Future Perfect Tense

The future perfect tense is a verb tense that we use to describe actions or events that will be completed or finished by a certain time in the future. 

We use the future perfect tense to emphasize that an action will have been done or completed before a specific time in the future. 

Form: Subject + shall/ will + have + past participle of the main verb.


  • They will have completed the construction project by the end of the month.
  • He will have written the report by the deadline.
  • We will have saved enough money for our trip by next summer.

In these examples, the auxiliary verb "will have" indicates that the action or event described by the main verb (e.g., finished, graduated, completed, written, saved) will be completed or finished before a specific point in the future. 

Use of Future Perfect Tense

The future perfect tense emphasizes the completion of an action or event in relation to a future time. Here are some common situations in which the future perfect tense is used:

Completion of an Action before a Specified Time

We use the future perfect tense to describe an action that will be completed before a specified time in the future. 

For example:

  1. The patient will have died by the time the doctor comes.
  2. They will have completed the construction project by the end of the month.
  3. He will have written the report by the deadline.
  4. We will have saved enough money for our trip by next summer.
  5. They will have prepared the presentation before the meeting.

Anticipation of a Future Event

We can also use the future perfect tense to indicate that an action will be completed or an event will have occurred in anticipation of a future event. 

  • You will have heard the name of Shakespeare. 

Past in the Future: 

We use the future perfect tense to talk about the past from a future perspective. It allows us to discuss events or actions that will be seen as completed in the future. 

For example:

  • In 2030, I will have lived in this city for 20 years.

It's important to note that the future perfect tense emphasizes the completion or finishing of the action.

Future Perfect Tense Worksheet 1

Fill in the gaps with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. Use the future perfect tense.

Example: By the time we arrive, they [finish] will have finished cooking dinner.

  1. By next Friday, he [read] ________________ that book.
  2. She [complete] ________________ her studies by the end of this year.
  3. By the time the movie starts, we [already eat] ________________ dinner.
  4. They [travel] ________________ to five different countries by next summer.
  5. By 10 PM, I [finish] ________________ all my assignments.
  6. By this time next week, he [work] ________________ at the company for ten years.
  7. She [write] ________________ her research paper before the conference.
  8. By the end of the month, they [save] ________________ enough money for their trip.
  9. By tomorrow, I [exercise] ________________ for three consecutive weeks.
  10. By the time you get back, I [decorate] ________________ the entire room.

Future Perfect Tense Worksheet 2

Fill in the gaps with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. 

By the year 2050, humanity [1. achieve ________________] remarkable feats. Scientific discoveries and technological advancements [2. shape ________________] the way we live our lives. By that time, researchers [3. develop ________________] groundbreaking solutions to many global challenges.

In the realm of space exploration, humans [4. establish ________________] colonies on Mars and the Moon. Astronomers [5. study ________________] distant galaxies, unraveling the mysteries of the universe. By the end of the century, we [6. make ________________] significant progress in our quest to understand the cosmos.

Environmental efforts [7. lead ________________] to cleaner and more sustainable practices. Renewable energy sources [8. replace ________________] traditional fossil fuels as the primary energy providers. By 2050, we [9. reduce ________________] carbon emissions and mitigated the effects of climate change.

In education, the way we learn [10. transform ________________]. Virtual reality and AI-driven platforms [11. become ________________ integral parts of the learning experience. Students [12. have ________________access to a wealth of knowledge at their fingertips.

By the time artificial intelligence reaches new heights, it [13. change ________________] industries across the board. Automation and AI [14. revolutionize ________________] the way we work and produce goods. Job markets [15. shift ________________, and new opportunities [16. emerge ________________] in unexpected sectors.

Looking ahead, the future [17. hold ________________] endless possibilities. As we reflect on the progress made, we [18. realize ________________] that human ingenuity and determination [19. shape ________________] a world that was once merely a dream.

Answers: Worksheet 1

  1. will have read
  2. will have completed
  3. will have already eaten
  4. will have traveled
  5. will have finished
  6. will have worked
  7. will have written
  8. will have saved
  9. will have exercised
  10. will have decorated

Answers: Worksheet 2

  1. will have achieved
  2. will shape
  3. will have developed
  4. will have established
  5. will have studied
  6. will have made
  7. will lead
  8. will have replaced
  9. will have reduced
  10. will transform
  11. will become
  12. will have access
  13. will have changed
  14. will have revolutionized
  15. will shift
  16. will have emerged
  17. will hold
  18. will realize
  19. will have shaped