Simple Future Tense

The future simple tense, also known as the simple future tense, is a verb tense used to describe actions or events that will happen in the future. 

We use the simple future tense to express something that has not yet occurred but is expected to take place at a later time.

Here are some examples:

  • I will go to the party tomorrow.
  • They will finish their project next week.
  • She will study for her exam tonight.

Here are some key points to keep in mind about the simple future tense:


We form the future simple tense using the auxiliary verb "will" followed by the base form of the main verb.

Simple Future = Subject + will + base form of the verb


To make negative sentences in the simple future tense, use "will not" or the contraction "won't" before the base form of the verb.


  • I will not attend the meeting.
  • She won't come to the party.


To form questions in the simple future tense, invert the subject and "will."


  • Will you join us for dinner?
  • Will they complete the task on time?


We use the simple future tense to express actions or events that will occur in the future. Here are some common situations in which we use the simple future tense:

Future Actions

The simple future tense is used to talk about actions that will happen at a later time.

  • She will arrive at the airport tomorrow.
  • We will have dinner together this evening.
  • They will start their vacation next month.


We use the simple future tense to make predictions or to state what we believe will happen in the future.

  • I think it will rain tomorrow.
  • He will win the game.
  • The company's profits will increase next year.


The simple future tense is used to express plans or arrangements for the future.

  • We will pass this weekend in Kashmir.
  • They will visit the zoo next week.

Promises and Offers

We use the simple future tense to make promises or offers for future actions.

  • I will help you with your homework.
  • They will lend you their car for the trip.
  • She will buy you a gift for your birthday.

Assumptions and Beliefs

The simple future tense can be used to express assumptions, beliefs, or expectations about future events.

  • The weather will probably be rough next week.
  • The package will likely arrive by Friday.

1. Complete the following sentences using the future simple tense. Use "will" and the base form of the verb provided. Pay attention to the subject and the context of each sentence.

  1. I think it's going to rain, so I ---------- (bring) an umbrella with me.
  2. She is very talented. I'm sure she ---------- (become) a successful artist.
  3. We've made a reservation at the restaurant. They ---------- (hold) a table for us.
  4. Don't worry, I ---------- (help) you with your homework later.
  5. The movie starts at 8 PM, so we ---------- (arrive) at the cinema by 7:45 PM.
  6. He's been practicing a lot. I'm confident he ---------- (perform) well in the concert.
  7. The bakery just announced a sale. The pastries ---------- (be) half-price tomorrow.
  8. She's a hardworking student. I'm certain she ---------- (excel) in her exams.
  9. The train is scheduled to depart at 9:30 AM. We ---------- (catch) the 9 AM bus to reach the station on time.
  10. The company is expanding its operations. They ---------- (open) a new branch next year.

2. Rewrite the following sentences in the future simple tense. Remember to change the verbs and any necessary pronouns to match the future tense.

  1. She reads a book every evening.
  2. They play football after school.
  3. He watches TV in the afternoon.
  4. I visit my grandparents on weekends.
  5. The event starts at 7 PM.
  6. We eat breakfast at 7 AM.
  7. The bus arrives at the station at 9 AM.
  8. He usually drinks coffee in the morning.
  9. The concert takes place next week.
  10. She goes to the gym on Mondays.


The future simple tense is used to describe actions that will happen in the future. When changing present simple sentences to future simple, we generally use the modal verb "will" followed by the base form of the verb. Keep in mind that there are other ways to express the future, such as using "going to" or present continuous tense, depending on the context.