Words/Phrases of Special Use
HSC English Board Questions: Words/Phrases of Special Use
Complete the sentences with suitable phrases or words given in the box. [DB '16] 0510 = 5
01. [DB '17]
as soon as what does...look like what if it
had better what's it like let alone
was born would rather have to
(a) Deforestation is a matter of great concern. We — take immediate steps against cutting down trees at random.
(b) To tell a lie is a great sin. We — die than tell a lie. Otherwise none will believe us.
(c) Helmet should be used while driving a motorcycle. — you were driving your bike and met a serious accident?
(d) — swimming in the sea? It seems to be very heroic to me.
(e) — mother heard the news, she cried loudly. She lost her child in a car accident.
(f) Rome was not built in a day. — took a long time and hard labour to build this city.
(g) Rahman is a poor man. He cannot buy a shirt, — a car.
(h) Kazi Nazrul Islam is our rebel poet. He — in Churulia of West Bengal.
(i) Rina's dress looks very dirty. It is old enough. She — buy a new dress.
(j) Rana : Hi, Robi — a Pea-cock —?
Robi : It's a very nice bird. It knows how to dance.
02. [RB '17]
there no sooner had have to lest
what if would rather let alone
as if what does....look like be born
(a) The students were loitering in the corridor. — they seen the teacher than they entered the classroom.
(b) Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman is the father of our nation.
He — in 1920 in Tungipara of Gopalganj district.
(c) I can't stand Rubel. He always acts — he were smarter than everyone.
(d) The little girl was suddenly crossing the road. A bus was passing by. As it came near the girl, the driver halted it. — he wouldn't have stopped the bus?
(e) Shoma — live in a hostel than live in her relative's home. She feels free and comfortable in the hostel.
(f) You started late. Now you are walking slowly. Walk fast — you should miss the bus.
(g) He is very poor. He can't afford to travel by an AC bus — an aeroplane.
(h) Daughter : Mom. — an albatross — ?
Mother : My dear, an albatross is a very large white bird that lives in the Pacific and Southern Oceans.
(i) Long ago, — lived a mighty warrior named Kubla Khan. He was the grandson of Chenghis Khan.
(j) I — seek advice from a doctor. I have been suffering from fever for a long time.
03. [DinajB '17]
there let alone it as if
what...look like have to had better
would rather as soon as was born
(a) We — not go out today. A riot has broken out in our locality.
(b) — is a good idea to walk in the morning. One can take it as an important form of physical exercise, because it refreshes both the body and mind.
(c) Do you often — travel on business? You are always seen travelling abroad.
(d) Long ago, — lived a very pious man. His name was Hatem Tai and he was very kind hearted.
(e) — does a clown —? You've seen a clown in the circus many a time.
(f) — I see my father coming my heart fills up with joy. I am very much fond of my father.
(g) I got a job at a bar. But I hate working at a bar. I — be a waiter than a barman.
(h) Kazi Nazrul Islam — in an impoverished family. He had to earn even when he was a small boy.
(i) The economical condition of Robi is very poor. He can not afford one meal per day — square meals.
(j) After the final match of the FIFA World Cup 2014, Messi looked — he were completely routed. His cherished dream had been shattered.
04. [JB '17]
as if let alone what does ...... look like was born
there what's it like as soon as
have to had better would rather
(a) In modern times, — has been a great change in the attitude of man regarding superstitious belief.
(b) Our learners develop a very poor writing skill. They cannot write fairly well even in Bangla — in English.
(c) Some city dwellers' behaviour is often too formal. They speak in such a way — they were never in the village.
(d) I have never travelled by air — flying in the sky?
(e) Riaz : — the frozen mountain peak —?
Purnima : It looks like a white dome.
(f) Sheela is suffering from tooth-ache. She — see a dentist.
(g) Play is delayed due to rain. It will resume — the rain stops.
(h) Sohel is a very good natured boy. He — stay at home than mix with bad companies.
(i) Milton was a poet of versatile genius. He — in 1608 in England. He used to believe that one should start a profession after taking necessary preparations.
(j) We have discussed for quite a long time. We can't take much time any more. We — come to a conclusion.
05. [CB '17]
it is high time in case as though lest
no sooner had unless have to
would you mind used to as long as
(a) There is foul smell in the room. — opening the windows?
(b) Tomorrow I will be very busy. So, I'll say goodbye now — I don't see you again.
(c) We — educate all and work hard to develop our country.
(d) Nobody likes Karim at all. He talks — he knew everything.
(e) The poor will continue to suffer — they are illiterate.
(f) Nobody likes you here. — you left this place.
(g) He saw bear coming towards him. So, he climbed up a tree — the bear might attack him.
(h) Everybody disliked Rakib. He — do many harmful activities.
(i) Time is very important in our life. You cannot prosper in life — you make proper use of time.
(j) The students were talking in the class. — the teacher entered the class than they stopped talking.
06. [CtgB '17]
there as soon as what does ...... look like as if
what if was born what's it like
has to let alone would rather
(a) It was 45 years ago when a new country named Bangladesh in the world map — at the cost of million of lives.
(b) During the liberation war of Bangladesh — was a great American singer George Harison who sang for Bangladesh.
(c) — living in Bangladesh? You seem to be very happy with your life in Bangladesh.
(d) My foreign friend told me you — leave this country than live here. I replied "This is my motherland."
(e) In 1971 the Pakistani army did terrible atrocities against the Bangladeshis. Pakistan — apologize for this to Bangladesh.
(f) Pakistan always plays a role against Bangladesh. We can not expect any co-operation from them — apology.
(g) The elements of anti-liberation forces came out of their cocoons — the father of the nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman was killed.
(h) Some persons living in Bangladesh always try to make conspiracy against the country — Bangladesh were not their own country.
(i) The authority of Dhaka University cut ties with Pakistan. — the government of Bangladesh takes initiatives to cut off diplomatic relation with Pakistan?
(j) Teacher : Learners, — the national flower of Bangladesh —?
07. [SB '17]
had better would rather as if it
what does .... look like as soon as there
would you mind was born let alone
(a) The room appears to be suffocating. — opening the windows.
(b) It is raining outside. You — take an umbrella.
(c) He cannot read newspaper, — edit a newspaper.
(d) — lived a wise man but he was not well known to all.
(e) You look tired. — appears to me that you have worked hard.
(f) Ismail is a symbol of versatile genius. He — in a needy family.
(g) — a dinosaur —? Have you ever seen it?
(h) He proceeded — he had never seen me. His defiant behaviour offended me.
(i) Panic seized me — I heard his roaring voice.
(j) Though I am in dire need of moeny. I — die than seek any financial help from him.
08. [BB '17]
let alone as if as soon as there
what's like if have to
would rather it had better
(a) I met him ten years ago. I can hardly recall his name, — his address.
(b) — has been many years since I saw him. So, I can not recognize him.
(c) Don't behave — you knew everything. Remember all others here are senior to you.
(d) You — build your own house than live in a rented house. House rent has increased much now a days.
(e) Give him the good news — you meet him.
(f) — are many rivers in Bangladesh. The rivers abound with plenty of fishes.
(g) — I had a typewriter, I would type well.
(h) You — consult with a doctor. The condition of your health may deteriorate.
(i) — he — ? He is friendly and he can help you.
(j) Time is over. I — go now.
unless let alone there it
neither will had better as fast as
the older......the more would you mind as if
(a) When my brother was a child, he wouldn't look at all like my father. — he gets, — he looks like him.
(b) — are hundreds of languages spoken regularly by human beings. But everywhere of the world people speak English.
(c) A : They won't be enjoying a holiday this year.
B: — we.
(d) It is admitted by all that a deer can run fast. But it cannot run — a Cheetah.
(e) He loves his garden very much. He does not allow his sons to pluck any flower, — other children.
(f) I cannot carry the box on my back. — taking the box into the room?
(g) — is very difficult to get good grade in Bengali and English.
(h) It is getting dark. You — go home right now.
(i) The man was seriously injured in an accident. He would have died — he had been taken to a nearby hospital.
(j) The boy talks too much of himself. He talks — he knew everything.
10. [RB '16]
had better was born would rather as if
as soon as let alone has to
in order to whenever there
(a) The students were making a noise in the class. But — the teacher entered the class, they kept quiet.
(b) It was a hot summer day. A crow felt very thirsty. So it was flying here and there — find water.
(c) Panna was a criminal. So he was always on his toes. — he saw the police, he hid himself.
(d) The man is so weak that he cannot walk. He cannot walk even a kilometer — five kilometers.
(e) — is a nice kitchen garden just behind our house. So we can get fresh vegetables from there.
(f) I am too tired to talk. I can no longer give you company. You — leave me and let me take rest.
(g) Though I am poor, I hate begging. Begging is most disreputable. I — die than beg.
(h) Michael Madhusudan Dutt was a popular Bengali poet. He — in a sophisticated Hindu family, but he took Christianity when he was young.
(i) My friend Ratul talks — he were a millionaire. But he comes of an impoverished family. Moreover, he is good for nothing.
(j) Rana is a meritorious student. He is the first boy in our class. He — study hard and work more to maintain his position in the class.
11. [DinajB '16]
had better there have to it
would rather let alone as if
what's it like was born as soon as
(a) Matin's father is a low paid service holder. He has no ability to buy a bi-cycle for his son — a motor bike.
(b) I've never travelled by air, — in the sky?
(c) Let's go to the cinema. — is not worth waiting any longer.
(d) I am tired. I — stay at home than go outside.
(e) You look very anxious. And you cannot continue your study any longer. You — take rest.
(f) I am surprised to hear his speeches. He speaks — he knew the ins and outs of the incident.
(g) Salam feels pain in his chest. He — go back to the hospital for a scan next week.
(h) Tagore — in 1861. He was awarded the Nobel Prize for literature in 1913.
(i) — is no fish here. It is a swimming pool.
(j) I went there to meet with him. — I saw him, I rushed to talk to him.
12. [JB '16]
but for used to was born it
no sooner had had better as if
what do you mean has to what's the matter
(a) Shamsur Rahman — in Dhaka in 1929. He is famous both as a poet and a novelist.
(b) — Diamond jumped upon the table than the lighted candle fell on the papers. It caused a great damage to Newton's research works.
(c) You — apply to the principal of your college for granting you a stipend. He will surely see on it.
(d) Thomas Alva Edison was very inquisitive in his childhood. He — do many harmful activities. However, he made a lot of inventions.
(e) One evening I returned home groaning with a bad headache. My mother asked me, "— with you? Why do you look so pale?"
(f) — your timely intervention, I would have been assaulted by them. I was just a victim of circumstances.
(g) —? how can a rope bite a man? It is quite unbelievable.
(h) He tells the matter — he knew it. Actually, he is quite ignorant of it.
(i) — is a good idea to walk in the morning. Morning walk is very healthful.
(j) A good citizen — perform a lot of things. These things will enable him to become a true patriot.
13. [CB '16]
would rather was born as soon as it
what does .... look like there have to
let alone as if had better
(a) Manners make a man. Students — practice good manners in everyday life.
(b) Most students in our country are weak in English. They — follow the advice of their teachers for improvement.
(c) He tries to show off his knowledge in English. He speaks English — he were an Englishman.
(d) Cox's Bazar is a popular tourist hub. — are many nice hotels there for tourists.
(e) The other day I met an old rickshaw puller. He told me that he — pull a rickshaw than beg.
(f) A poor man struggles hard to survive in our country. He can hardly earn Tk. 200 a day, — Tk. 2000.
(g) In Dhaka city, traffic jam is very common. — may occur anywhere anytime.
(h) Smoking is one of the major causes of heart attack and cancer. — a smoker stops smoking, he can avoid the risk of any danger.
(i) Have you ever heard the name of William Shakespeare? He — on 23rd April, 1564 in England. He was one of the greatest dramatists of the world.
(j) Son : Dad, — an alien — ?
Father : Well. Aliens are believed to come from another planet by UFOs. Films and science fiction tell us about them. They are really awesome.
14. [CtgB '16]
was born had better there as if
what does ...look like would you mind let alone
would rather as soon as have to
(a) He cannot tell my name, — my address. He is lying.
(b) The Bangladeshi cricketers have done well in the World Cup. They — struggle more to win the World Cup.
(c) — the earth —? It's not completely round.
(d) I — walk than get on the bus. This time the bus is very crowded.
(e) — I reached the station, the train left. Really I was lucky.
(f) Dr. Muhammad Shahidullah was a great linguist. He — in 1885 A.D.
(g) He acts — he were rich. So nobody likes him.
(h) You look sick. You — go home immediately.
(i) — was a boy at the door. He wanted to talk to me.
(j) — eating sea fish? I think you will enjoy a lot.
15. [SB '16]
was born what's .... like there it
let alone would rather as soon as
had better as if what if
(a) — your family —? Our family is not so big. It's comparatively small.
(b) Today is a rainy day. You — not go to office today.
(c) I have a bad headache. I — go to doctor.
(d) — lived an old man in a village. He was very wise.
(e) My sister is acting — she were all in all. She always acts like this way.
(f) I'll call you — I arrive. Then we will go to market.
(g) Prabha can't afford to buy a cell phone, — a laptop. Actually she is very poor.
(h) Punctuality is the habit of doing things exactly in time. — is of course, a good habit.
(i) Tajuddin Ahmed, the first Prime Minister of Bangladesh, — in 1925. He was a wise man.
(j) Rina : — we miss the bus? Mina : We will take a taxi then.
16. [BB '16]
there what if was born it
as long as let alone have to
as it had better as soon as
(a) — is really unfortunate for a boy like him to fail in the exam.
(b) He cannot score a goal, — a hattrick.
(c) His mother being sick, he needs to go home — possible.
(d) The manager says alone. It seems — others had nothing to say.
(e) No one is happy with her result. She — understand it.
(f) — you lose your pen?
(g) — lived a very clever fox in a jungle.
(h) The poor will continue to suffer — they are illiterate.
(i) Zahir Raihan — on 19 August, 1935 in Feni.
(j) We — educate all and work hard to develop our country.
as soon as had to have to wish
would you mind was born in case
whether — or as fast as there
(a) It's a difficult problem. I — I knew answer to it!
(b) A: There is foul smell in the room.
B: — opening the windows?
(c) All passengers — fill in an immigration form on arrival. It is mandatory.
(d) His income was very poor. He — maintain a hard life.
(e) The concert we arranged was a successful one. — were much more people than we had expected.
(f) — you are coming — not, I shall complete the work by 5 o'clock.
(g) He has taken a loan from a bank to start a business. He will repay the loan — he can make profit from the business.
(h) He could not run — the other competitors.
(i) Tomorrow I will be very busy. So, I'll say good bye now — I don't see you again.
(j) Mr. Sukanto — on 25 August, 1926 at his maternal uncle's home in Kolkata.
what does — look like was born let alone as if
as soon as there what's it like
would rather had better have to
(a) The mother was very angry with her baby. — she saw it, she started beating it.
(b) My reading room becomes very dirty. I — clean my room.
(c) Abdul Hamid is the 16th President of the People's Republic of Bangladesh. He — in 1944 in Kishoregonj.
(d) — was a farmer. He had a dog. His name is Bingo. The farmer loved the dog very much.
(e) Jim was absent three times. He — show up today.
(f) It is a secret matter. We — not discuss this in public.
(g) She is very talkative. I don't want to invite her to my birthday — the members of her family.
(h) The boy is very ugly. He looks — he were an expert thief.
(i) — having lunch in a dirty restaurant? You seem to be very sad sitting in this dirty restaurant.
(j) Father: — an army officer —?
Son: He looks very smart and handsome.
let alone there was born look like
would rather have to what do... look like look like
had better as if as soon as
(a) I — stay at home. I am not feeling well.
(b) You — do the job. Opportunity never comes repeatedly.
(c) Shemu cannot speak Bengali fluently — English. In fact she is a dull student.
(d) Today is holiday, — swimming in the river?
(e) I — help my father in the field now and then. I am not a son of rich parents.
(f) Ripa : Mita, you have recently seen lions in a zoo, — they —?
Mita : Very frightening. At the same time interesting too.
(g) Fahad often behaves — he were a prince. It becomes very difficult for me to bear him then.
(h) Long ago — lived a mighty king. He was wise, prudent and just.
(i) My friend being a victim of road accident was taken to hospital. I rushed to the hospital — I was informed of it.
(j) My younger sister — in the month of Baishakh. So, she was named Baishakhi.
as though let alone had better it
would rather was born as soon as
what... look like there had to
(a) We — hire a rickshaw. It is already too late. We have to reach the exam hall in time.
(b) I cannot remember the name of the story, — the details about the different characters. I read the story many years ago.
(c) Nobody likes Karim at all. He talks — he knew everything in the world.
(d) A great man like him — in such a family in 1980.
(e) — does a leopard —? I think it looks like ferocious.
(f) The match restarted — the third umpire declared the decision.
(g) It was a terrible ship. — was no crew in that ship of death.
(h) In ancient time people — fight against dangerous wild animals.
(i) During rainy season — rains heavily without any gap.
(j) We — sleep than watch such boring film.
there what does... look like what's it like was born
have to let alone as soon as
as if would rather had better
(a) We — be conscious about environment pollution.
(b) You — go to the concert than stay at home.
(c) We — stop cutting down trees. Deforestation is detrimental to environment.
(d) He can't recall the incident — the causes of it. He became a victim of it.
(e) It looks — it's going to rain. Everybody expects rain.
(f) I plan to move — I find another apartment. I want to live in an apartment.
(g) — listening to others? You don't want to talk to others.
(h) Daughter; Mom, — does an albatross —?
(i) — seemed to be no doubt about it. It is wonderful.
(j) Sir Walter Scott was both a poet and novelist. He — in 1771.
had better let alone as soon as
read between the lines how---like what if what's it like
how---doing would rather call it a day
(a) The poor cannot somehow manage one meal a day, ¾ a square meal. Managing a square meal in expensive.
(b) My mother ¾ starve than eat in a hotel. She also advises us not to take any food outside home.
(c) ¾ visiting a new place? You seem to be very happy with your recent tour.
(d) Lima does not seem to be improving, ¾ we take her to another doctor?
(e) We ¾ put on light dress. This could give us relief in hot atmosphere.
(f) The audience listened to her song spellbound. ¾ she finished it, the audience burst into a loud clap.
(g) I am going to enter into university life. I wonder ¾ it will be ¾ ?
(h) I am too tired to continue a working. Let us ¾.
(i) Mamun : Salam, have you met Mr. Kabir recently? ¾ is he ¾?
Salam : Oh, yes. He is doing fine.
(j) I think you have reached totally in a negative way. If you ¾, you could have understood what he tried to say.
however definitely there it
what does — look like have got it's time
what's — like rather anyway
(a) It is very hot today. — is certainly the possibility that the weather may cause more damage.
(b) Don't you think — you found a job? It's six months since you finished university.
(c) We didn't go away at the weekend because I had too much work. — the weather was awful, so we didn't miss anything.
(d) She pays less attention to her job. She — enjoys playing with her kids.
(e) A: — your new college —?
B: It looks like an umbrella
(f) Living conditions in a poor village are obviously unhygienic. —, life in a sophisticated city is also potentially dangerous.
(g) She — won't pass the exam. She hasn't done any work at all.
(h) A: — shed —?
B: It looks like an umbrella.
(i) I — to go now. I'm meeting my friend for lunch.
(j) — is very important for a student to know the rules of his institution. If he does not know them, he might be in trouble.
as well as would rather had better lest
used to had to what if
let alone as if was born
(a) We are a developing nation. We should make the best use of our resources — we might lag behind.
(b) I called you several times but could not get you. I feel — you had given me wrong cell phone number.
(c) He is a diabetic patient. He — eat more vegetables than carbohydrate.
(d) I spend my leisure by doing different activities. Gardening — stamp collecting is my favourite hobby.
(e) There — be houses around here long time.
(f) You look ill. You — not go to work.
(g) The canal dried up. They — dig it.
(h) His father gets a poor salary. He cannot afford to send his children to an ordinary school, — an expensive school.
(i) A: — I can't attend the meeting?
B: I'll manage it.
(j) Shamsur Rahman a poet deeply rooted in his own tradition, — on 24th October, 1929 in Dhaka.
it's high time had better used to as if
what's it like adhere to what if
beggar description look down upon have to
(a) Did you — smoke? Smoking is injurious to health.
(b) Your father is looking for you. He will not accept you stay in the field playing so late. — you left this place.
(c) Bus service is available here. We don't — face any problem.
(d) — riding a roller coaster? I haven't experienced it before.
(e) A: — you lose your pen? B: You'll lend me one.
(f) A: No one is happy with her result. B: She — understand it.
(g) The manager says everything by himself in a meeting. It seems — others had nothing to say.
(h) The poor are — by the rich. It should not be done.
(i) The suffering of the flood affected people in our area —.
(j) He always — work but never did well because he had some limitations.
there was born would rather lest
as well as used to as if
let alone had to had better
(a) His income is very poor. He cannot buy an ordinary watch — a costly one.
(b) He saw a bear coming towards him. So he climbed up a tree — the bear might attack him.
(c) Our young generation is following western culture — they were born in the foreign countries.
(d) The bridge grew old. They — repair it.
(e) It is a popular restaurant. We — reserve a table.
(f) Don't worry. It will take sometime to get — a new place.
(g) It is autumn. They — make a journey by boat than a journey by train.
(h) — was a time when people used to travel by walking or riding on animals. But a present a revolutionary change has taken place in the transport system.
(i) Humayun Ahmed was a teacher, author, dramatist, playwright and filmmaker. He — on 13 November 1948.
(j) I studied psychology, medicine — working in a hospital to gain experience.
would rather had to lest it
enough to too as though
day by day than there
(a) — is raining heavily now. So, we have to wait here.
(b) — is a primary school in our village. We should send our children to school.
(c) I — die than beg. Begging is not a good act.
(d) He behaves — he were a king.
(e) The man — cross the river by swimming. There were no boats there.
(f) Arif is strong — to carry the load. So, I like him.
(g) Mina is developing — because she is a hard worker.
(h) I am — glad to see him. He is my bosom friend.
(i) The girl reads attentively — she should fail in the examination.
(j) No sooner had the rain started — we went out.
what if as though have to it
would rathen let alone there
was born what's it like had better
(a) Nelson Mandela was the former President of South Africa. This great leader — in 1918 in South Africa.
(b) He — save up than spend all his money. He is honest and sincere.
(c) You cannot wear shorts and a T-shirt to a job interview! You — change clothes before you go.
(d) — playing in a local team? You seem to be bored playing with this team.
(e) You seem to be very tired. — you went home and took rest?
(f) Mira behaves roughly with all. She speaks — she were a queen.
(g) I doubt there are five people there, — one hundred.
(h) This machine is not working well. I — buy a new one.
(i) — are some grapes in the fridge. You may take them as you are hungry.
(j) Right now — is May and there are flowers every where. Let's go out for a walk.
in a nutshell in order to have to as if
would rather was born as soon as
had better all in all at stake
(a) Tell me the story —. I have no time.
(b) Rahim went to Jamalgonj — collect some valuable things.
(c) I — suffer than die.
(d) Ainan — do the work. He will face no difficulties.
(e) The Headmaster is —. Nobody can go against him.
(f) Alif — in Sylhet. Now she lives here.
(g) — the master sat down to eat, he noticed the missing leg.
(h) He talks — he knew everything.
(i) Murad is — now. He has to overcome the situation.
(j) They — do it because they are bound to do it.
there as soon as let alone as if
have to what does — look like does he look
was born would rather had better
(a) Helal never even reads a Bengali novel, — an English novel.
(b) Do you know the time when the man —?
(c) Sumon : I have seen a lady in the common room.
Helal : — she —?
(d) Belal : I have known the man since 1995.
Karim : What — like?
(e) — lived an honest wood cutter in a certain village.
(f) I am an honest man. I — die than steal.
(g) Students — abide by the law of the college.
(h) — he got the sad news of his father's death, he left the room.
(i) They stared at me — I were crazy.
(j) You — go home now before the rain starts.
as if was born what if there
as soon as let alone has to
had better would rather what is it like
(a) Aristotle is the great philosopher who had a vast knowledge in different disciplines.
He — in Stagira in 384 BC
(b) — was a big tree in the forest. But people cut it down for their settlement.
(c) He is behaving — he were the king of the world. Actually he is a rogue.
(d) — you had not passed in the exam? So study attentively.
(e) — she finished her work, she called her father.
(f) Mayna can not do it alone. She — wait for me.
(g) Suvo can not ride a bicycle, — drive a car. I have never seen an inactive person like him.
(h) — the summer — in Japan? I have heard that it is enjoyable and enchanting.
(i) We have an important task with you. We — meet early.
(j) I — speak the truth. Otherwise, the innocent boy may be punished.
would rather as if have to there
let alone was born what...look like
had better what if as soon as
(a) I can't drive a car, — a bus.
(b) — he saw us, he ran away.
(c) Your exam will be held tomorrow. You — complete your studies.
(d) Ricoh — finish the text book before the final exam.
(e) The boy came here running. He looked — he knew me.
(f) — we find the candles and put them around the table.
(g) Once upon a time — was a fool who was fond of funny riddles.
(h) James Watt was an inventor who — in England.
(i) I — take hot coffee instead of cold drinks.
(j) "Daddy, — does an alien —?
have to there what if let alone
what it like what does... look like would rather It
had better as soon as as if was born
(a) They are very brave. They — face any problem than sit idle.
(b) He has taken an admission form. He will submit it — he fills it up.
(c) — is a very big library in our college. We can borrow books from the library.
(d) A: We must reach the station by 4 o'clock.
B: — we can't manage a taxi?
(e) Today is my mother's birthday. I — buy flowers for her.
(f) She looked at the question paper again and again. It seemed — she had not known the answer of a single question.
(g) Mr. Zaman is going to deliver a presentation in the college auditorium.
We — not miss his presentation.
(h) Rakib is very introvert. He does not even feel comfort in the telephone. — speak in public.
(i) After breakfast Jamal took his friend to see a new foal that — during the night.
(j) — flying in a plane above the cloud? I'll feel over the moon if I get a chance.
there what does... look like let alone as soon as was born
have to what's it like would rather as if had better
(a) In England, most school children — wear a uniform. Is it the same in Bangladesh?
(b) I — take a taxi than walk home. It's already too late.
(c) We — take an umbrella. It may rain.
(d) I can't remember the title of the book, — the details of the story. I read it many years ago.
(e) I don't like Tamanna's attitude. She speaks in a way — she knew everything. She should show respect to others.
(f) The tennis match restarted — the rain had stopped. It was a great relief for the spectators.
(g) — living in Hawaiian style? You seem to be very happy with your life in Hawaii.
(h) Baby : Mom, — does a ghost—?
Mom : Sorry dear, no idea. I had never been to any Ghost Island.
(i) Long ago, — lived a mighty warrior, Kubla Khan. He built an amazing alabaster palace in a deep, dark, and mysterious forest.
(j) Socrates was a great Greek philosopher. He — in 469 BC. He spoke against the traditional Greek beliefs and so he was sentenced to death by drinking hemlock.
what if would rather had better what does look like let alone
as soon as was born there what's like have to
(a) The road was very busy. He — drive carefully.
(b) A: — your father —?
B: He is very honest and hard working person.
(c) Baul Shah Abdul Karim is one the most famous folk singers and composers in Bangladesh. He — in Uzan Dhola in Dari Upazila, Sunamganj on 5 February 1916.
(d) Bus journey is both boring and tiring. — we went by a train?
(e) We — go home now. It's getting dark.
(f) He can't climb a hill, — a mountain. Climbing a mountain is very difficult.
(g) The game was postponed due to rain. But it restarted — the rain stopped.
(h) A: — a submarine —?
B: It looks like a ship.
(i) I think you are hungry. — is a restaurant round the corner.
(j) We — start the function than wait for him. It's already too late.
as if was born what if it
there what does...look like have to
has to would rather as soon as
(a) Shakespeare reportedly — in England.
(b) — they miss the deadline of the application submission?
(c) I — help my father in farming because he alone cannot look after all the activities in this regard.
(d) I — live in the north than the south, because I like snow.
(e) He pretended ...... he were a billionaire of the city and has been playing a vital role in the country's economy.
(f) The children will start playing ..... the rain stops. They are always fond of playing.
(g) — are many hurdles on the way of implementing the charitable task.
(h) — seems that we are not welcome to their house.
(i) — his first novel —?
(j) He — take the bitter medicine daily as per suggestion of the physicians for a quick recovery.
there unless it is high time while
used to provided that no sooner had
as if was born would rather
(a) He is a wealthy man. He will help you by providing you with a job — you work seriously.
(b) The students were talking in the class. — the teacher entered the class than they stopped talking.
(c) — lived a cowboy in a village. He used to tell a lie.
(d) She is not the captain of the class but she behaves in a way — she were the captain.
(e) He — watch a lot of TV. Now he doesn't watch much TV.
(f) Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar — to Tankurdas Bandypadhy and Bhagavati Devi at Birsingha village to Paschim Midnapur District, India.
(g) Time is very important in our life. You cannot prosper in life — you make proper use of time.
(h) We are destroying our trees by cutting them and using as firewood. — we stopped this to save our environment.
(i) The phone rang three times — we were having dinner last night. There was none to receive the call.
(j) Back biting is a sin. You — read books than backbite others.
what if what's like have to it
was born let alone would rather
as if there had better
(a) In the Middle East people working in different industries are ill-paid. They — lead a miserable life leaving their families back in their home.
(b) On the eve of Baishakh, the price of Hilsa fish rises up. We — purchase other fishes than eat this costly item.
(c) Shapla comes of a very poor family. She cannot afford to buy a mobile phone, — a laptop.
(d) You — carry an umbrella. The sky seems very cloudy. It may rain.
(e) — lived a cobbler. He was very happy. But his life changed when one of his neighbours gave him money. From that day he lost his happiness forever.
(f) — fishing in the river? You seem to be very glad with your hobby.
(g) The man became very angry with us. He looked — we had been his assistant.
(h) Doniel Defoe was a famous English novelist. He — in 1660 in London. Robinson Crusoe is one of his greatest novels.
(i) We should not go out now. — may rain. The weather is very gloomy.
(j) I have never ridden on a bicycle, — I ride a bicycle.
had better let alone as if least
it is time as soon as what if
would rather would you mind had to
(a) Rasel is an irregular student. But now his examination is knocking at the door. So he reads attentively — he should fail in the examination.
(b) No one likes to talk to her. Because she talks — she knew everything more correctly.
(c) I want to go to the hospital to see my brother. — going with me?
(d) This year several villages of our country have been flooded. — for us to help the flood affected people.
(e) We went there to meet with him. — we saw him; we rushed to talk to him.
(f) I — fail than copy in the exam. Because copying is a serious curse for our education.
(g) The economical condition of Chandni is very poor. He cannot afford one meal per day — square meals.
(h) No sooner had we reached the station than the train left. So we — wait for the next one.
(i) It is raining heavily and you cannot go out for your home today. You — go tomorrow.
(j) It is boring to study at this hour. — we go to playground to play?
there what does... Look like what's it like as if
let alone had better would rather
have to as soon as was born
(a) I — go out for dinner than remain hungry.
(b) You — pass your exams. Otherwise your university will not accept you.
(c) William Shakespeare was an English poet, playwright and actor. He — on 26 April 1564.
(d) He can't read, — write a letter. He is an illiterate person.
(e) The teacher asked a question in the class. Mamun raised his hand. He looks — he knew the answer.
(f) We — take some cash. They don't take cheques.
(g) — driving a car in a desert? You are a well know racer.
(h) Son: Dad — a bacteria —?
(i) Don't switch off your cell phone. I will call you — I arrive.
(j) — lived a king in an island. He was famous for his patriotism and bravery.
what's it like was born have to it
as if as soon as had better
would rather let alone what if
(a) My brother can hardly manage his small family of three members, — a big family of ten members. He is weak nerved and cowardice.
(b) He tells the matter — he knew it. Actually he is quite ignorant of it.
(c) In Dhaka most school children — wear a definite uniform. It is the same in all other cities in Bangladesh.
(d) We — start the programme than wait for the chief guest. It's already too late.
(e) — the class was over, the students left for their respective houses. A storm might come.
(f) Michael Madhusudan Dutt was a popular 19th century Bengali poet and dramatist. He — in a sophisticated Hindu family. But he took Christianity when he was a young man.
(g) A: — we made a pandal. B: Oh, yes. That'd be nice.
(h) — seems she is feeling uneasy to do it. We shouldn't tell her to do it.
(i) I have an appointment in ten minutes. I — go now, otherwise I will be late.
(j) — staying in a hostel?
has to as soon as there it
was born had better what if
what's it like let alone as if
(a) — the master sat down to eat, he noticed the missing drumstick.
(b) She — maintain all the expenditure in her family.
(c) — was a phisopher. He thought that the universe would be destroyed.
(d) He commanded me — I had been his servant.
(e) — was a black magic. Hence they were spell-bound.
(f) They — buy a new car instead of the old car.
(g) The child cannot walk, — run.
(h) — rain comes? The game will stop.
(i) — living in Hawaiiyan style?
(j) Emily — at Amherst, Massachusetts.
supposed as if have to it
scarcely would rather there
was born used to lest
(a) I am surprised to hear his speeches. He speaks — he knew the ins and outs of the incident.
(b) The miscreant could not save him from the police. — had he gone, when a policeman knocked at the door.
(c) — is a wolf in the wood through which you are going. But if you keep to the road he won't do you any harm.
(d) You — go straight to your grandmother's home without loitering on the way. Because she is seriously ill.
(e) Homer was a great poet. Nobody knows where he —.
(f) The weather is cloudy. We take umbrella with us — we should be drenched by rain.
(g) Mr. Rana — walk in the morning. And he did so for keeping good health.
(h) I — remain guilty than speak ill of others. Because it creates great enmity between friends and relatives.
(i) His behaviour surprised me. Because he was — to bring a special gift for me but he forgot it without any hesitation.
(j) We saw the picture hung on the wall. — is a very fine piece of work.
was born have to would rather after
what if as if had better
let alone so that would that
(a) Nazrul is the national poet of Bangladesh. He — in 1899 AD.
(b) Police caught the thief red handed. But he speaks in a way — he knew nothing.
(c) — I were rich! Should I buy it then?
(d) Wait a minute! I — take my bag.
(e) The train began to move — I had got into it.
(f) I cannot solve your problem. You — go to the police.
(g) I — take English than Mathematics.
(h) He cannot speak Bangla — English.
(i) He reads attentively — he can pass the examination.
(j) — I were a king!
as soon as had to in case there
was born have to wish
what does... look like Whether... or would better
(a) It's a difficult problem. I — I knew the answer to it!
(b) They are scheduled to leave the place just before holiday. You — post the parcels today or they won't get there in time.
(c) All passengers — fill in an immigration form on arrival. It is mandatory.
(d) The concert we arranged was successful one. — were much more people than we had expected.
(e) — you are coming — not, I am still going to Army's party. I have given her my word of honour.
(f) A: — a 3D glass —?
B: It looks nothing more than a normal glass.
(g) His income was very poor. He — maintain a hard life.
(h) He has taken a loan from bank to start a business. — he fails to repay, he will be imprisoned.
(i) Sukanta Bhattacharya, poet and playwright, — on 15 August 1929 at his maternal uncle's home in Kolkata.
(j) Tomorrow I will be very busy. So, I'll say good bye now — I don't see you again.
have to had better as soon as it
let alone as if what's it like
would rather was born what does ... look like
(a) Smith: — your father — when he becomes angry?
Gayle: He looks terrifying.
(b) You are misunderstanding me. — is not what I mean. I mean something else.
(c) I am getting late. I — catch the train or I will miss it.
(d) You — be cautious than go to doctor. Prevention is better than cure.
(e) The new teacher — act perfectly. Otherwise, the authority will dismiss him.
(f) I am going to have a shower — I arrive my flat.
(g) Jesmin was painting in a way — he could paint very well. The pictures was really a childish one.
(h) The guests are not getting enough meals, — the cold drinks. The host is more calculative.
(i) — spending your entire life alone in an Island? It's not a good idea at all.
(j) William Wordsworth was a romantic poet. He — in 1770.
there had better let alone it
what if as if has to
would rather what's it like was born
(a) She's even afraid to answer the telephone, — speak in public.
(b) A student — be quiet and clam as well as patient while gathering knowledge.
(c) Guglielmo Marconi, the inventor of the radio, — in Bologna, Italy, in 1974.
(d) — goes a boy along the road at dead of night, which appeared amazing to me.
(e) — has been very tough to contrive operation amid the rough weather in sea.
(f) We — not hesitate in doing anything for the sake of the poor.
(g) — the rope is torn while pulling the heavy material.
(h) He answered at first in the class — his reply would be considered appreciable.
(i) — living in India style? You seem to be very happy with your life in India.
(j) I — work hard than depend on others.
what's like have to as soon as there
let alone as though what does look like
had better was born would rather
(a) Tajuddin Ahmed is the first Prime Minister of Bangladesh. He — in 1925 in Kapasia, Gazipur.
(b) We — not ring them now. They are probably putting the baby to bed. It may wake up.
(c) I feel boring. I — go outside than stay home now.
(d) At last the hunter became successful. — he fired the gun, the tiger sprang on him.
(e) Tajul is very weak. He cannot move — run. He should consult with a doctor.
(f) Tarjo is a very naughty boy. He always makes a noise. He speaks — he were a terrorist.
(g) Father: — a deer —?
Son: Father, it looks very nice. It's very colourful.
(h) — lived four brothers. They always quarreled with one another, one day their father called them and taught them, a good lesson.
(i) In our country, people are very poor. They — suffer from various kinds of problem throughout their life.
(j) — driving car in wide street? You seem to be very glad with your driving.
as soon as have to let alone there
was born as if would rather
had better what does — look like what's — like
(a) In every educational institution all students — obey some rules.
(b) It is cold outside. You — wear a sweater.
(c) I — starve than beg.
(d) The man has no financial ability to buy a cycle, — a car.
(e) — it stops raining, I will start for home.
(f) The man orders me — I were his servent.
(g) As the man — in a rich family, he is always proud of his wealth.
(h) Mr. Mukul said to me. "Have you seen Belal's brother? — does he —?
(i) — are a school, a madrasa and a college in our village.
(j) Mr. John said to me, "— the boy —?"
had better let alone have to there
would rather as soon as was born
as if what's it like what if
(a) He has been suffering from fever for many days. He is now too sick to get out of bed, — to walk.
(b) Tomorrow I have a class at 7.30 am. I — get up early.
(c) I don't like when some one smokes in my room. You — not smoke over there.
(d) It is 10 am. He will start for his office — his car is ready.
(e) — seems to be something wrong. We have to find out a solution.
(f) A: — you I come late?
B: You'll be scolded by the class teacher.
(g) — driving with a simulator? Does it give a real test of driving or quite different?
(h) His father died shortly after Azim —. So he was brought up his maternal uncle.
(i) He was very truthful. He — speak the truth than hide it.
(j) I know her very well and so does she. But last week, when we met she behaved — we had never meet before.
Words/Phrases of Special Use (Question No.3)
01. (a) have to (b) would rather (c) What if (d) What's it like (e) As soon as (f) It (g) let alone (h) was born (i) had better (j) what does .... look like
02. (a) No sooner had (b) was born (c) as if (d) What if (e) would rather (f) lest (g) let alone (h) what does ..... look like (i) there (j) have to
03. (a) had better (b) It (c) have to (d) there (e) What ..... look like (f) As soon as (g) would rather (h) was born (i) let alone (j) as if
04. (a) there (b) let alone (c) as if (d) what's it like (e) What does ... look like (f) had better (g) as soon as (h) would rather (i) was born (j) have to
05. (a) Would you mind (b) in case (c) have to (d) as though (e) as long as (f) It is high time (g) lest (h) used to (i) unless (j) No sooner had
06. (a) was born (b) there (c) What's it like (d) would rather (e) has to/ had to (f) let alone (g) as soon as (h) as if (i) What if (j) what does ......... look like
07. (a) Would you mind (b) had better (c) let alone (d) There (e) It (f) was born (g) What does... ... ... look like (h) as if (i) as soon as (j) would rather
08. (a) let alone (b) It (c) as if (d) would rather (e) as soon as (f) There (g) If (h) had better (i) What’s like (j) have to
09. (a) The older the more (b) There (c) Neither will (d) as fast as (e) let alone (f) Would you mind (g) It (h) had better (i) unless (j) as if
10. (a) as soon as (b) in order to (c) Whenever (d) let alone (e) There (f) had better (g) would rather (h) was born (i) as if (j) has to
11. (a) let alone (b) what's it like (c) It (d) would rather (e) had better (f) as if (g) has to (h) was born (i) There (j) As soon as
12. (a) was born (b) No sooner had (c) had better (d) used to (e) What's the matter (f) But for (g) What do you mean (h) as if (i) It (j) has to
13. (a) have to (b) had better (c) as if (d) There (e) would rather (f) let alone (g) It (h) As soon as (i) was born (j) What does.... look like
14. (a) let alone (b) have to (c) What does.... look like (d) would rather (e) As soon as (f) was born (g) as if (h) had better (i) There (j) Would you mind
15. (a) What's ... like (b) had better (c) would rather (d) There (e) as if (f) as soon as (g) let alone (h) It (i) was born (j) What if (†evW© cÖ‡kœi option-G What is _vK‡jI mwVK DËi n‡e What if)
16. (a) It (b) let alone (c) as soon as (d) as if (e) had better (f) What if (g) There (h) as long as (i) was born (j) have to
17. (a) wish (b) Would you mind (c) have to (d) had to (e) There (f) Whether...or (g) as soon as (h) as fast as (i) in case (j) was born
18. (a) As soon as (b) have to (c) was born (d) There (e) would rather (f) had better (g) let alone (h) as if (i) What's it like (j) What does...look like
19. (a) would rather (b) had better (c) let alone (d) what's it like (e) have to (f) what do...look like (g) as if (h) there (i) as soon as (j) was born
20. (a) had better (b) let alone (c) as though (d) was born (e) What...look like (f) as soon as (g) There (h) had to (i) it (j) would rather
21. (a) have to (b) would rather (c) had better (d) let alone (e) as if (f) as soon as (g) What's it like (h) What...look like (i) There (j) was born
22. (a) let alone (b) would rather (c) What's it like (d) what if (e) had better (f) As soon as (g) how...like (h) call it a day (i) how....doing (j) read between the lines
23. (a) There (b) it's time (c) Anyway (d) rather (e) what's...like (f) However (g) definitely (h) what does...look like (i) have got (j) It
24. (a) lest (b) as if (c) would rather (d) as well as (e) used to (f) had better (g) had to (h) let alone (i) what if (j) was born
25. (a) adhere to (b) It's high time (c) have to (d) What's it like (e) What if (f) had better (g) as if (h) looked down upon (i) beggars description (j) used to
26. (a) let alone (b) lest (c) as if (d) had to (e) had better (f) used to (g) would rather (h) There (i) was born (j) as well as
27. (a) It (b) There (c) would rather (d) as though (e) had to (f) enough (g) day by day (h) too (i) lest (j) than
28. (a) was born (b) would rather (c) had better (d) What's it like (e) What if (f) as though (g) let alone (h) have to (i) There (j) it
29. (a) in a nutshell (b) in order to (c) would rather (d) had better (e) all in all (f) was born (g) As soon as (h) as if (i) at stake (j) have to
30. (a) let alone (b) was born (c) what does ...... look like (d) does he look (e) There (f) would rather (g) have to (h) As soon as (i) as if (j) had better
31. (a) was born (b) There (c) as if (d) What if (e) As soon as (f) has to (g) let alone (h) What is .... like (i) would rather (j) had better
32. (a) let alone (b) As soon as (c) have to (d) had better (e) as if (f) What if (g) there (h) was born (i) would rather (j) what..... look like
33. (a) would rather (b) as soon as (c) There (d) What if (e) have to (f) as if (g) had better (h) let alone (i) was born (j) What's it like
34. (a) have to (b) would rather (c) had better (d) let alone (e) as if (f) as soon as (g) What's it like (h) what does..look like (i) there (j) was born
35. (a) had to (b) What's.... like (c) was born (d) What if (e) had better (f) let alone (g) as soon as (h) What does...look like (i) There (j) would rather
36. (a) was born (b) What if (c) had better (d) would rather (e) as if (f) as soon as (g) There (h) It (i) What does — look like (j) has to
37. (a) provided that (b) No sooner had (c) There (d) as if (e) used to (f) was born (g) unless (h) It is high time (i) while (j) would rather
38. (a) have to (b) would rather (c) let alone (d) had better (e) There (f) What's it like (g) as if (h) was born (i) It (j) what if
39. (a) lest (b) as if (c) Would you mind (d) It is time (e) As soon as (f) would rather (g) let alone (h) had to (i) had better (j) What if
40. (a) would rather (b) have to (c) was born (d) let alone (e) as if (f) had better (g) What's it like (h) what does...look like (i) as soon as (j) There
41. (a) let alone (b) as if (c) have to (d) had better (e) As soon as (f) was born (g) What if (h) It (i) would rather (j) What's it like
42. (a) As soon as (b) has to (c) There (d) as if (e) It (f) had better (g) let alone (h) What if (i) What's like (j) was born
43. (a) as if (b) Scarcely (c) There (d) have to (e) was born (f) lest (g) used to (h) would rather (i) supposed (j) It
44. (a) was born (b) as if (c) What if (d) have to (e) after (f) had better (g) would rather (h) let alone (i) so that (j) Would that
45. (a) wish (b) had better (c) have to (d) There (e) Whether....or (f) What does...look like (g) had to (h) As soon as (i) was born (j) in case
46. (a) What does...look like (b) It (c) had better (d) would rather (e) has to (f) as soon as (g) as if (h) let alone (i) What's it like (j) was born
47. (a) let alone (b) has to (c) was born (d) There (e) It (f) had better (g) What if (h) as if (i) What's it like (j) would rather
48. (a) was born (b) had better (c) would rather (d) As soon as (e) let alone (f) as though (g) what does...look like (h) There (i) have to (j) What's it like
49. (a) have to (b) had better (c) would rather (d) let alone (e) As soon as (f) as if (g) was born (h) What look like (i) There (j) what's-like.
50. (a) let alone (b) have to (c) had better (d) as soon as (e) There (f) What if (g) What's it like (h) was born (i) would rather (j) as if.