English Grammar Course: Mastering Phrases

Objective: By the end of this curriculum, students will be able to identify and use different types of phrases in English sentences effectively.

Course Plan

Day 1: Introduction to Phrases

  • Session 1: What Are Phrases? (Definition and Examples)
  • Session 2: Types of Phrases (Noun, Verb, Adjective, Adverb, Prepositional)
  • Session 3: Identifying Phrases in Sentences

Day 2: Noun Phrases

  • Session 1: Components of Noun Phrases (Nouns, Determiners, Adjectives)
  • Session 2: Building Noun Phrases
  • Session 3: Functions of Noun Phrases in Sentences

Day 3: Verb Phrases

  • Session 1: Components of Verb Phrases (Main Verbs, Auxiliary Verbs)
  • Session 2: Forming Verb Phrases (Simple, Compound, Complex)
  • Session 3: Functions of Verb Phrases in Sentences

Day 4: Adjective and Adverb Phrases

  • Session 1: Components of Adjective Phrases (Adjectives, Adverbs)
  • Session 2: Forming Adjective Phrases
  • Session 3: Functions of Adjective Phrases in Sentences
  • Session 4: Components of Adverb Phrases (Adverbs, Prepositions)
  • Session 5: Forming Adverb Phrases
  • Session 6: Functions of Adverb Phrases in Sentences

Day 5: Prepositional Phrases

  • Session 1: Components of Prepositional Phrases (Prepositions, Objects of Prepositions)
  • Session 2: Forming Prepositional Phrases
  • Session 3: Functions of Prepositional Phrases in Sentences

Day 6: Participial Phrases

  • Session 1: What Are Participial Phrases? (Present and Past Participles)
  • Session 2: Forming Participial Phrases
  • Session 3: Functions of Participial Phrases in Sentences

Day 7: Gerund and Infinitive Phrases

  • Session 1: What Are Gerund and Infinitive Phrases?
  • Session 2: Forming Gerund and Infinitive Phrases
  • Session 3: Functions of Gerund and Infinitive Phrases in Sentences

Day 8: Review and Application

  • Session 1: Review of Different Types of Phrases
  • Session 2: Practicing Using Phrases in Sentences
  • Session 3: Creative Writing Exercise Incorporating Various Types of Phrases

Additional Resources and Activities:

  1. Sentence diagramming exercises to visually represent the structure of sentences with different types of phrases.
  2. Role-playing activities to practice using phrases in real-life situations.
  3. Online quizzes and exercises for additional practice outside of class.


  1. Daily quizzes to assess understanding of each type of phrase covered.
  2. Participation in class activities and discussions related to phrases.
  3. Completion of sentence writing assignments with emphasis on incorporating different types of phrases.
  4. Final assessment covering all types of phrases studied throughout the curriculum.

Sample Questions

Worksheet: Identifying Phrases in Sentences

Instructions: Identify the phrases in each sentence below. A phrase is a group of words that does not contain a subject and a predicate as a sentence does. It functions as a single part of speech and does not convey a complete thought on its own. Write the type of phrase (noun phrase, verb phrase, prepositional phrase, etc.) for each identified phrase.

  1. The old book on the table is a family heirloom.
  2. After finishing her homework, Sarah went for a walk in the park.
  3. The cat with the fluffy tail sleeps all day.
  4. During the summer months, we often go camping in the mountains.
  5. Running late for the meeting, Tom hurriedly grabbed his briefcase.
  6. In the corner of the garden, there is a small pond filled with fish.
  7. Despite the rain, the children played happily outside.
  8. To improve her skills, Maria practices the piano every day.
  9. Climbing up the steep hill, they reached the summit at sunset.
  10. In the middle of the night, the sound of thunder woke everyone up.

Bonus Question: Can you identify any participial phrases in the sentences above? If so, which sentences contain them and what are the participial phrases?

Worksheet: Functions of Noun Phrases in Sentences

Instructions: Identify the function of each noun phrase in the sentences below. A noun phrase is a group of words containing a noun and other words that modify or describe it. Write down the function of each noun phrase in the provided space.

  1. The red car in the garage belongs to my neighbor.
  2. Mary bought a beautiful dress for the party.
  3. The cat on the roof seems frightened.
  4. My sister's new laptop is very fast.
  5. The children in the park are playing happily.
  6. The book on the table is mine.
  7. The old house at the end of the street needs repairs.
  8. Our trip to the beach was fantastic.
  9. The teacher with the glasses is Mrs. Smith.
  10. The dog next door barks loudly at night.

Bonus Question: Can you identify any appositive noun phrases in the sentences above? If so, which sentences contain them and what are the appositive noun phrases?

Worksheet: Functions of Verb Phrases in Sentences

Instructions: Identify the function of each verb phrase in the sentences below. A verb phrase consists of the main verb and any auxiliary (helping) verbs that accompany it. Write down the function of each verb phrase in the provided space.

  1. The children were playing in the garden when it started raining.
  2. She has been studying for her exam all week.
  3. They will have completed the project by tomorrow.
  4. The cat jumped onto the table and knocked over a vase.
  5. He should have finished his homework before going out.
  6. Maria is baking a cake for her friend's birthday.
  7. The students had been waiting for the bus when it finally arrived.
  8. The sun has set, and the stars are beginning to appear.
  9. We were hoping to go to the beach this weekend.
  10. The dog barks loudly whenever someone approaches the house.

Bonus Question: Can you identify any phrasal verbs in the sentences above? If so, which sentences contain them and what are the phrasal verbs?

Worksheet: Functions of Prepositional Phrases in Sentences

Instructions: Identify the function of each prepositional phrase in the sentences below. A prepositional phrase begins with a preposition and ends with a noun or pronoun, which is called the object of the preposition. Write down the function of each prepositional phrase in the provided space.

  1. The cat is hiding under the bed.
  2. We walked through the forest to reach the lake.
  3. She was sitting by the window during the storm.
  4. The keys are on the table next to the door.
  5. He arrived at the party after everyone had left.
  6. The book is on the shelf above the desk.
  7. The dog ran into the house during the thunderstorm.
  8. They went for a walk along the river in the evening.
  9. The children played in the park after school.
  10. She found her keys behind the couch.

Bonus Question: Can you identify any compound prepositional phrases in the sentences above? If so, which sentences contain them and what are the compound prepositional phrases?

Worksheet: Functions of Participial Phrases in Sentences

Instructions: Identify the function of each participial phrase in the sentences below. A participial phrase consists of a present or past participle and any modifiers, objects, or complements. Write down the function of each participial phrase in the provided space.

  1. Running late for the bus, Sarah sprinted to the stop.
  2. The broken window in the old house was a safety hazard.
  3. Exhausted from the long journey, they collapsed onto the couch.
  4. Surprised by the sudden news, she couldn't speak for a moment.
  5. The house, damaged by the storm, needed extensive repairs.
  6. Baking in the oven, the bread filled the kitchen with a delicious aroma.
  7. The child, frightened by the loud noise, ran to his mother.
  8. Lost in thought, he forgot about the meeting.
  9. The cat, purring contentedly, curled up on the chair.
  10. The artist, inspired by nature, painted a beautiful landscape.

Bonus Question: Can you identify any absolute phrases in the sentences above? If so, which sentences contain them and what are the absolute phrases?