Antonyms & Synonyms

HSC English Board Questions: Antonyms & Synonyms

Read the following passage and then write the antonym or synonym of the words as directed below  :  0510 = 5

01. [DB '17]

Sports are a popular form of entertainment. Many international sporting events are organised from time to time. Most of the events are sponsored by multinational manufacturing companies and business firms. They pay for the sports events in exchange for the right to advertise their products during those events. These events are telecast worldwide by satellite and people all over the world watch them live. As a result, the sponsor's products receive maximum media coverage giving companies international recognition. This is the only commercial aspect of international sport but there are other aspects too.

(a) popular (antonym); (b) form (synonym); (c) entertainment (synonym); (d) organize (synonym); (e) sponsor (synonym); (f) multinational (antonym); (g) pay (antonym); (h) watch (synonym); (i) maximum (antonym); (j) recognition (antonym).

1. (a) unpopular/ strange/ disliked/ unknown/ unfamiliar/ neglected (b) pattern/ kind/ type (c) recreation/ enjoyment/ pastime/ amusement (d) arrange/ constitute/ form/ manage/ (e) donate/ help/ assist/ patronize/boost up/ (f) national/ native/ indigenous/local/domestic (g) receive/ accept/ loan/ borrow/take (h) observe/ notice/view/enjoy/ see/ behold (i) minimum/ little/ lowest/ least (j) negligence/ denial/refusal/

02. [RB '17]

The process of globalization obviously requires a common language for international communication. For many different reasons, English has achieved the prestige of being that language. As a result, it has crossed national borders to reach people who speak other languages. It is no longer the unique possession of British or American people, but a language that belongs to the world's people. In fact, bilingual and multilingual users of English far outnumber its monolingual native speakers. This phenomenon has led to a bewildering variety of English around the world. As more and more people speak English, more and more varieties have emerged which are strongly influenced by the pronunciation, grammar and idioms of the respective mother-tongues. World English has now moved away from the control of the native speakers. However, the question of British or American English is not so important now. Today's slogan is mutual intelligibility among users of the language.

(a) obviously (synonym) (b) prestige (synonym) (c) national (synonym) (d) unique (antonym) (e) native (antonym) (f) variety (synonym) (g) emerge (antonym) (h) control (antonym) (i) important (synonym) (j) intelligibility (antonym).

2. (a) surely/ certainly (b) honour/ dignity/ status (c) domestic (d) public/ multiple ordinary/ common/ normal (e) foreign (f) diversity (g) disappear (h) powerlessness (i) significant (j) unintelligibility

03. [DinajB '17]

All this was perplexing and upsetting. For at the time I had already made up my mind that imperialism was an evil thing and the sooner I chucked up my job and got out of it the better. Theoretically and secretly, of course I was all for the strugglers and against their oppressors.

(a) perplexing (antonym) (b) upsetting (antonym) (c) imperialism (synonym) (d) evil (antonym) (e) sooner (antonym) (f) chucked (synonym) (g) better (antonym) (h) theoretically (synonym) (i) secretly (synonym) (j) oppressor (synonym).

3. (a) clean/ easy/ simple (b) amazing (c) colonialism (d) good (e) later (f) left (g) worse (h) Practically (i) privately/ quietly (j) autocrat

04. [JB '17; BB '17]

Sincerity is the root of success of all works. One can go a long way if he does a job with sincerity. The great men are sincere because they know that sincerity is the key to success. Those who do not follow the rules of sincerity can never go a long way. Sincerity is the secret of victory. If any work is not done with sincerity, one will never receive desirable output from it. So, we should be sincere in every walk of life.

(a) Success (antonym) (b) job (synonym) (c) great (antonym) (d) because (synonym) (e) know (synonym) (f) follow (antonym) (g) rule (synonym) (h) never (antonym) (i) victory (synonym) (j) desirable (antonym).

4. (a) failure (b) task/ work/ profession (c) ordinary/ common (d) as (e) realise/ perceive/ learn (f) precede/ avoid/ neglect/ desert (g) principle/guideline (h) ever/always (i) triumph (j) undesirable

05. [CB '17]

There are many (a) people who have a (b) conservative outlook. Quite (c) early in life they learn to (d) believe that everything in this (e) world was predetermined and (f) all that happen to them was ordained by God. For this belief, the poor generally accept their (g) Poverty and all their sorrows and (h) sufferings without trying much to (i) overcome them. They also have the (j) same sort of attitude towards illness and disease.

(a) people (synonym) (b) conservative (antonym) (c) early (antonym) (d) believe (synonym) (e) world (synonym) (f) all (antonym) (g) poverty (antonym) (h) sufferings (synonym) (i) overcome (synonym) (j) same (antonym)

5. (a) human beings/public (b) liberal (c) lately (d) (e) trust (e) planet/globe (f) none/nothing (g) richness (h) agony/hardship (i) conquer/ overpower (j) different

06. [CtgB '17]

During the nine month long Liberation War the Pakistani army carried out the most brutal massacre in human history. There were thousands of killing fields all around Bangladesh. One of the largest killing fields is located at Dumuria in Khulna. The area is called Chuknagar. Hundreds and thousands of fleeing people arrived at Chuknagar to cross the border. On 20 May 1971 Pakistani soldiers surrounded the area. They started to fire the fleeing people. About eight to ten thousand people were killed at Chuknagar.

(a) liberation (synonym) (b) brutal (antonym) (c) Massacre (synonym) (d) human (antonym) (e) located (antonym) (f) called (synonym) (g) surrounded (synonym) (h) started (antonym) (i) killed (synonym) (j) largest (antonym)

6. (a) Independence/Freedom (b) humane (c) butchery/killing (d) inhuman (e) unsettled (f) named (g) encircled (h) finished (i) murdered (j) smallest

07. [SB '17]

Bangladesh is an agro-based country. The soil of Bengal is purer than gold. Most of her land is fertile. The farmers of this country are industrious. They work ceaselessly from dawn to dusk. They are not lazy. They love their motherland. They have a strong attachment to their motherland. Their diligence and perseverance keep the wheel of economy moving. We must respect them. We are grateful to them. We must follow their devotion to duty and country.

(a) fertile (synonym); (b) industrious (antonym); (c) ceaselessly (synonym); (d) lazy (synonym), (e) love (antonym); (f) strong (synonym); (g) moving (antonym); (h) respect (synonym); (i) grateful (antonym) (j) devotion (synonym).

7. (a)  alluvial/ productive/ arable (b) idle/lazy (c) relentlessly  (d) idle/indolent (e) hate (f) stout (g) still (h) regard/ revere/ honour (i) ungrateful (j) dedication

08. [DB '16]

Social values underline a set principles of generally accepted norms and behaviour of a society. Our forefathers practised a good number of social values like simplicity, honesty, sincerity responsibility, and piety. We have replaced those good aspects with complexity, dishonesty, corruption, conspiracy, faithlessness and envy. Our materialistic attitude has made us self-centred and corrupted. We must get rid of these vices and create awareness among all about the negative impacts of our wrong doings. In order to make a better society, we should create awareness among people about the out-come of their misdeeds. 

We must have distinctive social values once practised by our forefather. We should give importance to the past moral values to bring peace and harmony in the society and make the world better for living. 

(a) accepted (Antonym) (b) sincerity (Antonym); (c) responsibility (Synonym); (d) complexity (Antonym); (e) envy (Antonym); (f) vice (Antonym); (g) impact (Synonym); (h) outcome (Synonym); (i) importance (Synonym); (j) awareness (Synonym); 

8. (a) avoided/ignored/rejected (b) insincerity (c) accountability (d) simplicity (e) love/ affection (f) virtue (g) effect/influence/ impression (h) result/consequence/effect (i) significance (j) consciousness 

09. [RB '16]

Books are men's best friends in life. You may have many good friends; but you do not find them when you need them. They may not always come to you with sympathy. Some may prove true or some may prove false and do you much harm. But books are always ready to be your side. Some books will make you laugh some others will give you much pleasure. Again some books will bring new knowledge and ideas. They are your ever friends throughout your life.  

(a) friend (antonym); (b) need (antonym); (c) sympathy (synonym); (d) prove (synonym); (e) false (antonym); (f) harm (antonym); (g) laugh (antonym); (h) pleasure (synonym); (i) bring (synonym); (j) idea (synonym). 

9. (a) foe/enemy/rival (b) discard (c) compassion/ pity (d) justify/vindicate (e) true (f) benefit (g) cry (h) glee/delight (i) fetch/take (j) concept/ opinion

10. [DinajB '16]

Grass is a vegetation consisting of short plants with long narrow leaves. The grass family contains some 9000 species. including both terrestrial and acquatic species. No other plant family has been so successful in colonising a broad range of habitats across the globe. Most grasses have unconspicuous flowers that the wind pollinated. Certain species are cultivated as food crops. Others are employed in horticulture. 

(a) consist (synonym); (b) narrow (antonym); (c) include (antonym); (d) acquatic (synonym); (e) successful (synonym); (f) broad (antonym); (g) habitat (synonym); (h) unconspicuous (synonym); (i) certain (antonym); (j) employed (synonym)     

10. (a) comprise (b) broad/wide (c) exclude (d) amphibious (e) flourishing (f) narrow (g) territory/abode (h) invisible (i) uncertain/ indefinite (j) engaged

11. [JB '16]

Democracy is the system of government which allows freedom of speech, religious and political opinion. It means fair and equal treatment for the citizens without social class division. In fact, in a democratic country people elect their representatives who work for the people. Free and fair election is the pre-condition for democracy. In a democratic country, people enjoy the rights of food, cloth, shelter, education, medical treatment and other facilities.

(a) allow (synonym) (b) freedom (synonym) (c) opinion (synonym) (d) fair (antonym) (e) equal (antonym) (f) division (antonym) (g) elect (synonym) (h) system (synonym) (i) treatment (synonym) (j) facility (synonym).

11. (a) permit/approve (b) independence (c) view/ notion (d) unfair (e) unequal (f) unification (g) choose/select (h) method/ process (i) cure/ care (j) advantage 

12. [CB '16]

We should never call a student weaker. Teachers should never discourage any student frustrating his/her interest, ability and dream. Every teacher should try his/her best to find out the ways of success for the students and guide them to achieve it. 

(a) never (antonym) (b) weaker (antonym) (c) discourage (antonym) (d) frustrating (synonym) (e) interest (synonym) (f) ability (synonym) (g) dream (synonym) (h) best (antonym) (i) success (antonym) (j) achieve (synonym)     

12. (a) always (b) stronger (c) encourage (d) despairing (e) attention (f) capability (g) desire/aspiration (h) worst (i) failure (j) attain 

13. [CtgB '16]

A thing cannot become as precious as gold only by way of glittering. People in general, are charmed and attracted by outward show of things and not by their own merits. Gold is a bright precious metal and its value is recognised by all. Nevertheless, there are many metals cheaper than gold but look like it. They glitter for sometime and fade in course of time. They fascinate our eyes too. But their beauty and glamour do not last long. But gold is such a metal that it can stand the wear and tear of time and shine till the last moment of existence. In our society, there are so many people who are outwardly very gentle and nice. But after a period of time, their real identity is revealed. They do not have intrinsic value and morality.

(a) precious (antonym): (b) glitter (synonym); (c) attract (synonym); (d) outward (antonym); (e) recognize (synonym); (f) fascinate (synonym); (g) glamour (antonym); (h) shine (antonym); (i) intrinsic (synonym); (j) morality (antonym).   

13. (a) cheap (b) shine/spark (c) charm/ fascinate (d) inward (e) admit/ accept/appreciate (f) charm/attract (g) charmlessness (h) fade (i) inward/ inherent (j) immorality

14. [SB '16]

A good writer may be a good reader. A good reader may be a good speaker or make good recitation. Nothing of this is impossible for a man if he is not lazy. The main thing is sincerity. Seriousness should also be taken under consideration. If a man is serious, he can make impossible to be possible. If we become serious in our intention, we can shine in life.

(a) good (antonym); (b) speaker (synonym); (c) recitation (synonym); (d) impossible (antonym); (e) lazy (antonym); (f) sincerity (synonym); (g) seriousness (synonym); (h) possible (antonym); (i) intention (synonym); (j) shine (synonym).

14. (a) bad (b) orator (c) articulation (d) possible (e) active (f) honesty/ frankness (g) gravity/ importance (h) impossible (i) purpose/ goal/ objective (j) prosper

15. [BB '16]

Illiteracy is a curse (antonym). It is the root cause (synonym) of ignorance (antonym) which frustrates (synonym) all development (synonym) efforts of the government. No development effort can succeed (synonym) unless illiteracy is eradicated (antonym). Eradication of illiteracy in a country like Bangladesh with so vast (antonym) a population is undoubtedly (synonym) a gigantic (antonym) task.

15. (a) boon/blessing (b) reason/ source/ agent (c) wisdom (d)discourages/blocks (e) advancement (f) prosper/flourish (g) establish/ create/ fulfilled (h) tiny (i) definitely/undeniably (j) small/tiny

16. To forgive an injury is often considered to be the sign of weakness. It is really a sign of strength. It is easy to allow one to be carried away by resentment and hatred into the act of vengeance but it takes strong character to restrain these natural passions. The man who forgives an injury proves himself to be, a superior to the man who wronged him and the wrongdoer to shame. Forgiveness may even turn a foe into a friend. So, mercy is a noblest form of revenge.

(a) considered (antonym) (b) resentment (synonym) (c) vengeance (synonym) (d) character (synonym) (e) forgive (synonym) (f) restrain (synonym) (g) passions (antonym) (h) superior (antonym) (i) foe (antonym) (j) revenge (synonym)

16. (a) neglected (b) hate/ anger/ animosity (c) revenge (d) feature (e) ignore (f) hold back/ prevent/ (g) indifference (h) inferior (i) friend (j) vengeance

17. Children always like to listen to fascinating stories. But if the stories are uninteresting, they lose interest. There should not have anything immoral in the stories for children. Again, stories should not be long that they can make children impatient. Stories should not even contain anything illogical or anything that can make children irregular in their studies. The stories should be instructive leading what to choose and what not.

(a) Fascinating (antonym) (b) Interest (synonym) (c) Immoral (antonym) (d) Impatient (antonym) (e) Contain (synonym) (f) Illogical (antonym) (g) Irregular (antonym) h) Instructive (synonym) (i) Perfect (synonym) (j) uninteresting (antonym)

17. (a) repellent/ boring  (b) curiosity (c) moral (d) patient (e) hold (f) logical (g) regular (h) educative (i) select/  like (j) interesting/ funny/ pleasing/ amusing

18. Television has been the most common and widespread source of entertainment of the present world. A wide range of programmes of various interests is telecast on numerous channels. Almost every middle class and even working class families have a television set today. Television programmes are not only enjoyable but also highly educative. For example, television is used for distant learning. Courses run by the Open University are shown on BTV. Several channels like the Discovery and the National Geographic channels telecast highly informative programmes.

(a) common (antonym); (b) entertainment (synonym); (c) numerous (synonym); (d) enjoyable (antonym); (e) distant (antonym); (f) run (synonym); (g) show (synonym); (h) several (synonym); (i) telecast (synonym); (j) informative (antonym)

19. A rainy day is dull and gloomy. It rains on a rainy day. The sky remains cloudy. The roads b18. (a) uncommon (b) amusement (c) innumerable (d) unpleasant (e) near/close (f) arrange/conduct/ supervise (g) broadcast/ telecast/display (h) various (i) broadcast (j) uninformative

ecome muddy. The sun can hardly be seen. A worker cannot go out for work. His family suffers from starvation. His family remains unfed. He is the worst sufferer. A rainy day is unpleasant to many people. 

(a) Dull (antonym) (b) Gloomy (antonym) (c) Rainy (synonym) (d) Cloudy (antonym) (e) Hardly (synonym) (f) Starvation (synonym) (g) Remain (synonym) (h) Worst (antonym) (i) Sufferer (synonym) (j) Unpleasant (antonym)

19. (a) bright/ clear/ interesting (b) lively/ bright (c) sunny/ wet (d) sunny (e) rarely (f) hunger (g) stay/ prevail (h) best (i) victim (j) pleasant

20. Facebook is a very popular social networking site of all time. The popularity of facebook has increased drastically. Within 6 years of its launch, facebook reached one billion users milestone. Nowadays it has become a very important part of life. Actually, it is a social networking website that was originally designed for college students, but is now open to anyone with 13 years of age or older. Facebook users can create and customize their own profiles with photos, videos and other information about themselves. Facebook is an effective way of finding old friends and connecting to new ones.

(a) popular (antonym) (b) drastically (antonym) (c) launch (synonym) (d) very (synonym) (e) social (synonym) (f) originally (synonym) (g) open (antonym) (h) create (antonym) (i) customize (synonym) (j) effective (antonym)

20. (a) unpopular (b) moderately (c) introduce/ start (d) highly (e) communal (f) basically (g) close (h) destroy (i) alter/ tailor/ personalize (j) ineffective

21. In Bangladesh students require to read English for about ten years. But the level of proficiency they reach is very low. No wonder that most of them fail in their English tests. People taking the Civil Service Examination are also tested on their knowledge of English, but the results are equally disappointing although almost all the candidates have presumably master's degree in various disciplines. Even those who pass or qualify are hardly able to write a free composition in acceptable English. Obviously there is something seriously wrong with the teaching and learning of English in Bangladesh.

(a) require (synonym) (b) proficiency (antonym) (c) wonder (synonym) (d) tested (synonym) (e) equally (antonym) (f) disappointing (synonym) (g) presumably (antonym) (h) qualify (antonym) (i) obviously (antonym) (j) wrong (synonym)

21. (a) need (b) incompetence (c) surprise (d) evaluated (e) unevenly/ unequally (f) depressing (g) certainly (h) disqualify (i) indefinitely (j) mistake

22. Nowadays a birthday party has become a part and parcel of our culture. The day on which a man is born is the most important day and incident in his life. That is why a man cannot forget this day and throughout his life he celebrates this day by inviting his friends and relatives. Many celebrate this day by giving a party which is known as birthday party. Generally, those who are cultured and financially solvent throw a party on this occasion. A birthday party is generally held in the drawing room of a house. The room is decorated with coloured papers and birthday balloons. On a coloured paper "Happy Birthday" is written down for whom it is being celebrated.

(a) culture (antonym) (b) important (antonym) (c) incident (synonym) (d) celebrate (synonym) (e) invite (synonym) (f) relative (antonym) (g) cultured (antonym) (h) financially (synonym) (i) solvent (antonym) (j) decorate (synonym)

22. (a) barbarism (b) unimportant (c) event (d) observe (e) call on/ ask/ request (f) kin/relation (g) uncultured (h) economically (e) insolvent (j) adorn

23. My uncle died of lung cancer. He used to smoke heavily. He got the habit from his college days. Recently my parents and I were worried about his worsening health condition. He was having continuous chest pain, the doctor showed him his chest x-ray plates. There were dark marks on his lung. The doctor explained that the dark spots were the signs of lung cancer. Yet he continued smoking. At last he died last month. 

(a) Die (antonym) (b) heavily (antonym) (c) habit (synonym) (d) worried (synonym) (e) condition (synonym) (f) continuous (antonym) (g) show (synonym) (h) dark (antonym) (i) sign (synonym) (j) last (antonym)

23. (a) live (b) lightly (c) nature/behaviour (d) anxious (e) state (f) discontinuous/ unsteady (g) display (h) clear/ bright/ light (i) mark (j) first

24. There are over 190 sovereign countries in the world today. In 1950 there were only 82. Over the last half century national self determination has been a driving force for many states with a history of colonialism and oppression. As more borders have been added to the world map, the number international border disputes has increased. In many cases where the impetus towards independence has been religious or ethnic, disputes with minority groups have also caused violent internal conflict. Clash and conflict with minority groups should be stopped at any cost.  

(a) world (synonym) (b) force (synonym) (c) oppression(d) add (antonym) (e) international (antonym) (f) increase (antonym) (g) independence (synonym) (synonym) (h) internal (antonym) (i) conflict (synonym) (j) minority (antonym)  

24. (a) earth/ globe (b) strength (c) domination (d) deduct (e) national (f) decrease (g) freedom (h) external (i) rivalry (j) majority

25. Gender discrimination in Bangladesh begins at birth. Most parents want to have children so that they can, when they are older, supplement their family income and/ or help with the domestic work. In the existing socio-economic set-up, male children are best suited to this purpose. So girls are born to an unwelcome world. However, they are assigned, rather confined to domestic chores. Some of these girls may be at school. But all their work-domestic or academic-stops as soon as they are married off, which is the prime concern of the parents about their daughters. This discriminatory treatment has some long-term negative effects on the body and mind of the girl children and women in a family. They are given to understand that they should keep the best food available for the male members in the family, that they should eat less than the male members; that they should not raise their voice when they speak; that they should not go out of their house without permission from, and without being escorted by the male members. All these shape the girls' thinking about life and the world, and go to establish their relationships with the male members in the family.

(a) discrimination (antonym) (b) supplement (antonym) (c) domestic (synonym) (d) purpose (synonym) (e) permission (antonym)  (f) confined (antonym) (g) existing (antonym)  (h) assign (synonym) (i) treatment (synonym)  (j) escort (synonym)

25. (a) fairness/ equity (b) deplete (c) household (d) aim (e) disapproval (f) unconfined/ free/ release (g) past/ non-existing (h) appoint/employ (i) conduct/ behaviour (j) guard/ guide/ accompany

26. Long long ago there was a huge apple tree offering tasty apples to the people. A little boy became close friend to that apple tree. The boy used to play with the tree, climb its branches, sleep under it and pluck apples. Every day he visited the tree and ate apples. The apple tree was so kind to the boy and enjoyed spending time with him. The boy joined school and could not spend any time with the apple tree. After several months, the boy came back to the tree. The tree was so happy to see the little boy and asked him to play with it. The boy said that he was not a little one to play with the trees. But he had another request to the tree. The tree asked what he wanted. The boy said that he needed toys to plays, but his parents did not have sufficient money to buy toys for him.

(a) tasty (synonym) (b) close (antonym) (c) climb (antonym) (d) pluck (synonym) (e) enjoy (synonym) (f) join (synonym) (g) spend (synonym) (h) happy (synonym) (i) request (synonym) (j) sufficient (synonym)

26. (a) delicious (b) intimate (c) descend (d) grab/ gather (e) like (f) enter (g) devote (h) cheerful (i) ask for (j) adequate/enough

27. Money cannot buy happiness. Money is a must for our life. But it is not the thing that necessarily brings our happiness. Happiness is absolutely a psychological thing. It is the name of a feeling. It means the contentment of mind. He who is satisfied with what he gets and remains content with his life, is really happy. Happiness cannot be purchased with money. No doubt money has got something to do with happiness but it cannot give us happiness. So, we see that the richest men of our society are not the happiest men. They lead life burdened with cares and anxieties and pass sleepless nights. On the other hand, there is a large number of poor men who are happy and they enjoy a sound sleep. The man who is honest and virtuous though not rich, does not suffer from the anguish of the soul. His conscience does not torment him. Hence, money cannot ensure happiness. It is only moral and spiritual development that gives us happiness.

(a) necessarily (synonym) (b) contentment (synonym) (c) really (antonym) (d) purchase (antonym) (e) doubt (antonym) (f) anxiety (antonym) (g) burdened (synonym) (h) conscience (synonym) (i) torment (synonym) (j) spiritual (antonym)   

27. (a) certainly (b) satisfaction (c) unreally/ doubtfully (d) sell (e) believe (f) calmness/ composure (g) overloaded (h) ethics/ morals (i) torture (j) material

28. Human body remains a mystery. The extremely complex mechanism and intricate system of a human body even confuses expert medical professionals. So, it is quite natural that there are many surprising facts about human body that we have never heard.   

(a) mystery (synonym) (b) intricate (antonym) (c) confuse (synonym) (d) natural (antonym) (e) never (antonym)  

28. (a) secret (b) simple (c) baffle (d) artificial (e) always

29. Once there was a king. He was fond of knowing future from the astrologer. A wise astrologer visited the capital of the king. The king desired earnestly to know his future from the astrologer. So the king called him to the palace. The astrologer told him something unpleasant. At this the king got furious and condemned him to death. The astrologer was taken to the place of execution. The king then asked. "How long would you live?" He though that king would prove him a liar and put him to death. He then thought for a while for some way of escape. With ready wit he said, "I shall wait to receive your majesty where you have been sending me." At this king turned pale. "Drive this wretch away and let him not enter again, shouted the king.

(a) future (antonym) (b) wise (antonym) (c) earnestly (synonym) (d) unpleasant (antonym) (e) furious (antonym) (f) death (synonym) (g) live (antonym) (h) prove (synonym) (i) receive (synonym) (j) wretch (synonym)  

29. (a) past (b) foolish (c) sincerely (d) pleasant (e) calm (f) demise (g) die (h) justify (i) accept (j) rogue

30. One hot day, a thirsty crow flew all over the fields looking for water. For a long time, she could not find any. She felt very weak, almost giving up hope. Suddenly, she saw a water Jug below her. She flew straight down to see if there was any water inside. Yes, she could see some water inside the jug! The crow tried to push her head into the jug. Sadly, she found that the neck of the jug was too narrow. Then she tried to push the jug down for the water to flow out. She found that the jug was too heavy. The crow thought hard for a while. Then looking around her, she saw some pebbles- she suddenly had a good idea. She started picking up the pebbles one by one, dropping each into the jug. As more and more pebbles filled the jug, the water level kept rising. Soon it was high enough for the crow to drink.

(a) thirsty (synonym) (b) weak (antonym) (c) suddenly (synonym) (d) below (antonym) (e) inside (antonym) (f) narrow (synonym) (g) heavy (antonym) (h) idea (synonym) (i) pebble (synonym) (j) rising (antonym) 

30. (a) dehydrated (b) strong (c) promptly/ hurriedly (d) above (e) outside (f) wide/ spacious (g) light (h) concept (i) stone (j) falling

31. We become surprised to see technological knowledge of man. But this knowledge of man is nothing to that of Allah. Because the first engineer of the world is the Creator Himself. And what a wonderful and magnificent the creator was! The human builders and manufacturers are merely agents for the expression of this unlimited knowledge and skill. Allah has created this world for the benefit of mankind so that they can lead a happy, prosperous and progressive life.

(a) surprised (synonym); (b) technological (antonym) (c) knowledge (synonym); (d) Creator (synonym) (e) magnificent (synonym) (f) merely (synonym) (g) unlimited (antonym); (h) benefit (antonym) (i) happy (antonym); (j) progressive (synonym)

31. (a) amazed (b) non-technological (c) intelligence (d) God (e) excellent (f) absolutely (g) limited (h) harm (i) unhappy (j) developing

32. To err is human. But forgetfulness is a kind of problem with man. It develops with your age. Sometimes it originates from your sense of indifference to the things you get out of memory. Unwillingness to keep something in memory also makes you forget something rapidly. It is good to be absent minded. Constant carefulness may prevent forgetfulness.

(a) forgetfulness (antonym) (b) develop (synonym) (c) originate (synonym) (d) indifference (antonym) (e) unwillingness (antonym) (f) rapidly (antonym) (g) good (synonym) (h) absent minded (antonym) (i) constant (synonym) (j) carefulness (antonym) 

32. (a) attentiveness (b) progress/ advance/ prosper/ expand (c) arise/ emerge/ generate/ produce (d) attention (e) willingness (f) slowly (g) fine/ pleasant/ great (h) conscious (i) fixed/ regular/ consistent (j) carelessness

33. Once upon a time, there lived a generous and kind-hearted king. But, the people weren't happy with their king because, the king was too lazy and would not do anything other than eating and sleeping. He spent days and weeks and months in his bed either eating something or sleeping. He almost became inactive. The king became a potato couch and the people started to worry about the king. One day he realized that he couldn't even move his body, unable to move his foot. He became very fat and his enemies made fun of him saying 'fatty king', 'bulky king' etc. He invited specialized doctors from various parts of his country and offered them generous rewards to make him fit. Unfortunately, none could help the king gain his health and fitness. Since the king was very cordial to his fellow people. Many suggested renowned doctors to help him. He spent enormously but everything went in vain.

(a) lazy (antonym) (b) sleep (antonym) (c) king (synonym) (d) worry (synonym) (e) unable (antonym) (f) fat (synonym) (g) specialized (antonym) (h) gain (synonym) (i) cordial (synonym) (j) vain (synonym)  

33. (a) active (b) awake (c) lord/emperor (d) concern (e) able (f) bulky (g) unspecialized (h) achieve (i) sincere (j) futile

34. Bangladesh is now apparently in the grip of all sorts of pollution like air pollution soil pollution and water pollution. The dwellers of the urban areas are the worst sufferers of such pollution. The indiscriminate industrialization process in Bangladesh over the past decades has created significant environmental problems. We will now know about some of the most common types of environmental pollutions. Air pollution comes from a wide variety of sources. In Bangladesh poisonous exhaust from industrial plants, brick kilns, old or poorly serviced vehicles and dust from roads and construction sites are some of the major sources of air pollution. We can reduce this type of pollution by making less use of motor vehicles and avoiding the use of vehicles older than 20 years.

(a) apparently (synonym) (b) pollution (antonym) (c) worst (antonym) (d) significant (synonym) (e) problem (antonym) (f) common (antonym) (g) wide (antonym) (h) poor (antonym) (i) major (antonym) (j) avoid (antonym)

34. (a) clearly (b) purification (c) best (d) meaningful/ important (e) manageable (f) uncommon (g) narrow/ limited (h) rich (i) minor (j) accept

35. The Maldives is well known for being the lowest country in the world. Unfortunately, this small country with idyllic natural beauty is under threat from rising sea levels due to global warming. Most of the zones are just 1.5 metres above sea level with a highest point of 2.3 metres! Many predictions have been made with respect to Maldives being swept away by the rising water level in the Indian Ocean. It was even seen during the tsunami of 2004, that many of the island's dry parts were flooded by waters shrinking the island. The Government of the Maldives has begun to purchase lands from nearby countries in case the islands go under water!

(a) know (antonym) (b) lowest (antonym) (e) unfortunately (antonym) (d) natural (antonym) (e) rising (antonym) (f) warm (synonym) (g) highest (antonym) (h) many (antonym) (i) respect (synonym) (j) purchase (synonym) 

35. (a) unknown (b) highest (c) fortunately (d) unnatural/ artificial (e) reducing (f) hot (g) lowest (h) a few (i) honour (j) buy

36. Kamal lives in a small village. His father, Noor Hossain, works in the fields. He cultivates rice, jute and vegetables. He always works hard to prepare his fields. He also takes great care of the plants. As a result, he always gets good crops. Kamal's mother looks after her family. She collects drinking water from the village tube-well. Kamal goes to the local primary school. His sister, Mina, is only two years old. So, does not go to school.

(a) small (antonym), (b) field (synonym), (c) cultivate (synonym), (d) prepare (synonym), (e) great (antonym), (f) get (synonym), (g) look after (synonym), (h) collect (antonym), (i) local (antonym), (j) only (synonym). 

36. (a) large (b) pasture (c) grow (d) ready (e) small (f) obtain (g) take care of (h) scatter (i) foreign (j) merely

37. The necessity of learning English cannot be exaggerated. English is an international language. We feel the necessity of learning English in every step. If we do not know English, we cannot get a good job. We do not find it easy to live abroad unless we know English. Without knowing English, we cannot enter directly into the storehouse of knowledge. But unfortunately English does not find its due position in Bangladesh. As a result, Bangladesh has remained backward in education and research as well as in other walks of life. By now good sense seems to dawned upon our educational policy makers. They seek to teach English in the manner it deserves.

(a) necessity (antonym); (b) exaggerated (synonym); (c) easy (synonym); (d) directly (antonym); (e) storehouse (synonym); (f) knowledge (antonym); (g) unfortunately (antonym); (h) due (synonym) (i) backward (antonym); (j) research (synonym).

37. (a) inessential (b) amplified/enhanced (c) simple (d) indirectly (e) depot/godown (f) ignorance (g) fortunately (h) appropriate (i) forward (j) analysis/investigation

38. Young people can take part in harder sports. Bangladesh is not doing well in sports. Many traditional sports are unfamiliar to the young generation. Now cricket is very favourite to all. On the other hand, interest for football is declining. Bangladesh did well in international cricket match in the ICC Trophy tournament. That's why Bangladesh has been awarded the prestigious Test status. Our Bangladesh lags behind in sports. Besides, the facilities for the development of sports are not up to demand. So Bangladesh fails to achieve reputation in sports. It is true that if the necessary facilities are provided, our Bangladesh will be able to do better in sports. Above all, sports should get importance individually as well as nationally.

(a) harder (synonym) (b) unfamiliar (synonym) (c) generation (synonym) (d) favourite (synonym) (e) declining (synonym) (f) prestigious (synonym) (g) status (synonym) (h) facility (synonym) (i) reputation (antonym) (j) importance (antonym)

38. (a) tougher (b) strange (c) origination/ age group (d) popular (e) diminishing (f) celebrated (g) distinction (h) convenience/ amenity (i) disreputation (j) unimportance 

39. Socrates believed that an angry man was more of a beast than a human being. He had a wife who used to lose her temper on the slightest excuse. She tried her utmost to irritate Socrates. One day the woman became more furious than ever. She began to insult the great scholar of Greece. Socrates went outside. He sat on the door step of his residence looking out on the path street. The wife found that her husband was not paying the least heed to her word. She went up to him a bucket full of water. Suddenly she poured much water over him. He quickly remarked. "I am expecting this." I know that after thunder, comes rain. The passers-by in the street were much amused at the incident. Socrates joined with them in their laughter too.

(a) angry (synonym) (b) temper (synonym) (c) irritate (antonym) (d) insult (antonym) (e) residence (antonym) (f) wife (synonym) (g) irritate (antonym) (h) quickly (antonym) (i) amused (antonym) (j) laughter (antonym)

39. (a) enraged (b) passion (c) gratify (d) praise (e) desertion (f) better half/spouse (g) praise (h) slowly (i) displeased (j) gravity

40. Those who are industrious can prosper in life. It means that industry is the key to success. The idle are always unsuccessful. It is sheer foolishness to think that success comes automatically as it is given by the Almighty. Passing time in idleness brings about adversity in life. But the industrious can remove the hindrances by dint of continuous hard work and perseverance. A farmer is a real hard worker.

(a) industrious (antonym) (b) prosper (synonym) (c) idle (antonym) (d) unsuccessful (antonym) (e) foolishness (antonym) (f) automatically (synonym) (g) adversity (antonym) (h) hindrance (synonym) (i) perseverance (synonym) (j) real (synonym)

40. (a) idle (b) shine (c) industrious (d) successful (e) prudence (f) spontaneously (g) prosperity (h) obstacle (i) diligence (j) actual

41. Greenhouse effect is the complex process of the earth and its surrounding air is becoming hotter due to the function of greenhouse gases like carbon-dioxide, CFC and methane. In the present world where environment pollution is posing major threats to the earth and its inhabitants, greenhouse effect has become a buzzword.

(a) effect (synonym) (b) complex (antonym) (c) process (synonym) (d) hotter (antonym) (e) function (synonym) (f) pollution (synonym)(g) posing (antonym) (h) major (antonym) (i) threat (antonym) (j) inhabitant (synonym)

41. (a) influence/impact (b) simple/easy (c) way (d) cooler (e) work (f) contamination (g) disposing (h) minor (i) security/safety (j) resident

42. It was a cold silent night. The weather was freezing. A group of monkeys was on a tree. They were clinging to its branches. Suddenly they noticed a flock of fireflies. One of the young monkeys thought it was fire. He caught a firefly. He put it under a dry leaf and started blowing at it. Some other monkeys also joined him in this endeavour. A sparrow came to its nest flying. The monkeys were sitting on the same tree. She noticed what they were doing. The sparrow laughed. She said, "Hey silly monkeys! That is a firefly, not real fire." The monkeys did not listen to the sparrow. They continued to blow at the poor firefly. After some time the monkeys became very tired. Now they realised what the sparrow had said was correct. They set the firefly free and moved to a nearby cave.

(a) silent (antonym) (b) cling (synonym) (c) suddenly (antonym) (d) young (antonym) (e) dry (antonym) (f) endeavour (synonym) (g) notice (antonym) (h) silly (antonym) (i) poor (synonym) (j) cave (synonym)

42. (a) noisy (b) grasp (c) gradually (d) old (e) wet (f) attempt (g) ignore (h) wise (i) distressed (j) cavern/den

43. An intellectual is one who is an enlightened person. Literate persons give light to others. In every society, we find intellectuals such as philosophers, scientists, scholars, writers and critics. As they are enlightened persons, they feel responsible towards society. In a society, all cannot be intellectuals. If a time comes when all are intellectuals, it would be a blessed time indeed. But at present all are not intellectuals and those who are intellectuals, have the great responsibility of guiding others on the right path. If today we have order and security in life, and if our life is better than that of our primitive ancestors, it is because the intellectuals, from time to time, have been guiding humanity on the path of felicity and amity.     

(a) intellectual (synonym) (b) enlightened (synonym) (c) literate (antonym) (d) light (antonym) (e) enlightened (antonym) (f)responsibility (antonym) (g) blessed (synonym) (h) guiding (synonym) (i) security (synonym) (j) amity (synonym)

43. (a) thinker (b) illuminated (c) illiterate (d) darkness (e) ignorant (f) irresponsibility (g) joyous/bliss (h) leading (i) certainty (j) friendship

44. Domestic rubbish and toxic industrious waste are increasing but the places for their disposal is decreasing, Pollutions especially of air and water is becoming more and more acute day by day. Air is polluted by smoke. Smoke results from railway engines, powerhouses. Water is also polluted by human waste, industrial waste, chemical fertilizers, insecticides etc.  

(a) toxic (synonym) (b) increase (antonym)  (c) acute (synonym) (d) result (antonym) (e) pollute (synonym)  

44. (a) poisonous (b) decrease (c) severe (d) cause (e) contaminate

45. The present age is marked not only by the importance of the family as an economic and welfare institutions but also by its increasing importance as an arrangement for socializing and raising children and for the psychological support of adults. There has been a wide disintegration of large kin groups and an intensification of relationships within the nuclear family. Moreover, the world is seeing an increasing association of women with earning and out- of home activities.

(a) importance (synonym) (b) economic (synonym) (c) welfare (antonym) (d) increase (antonym) (e) arrangement (antonym) (j) association (synonym) (f) raise (synonym) (g) disintegration (antonym) (h) intensification (antonym) (i) relationship (synonym)

45. (a) significance (b) financial (c) harm (d) decrease (e) disarrangement/ disorganization (f) rear/ bring up (g) integration (h) reduction (i) bond (j) involvement/ relation

46. A common language is necessary for the process of globalization. English language has achieved this prestige. Now people of different languages use this language. As a result, there is a variety in pronunciation, grammar and idioms. For this bewildering variety, global English is called bad English.

Now write synonyms or antonyms as directed and make sentences with them : 

(a) common (antonym) (b) necessary (synonym) (c) prestige (synonym) (d) (bewildering) (synonym) (e) global (antonym) 

46. (a) uncommon (b) essential (c) fame (d) confusing (e) local

47. Argentina and Brazil are South America's most industrialized countries and Sao Paulo is the continent's leading industrial centre. Long-term government investment in Brazilian industry had encouraged a diverse industrial base. Engineering, steel production, food processing, textile manufacture and chemicals predominate. The illegal production of cocame is economically significant in the Andean countries of Colombia and Bolivia. In Venezuela, the oil dominated economy has left the country vulnerable to world oil price fluctuations. Food processing and mineral exploitation are common throughout the less industrially developed parts of the continent.   

(a) most (antonym) (b) Long-term (synonym) (c) encouraged (antonym) (d) production (antonym) (e) illegal (synonym) (f) significant (antonym) (g) vulnerable (antonym) (h) fluctuations (antonym) (i) common (synonym) (j) developed (synonym)

47. (a) least (b) lengthy/lasting (c) discouraged (d) consumption (e) illicit/ unlawful (f) insignificant/ unimportant (g) protected/ strong (h) stabilization (i) ordinary/ usual (j) advanced/ improved

48. Working opportunities for women are very few in rural areas of Bangladesh. They usually spend time doing their household chores. The ILO recently started a project titled "Technologies for Rural Employment with special reference to Women and Sustainable Development." The aim of this project is to impart training to rural women in various activities and make them self-reliant. Male dominated patriarchal society is a great obstacle for women empowerment in Bangladesh. Conventionally a woman is always treated as weak and feeble person in the eye of her husband or father. But it is an undeniable fact that women have the same potentiality as men have.  

(a) Opportunity (synonym) (b) Reference (synonym) (c) Various (antonym) (d) Feeble (antonym) (e) Undeniable (antonym)

48. (a) chance (b) mention (c) same (d) strong (e) deniable

49. The persona of a traffic policeman has always been a curious one. It has often found important space and close treatment in literature and other arts. Besides the many poems about this fascinating character, there is at least one movie where the central character is a traffic policeman. In 1963, Greek Film maker Fillippos Fylaktos made this film named my brother, the traffic policeman. If featured a slightly manic traffic policeman who is utterly devoted to service and duty and applies the traffic code with unyielding severity.  

(a) Persona (synonym) (b) curious (antonym) (c) important (synonym) (d) space (synonym) (e) fascinating (synonym) (f) movie (synonym) (g) central (synonym) (h) manic (synonym) (i) code (synonym) (j) unyielding (synonym)

49. (a) character (b) indifferent (c) significant (d) room/accommodation (e) attractive (f) film (g) inner/interior (h) crazy (i) ethics (j) uncompromising

50. Man's dignity depends on his work. Man is a rational being. He is to work for others. He should not be proud of his blue blood. He should be ready to help anyone of any class. The man whom he is helping may be inferior to him by birth. But after all he is a man. He has the same blood and flesh as the above kind of man has. So, he should sacrifice his own life for others' welfare. We cannot live long on earth. We must die one day. We can live through our work. 

(a) dignity (antonym) (b) rational (antonym) (c) proud (synonym) (d) help (antonym) (e) inferior (antonym) (f) same (synonym) (g) kind (synonym) (h) sacrifice (synonym) (i) welfare (synonym) (j) long (antonym)

50. (a) humiliation/inferiority (b) irrational (c) boastful (d) hinder (e) superior (f) alike (g) class (h) let go (i) benefit (j) short