A beautiful gate was made. There was a fine pandal in one corner. There were chairs and tables in the pandal. The guests sat there. The ceremony began at 9 am. At first, we sang our national anthem. Then the other items were held. I played three items and got three prizes. At last, there was a cultural function. Mainly the students performed there. But the chief guest also sang a song. It was very interesting. But it would have been more enjoyable if you came.

My mind never wants to take leave from you. But it is reality and we have to accept it. So, I am stopping here today. Call me as soon as you get the mail. My number is ok. Give my salam to parents and love to younger.

Ever Yours


Write an email to your friend describing the annual prize giving ceremony of your school.



Subject: Annual prize giving ceremony of our school.

My dear A,

I have received your mail just now. In your mail you have wanted to know about the annual prize giving ceremony of our school. I am now writing to you about it.

The annual prize giving ceremony of our school was held a few days ago. On that occasion we decorated our school compound very nicely. A very fine gate was also made. The playground was decorated with colourful papers, balloons and festoons. A large stage was made for the guests and spectators. The Deputy Commissioner was the chief guest. He arrived just at 3 p. m. He was given a hearty reception. When the guests took their seats, we welcomed them with bunches of flowers. The chief guest hoisted our national flag and the students sang our national anthem. Then the main ceremony began with the recitation from the Holy Quran. After that a cultural function was held. Some students sang songs, some recited poems and some cut jokes. When the cultural function ended, our Headmaster read out the annual report. Then came the turn of prize giving. The chief guest gave away the prizes. You will be glad to know that I got two prizes-one for long jump and the other for relay race. After this, the chief guest delivered a short speech. He thanked the winners and consoled those who failed to win a prize. He also gave us much good advice. At last, our Headmaster thanked all and declared the end of the function. 

No more today. I am well by the grace of almighty Allah/ God. Please, write to me about the prize giving ceremony of your school.

Yours ever,


9. Write an email to your friend describing the annual sports day of your school.



Subject: Annual sports day of our school.

My dear A, 

I have received your mail just now. In your mail you have wanted to know about the annual sports day of our school. I am now writing to you about you.

The annual sports of our school came off 25th January, 2014. On this occasion we decorated our school campus nicely. A very fine gate was also made. The playground was decorated with colourful papers, balloons, festoons etc. A large stage was made and there was adequate sitting arrangement for the guests. The D.C. of Khulna was the chief guest. He came just at 9 a.m. We welcomed him with a bunch of flowers. Then the chief guest made a short speech and declared the sports open. Next the march past of the students took place and the chief guest took the salute. After that, the sports events began. There were about twenty events. They were high jump, long jump, relay race, javelin throw, cock-fight, musical chair etc. But the most interesting event was the three-legged race which made the audience laugh. You will be happy to learn that I became first in high jump and long jump. Thus, the game continued to 3 p.m. with a break for an hour. Then came the turn of prize giving. Our headmaster read out the annual report. After that the chief guest delivered a short speech. He put importance on games and sports. Then he gave away the prizes. At the end the headmaster thanked all and declared the function end. Then we went home with a joyful heart.

No more today. I am well by the grace of almighty Allah /God. Please, write to me about the sports day of your school.

Yours ever, 


10. Write an email to your friend describing how to improve English.



Subject: How to improve English.

My dear A, 

I have received your mail just now. In your mail you have wanted to know how you can improve your English. I am now writing to you about it.

Dear friend, to learn English well you have to acquire the four skills of English such as listening, speaking, reading and writing. At first you have to pay attention to listening. To be proficient in listening, you have to listen from others in English. You can listen to your English teacher in the class room. Besides, you can join English language club, or listen to BBC, CNN and other English Channels. Then you have to give importance to speaking. In order to be proficient in speaking, you should try to communicate with others in English. To practise speaking you should try to talk to your English teacher in English. Besides, you can join an English language club for practising speaking. Next, you have to try to be good at reading. To develop your reading skill, you must read a lot of articles in English. Besides your text book, you have to read English newspapers, magazine, English poems, novels, dramas, stories etc. Remember that the more you read English, the more your reading skill will be developed. At last, you have to try to develop your writing skill. In order to develop this skill, you have to write much. You may select some topics and write about them every day. You also have to enrich your vocabulary by learning new words and their uses. Moreover, you have to learn the structures of sentences and have a good command over translation. If you follow all these things, your skills in English must be developed. 

I am well by the grace of almighty Allah/ God. Please, convey my best regards to your parents. Write to me about your development in English after following my suggestion.

Yours ever,


Write an email to your younger sister describing how to learn English.



Subject: How to learn English.

My dear A,

I have received your mail just now. In your mail you have wanted to know how to learn English well. Thank you for your eagerness. I am now writing to you about it.

English is the most important language of the world. It holds the key to success in life. So, if you want to succeed in life, you have to learn English well. That is, you have to learn the four skills of the language. And you can do it in the following way. Firstly, you have to master listening skill. And you can do that only by listening. So, listen to English every day. Then, you have to master speaking skill. And you can do that only by speaking. So, speak English every day. Next, you have to master reading skill. And you can do that only by reading. So read English every day. After that, you have to master writing skill. And you can do that only by writing. So, write English every day. Finally, try to make an English environment around you. If you can do so, you will surely be a boss of English.

No more today. I am well by the grace of almighty Allah/ God. Please, write to me when you get time.

Yours ever,


11. Write an email to your friend describing a picnic at a place of historical importance.



Subject: Describing a picnic at a place of historical importance.

Dear A,

Take my sweet love at the very beginning of the mail. I hope my mail will find you hale and hearty. I am also ok. 

In my last mail, I wrote that we were going on a picnic at a place of historical importance. Now I am writing about the picnic. 

I along with some of my friends enjoyed a picnic in Bagerhat some days ago. It is a historical place. So, we went to visit it. We reached the spot by bus. We took a cook with us. So, we had enough time to see the place. First, we went to see the Shat Gambuj Mosque. It is a very ancient mosque in our country. Khan Jahan Ali built it. Then we went to see the Majar of Khan Jahan Ali. It stands on a raised ground. There is a large pool near the Majar. We saw two crocodiles. We had a lot of fun there. But every moment I was missing you.

No more today. Give my salam to your parents and love to younger.

Ever Yours


Write an email to your friend describing a picnic you have recently enjoyed.



Subject: Describing a picnic we have recently enjoyed.

My dear A,

In my last mail I invited you to join a picnic with us. In reply, you expressed your inability and wanted to know how I enjoyed the picnic. I am now writing to you about it.

Last Friday, I, with some of my classmates, went on a picnic at Bagerhat. Some of our teachers also accompanied us. We hired two buses and took a mike, some cameras, food-stuff and other necessary things with us. We started our journey towards Bagerhat at 8 a.m. from our school gate. With the start of our journey, the mike was made on and we began to sing, dance and cheer in joy. Crossing the Rupsha Bridge our buses ran towards Bagerhat. We looked out of the window and enjoyed the sights and scenery of either side of the road. After two hours, we reached The Shat Gambuj Mosque. We got down from the bus and took some light refreshment. Then we selected a suitable place for cooking. We did not take any cook with us. Our teacher Mr Rahman was an expert cook. He started preparing our lunch. Some of the students helped him in his work. While they were cooking, we went out for sight-seeing. First, we went to visit the Shat Gambuj Mosque. It is one of the largest and oldest mosques in Bangladesh. It has sixty pillars and seventy-seven domes. We were impressed at the beauty of the Mosque. There is a lager tank at the western side of the Mosque. It is called the ‘Ghora Dighi’. Then we moved around the Mosque and enjoyed the natural beauty of the place. At about 2 p.m. we came back to our picnic spot and had our lunch. We enjoyed ‘polao’ with mutton, hilsha fish, egg, curd etc. to our heart’s content. Then we arranged a short cultural programme. Some of us sang, danced, recited poems, cut jokes etc. After that, a raffle draw was held. Your will be happy to know that I got a prize in the raffle draw. In the afternoon we started our return journey and reached our school at about 7 p.m. Then we came back home with a joyful heart.

No more today. I am well by the grace of almighty Allah/God. Please convey my best regards to your parents. More when we meet.

Yours ever,


12. Write an email to your friend about your visit at a historical place.



Subject: About our visit at a historical place.

My dear A,

I have received your mail just now. In your mail, you have wanted to know about my visit to the Shat Gambuj Mosque in Bagerhat. I am now writing to you about it.

Last Friday, I with my parents visited the Shat Gambuj Mosque. It is a great historical place in Bangladesh. We started form our house by a private car at 9 a. m. It took one and a half hour to reach there. After reaching there we went to see the mosque. The mosque is one of the biggest and oldest mosques in Bangladesh. We came to know from a guide that the Mosque was built by Khan Jahan Ali in 1440. It stands on sixty pillars. There are twenty-five doors in the mosque. The mosque is roofed over with 84 domes. The architecture of the mosque is rather plain. But we saw that the interior western wall of the mosque is beautifully decorated with terracotta flowers and foliage. Then we came to see a large tank on the western side of the Mosque. It is called the ‘Ghora Dighi’. We saw some crocodiles in the lake. We saw many people offering the crocodiles’ different things like chickens, ducks, etc. to fulfill their desire. We also went round the Mosque and saw many historical things. Thus, visiting the Shat Gambuj Mosque we came back home in the evening.

No more today. I am well by the grace of almighty Allah/ God. Please, convey my best regards to your parents. More when we meet.

Yours ever,


13. Write an email to your friend about the experience of your excursion/ study tour.



Subject: About the experience of our excursion/ study tour.

My dear A, 

Many days have passed since I got your last mail. Hope you are hale and hearty. Today I am writing to you to share a very interesting experience that I have recently experienced.

Last Sunday we went on an excursion at Cox’s Bazar. We hired a luxurious bus and started our journey at 7 a. m. from our school campus. We were fifty in number. Some of our teachers also accompanied with us. We reached Cox’s Bazar at about 8.p.m. and booked a hotel name ‘Hotel Sea Gul’ for two days. We spent the night in that hostel. The next day after taking breakfast we went to see the largest sea- beach namely Cox’ Bazar. We were surprised to the largest sea- beach in the world. As it was my first visit to a sea-beach, I was wondered to see everything. I saw many people gathered there. Some were bathing, some were swimming in the blue water and some were roaming to and fro with a joyous mood. There were also some people who were enjoying themselves by riding on speed –boat. I also saw some children playing with sand, some were running along the sea shore.  We could not keep ourselves aloof and soon we joined with other people. We waded into the sea and began to swim, dive and bath. The ceaseless waves of the sea were pushing us forward and drawing backward. Our teachers forbade us not to go far away from the shore. After playing with the waves, I with some of my friend rode a speed-boat and enjoyed ourselves. When it was noon, we went to a hotel and took our lunch. We enjoyed different sea fishes very much. In the afternoon we went back to the sea beach and enjoyed the great views there. The most attractive scenery was the sun set scene. The sun seemed to be diving into the sea. I have never seen such a fascinating thing in my life. After the sun set, we returned to our hotel. We spent the night there. The next day we started our returned journey and reached our school at about 8 p.m.

No more today. Hope you are hale and hearty. More when we meet.

Yours ever,


Write an email to your friend about the experience of your excursion.



Subject: About the experience of our excursion.

My dear A, 

Many days have passed since I got your last mail. Hope you are hale and hearty. Today I am writing to you to share a very interesting experience that I have recently experienced.

Last Sunday we went on an excursion in Bagerhat to see the Shat Gambuj Mosque and the Mazar of Khan Jahan Ali. We were fifty in number. Some of our teachers also accompanied with us. We hired a bus and reached The Shat Gambuj Mosque at about 10 a. m. We got down from the bus, took some light refreshment and went to see the Shat Gambuj Mosque. The Shat Gambuj Mosque is one of the oldest and largest mosques in Bangladesh. We came to know from a guide that Pir Khan Jahan Ali built this mosque in 1440. The mosque stands on sixty pillars. There are seventy-seven squat domes including seven four- sided domes in the middle row. It has eleven arch doorways on the east and seven each on the north and south for ventilation and light. The architecture of the mosque is rather plain. But the interior western wall of the mosque is beautifully decorated with terracotta flowers and foliage. We came to know that the mosque was used both as the prayer and the court of Khan Jahan Ali. At the western side of the mosque, we saw a large sweet-water tank. It is called the ‘Ghora Dighi’. Khan Jahan Ali built this tank to supply drinking water to the people. At noon we had our lunch there and took rest for some time. Then we went to see the Mazar of Khan Jahan Ali. It is only two kilometres away from the Shat Gambuj Mosque. The Mazar stands on a raised ground. It is made of cut out stones. It is believed that Khan Jahan Ali brought these stones from Chittagong by floating on the river. There is also a large tank in front of the Mazar. It has several crocodiles in it. People feed them to fulfill their desires. Thus, we saw everything and learn many things about these two important historical places. In the evening we started our return journey and reached our school at about 9 p. m.

No more today. I am well by the grace of almighty Allah/God. More when we meet.

Yours ever,


14. Write an email to your friend telling him what you intend to do after the SSC Exam.



Subject: What we intend to do after the SSC Exam.

My dear A, 

Many days have passed since I saw you last mail. Hope you are hale and hearty. In your last mail, you wanted to know about my plan after exam. Now, I am writing to you about it.

You know my home is in a remote village. Most people are illiterate there. They are ignorant also. So, I shall go to my village and stay there for some days. I shall run an adult school there. I shall teach them how to read and write. I shall make them aware of health and sanitation. I shall also make them aware of family planning. My grandfather is a respected person in the village. He has promised to help me. So, I think I shall be successful.

No more today. I am well by the grace of almighty Allah/God. More when we meet.

Yours ever,


Write an email to your friend about your plan after the exam.



Subject: Our plan after the Exam.

My dear A,

I have received your sweet note just now. In it, you have wanted to know how I shall spend time after the JSC Exam. I am now writing to you about it.

You know that student life is the time for preparation for future life. Beside study, we have to do a lot of duties to our country and to the society. But we have hardly any free moment in student life. After the JSC Exam we’ll get relief about one and a half month. So, I have made an elaborate plan to spend this time properly. You know I am now tired of reading books and preparing for the exam. I need rest and recreation. So just after the examination I’ll visit my friends and relatives and enjoy themselves for some days. Then I’ll go back to my village home and do some social work there.  Most of the people of my village are illiterate. They don’t know how to read and write. As a result of illiteracy, they are living in darkness. So, I will go to my village home and open a night school there. I’ll teach the illiterate villagers how to read and write. I’ll also teach them about the basic rules of health, sanitation and the necessity of population control. Besides, I’ll make them aware of the importance of tree plantation and keeping the environment clean. I’ll stay there for about a month and help the villagers as far as possible. Then I’ll come back to my house and do a course on Spoken English as well as on Computer. In this way I want to make the best use of my time after the JSC Exam. 

No more today. I am well by the grace of almighty Allah. Please, convey my best regards to your parents. Write to me about your plan as soon as you get this mail.

Yours ever,


15. Write an email to your friend describing how you passed the vacation.



Subject: How we passed the vacation.

My dear A, 

Many days have passed since I saw you last mail. Hope you are hale and hearty. In your last mail, you wanted to know how I passed the vacation. Now, I am writing to you about it.

You know my home is in a remote village. Most people are illiterate there. They are ignorant also. So, I went to my village and stayed there for some days. I ran an adult school there. I taught them how to read and write. I made them aware of health and sanitation. I also made them aware of family planning. My grandfather is a respected person in the village. He helped me. So, I was successful.

No more today. I am well by the grace of almighty Allah. Please, convey my best regards to your parents. Write to me about how you passed the vacation. 

Yours ever,


Write an email to your friend describing him how you have spent the last summer vacation.



Subject: How we have spent the last summer vacation.

My dear M,

I have received your sweet note just now. In it, you have wanted to know how I spent the last summer vacation. I am now writing to you about it.

Dear friend, I spent the last summer vacation in my village home enjoying myself and doing some social works. You know my village home is in Rajshahi. All my cousins, relatives and friends live there. So, coming back to my village home, I returned to my childhood activities again. On some days, we roamed about the countryside with my playmates and enjoyed the beauty of nature. On some other days, we looked for the nests of birds and tried to catch birds. In the afternoon, we used to fly kites and play games like football, cricket, cabady, dariabandha etc. Sometimes I fished in our pond with a fishing line. Once I caught a large fish and became very glad. You know our village is on the side of a small river. So, I with my playmates rowed boats in the river, jumped into it and swam in it. Besides, I had the taste of different summer fruits. We have a large fruit garden around our pond. This year, the garden was laden with various summer fruits. So, I ate mango, jackfruit, lichi, watermelon etc. as much as I could. I also visited my friends and relatives and enjoyed differently with them. Besides these, I also did some social works too. Most of the people of our village are illiterate. So, I and some of my cousins opened a night school in a hut and taught the illiterate how to read and write. I also taught them about the basic rules of health and sanitation. Thus, I spent a very good time in the last summer vacation.

No more today. I am well by the grace of almighty Allah/God. Please, convey my best regards to your parents. Write to me about what you did in the summer vacation. 

Yours ever,


16. Write an email to your friend describing your aim in life.



Subject: Describing my aim in life.

Hi X,

How are you? I hope you are ok. I got your mail yesterday. But I could not respond in time because my computer was not working properly. Moreover, net speed was very slow. So, I could not download your attachment file. In your mail, you wanted to know about my aim in life. Now, I’m writing about it. 

You will be glad to know that I have decided to become a doctor. You know most people in Bangladesh live in village. There is no good doctor in the village. Good doctors like to live in the town. So, people cannot see a good doctor when they are sick. But I shall remain in the village and help people. I know God will help me as my aim is to help the poor. 

No mote today. I am pretty well now. Give my salam to your mother and love to Titli. 

Ever Yours


Write an email to your friend about your aim in life.



Subject: About my aim in life.

My dear A, 

I have received your mail just now. In it, you have described your aim in life and have wanted to know about mine. I am now writing to you about it. 

You know that it is very difficult to choose a profession. Before choosing a profession, we have to think about the merits and demerits of that profession. Considering everything I have decided to become a doctor in future. There are many reasons why I want to be a doctor. Most of the people of our country are poor. They suffer from many diseases but they cannot see a good doctor for want of money. There are some quacks in the villages but they cannot treat the people properly. Many people die for wrong treatment. So, I have decided to serve the poor people by becoming a doctor. To fulfill my desire, I will study in science group and make excellent results in SSC and HSC Exams. Then I shall get myself admitted into a famous medical college. After completing M.B.B.S. I shall come back to my village. There I will set up a dispensary and give treatment to the people. I will take nominal fee from the patients. I will also give free treatment to those people who are helpless. I will also give medicine to the poor free of cost.

No more today. I am well by the grace of almighty Allah/God. Pray to Allah/God for my success.

Yours ever,


 17. Write an email to your friend advising him to be attentive and sincere to his studies.



Subject: Be attentive and sincere to your studies.

My dear brother,

Hope you are quite well. Then I got a mail from mother yesterday. But I am greatly shocked to know that you are inattentive to your studies and waste time in vain. So, I tell you to be sincere to your studies without any delay.

You must not forget that you have to study hard for the benefit of your own self, for our family and for the country. You have to study to establish yourself. You should remember that when you will grow up, you will have to earn money.  In this competitive world you must study hard to get a good job and earn money. Besides, you should not forget that we belong to a lower middle-class family. Our parents have a very little property. So, if you don’t study hard and get a good job how will you earn your living? Besides, if you study hard, you will be able to learn many things of the world.  Then people of the society will respect you. Next, you must not forget that you are a meritorious student.  Our parents desire that you should be a doctor or an engineer in future. But if you fail to be so, they will be greatly shocked. You also have to study to do your duties to our country and to the society. Remember that if you shine in life, only then you can contribute to the development of the country and the society. In a word, if you don’t study hard, you will spoil your own life and bring misery for us all. You will become a burden to your family, to the country and to the society.

I am well. Hope you will be attentive and sincere to your studies after reading my letter. Convey my best regards to father and mother.

Your loving brother,


18. Write an email to your friend describing a book fair you have visited recently.



Subject: About a book fair I have visited recently.

Hi Rocky, 

How are you? I hope you are ok. I got your mail yesterday. But I could not respond in time because my computer was not working properly. Moreover, net speed was very slow. So, I could not download your attachment file. 

You will be glad to know that recently I have visited the Ekushe Book Fair. I went there with my friends. We reached the spot at 4 pm. It was over crowded then. I saw many things in the fair. Stalls sat in rows. They were selling different books. Different people were doing different things in the fair. Some were selling books and some were buying. Some were only seeing the fair and some were passing time with friends. I bought some books and ate in the food stall. It was a happy day for me. I shall never forget it.

No mote today. I am pretty well now. Give my salam to your mother and love to Titli. 

Ever Yours


19. Write an email to your friend describing a village fair you have visited recently.



Subject: About a village fair I have visited recently.

Hi X, 

How are you? I hope you are ok. I got your mail yesterday. But I could not respond in time because my computer was not working properly. Moreover, net speed was very slow. So, I could not download your attachment file. 

You will be glad to know that recently I have visited a village fair. I went there with my friend. We reached the spot at 4 pm. It was overcrowded then. I saw many things in the fair. Stalls sat in rows. They were selling different things. Different people were doing different things in the fair. Some were selling goods, and some were buying. Some were only seeing the fair and some were passing time with friends. I bought some cosmetics and ate in the food stall. It was a happy day for me. I shall never forget it.

No mote today. I am pretty well now. Give my salam to mother and love to Titli. 

Ever Yours


Write an email to your fried describing your recent visit to a village fair.



Subject: About my recent visit to a village fair.

My dear A, 

In my last mail I invited you to pay a visit to a village fair held in my village. You have expressed your inability because of your business. But you have wanted to know about my visit to the fair. I am now writing to you about it.

Last Friday, a village fair was held in our village. It was on the occasion of the birthday ceremony of a local poet. I, with some of my friends visited the fair in the afternoon. The fair sat under a large banyan tree and around it. We were surprised to see that thousands of men, women and children gathered there. There were hundreds of stalls and tents in rows. We walked along the lanes between the stalls and saw different things. Various goods such as dolls, earthen wares, toys, flutes, balloons, wooden horses, elephants, imitation ornaments etc. were displayed to sell. There were also shops for foods, drinks sweetmeats. Hawkers were seen to sell peanuts, chanachur, muri etc. We went round the fair and saw many attractive things. I bought some fancy things, a flute and some sweetmeats. At one time we came to a place where there are marry-go-rounds and watched the children enjoying them. But we were shocked to see the gambling parties there. They were trying to entice people to take part in gambling. Thus, seeing different things and enjoying ourselves, we returned to our home in the evening. I became tired but I had a new experience about our rural life, culture and tradition.

No more today. I am well by the grace of almighty Allah/God. Please, convey my best regards to your parents and love to the youngers.

Your ever,


20. Write an email to your friend describing the importance of physical exercise.



Subject: Importance of physical exercise.

Dear X,

How are you? I hope you are ok. I got your mail yesterday. But I could not respond in time because my computer was not working properly. Moreover, net speed was very slow. So, I could not download your attachment file. 

In your mail, you have written that you do not do any physical exercise. I think you should rethink it as physical exercise is important for our body. For example, it improves blood circulation. It keeps our heart well. It helps to digest food. So, we can eat well. It makes the body flexible. So, we can move well. Physical exercise keeps away disease. It makes our mind fresh. Regular physical exercise helps to live longer. So, we all should take physical exercise every day. 

No mote today. I am pretty well now. Give my salam to mother and love to Titli. 

Ever Yours


Write an email to your younger brother about the importance of physical exercise.



Subject: Importance of physical exercise.

My dear brother, 

I received a mail from father yesterday. I am very glad to learn that you are going on well with your studies. But at the same time, I am worried to know that you do not take exercise and often fall sick. So, I shall tell you to take physical exercise regularly.

Dear brother, you must remember that physical exercise is very essential for us all. You know that our life is full of activities and struggle. You are a student now and you need to work hard to make good result in the exam. Besides, when you will enter into any job you have to do hard labour to serve the people. You can do all these things properly if you only have physical fitness and mental strength. And to ensure the fitness of body and mind there is no alternative but to take regular physical exercise. Physical exercise gives us other benefits too. It takes our mind away from the worries and anxieties of our daily life and fills it with joy. It gives excellent recreation to our mind and helps us to return to our work with renewed energy and strength. Besides, physical exercise makes our body strong and protects us from all kinds of diseases. It prolongs our life and increases our longevity of work too. It also teaches us the principles of discipline and regularity. It helps our muscles and nerves work properly. Again, physical exercise improves our appetite for food and digestion and prevents the decay of the body. In short, if you want to enjoy life and do something for the country, you must take physical exercise. I hope that now you will realize the importance of physical exercise and take physical exercise regularly. 

I am well by the grace of almighty Allah/God. Please, convey my best regards to father and mother. Write to me about your condition after taking exercise for some days. With best wishes.

Your loving brother,
