Formal Letters & Application to Headmaster

Formal Letters & Application to Headmaster

1. Write an application to your headmistress for help from the poor fund.

20 May 2022

The Headmaster

Khulna Zilla School


Sub: Application for help from the poor fund.


I have the honour to invite your kind attention to the fact that I am a student of class eight of your school. I stood first in the last exam. But this year I am in great problem. Our family has six members. My father is the only earning member of our family. He is a poor farmer. But he did not get good crops this year because of late rainfall. So, he cannot bear my educational expenses. Therefore, I pray to you for help from the poor fund.

May I, therefore, pray and hope that you would be kind enough to grant my prayer and oblige there-by.

I remain.


Yours obediently



Roll No—1

2. Write an application to the headmaster of your school praying for a full free studentship.

5 November 2022

The Headmaster,

Khulna Zilla School, Khulna.

Subject: Application for a full-free studentship.


With due respect, I beg to state that I am a student of class 8 of your school. My father is a petty government worker. He is the only earning member of our family. His income is very poor. With his poor income he has to maintain a large family consisting of six members. Besides, I also have a school-going brother and a sister. My father has to spend a lot of money for their education. As a result, it is impossible for him to bear my educational expenses. In this connection I beg to state that I have been doing well in all my examinations. This year I have stood first in the class. But if I am not favoured with a full-free studentship, I may have to stop my studies. 

In the above circumstances, I pray and hope that you would be kind enough to grant me a full-free studentship and oblige thereby.

I remain,


Your most obediently,


Class: 8

Section: A

Roll No: 01

3. Write an application to the headmaster of your school praying for permission to leave school early.

12 July, 2022

The Headmaster,

Khulna Zilla School, Khulna.

Subject: Application for permission to leave school early.


With due respect, I beg to state that I am a regular student of class VIII of your school. I always attend all my classes. But today, after coming to school, I am feeling severe headache with fever. The temperature of my body is rising up gradually. In this situation I am quite unable to attend the rest of the classes. I need to go home and see a doctor immediately.

I, therefore, pray and hope that you would be kind enough to grant my leave after the second period and oblige thereby.

I remain 


Yours obediently,


Class: VIII

Shift: Day

Section: A

Roll No: 05.

4. Write an application to your headmaster for leave of absence.

26 August 2022

The Headmaster

Khulna Zilla School


Sub: Application for leave of absence.


I have the honour to invite your kind attention to the fact that I am a student of class 6 of your school. I had a bad headache yesterday. I felt very ill. So, I could not come to school. Therefore, I pray to you for leave of absence.

May I, therefore, pray and hope that you will be kind enough to grant my application and oblige thereby.

I remain


Obediently yours

Class: 6

Roll No. 11

5. Write an application to your headmaster for half-holiday to watch the cricket match.

26 August 2022

The Headmaster

Khulna Zilla School


Sub: Application for half holiday.


We have the honour to invite your kind attention to the fact that we are the students of your school. Our school is going to play a friendly cricket match with Mirjapur High School today. The match will be very exciting. So, we all want to enjoy the match. Therefore, we pray to you for half holiday today.

May we, therefore, pray and hope that you will be kind enough to grant our application and oblige thereby.

We remain


Yours obediently


Class: 6

Roll No. 1

On behalf of the students of the school.

6. Write an application to your headmaster for an English newspaper for the school common room.

26 August 2022

The Headmaster

Khulna Zilla School


Sub: Prayer for an English newspaper for the common room.


We have the honour to invite your kind attention to the fact that we are the students of your school. About 300 students read in this school. Many of them are interested in reading newspaper. It is a very important part of our education also. But we have no English newspaper in our school. Therefore, we pray to you for English newspaper for the common room.

May we, therefore, pray and hope that you will be kind enough to grant our application and oblige thereby.

We remain


Obediently yours


Class: 9

Roll: 5

On behalf of the students of the school.

7.   Write an application to your headmaster for setting up a debating club.

26 August 2022

The Headmaster

Khulna Zilla School


Sub: Prayer for setting up a debating club.


We beg most respectfully to state that we are the students of your school. About 300 students read in this school. Many of them are interested in debating. It is a very important part of our education also. But we have no debating club in our school. Therefore, we pray to you for a debating club in our school.

May we, therefore, pray and hope that you will be kind enough to grant our application and oblige thereby.

We remain


Obediently yours


Class: 8

Roll: 2

On behalf of the students of the school.

8. Write an application to the headmaster of your school praying for setting up a debating club.

5 June, 2022

The Headmaster,

Khulna Zilla School, Khulna.

Subject: Prayer for setting up a debating club.


With due respect, I, on behalf of the students of your school, beg to draw your kind attention to the following fact. Our school is one of the biggest and most famous schools in our country. We have the opportunity to enjoy all extra-curricular activities. But it is a matter of sorrow that there is no debating club in our school. But we all know that debating is very important for all the students at present. Debating helps us to become good orators in future. It increases our general knowledge and enables us to write good speeches on various topics. It also develops our thinking and creative power to a great extent. If we practise debating, our argumentative power will be developed considerably. Besides, debating makes us proficient and fluent in a language. Moreover, we will be able to take part in the National Debate Competition and bring glory for our school. But for the lack of a debating club we are lagging behind other students. So, it is necessary to set up a debating club as early as possible.

I, therefore, pray and hope that you would kindly take necessary steps to set up a debating club in our school and oblige thereby.

I remain,


Yours most obediently,


Class: VIII

Roll No:01

On behalf of the students of 

Khulna Zilla School, Khulna.

9.   Write an application to your Headmaster for setting up a common room.

26 August 2022

The Headmaster

Khulna Zilla School


Sub: Prayer for a common room.


We beg most respectfully to state that we are the students at your school. About 300 students read in this school. But there is no common room in our school. So, students stay in the classroom even in their spare time and make a lot of noise. This hampers nearby classes. If there is a common room, students can pass their leisure in pleasure. Therefore, we pray to you for a common room.

May we, therefore, pray and hope that you will be kind enough to grant our application and oblige thereby.

We remain


Obediently yours

Class: 9

On behalf of the students of Khulna Zilla School.

9. Write an application to the headmaster of your school praying for opening a common room.

15 July, 2022

The Headmistress

Govt. Coronation Secondary Girls’ School, Khulna.

Subject: Prayer for opening a common room.


With due respect, I, on behalf of the students of your school, beg to draw your kind attention to the following fact. Our school is one of the biggest and most famous schools in our district. But it is a matter of great regret that there is no common room in our school. As a result, we are deprived of all sorts of common room facilities. For the lack of a common room, we can not play any indoor game like carom, chess, ludu, table tennis etc. in our off periods. Besides, we can not see any educative programme on the TV. Moreover, the students also have no scope to read newspaper and magazine and enrich their knowledge. On the other hand, they loiter here and there in their off periods and waste their valuable time. So, it is urgently necessary to set up a common room in our school. 

I, therefore, pray and hope that you would be kind enough to set up a common room in our school and oblige thereby.

I remain


Yours obediently


Class: VIII

Shift: Day 


Roll No-5

On behalf of the students of 

Govt. Coronation Secondary Girls’ School, Khulna.

10. Write an application to your headmistress for holding classes in the morning.

26 August 2022

The Headmaster

Khulna Zilla School


Sub: Prayer for morning school.


We beg most respectfully to state that we are the students of your school. Recently the sun is shining very hotly. It is too hot to stay at school at noon. Everyday one or two students become sick. Therefore, we pray to you to hold classes in the morning.

May we, therefore, pray and hope that you would be kind enough to grant my prayer and oblige there-by.

We remain,


Yours obediently,


Class: 10

Roll: 5

On behalf of the students of your school.

10. Write an application to the headmaster of your school praying for holding classes in the morning.

12 July, 2022

The Headmaster,

Khulna Zilla School, Khulna.

Subject: Prayer for holding classes in the morning.


I, on behalf of the students of our school, beg to state that the summer season has already set in and there has been no rain for a long time. As a result, there is scorching heat of the summer at noon. Owing to hot and humid weather, it has become very difficult for us to stay in the classroom at noon and pay attention to classes. As there are not sufficient electric fans in the classrooms, the environment of the classroom becomes unbearable for us. As a result, we cannot pay attention to our classes. Besides, some students have become sick in the classroom last week and some were attacked with heat-stroke. So, it will be helpful for all if the classes are held in the morning. 

May I, therefore, pray and hope that you would be kind enough to hold the classes in the morning from tomorrow and oblige thereby.

I remain,


Yours obediently,


Class: VIII

Section: A

Roll No: 5

On behalf of the students of 

Khulna Zilla School, Khulna.

11. Write an application to your headmistress for permission to go on a picnic.

26 August 2022

The Headmaster

Khulna Zilla School


Sub: Prayer for permission to go on a picnic.


We beg most respectfully to state that we are the students of your school. Our final exam is over. Now we have enough free time. So, we want to go on a picnic in Bagerhat. For this, we need your permission.

May we, therefore, pray and hope that you would be kind enough to give us permission and oblige there-by.

We remain,


Yours obediently,


Class: 10

Roll: 7

On behalf of the students of your school.

12. Write an application to the headmaster of your school praying for arranging a study tour.

12 July, 2022

The Headmaster

Khulna Zilla School, Khulna.

Subject: Prayer for permission to arrange a study tour.


I, on behalf of the students of class VIII of our school, beg to draw your kind attention to the fact that monotonous classes have made our life dull and boring. To remove this monotony, the students of our class want to make a study tour to Shat Gambuj Mosque.  It is one of the most attractive historical places in our country. A study tour to this place will increase our knowledge. We will be able to see everything with our own eyes and learn many things about the ancient history of our county. Besides, a study tour will remove our monotony and give us fresh vigor and energy. In this connection, I like to add that some of our teachers have agreed to guide our team. The study tour will cost us Tk.20,000. We are willing to contribute half of the total amount. Now we need Tk. 10,000 more. 

May I, therefore, pray and hope that you would be kind enough to sanction Tk10,000/- and permit us to arrange the study tour and oblige thereby. 

I remain


Yours obediently,


Class: 8

Roll: 1

On behalf of the students of class viii of 

Khulna Zilla School, Khulna.

13. Write an application to the headmaster of your school praying for a transfer certificate.

12 July, 2022

The Headmistress

Govt. Coronation Secondary Girls’ School, Khulna.

Subject: Prayer for a transfer certificate.


With due respect, I beg to state that I am a student of class VIII of your school. My father is a government employee in Khunla. Recently he has been transferred from Khulna to Dhaka. My family will shift there very soon. So, it is not possible for me to stay at Khulna all alone. Besides, we have no relative in Khulna where I can reside. Moreover, my father is not willing to keep me in the school hostel. He wants me to get myself admitted into a famous school in Dhaka. For this purpose, I need a transfer certificate. In this connection, I beg to mention that my tuition fees have been cleared off up to the present month. I have also returned all the books borrowed from the library. 

In the above circumstances, I pray and hope that you would be kind enough to issue me a transfer certificate and oblige thereby.

I remain


Yours obediently,


Class: VIII 

Shift: Day

Section- A 

Roll No-5.

14. Write an application to the headmaster of your school praying for a seat in the school hostel.

12 July, 2022

The Headmaster,

Khulna Zilla School, Khulna.

Subject: Prayer for a seat in the school hostel.


With due respect, I beg to state that I am a student of class X of your school. My father is a government employee. Recently he has been transferred from Khulna to Rajshahi. Our family has already shifted there. As a result, I have been suffering much for want of accommodation. For this reason, my studies are being greatly hampered. Besides, I have no relative in the city with whom I can stay up to my SSC Exam and continue my studies. So, I am badly in need of a seat in the school hostel. 

In the circumstances stated above, I pray and hope that you would be kind enough to allot me a seat in the school hostel and oblige thereby.

I remain,


Your most obediently,


Class: X

Section: A

Roll No: 05.

15. Write an application to the headmaster of your school praying for setting up a canteen.

12 July, 2022

The Headmaster,

Khulna Zilla School, Khulna.

Subject: Prayer for setting up a canteen in the school compound.


With due respect I, on behalf of the students of our school, beg to draw your kind attention to the following fact our school is the one of the biggest and most famous schools in our country. Many students come to study here from a long distance for better education. They have to leave home early in the morning. As a result, they cannot take breakfast properly. But they have to stay at school for a long period. So, they need to take good tiffin at noon. But it is a matter of sorrow that there is no canteen in our school campus. For want of a canteen, we have to take food from the road-side restaurants. They are both costly and unhealthy. By taking food from those unhealthy restaurants, students sometimes suffer from stomach troubles. Besides, the restaurants are the meeting place of the anti-socials. They sometimes try to lead the students astray. So, it is imperative to set up a canteen in our school compound as soon as possible.

May I, therefore, pray and hope that you would be kind enough to take necessary steps to set up a canteen in the school compound and oblige thereby.

I remain,


Your most obediently,


Class: VIII

Roll No: 05

On behalf of the students of 

Khulna Zilla School, Khulna.

16. Write an application to the headmaster of your school for setting up a computer club.

12 July, 2022

The Headmaster,

Khulna Zilla School, Khulna.

Subject: Prayer for setting up a computer club.


I, on behalf of the students of our school, beg to draw your kind attention to the fact that our school is one of the most famous schools in our country. But there is no computer club in our school. But we all know that the present age is an age of computer. It is now being greatly used in all govt. and non-government offices, banks, educational institutions, industries, hospitals, agriculture, trade and commerce and so on. So, in order to get a good job and to build up a good career there is no alternative but to learn computer. Besides, some brilliant students of our school want to study Computer Engineering in future. But for the lack of a computer club, we cannot practise computer. So, it is necessary to set up a computer club in our school as early as possible.

May I, therefore, pray and hope that you would kindly take steps to set up a computer club in our school and oblige thereby. 

I remain,


Yours most obediently,


Class: VI

Section: A

Roll No:01

On behalf of the students of 

Khulna Zilla School, Khulna.

17. Write an application to the headmaster of your school praying for setting up an English Language club.

30 March, 2022

The Headmaster,

Khulna Zilla School, Khulna.

Subject: Prayer for a setting up an English Language club.


With due respect, I, on behalf of the students of your school, beg to draw your kind attention to the fact that our school is one of the biggest and most famous schools in our country. We have the opportunity to enjoy all extra-curricular activities. But it is a matter of sorrow that there is no English language club in our school. As a result, we cannot practise English outside class room. And for this reason, we are lagging behind other students of many schools. So, it imperative to set up an English Language Club in our school as soon as possible.

May I, therefore, pray and hope that you would kindly take necessary steps to set up a debating club in our school and oblige thereby.

I remain,


Yours most obediently,


Class: VIII

Roll No:01

On behalf of the students of 

Khulna Zilla School, Khulna.

18. Write an application to the headmistress of your school praying for opening a library.

15 July, 2022

The Headmistres,

Govt. Coronation Girls’ High School, Khulna.

Subject: Prayer for opening a library.


I, on behalf of the students of our school, beg to draw your kind attention to the fact that our school is one of the biggest and most famous schools in our country. But it is a matter of regret that there is no library in our school. We all know that a library is a part and parcel of an educational institution. It is called the store-house of knowledge. We can enrich our knowledge by reading different types of books from the library. We will also be able to borrow books from the library. But for the lack of a library, we are lagging behind other students of the country. So, it is imperative to open a library in our school as early as possible

May I, therefore, pray and hope that you would kind take steps to open a library in our school and oblige thereby. 

I remain,


Yours most obediently,


Class: VI

Section: A

Roll No-15

On behalf of the students of 

Govt. Coronation Girls’ High School, Khulna.

19. Write an application to the Headmistress of your school praying for increasing library facilities.

5 December, 2022

The Headmistres,

Govt. Coronation Girls’ High School, Khulna.

Subject: Prayer for increasing library facilities.


I, on behalf of the students of our school, beg to draw your kind attention to the problem of our school library. Once our school library was very rich with all kinds of facilities. But now it comes to little use to us. All the books have become very old. Many pages of these books are either torn or lost. Besides, they are not sufficient to meet our demand. As a result, the librarian cannot issue books to all students. Again, no newspaper, magazine or journals are kept here. Moreover, there is shortage of chair and tables. For this, the students cannot read books or newspaper sitting in the library. Furthermore, we suffer a lot during the summer we have to suffer a lot from heat as there is shortage of electric fans. 

May I, therefore, pray and hope that you would kind enough to take necessary steps to increase library facilities and oblige thereby.

I remain,


Yours most obediently,


Class: VI

Section: A

Roll No-15

On behalf of the students of 

Govt. Coronation Girls’ High School, Khulna.

20. Write an application to the headmaster of your school praying for buying more books for the school library.

15 July, 2022

The Headmaster, 

Khulna Zilla School, Khulna.

Subject: Prayer for buying more books for the school library.


We, the students of your school, beg to draw your kind attention to a problem of our school library. Our school library was opened many years ago with only two thousand books. Many years have passed after that. But no book is added to the library till now. On the other hand, the number of students has increased a lot. So, we do not get our expected books in time. Besides, most of the books have become too old. Many pages of the books are either torn or cut off by the wicked students. As a result, when we read them, we miss a lot of information. Moreover, there is no book on current topics and of current edition. We also feel the necessity of the famous books of the great writers of the world. For the lack of sufficient books in the library we lag behind in comparison with the students of other institutions. So, it is very urgent to buy some more books for our school library.

We, therefore, pray and hope that you would kind enough to take necessary steps to buy some books for our school library and oblige thereby.

We remain, 


Yours obediently,


Class: VIII

Section: A

Roll No-4.

On behalf of the students of

Khunla Zilla School, Khulna.

21. Write an application to the headmaster of your school praying for remission of delay fine.

12 July, 2022

The Headmaster,

Khulna Zilla School, Khulna.

Subject: Prayer for remission of delay fine.


With due respect, I beg to state that I am a regular student of class VIII of your school. My father is a petty worker in a private company. Last month he was sick. As a result, he could not attend office and draw salary. So, I could not pay my tuition fees in time. Now I am in a position to pay my tuition fees. In this connection I like to mention here that I always pay my tuition fees in due time.

I, therefore, pray and hope that you would be kind enough to remit my delay fine oblige thereby.

I remain


Yours obediently,


Class: VIII

Shift: Day

Section: A

Roll No: 05.

22. Write an application to the headmaster of your school praying for a testimonial.

5 November, 2022

The Headmaster,

Khulna Zilla School, Khulna.

Subject: Prayer for a testimonial.


With due respect, I beg to state that I had been a student of your school. I appeared at the JSC Exam this year and got GPA-5. My Roll No. was 1759836 and Registration No. was 5007612. Now I want to get myself admitted into a school in Dhaka. So, I have to submit a testimonial to the authority of the school. In this connection I beg to add that I took part in all co-curricular activities of the school and wrote articles for the school magazine regularly. I was also good at games and sports and won many prizes in different competitions. 

May I, therefore, pray and hope that you would be kind enough to issue me a testimonial referring to my academic records, character and other activities during my stay at your school and oblige thereby.

Yours obediently,


Class: VIII

Shift: Day

Section: A

Roll No: 05.

23. Write an application to the headmaster of a school praying for getting admission.

5 November, 2022

The Headmaster,

Khulna Zilla School, Khulna.

Subject: Prayer for admission.


With due respect, I beg to state that I was a student of Jessore Zilla School. I was doing well in my studies there. But my father has recently been transferred to Khulna. Our family has already shifted here. We are now residing near your school. My parents want that I should get myself admitted into your school. I also think that my dream will be materialized if I get a chance to study in your reputed school. In this connection, I beg to add that my transfer certificate and progressive reports are enclosed herewith for your kind perusal. 

May I, therefore, pray and hope that you would kindly permit me to get myself admitted into your renowned school and oblige thereby.

Yours most obediently,


24. Write an application to the headmaster of your school praying re-admission.

5 June, 2022

The Headmaster,

Khulna Zilla School, Khulna.

Subject: Prayer for re-admission.


I beg most respectfully to state that I am a student of class 9 of your school. I had always been regular in paying my tuition fees. But my father was not at home last month. As a result, I could not pay my tuition fees and other charges. Consequently, my name has been stuck off the rolls. But my father came back home yesterday. Now I want to pay my tuition fees and other charges. 

May I, therefore, pray and hope that you would kindly give me permission to pay my tuition fees and other charges and thereby get myself re-admitted into the class.

Yours most obediently,


Class: 9

Section: A

Roll No: 5.

25. Write an application to the headmaster of your school praying for opening a relief camp in the school premises.

17 July, 2022

The Headmaster

Khulna Zilla School, Khunla.

Subject: Prayer for opening a relief camp in the school premises.


I, on behalf of the students of your school, beg to inform you that a devastating flood has occurred in our area. It has brought untold sufferings to the people.  Thousands of people have become homeless. They are passing their days under the open sky. They are suffering acutely for want of food, shelter, clothes, drinking water, medicine etc. As human beings, we should stand by the affected people and try to lessen their sufferings. So, we want to open a relief camp in our school premises.  We have already made a contact with the District Red Crescent Society regarding this matter.

I, therefore, pray and hope that you would be kind enough to permit us to open a relief camp in our school premises and oblige thereby.

I remain


Yours obediently,


Class: 8

Section: A

Roll No-2.

On behalf of the students of 

Khulna Zilla School, Khulna.

26. Write an application to the headmistress of your school praying for arranging inter-school debate competition.

14 July, 2022

The Headmistress,

Govt. Coronation Girls’ High School, Khulna.

Subject: Prayer for arranging inter-school debate competition.


I, on behalf of the students of our school, beg to draw your kind attention to the following fact. The students of our school want to arrange inter-school debate competition. We all know that debate is very important for the students at present. It helps us to be good orators in future. It also increases our general knowledge. Besides, it develops our thinking power to a great extent. Moreover, debate makes us proficient in a language. If we practise debating among us, we will be able to do well in national level too. 

I, therefore, pray and hope that you would kindly take steps to arrange inter-school debate competition and oblige thereby. 

I remain,


Yours most obediently,


Class: VI

Section: A

Roll No-15

On behalf of the students of 

Govt. Coronation Girls’ High School, Khulna.

18. Write an application to the headmistress of your school praying for opening a library.

15 July, 2022

The Headmistres,

Govt. Coronation Girls’ High School, Khulna.

Subject: Prayer for opening a library.


I, on behalf of the students of our school, beg to draw your kind attention to the fact that our school is one of the biggest and most famous schools in our country. But it is a matter of regret that there is no library in our school. We all know that a library is a part and parcel of an educational institution. It is called the store-house of knowledge. We can enrich our knowledge by reading different types of books from the library. We will also be able to borrow books from the library. But for the lack of a library, we are lagging behind other students of the country. So, it is imperative to open a library in our school as early as possible

May I, therefore, pray and hope that you would kind take steps to open a library in our school and oblige thereby. 

I remain,


Yours most obediently,


Class: VI

Section: A

Roll No-15

On behalf of the students of 

Govt. Coronation Girls’ High School, Khulna.

19. Write an application to the Headmistress of your school praying for increasing library facilities.

5 December, 2022

The Headmistres,

Govt. Coronation Girls’ High School, Khulna.

Subject: Prayer for increasing library facilities.


I, on behalf of the students of our school, beg to draw your kind attention to the problem of our school library. Once our school library was very rich with all kinds of facilities. But now it comes to little use to us. All the books have become very old. Many pages of these books are either torn or lost. Besides, they are not sufficient to meet our demand. As a result, the librarian cannot issue books to all students. Again, no newspaper, magazine or journals are kept here. Moreover, there is shortage of chair and tables. For this, the students cannot read books or newspaper sitting in the library. Furthermore, we suffer a lot during the summer we have to suffer a lot from heat as there is shortage of electric fans. 

May I, therefore, pray and hope that you would kind enough to take necessary steps to increase library facilities and oblige thereby.

I remain,


Yours most obediently,


Class: VI

Section: A

Roll No-15

On behalf of the students of 

Govt. Coronation Girls’ High School, Khulna.

20. Write an application to the headmaster of your school praying for buying more books for the school library.

15 July, 2022

The Headmaster, 

Khulna Zilla School, Khulna.

Subject: Prayer for buying more books for the school library.


We, the students of your school, beg to draw your kind attention to a problem of our school library. Our school library was opened many years ago with only two thousand books. Many years have passed after that. But no book is added to the library till now. On the other hand, the number of students has increased a lot. So, we do not get our expected books in time. Besides, most of the books have become too old. Many pages of the books are either torn or cut off by the wicked students. As a result, when we read them, we miss a lot of information. Moreover, there is no book on current topics and of current edition. We also feel the necessity of the famous books of the great writers of the world. For the lack of sufficient books in the library we lag behind in comparison with the students of other institutions. So, it is very urgent to buy some more books for our school library.

We, therefore, pray and hope that you would kind enough to take necessary steps to buy some books for our school library and oblige thereby.

We remain, 


Yours obediently,


Class: VIII

Section: A

Roll No-4.

On behalf of the students of

Khunla Zilla School, Khulna.

21. Write an application to the headmaster of your school praying for remission of delay fine.

12 July, 2022

The Headmaster,

Khulna Zilla School, Khulna.

Subject: Prayer for remission of delay fine.


With due respect, I beg to state that I am a regular student of class VIII of your school. My father is a petty worker in a private company. Last month he was sick. As a result, he could not attend office and draw salary. So, I could not pay my tuition fees in time. Now I am in a position to pay my tuition fees. In this connection I like to mention here that I always pay my tuition fees in due time.

I, therefore, pray and hope that you would be kind enough to remit my delay fine oblige thereby.

I remain


Yours obediently,


Class: VIII

Shift: Day

Section: A

Roll No: 05.

22. Write an application to the headmaster of your school praying for a testimonial.

5 November, 2022

The Headmaster,

Khulna Zilla School, Khulna.

Subject: Prayer for a testimonial.


With due respect, I beg to state that I had been a student of your school. I appeared at the JSC Exam this year and got GPA-5. My Roll No. was 1759836 and Registration No. was 5007612. Now I want to get myself admitted into a school in Dhaka. So, I have to submit a testimonial to the authority of the school. In this connection I beg to add that I took part in all co-curricular activities of the school and wrote articles for the school magazine regularly. I was also good at games and sports and won many prizes in different competitions. 

May I, therefore, pray and hope that you would be kind enough to issue me a testimonial referring to my academic records, character and other activities during my stay at your school and oblige thereby.

Yours obediently,


Class: VIII

Shift: Day

Section: A

Roll No: 05.

23. Write an application to the headmaster of a school praying for getting admission.

5 November, 2022

The Headmaster,

Khulna Zilla School, Khulna.

Subject: Prayer for admission.


With due respect, I beg to state that I was a student of Jessore Zilla School. I was doing well in my studies there. But my father has recently been transferred to Khulna. Our family has already shifted here. We are now residing near your school. My parents want that I should get myself admitted into your school. I also think that my dream will be materialized if I get a chance to study in your reputed school. In this connection, I beg to add that my transfer certificate and progressive reports are enclosed herewith for your kind perusal. 

May I, therefore, pray and hope that you would kindly permit me to get myself admitted into your renowned school and oblige thereby.

Yours most obediently,


24. Write an application to the headmaster of your school praying re-admission.

5 June, 2022

The Headmaster,

Khulna Zilla School, Khulna.

Subject: Prayer for re-admission.


I beg most respectfully to state that I am a student of class 9 of your school. I had always been regular in paying my tuition fees. But my father was not at home last month. As a result, I could not pay my tuition fees and other charges. Consequently, my name has been stuck off the rolls. But my father came back home yesterday. Now I want to pay my tuition fees and other charges. 

May I, therefore, pray and hope that you would kindly give me permission to pay my tuition fees and other charges and thereby get myself re-admitted into the class.

Yours most obediently,


Class: 9

Section: A

Roll No: 5.

25. Write an application to the headmaster of your school praying for opening a relief camp in the school premises.

17 July, 2022

The Headmaster

Khulna Zilla School, Khunla.

Subject: Prayer for opening a relief camp in the school premises.


I, on behalf of the students of your school, beg to inform you that a devastating flood has occurred in our area. It has brought untold sufferings to the people.  Thousands of people have become homeless. They are passing their days under the open sky. They are suffering acutely for want of food, shelter, clothes, drinking water, medicine etc. As human beings, we should stand by the affected people and try to lessen their sufferings. So, we want to open a relief camp in our school premises.  We have already made a contact with the District Red Crescent Society regarding this matter.

I, therefore, pray and hope that you would be kind enough to permit us to open a relief camp in our school premises and oblige thereby.

I remain


Yours obediently,


Class: 8

Section: A

Roll No-2.

On behalf of the students of 

Khulna Zilla School, Khulna.

26. Write an application to the headmistress of your school praying for arranging inter-school debate competition.

14 July, 2022

The Headmistress,

Govt. Coronation Girls’ High School, Khulna.

Subject: Prayer for arranging inter-school debate competition.


I, on behalf of the students of our school, beg to draw your kind attention to the following fact. The students of our school want to arrange inter-school debate competition. We all know that debate is very important for the students at present. It helps us to be good orators in future. It also increases our general knowledge. Besides, it develops our thinking power to a great extent. Moreover, debate makes us proficient in a language. If we practise debating among us, we will be able to do well in national level too. 

I, therefore, pray and hope that you would kindly take steps to arrange inter-school debate competition and oblige thereby. 

I remain,


Yours most obediently,


Class: VI

Section: A

Roll No-15

On behalf of the students of 

Govt. Coronation Girls’ High School, Khulna.