Changing Sentences

HSC English Board Questions: Changing Sentences

Read the text and change the sentences as directed: 1x5=5


01. [DB '17]

Frugality is a good habit. (a) A man who is frugal does not like to spend money without reasons (Make it Simple). (b) The target of a frugal man is to save money for future (Make it Complex). (c) Everyone should practice frugality to make a well-planned family (Make it Passive). (d) A frugal man lives a solvent life (Make it Negative). (e) A frugal man is happier than a prodigal man (Make it Positive).

01. (a) A frugal man doesn't like to spend money without reasons.

(b) The target of a man who is frugal is to save money for future.

Or, A frugal man has a target so that he can/may save money for future.

Or, A man who is frugal has a target to save money for future.

Or, A frugal man has a target that he should/will save money for future.

(c) Frugality should be practiced to make a well planned family by everyone.

(d) A frugal man does not live an insolvent/poor/needy life.

(e) A prodigal man is not as/so happy as a frugal man.

02. [RB '17]

(a) It was 1971 when Bangladesh achieved independence. (Simple) (b) It is the most significant event in the history of Bangladesh. (Comparative) (c) Our Freedom Fighters sacrificed their lives for the independence of Bangladesh. (Complex) (d) It was a great-struggle for them. (Exclamatory) (e) We shall always remember them with pride. (Compound)

02. (a) Bangladesh achieved independence in 1971.

(b) It is more significant than any other event in the history of Bangladesh.

(c) Our freedom fighters sacrificed their lives so that they could bring independence of Bangladesh.

Or, It is the independence of Bangladesh for which our freedom fighters sacrificed their lives.

(d) What a struggle it was for them!

(e) We are proud of them and we shall always remember them.

03. [DinajB '17]

(a) Water, an important vital element of environment is polluted in various ways (complex). It is called life. (b) The water which is pure is necessary for us (simple). (c) Men pollute water by throwing waste in it (compound). (d) The farmers use water in time of cultivation largely (passive). (e) It is one of the most important elements of all living beings (positive).

03. (a) Water which is an important vital element of environment is polluted in various ways.

(b) Pure water is necessary for us.

(c) Men throw waste in water and pollute it.

(d) Water is used by the farmers in time of cultivation largely.

(e) Very few elements of all living beings are so important as it.

04. [JB '17]

We are very much proud of our freedom fighters.

(a) They fought for the country with a patriotic zeal. (make it compound)

(b) They are the most courageous sons of our nation. (make it positive)

(c) Everybody admires and respects them greatly. (make it passive)

(d) Nobody denies their contribution to their motherland. (make it interrogative without changing meaning).

(e) They will never be forgotten by their countrymen to the end. (make it affirmative)

04. (a) They had a patriotic zeal and fought for the country.

Or, They were patriots and (so they) fought for the country.

(b) No other son of our nation is as courageous as they.

(c) They are admired and respected greatly by everybody.

Or, They are greatly admired and respected by everybody.

(d) Does anybody deny their contribution to their motherland?

Or, Who denies their contribution to their motherland?

(e) They will always/ ever be remembered by their countrymen to the end.

05. [CB '17]

(a) Some essential agricultural inputs are to be ensured to increase our food production. (Make it active)

(b) The farmers who are poor do not get loans on easy terms. (Make it simple)

(c) What a pity! (Make it Assertive)

(d) The farmers do not get the facilities necessary for food production. (Make it complex)

(e) Unfortunately, they do not get the due price of their products. (Make it compound)

05. (a) We are to ensure some essential agricultural inputs to increase our food production.

(b) The poor farmers do not get loans on easy terms.

(c) It is a great pity.

(d) The farmers do not get the facilities that/ which are necessary for food production.

(e) They do not get the due price of their products and it is unfortunate.

Or, They produce but unfortunately they do not get the due price of their products.

06. [CtgB '17]

(a) Long long ago there was a king who was very wise (Make it simple).

(b) People called him wise Solomon (make it passive).

(c) Actually at that time he was the wisest of all (Make it comparative).

(d) There was another ruler also named Queen of Sheba (Make it complex).

(e) One day she thought Solomon's wisdom should not remain untested (Make it affirmative).

06. (a) Long long ago there was a very wise king.

(b) He was called wise Solomon (by people).

(c) Actually at that time he was wiser than all/ all people/ all kings/ all men.

(d) There was another ruler who was named Queen of Sheba

Or, There was another ruler whose name was Queen of Sheba.

(e) One day she thought that Solomon's wisdom should be tested.

07. [SB '17]

(a) Most of the people of our country are living in the rural areas. (Make it interrogative without the change of meaning)

(b) They are peace loving. (Make it complex)

(c) They are more patriotic and industrious. (Make it positive)

(d) They love their motherland profoundly. (Make it passive)

(e) Although they are insolvent, they do not adopt any unfair means to become rich overnight. (Make it simple)

07. (a) Aren't most of the people of our country living in the rural areas?

(b) It is they who are peace loving.

(c) Nobody is as patriotic and industrious as they.

(d) Their motherland is loved profoundly by them.

(e) In spite of their insolvency they do not adopt unfair means to become rich overnight.

08. [BB '17]

(a) Jim and Della sacrificed their dearest possessions in order to buy Christmas presents for each other (Compound).

(b) Della had an ardent desire to give her husband a worthy gift (Complex).

(c) Jim also thought how he could give his wife a nice gift (Simple).

(d) Della saved a scanty amount of money for this (Passive).

(e) Jim was one of the sincerest husbands that we have ever known (Positive).

08. (a) Jim and Della sacrificed their dearest possessions and and wanted to buy Christmas presents for each other.

(b) Della had an ardent desire that was to give her husband a worthy gift./ Della had an ardent desire that she should give her husband a worthy gift.

(c) Jim also thought of giving his wife a nice gift.

(d) A scanty amount of money was saved by Della for this.

(e) Very few husbands were as sincere as Jim that we have ever known. 

09. [DB '16]

(a) Pohela Baishakh is undoubtedly the most celebrated festival in Bangladesh. (Complex) 

(b) It is the first day of the Bengali year when the city roads get so jam packed. (Simple)  

(c) Almost everyone enjoys the day in his own way. (Passive)

(d) Although I do not like gathering, I enjoy the activities of this day. (Compound) 

(e) It is one of the most interesting days of the year. (Positive)

09. (a) Pohela Baishakh is a festival which is undoubtedly the most celebrated one in Bangladesh.

(b) The city roads get so jam packed on the first day of the Bengali year.

(c) The day is enjoyed by almost everyone in his own way.

(d) I do not like gathering but I enjoy the activities of this day.

(e) Very few days of the year are so interesting as it.

10. [RB '16]

(a) Cricket is a very exciting game. (Make it exclamatory) (b) People of all ages enjoy this game. (Make it passive) (c) At present cricket is the most popular game in our country. (Make it comparative) (d) Though cricket is a costly game, people of all classes enjoy playing it. (Make it simple) (e) Bangladesh is a test playing country but its standard is not high (Make it complex). 

10. (a) What an exciting game cricket is!

(b) This game is enjoyed by people of all ages.

(c) At present cricket is more popular than any other game in our country.

(d) In spite of being a costly game, people of all classes enjoy playing cricket.

(e) Though Bangladesh is a test playing country, its standard is not high.

11. [DinajB '16]

(a) Anger is nothing but a vice. (Interrogative)

(b) It is compared to flame. It begets only the worst. (Negative)

(c) So we should control it for our sake. (Passive)

(d) He who is taken by anger causes a lot of troubles. (Simple) 

(e) Realising it we should try to be emotionally balanced. (Compound) 

11. (a) Is anger anything but a vice?

(b) It begets nothing but the worst.

(c) So it should be controlled for our sake by us.

(d) Taken by anger he causes a lot of troubles.

(e) We should realise it and try to be emotionally balanced.

12. [JB '16]

(a) Helal refused the money. (Negative)

(b) Nasir earnestly desires to see her once. (Exclamatory)

(c) The house which I live in at present is comfortable. (Simple)

(d) He delivered a speech and everybody admired it. (Simple)

(e) It disturbed him but he did not know the reason. (Complex)

12. (a) Helal did not accept/ take/ receive the money.

(b) How Nasir desires to see her once!

(c) My present house for living is comfortable.

(d) Everybody admired his speech.

(e) Though it disturbed him, he did not know the reason.

13. [CB '16]

We are very much proud of our freedom fighters. (a) They fought for the country with a patriotic zeal (Make it compound). (b) They are the most courageous sons of our nation (Make it positive). (c) Everybody admires and respects them greatly (Make it passive). (d) Nobody denies their contribution to their motherland (Make it interrogative). (e) They will never be forgotten by their countrymen to the end (make it affirmative). 

13. (a) They had a patriotic zeal and fought for the country.

(b) No other son of our nation is as courageous as they.

(c) They are greatly admired and respected by everybody.

(d) Who denies their contribution to their motherland?/ Does anybody deny their contribution to their motherland?

(e) They will always be remembered by their countrymen to the end.

14. [CtgB '16]

No person can be happy without friends. So, (a) everybody wants friends. (Make it negative without changing the meaning) (b) The heart is formed for love and cannot be happy without the opportunity of giving and receiving love. (Complex) (c) But you cannot find others to love you unless you love them. (Simple) (d) You cannot be happy without it. (Make it Interrogative without changing the meaning) so (e) as love is divine, everybody wants to love. (Compound)   

14. (a) Who doesn't want friend?

(b) As the heart is formed for love, it cannot be happy without the opportunity of giving and receiving love.

(c) But without loving them you cannot find others to love you.

(d) Can you be happy without it?

(e) Love is divine and everybody wants to love.

15. [SB '16]

The Tajmahal, the unique tomb is the 7th wonder of the world. (a) It was three hundred years ago since emperor Shah Jahan built the Taj. (Make it simple). (b) As he loved his wife Mamtaj very much, he built it as a tomb of his dear wife. (Make it compound) (c) The building was made with fine white marbles. (Make it active) (d) It rests on platform of red stone, therefore it looks very nice. (Make it complex) (e) The Tajmahal is one of the most beautiful buildings in the world. (Make it positive) Many tourists come here to enjoy the scenery of the Taj.

15. (a) Emperor Shah Jahan built the Taj three hundred years ago.

(b) He loved his wife very much and so he built it as a tomb of his dear wife.

(c) He made the building with fine white marbles.

(d) It looks very beautiful as it rests on a platform of red stone.

(e) Very few buildings in the world are so beautiful as the Tajmahal.

16. [BB '16]

(a) The Chinese put a lot of emphasis on the unity. (Make it passive) (b) The Parks are crowded. (Negative without changing meaning) (c) There are lots of clean parks in the cities. (Compound) (d) In the evening many families watch television and spend their free time. (Simple) (e) Life becomes dull without recreation. (Complex)

16. (a) A lot of emphasis is put on the unity by the Chinese.

(b) The parks are not empty.

(c) There are lots of clean parks and those are in the cities.

(d) In the evening many families spend their free time watching television.

(e) Life becomes dull if it has no recreation.

17. Success will not come to one's life automatically. (a) Do you know it? (Passive) (b) An industrious boy will shine in life. (Complex) (c) A life with an assignment is an actual life. (Negative) (d) None can receive any reward unless he works hard. (Simple) (e) It is evident that industry is one of the greatest virtues. (Positive). 

17. (a) Is it known to you?

(b) A/ The boy who is industrious will shine in life.

(c) A life without an assignment is not an actual life.

Or, Isn't  a life with an assignment an actual life?

(d) None can receive any reward without working hard.

(e) It is evident that very few virtues are as great as industry.

18. (a) Cricket is a very exciting game. (Exclamatory) (b) People of all ages enjoy this game. (Passive) (c) At present cricket is the most popular game in our country (Positive). (d) Bangladesh is one of the weakest Test Playing Countries (Comparative). So, most of the people do not like watching test cricket. (e) They are fond of watching 'Twenty-twenty' cricket (Interrogative). 

18. (a) What an exciting game cricket is!

(b) This game is enjoyed by people of all ages.

(c) At present, no other game is as popular as cricket in our country.

(d) Bangladesh is weaker than most other test playing countries.

(e) Aren't they fond of watching "Twenty-twenty" cricket?

19. (a) The old sailor shot the Albatross (Passive). (b) At this the sailors were very angry with him (Negative). (c) Their throats were dry and they could not speak (Complex). (d) Since the old sailor killed the bird, he brought bad luck to the sailors (Simple). (e) It was a very unlucky day (Exclamatory). 

19. (a) The Albatross was shot by the old sailor.

(b) At this, the sailors were not at all pleased with him.

(c) Since their throats were dry, they could not speak.

(d) Killing the bird, the old sailor brought bad luck to the sailors.

(e) What an unlucky day it was!

20. (a) A true friend is an asset (complex). (b) He helps his friend when he is in danger (simple). (c) He does not leave his friend (Affirmative). (d) A true friend is hardly found (Active). (e) He is as good as an honest man (Comparative). 

20. (a) A/ The friend who is true is an asset.
(b) He helps his friend at the time of danger.
(c) He accompanies/ stands by his friend.
(d) We hardly find a true friend.
(e) He is no less good than an honest man.
Or, An honest man is not better than he.

21. (a) Everybody lives in society (Negative). (b) We should not disturb social order (Affirmative). (c) If we maintain it, we shall be able to lead a peaceful life (Simple). (d) Who does not like peace? (Assertive). (e) It is so much required (Active). 

21. (a) There is nobody but lives in society.

Or, There is nobody who does not live in society.

(b) We should maintain/ follow/ obey/ abide by social order.

(c) By maintaining it, we shall be able to lead a peaceful life.

(d) Everybody likes peace.

(e) Society requires it very much/ so much.

Or, We require it very much/ so much.

22. (a) My friend invited me to pay a visit to Cox's Bazar (Make it interrogative). (b) I gladly accepted the invitation (Make it passive). (c) When I reached there, my friend received me cordially (Make it compound). (d) I was very glad to see the sea-beach (Make it exclamatory). (e) It was one of the most memorable journeys in my life (Make it positive). 

22. (a) Didn't my friend invite me to pay a visit to Cox's Bazar?

(b) The invitation was gladly accepted by me.

(c) I reached there and my friend received me cordially.

(d) How glad I was to see the sea-beach!

(e) Very few journeys in my life were as memorable as it.

23. (a) E-mail is a computer-based messaging system (Complex). It is a speedy mode of communication. (b) It eliminates the time spent in establishing phone calls (Interrogative). (c) It is cheaper than telephone calls (Positive). It permits communication between two parties without the parties actually being present simultaneously. (d) It takes only a few seconds to transmit a message from one country to another (Negative). It has, however, not reached everyone, especially in developing countries like ours. (e) But even here people use commercially operated e-mail facilities for important purposes (Passive)

23. (a) Email is a messaging system that is based on computer.

(b) Doesn’t it eliminate the time spent in establishing phone calls?

(c) Telephone calls are not as cheap as it.

(d) It does not take more than a few seconds to transmit a message from one country to another.

(e) But even here commercially operated email facilities are used by people for important purposes.

24. (a) Cox's Bazar sea-beach is the largest sea-beach in the world (Complex). (b) It is one of the most beautiful sea-beaches in the world (Positive). (c) It is called pleasure seekers' paradise (Active). (d) The visitors go there to enjoy natural beauties (Compound). (e) Those who become tired may go to relax there (Simple). 

24. (a) It is Cox's Bazar sea-beach which is the largest in the world.

(b) Very few sea-beaches in the world are as beautiful as it.

(c) People call it pleasure seekers' paradise.

(d) The visitors go there and enjoy natural beauties.

(e) The tired may go to relax there.

25. Water, an important element of environment, is polluted by various ways. (Complex) (b) The water which is pure is necessary for us. (Simple) (c) Men pollute water by throwing waste in it. (Compound) (d) The farmers use water in time of cultivation largely. (Passive) (e) It is one of the most important elements of all living beings. (Positive) 

25. (a) Water which is an important element of

environment is polluted by various ways.

(b) Pure water is necessary for us.

(c) Men throw waste in water and pollute it.

(d) Water is used largely in time of cultivation by farmers.

(e) Very few elements of all living beings are so/as important as it.

26. (a) The birds that come to our country in winter are called migratory birds. (Make it simple) (b) In winter the weather is too cold for them to live in the north. (Make it complex) (c) They find a better shelter in Bangladesh. (Make it passive) (d) We must protect them. (Make it negative) (e) Migratory birds run faster than the dove. (Make it positive) 

26. (a) The birds coming to our country in winter are called migratory birds.

(b) In winter, the weather is so cold that they cannot live in the north.

(c) A better shelter is found in Bangladesh by them.

(d) We cannot but protect them./ We must not harm them.

(e) The dove does not run as fast as migratory birds.

27. (a) The National Memorial which is situated at Savar is a symbol of the nation's respect. (Simple) (b) Standing in front of the graves, we bow down our heads. (Compound) (c) The towers symbolize the loftiness of the spirit of the martyred freedom fighters. (interrogative) (d) We always remember their memories. (Negative) (e) Everyday many people go to visit it. (Interrogative) 

27. (a) The National Memorial situated at Savar is a symbol of the nation's respect.

(b) We stand in front of the graves and bow down our heads.

(c) Don't the towers symbolise the loftiness of the spirit of the martyred freedom fighters?

(d) We never forget their memories.

(e) Don't many people go to visit it every day?

28. (a) Very few insects are as busy as a bee. (Make it comparative) It is known as an industrious creature. (b) It only lives in a hive. (Make it negative) (c) It flies from flower to flower to collect honey. (Make it compound) (d) Collected honey is stored in the hive. (Make it active) (e) In winter, it remains idle, but works hard in spring. (Make it complex) 

28. (a) A bee is busier than most other insects.

(b) It lives nowhere but in a hive.

(c) It flies from flower to flower and collects honey.

(d) It stores collected honey in the hive.

(e) Although it remains idle in winter, it works hard in spring.

29. (a) Once a cook roasted a duck for his master. (Passive). (b) The roast looked so delicious that the cook could not resist the temptation. (Simple). He ate one of the drumsticks. (c) When his master sat down to eat he quickly noticed the missing drumstick. (Compound). (d) The master enquired of the missing leg. (Interrogative). (e) But the cook told him that this duck had only one leg. (Negative). 

29. (a) Once a duck was roasted for his master by a cook.

(b) The roast looked too delicious for the cook to resist the temptation.

(c) His master sat down to eat and quickly noticed the missing drumstick.

(d) Didn't the master enquire of the missing leg?

(e) But the cook told him that this duck had not more than one leg.

30. It was a hot summer day. (a) A cunning fox was passing through a forest (Complex). (b) The fox was thirsty and was looking for water (Simple). (c) It could not find any source of water (Passive). (d) He felt very helpless (Interrogative). Suddenly he found a pitcher of water. (e) It seemed to the fox that it was the happiest animal in the world (Comparative). 

30. (a) A fox which was cunning was passing through a forest.

(b) Because of being thirsty, the fox was looking for water./ The thirsty fox was looking for water.

(c) Any source of water could not be found by it.

(d) Didn't he feel very helpless?

(e) It seemed to the fox that it was happier than any other animal in the world.

31. (a) Long long ago there was a king who was very wise. (Make it simple) (b) People called him wise Solomon. (Make it passive) (c) Actually, at that time he was the wisest of all. (Make it comparative) (d) There was another ruler also named queen of Sheba. (Make it compound) (e) One day she thought Solomon's wisdom should not remain untested. (Make it complex) 

31. (a) Long long ago there was a very wise king.

(b) He was called wise Solomon by people.

(c) Actually at that time he was wiser than all others.

(d) There was also another ruler and her name was Queen of Sheba.

(e) One day she thought that Solomon's wisdom should not remain untested.

32. (a) Health is wealth (Make it complex). (b) A healthy poor man is happier than a sick moneyed man (Make it positive) (c) When a healthy man is an asset to his family, an unhealthy man is a liability (Make it compound). (d) He can succeed in life (Make it interrogative). (e) Everybody must be conscious of health (Make it negative). 

32. (a) It is health which is wealth.

(b) A sick moneyed man is not so/ as happy as a healthy poor man.

(c) A healthy man is an asset to his family but an unhealthy man is a liability.

(d) Can't he succeed in life?

(e) Everybody cannot but be conscious of health.

33. (a) Day to day life in Dhaka is expensive (Negative).

(b) People living below the poverty line lead a miserable life (Complex).

(c) Price hike is one of the biggest problems for them (Positive).

(d) The government has taken necessary measures to keep the price hike under control (Passive).

(e) The people, who are greedy, are responsible for price spiral (Simple). 

33. (a) Day to day life in Dhaka is not inexpensive.

(b) People who live below the poverty line lead a miserable life.

(c) Very few problems are so big as price hike for them.

(d) Necessary measures have been taken by the government to keep the price hike under control.

(e) The greedy people are responsible for price spiral.

34. The name of our motherland is Bangladesh.  It is a land of rivers. (a) The Jamuna is one of the biggest rivers in Bangladesh (Make it comparative). (b) When it is summer, it becomes emaciated (Make it simple). (c) During the rainy season, it assumes a terrible shape (Make it complex). (d) Everybody knows it (Make it interrogative). (e) Tourists from home and abroad visit its shore (Make it passive). 

34. (a) The Jamuna is bigger than most other rivers in Bangladesh.

(b) It becomes emaciated in summer.

(c) When it is the rainy season, it assumes a terrible shape.

(d) Who does not know it?

(e) Its shore is visited by tourists from home and abroad.

35. (a) Dhaka is bigger than all other cities in Bangladesh. (Positive) (b) The city was founded by a Mughal emperor. (Active) (c) Mughal emperors constructed many buildings here. (Passive) (d) They constructed Lalbagh Fort so that they could save this city from any attack. (Simple) (e) Their reign was very peaceful. (Exclamatory)

35. (a) No other city in Bangladesh is as big as Dhaka.

(b) A Mughal emperor founded the city.

(c) Many buildings were constructed here by Mughal emperors.

(d) They constructed Lalbagh Fort to/in order to save this city from any attack.

(e) How peaceful their reign was!

36. (a) Cutting down trees causes a great harm to our environment. (Passive) (b) We should plant more trees so that we can save the environment. (Simple) (c) Though trees are our best friends, we cut them at random. (Compound) (d) Trees are one of the most important assets. (Comparative) (e) Air is being polluted all over the world. (Active)

36. (a) A great harm is caused to our environment by cutting down trees.

(b) We should plant more trees to/in order to save the environment.

(c) Trees are our best friends but we cut them at random.

(d) Trees are more important than most other assets.

(e) We are polluting air all over the world.

37. (a) Najneen belongs to a small family (Negative). (b) She cannot talk to her parents for their business (Compound). (c) When they reached home, they felt tired (Simple). (d) She cannot visit her friends because there is want of safety (Simple). (e) To her no other problem is as serious as loneliness (Superlative).

37. (a) Najneen does not belong to a big family.

(b) Her parents are busy and so she cannot talk to them.

(c) Reaching home, they felt tired.

(d) She cannot visit her friends because of want of safety.

(e) Loneliness is the most serious problem to her.

38. (a) Truthfulness is the greatest of all the virtues in a man's life. (Positive) It means the quality of speaking the truth. (b) It may not make one rich but brings peace of mind. (Simple) (c) Everybody respects a truthful person. (Interrogative) (d) He is loved by everybody. (Negative) (e) Truthfulness may lead the whole world to peace and happiness. (Complex)

38. (a) No other virtue in a man's life is as great as truthfulness.

(b) In spite of not making one rich, it brings peace of mind.

(c) Does not everybody respect a truthful person?/ Who does not respect a truthful person?

(d) He is not hated by anybody.

(e) It is truthfulness that may lead the whole world to peace and happiness.

39. Hospitality has long been a part of our culture in Bangladesh. (a) Although many other things are changing now, people are still quite polite and friendly (Make it compound). (b) They like speaking to foreigners (Make it passive). (c) It is quite common for Bangladeshis to ask personal questions (Make it complex). (d) Though they ask personal questions, there is no harm in it (Make it simple). (e) Hospitality is one of the most important parts of our culture. (Make it positive). 

39. (a) Many other things are changing now but people are still quite polite and friendly.

(b) Speaking to foreigners is liked by them.

(c) It is quite common that Bangladeshis ask personal questions.

(d) In spite of their asking personal questions, there is no harm in it.

(e) Very few parts of our culture are as important as hospitality.

40. (a) It is many years since we first met. (Simple) (b) How fast time does fly! (Assertive) (c) We are none of us getting any younger. (Affirmative) (d) Do you remember our first meeting? (Complex) (e) You asked me to luncheon. (Passive)

40. (a) We first met many years ago.

(b) Time flies very fast.

(c) We are all of us getting older.

(d) Do you remember when we first met?

(e) I was asked to luncheon by you.

41. (a) Acquiring a language is more successful than learning. (Positive degree)

(b) Teachers encourage the learners of a second language to practice the language (Passive).

(c) Students, who wish to earn proficiency in a language, should practice the language. (Simple)

(d) Communicative competence can be acquired in two ways. (Active).

(e) Language plays a very important role in our life. (Exclamatory)

41. (a) Learning a language is not as/so successful as acquiring it.

(b) The learners of a second language are encouraged by teachers to practice the language.

(c) Students wishing to earn proficiency in a language should practice the language.

(d) We can acquire communicative competence in two ways.

(e) What an important role language plays in our life!

42. (a) The fox is the most cunning of all animals (Positive). (b) One day a crow stole a piece of meat from a stall (Passive). (c) It flew away with it in its beak and sat on a branch of a tree (Simple). (d) The crow was very pleased to hear it and began to sing loudly (Complex). (e) But as soon as the crow opened the mouth to sing, the meat fell from its beak (Negative).

42. (a) No other animal is/ animals are as cunning as the fox.

(b) One day a piece of meat was stolen from a stall by a crow.

(c) Flying away with it in its beak, it sat on a branch of a tree.

(d) Since the crow was pleased to hear it, it began to sing loudly.

(e) But no sooner had the crow opened the mouth to sing, the meat fell from its beak. 

43. (a) Trees help us in many ways (Passive) (b) They are our best friends (Negative) (c) We should plant more trees to maintain ecological balance (Complex) (d) June and July are the best time of tree plantation (Positive) (e) Tree Plantation programme should be expanded to the remote corner of the country (Active)

43. (a) We are helped by trees in many ways.

(b) No other friends are as good as they.

(c) We should plant more trees so that we can maintain ecological balance.

(d) No other time of tree plantation is as good as June and July.

(e) The government/ We should expand tree plantation programme to the remote corner of the country.

44. (a) People in general are fond of glittering things. (Complex) (b) They are the lovers of surface, (Interrogative). They are concerned with the outer show of things and being. They do not bother about intrinsic value. (c) Gold is a metal which is very precious (Simple). Its value is universally recognized. (d) But there are some other metals looking like gold (Compound). (e) They fade soon and lose their beauty (Simple)

44. (a) People in general are fond of the things which glitter.

(b) Aren't they the lovers of surface?

(c) Gold is a very precious metal.

(d) But there are some other metals and they look like gold.

(e) Fading soon, they lose their beauty.

45. (a) The authoress liked Jerry very much (Passive voice). (b) She employed him so that he could cut some firewood for her (Interrogative). (c) But he did many odd jobs for her though she did not ask him to do so (Simple). (d) She remarked that these types of gracious things are done only by the great of heart (Compound). Jerry told her that his mother lived in a nearby village named Mannville. (e) The authoress felt a great shock to learn this (Complex).

45. (a) Jerry was liked very much by the authoress.

(b) Did she not employ him to cut some firewood for her?

(c) But he did many odd jobs for her inspite of her not asking him to do so.

(d) These types of gracious things are done only by the great of heart and she remarked it.

(e) The authoress felt a great shock when she learnt this.

46. Farid got on a bus. (a) The bus was crowded (Negative). (b) The bus conductor made rude remarks to him for standing in the way (Complex). Farid kept quiet. (c) There was a seat beside him on which he planned to sit (Compound). (d) But another passenger pushed him rudely and grabbed the seat (Simple). (e) He was extremely annoyed at this (Active).

46. (a) The bus was not empty/deserted.

(b) The bus conductor made rude remarks to him as he stood in the way.

(c) There was a seat beside him and he planned to sit on it.

(d) But pushing him rudely, another passenger grabbed the seat.

(e) This annoyed him extremely.

47. (a) The Sundarbans that is the unique creation of nature is called the 52nd World Heritage Site (Simple). (b) It is called the mangrove forest (Active). It is situated in the southern part of Bangladesh.  (c) It is one of the biggest mangrove forests in the world (Positive). (d) It protects southern part of our country in time of natural disaster (Complex). (e) Many people go to the Sundarbans to observe the natural beauties (Compound).

47. (a) The Sundarbans, the unique creation of nature, is called the 52nd World Heritage Site.

(b) People call it the mangrove forest.

(c) Very few mangrove forests in the world are so big as it.

(d) It protects southern part of our country when it is time of natural disaster.

(e) Many people go to the Sundarbans and observe the natural beauties.

48. (a) I answered to her beckoning (Compound). (b) I went over during the interval (Complex). It was a long gap I had seen her. (c) Someone had mentioned her name to me (Passive). (d) She was not so young as I expected (Comparative). How time does fly! (e) We are none of us getting any younger (Affirmative).

48. (a) She beckoned and I answered to it.

(b) I went over when it was the interval.

(c) Her name had been mentioned to me.

(d) She was less young than I expected.

(e) We are all of us getting older.

49. (a) English is more used than any other language. (Positive) (b) Organisations frequently need employees who have a good command of English. (Simple) (c) An English knowing man can earn better salary. (Passive) (d) English is spoken all over the world. (Active) (e) We should learn English to make a room for us in the competitive world. (Compelx)

49.  (a) No other language is as much used as English.

(b) Organisations frequently need employees having a good command of English.

(c) Better salary can be earned by an English knowing man.

(d) People all over the world speak English.

(e) We should learn English so that we may make a room for us in the competitive world.

50. (a) Jerry was a small boy who lived in the orphanage. (simple) (b) He was the strongest of all the boys (positive). He used to cut wood for the writer. (c) He also did some unnecessary things for her. (passive) (d) His mother visited him at the orphanage in autumn. (complex) (e) One morning the writer was awakened by the sound of his taping on the door (active). She did not say anything, through she was disturbed.

50.  (a) A small boy Jerry lived in the orphanage.

(b) No other boy was so strong as he.

(c) Some unnecessary things were also done for her by him.

(d) His mother visited him at the orphange when it was autumn./ It was his mother who visited him at the orphange in autumn.

(e) One morning the sound of his taping on the door awoke the writer.