Learn Cohesive Devices: Unlock the Power of Linking Words

Take your writing to the next level with cohesive devices—also known as linking words—strengthen your writing. Learn how to craft clear, concise, and engaging content that flows effortlessly.

What are cohesive devices?

Think about a bridge over a river. It connects the two landmasses separated by a river. 

Just like bridges, cohesive devices are words or phrases that connect sentences and paragraphs and help readers easily understand the relationship between different parts of a text.

Read the following example and see how the cohesive devices ("first," "next," and "finally") connect the three separate sentences:

How to Make a Cake

First, gather your ingredients. Next, preheat the oven. Finally, bake for thirty minutes.

Types of Cohesive Devices

There are several types of cohesive devices, and they can be broadly categorized into five main groups:

  1. Reference
  2. Substitution
  3. Ellipsis
  4. Conjunction
  5. Lexical Cohesion

1. Reference

Reference cohesive devices are words that refer back to something mentioned earlier in the text.  They includes:

  • Personal pronouns: I, you, he, she, it, we, they
  • Demonstratives: this, that, these, those
  • Definite article: the


  • John is going to the store. He will buy some groceries. ["He" is a pronoun that refers back to "John".]
  • Sarah and Lisa are friends. They often help each other. ["They" is a pronoun that refers back to "Sarah and Lisa".]


  • I found a beautiful flower in the garden. This one has vibrant red petals. ["This" points back to the "beautiful flower" mentioned in the previous sentence.]
  • The cat chased a mouse. That mouse was running fast! ["That" points back to the "mouse" mentioned in the previous sentence.]

2. Substitution

Substitution means replacing a word or phrase with another to avoid repetition.  As cohesive devices, "substitution" means using synonyms or antonyms instead of repeating the same word or phrase. Here are some examples: 

  • Jessica loves to dance. Her moves are always impressive (substituting "moves" for dance).
  • The child built a sandcastle. His creation was impressive for its size (substituting "creation" for sandcastle).
  • The garden was full of beautiful flowers. The blooms added color to the landscape (substituting "blooms" for flowers).

3. Ellipsis

"Ellipsis" means omitting words or phrases that can be understood from the context. Here are some examples of ellipsis as cohesive devices:

Original: The team won the championship last year. The team is hoping to win again this year.
Improved with Ellipsis: The team won the championship last year and is hoping to win again this year. ["The subject" is missing.]
Original: The book is informative. The book is well-written.
Improved with Ellipsis: The book is informative and well-written. ["The subject and verb" are missing.]

4. Conjunctions

Conjunctions are words that connect different parts of a sentence or different sentences. Examples include "coordinating conjunctions", "subordinating conjunctions" and other "linking words". 

Coordinating Conjunctions

  • I enjoy reading books, and I also love watching movies.
  • She wanted to go to the party, but she was too tired.
  • He studied hard for the exam, so he got a good grade.

Subordinating Conjunctions

  • After I finished my homework, I went to bed.
  • The concert was canceled because the singer got sick.
  • Although he is shy, he is very friendly.

5. Lexical Cohesion

Lexical Cohesion means using related words or phrases to link elements of a text. Repetition and colocation are two forms of lexical cohesion. Here are some examples:

Repetition: Using the same word again for emphasis.

  • Example: The storm raged all night. The storm finally subsided by morning. (We repeat "storm" to connect the sentences.)

Collocation: Using words that naturally go together.

  • Example: She made a delicious cake. The sweet aroma filled the kitchen. ("Delicious" and "sweet" often go together with food)

Use of Cohesive Devices

We use cohesive devices [linking words] for different purposes. Here are some examples:

(i) To Add Similar Ideas 

When you want to add similar ideas, you can use the following cohesive devices that emphasize similarity or agreement. Here are examples:

1. Additionally:

  • She enjoys hiking; additionally, she loves camping in the mountains.
  • I packed snacks for the trip, additionally, I brought a refillable water bottle.
  • He enjoys playing football, additionally, he loves reading books about history.
  • This recipe is easy to follow, additionally, it only requires a few ingredients.
  • The garden is full of flowers, additionally, there are fresh herbs growing in pots.
  • The movie was funny, additionally, it had a heartwarming message.

2. Furthermore:

  • The project was successful; furthermore, it received positive feedback from clients.
  • The cake looks delicious, furthermore, it smells amazing!
  • He's a talented artist, furthermore, he writes beautiful poetry.
  • This new phone has a great camera, furthermore, the battery life is impressive.

3. Moreover:

  • Recycling is good for the environment. Moreover, it can save you money.
  • Regular exercise is key to good health. Moreover, it can boost your mood.
  • I enjoy reading fiction. Moreover, it improves reading skills.
  • It's going to rain today. Moreover, there's a chance of thunderstorms.

4. In addition:

  • They offer a wide range of products; in addition, their customer service is excellent.
  • We need milk for breakfast. In addition, we need some eggs.
  • The park has a playground. In addition, there's a walking trail that goes around a lake.
  • She's a talented artist. In addition, she writes beautiful poetry.
  • Taking notes in class is helpful. In addition, it allows you to review the topic later.
  • I brought a jacket. In addition, I packed an umbrella in case it rains.

5. Likewise:

  • He excels in mathematics; likewise, his performance in physics is impressive.
  • I enjoyed the movie, and likewise, my friend did too.
  • She wished me luck, and I likewise wished her success.
  • The train is running late, and my bus will likely be delayed likewise.
  • He enjoys reading science fiction, and likewise, I prefer fantasy novels.

6. Similarly:

  • The company values teamwork: similarly, it places a high importance on individual initiative.
  • I like coffee in the morning, and similarly, she prefers tea.
  • This shirt is comfortable, and similarly, those pants look soft.
  • The dog wags its tail when happy, and similarly, cats purr when content.
  • He excelled at math, and similarly, she showed a talent for science.
  • We can take the bus, or similarly, the train will get us there on time.

7. Also:

  • She is proficient in French; also, she has a good command of Spanish.
  • I love pizza, also, I enjoy pasta.
  • The beach is a great place to relax, also, there are many water sports to try.
  • She's a talented dancer, also, she plays the piano beautifully.
  • It's going to be a hot day, also, there's a chance of thunderstorms.
  • This jacket is warm, also, it's waterproof.

8. Not only... but also:

  • Not only does he excel in sports, but he also maintains high academic standards.
  • Not only did she win the race, but also set a new record.
  • This new phone is not only fast, but also has a long-lasting battery.
  • Learning to code is not only fun, but also opens doors to exciting career opportunities.
  • He is not only a talented musician, but also a gifted artist.
  • This book is not only informative, but also very interesting.

9. Equally:

  • Both candidates are well-qualified; equally, they have strong leadership skills.

10. In the same way:

  • She completed the project successfully; in the same way, he also met the deadline.
  • She loves watching comic films, and in the same way, I love funny movies.
  • The flowers are beautiful, and in the same way, their scent is sweet.
  • Today's forecast is for rain, and in the same way, tomorrow looks gloomy.
  • This shirt is comfortable, and in the same way, those jeans look soft.
  • We can take the bus, and in the same way, the train will get us there on time.

(ii) To Contrast Ideas 

Cohesive devices help you indicate contrasts or differences between ideas in a text. When you want to introduce opposing or contrasting thoughts, you can use the following words or phrases.

1. However:

  • She is an excellent team player; however, she prefers working on individual projects.
  • The cake looks delicious. However, I'm on a diet.
  • He seems like a nice person. However, I don't know him very well yet.
  • She studied hard for the exam. However, she's still nervous.
  • This recipe is easy to follow. However, it requires some hard-to-find ingredients.
  • The new phone has a lot of features. However, the battery life isn't great.

2. On the other hand:

  • The new software is user-friendly; on the other hand, it lacks some advanced features.

3. Nevertheless:

  • The weather was cold; nevertheless, we decided to go for a hike.

4. In contrast:

  • His approach is optimistic; in contrast, she tends to be more skeptical.
  • The city is a noisy and busy place, in contrast to the quiet serenity of the village.
  • She preferred the spicy curry, in contrast to my mild and creamy soup.
  • Winter brings cold winds and snow, in contrast to the hot days of summer.

5. Conversely:

  • He prefers reading fiction; conversely, she enjoys non-fiction books.
  • Studying for a test can be stressful. Conversely, reading for pleasure is pleasant. 
  • Taking the stairs provides good exercise. Conversely, the elevator is a quicker option if you're short on time.
  • This movie is a tearjerker. Conversely, the next one on the list is a lighthearted comedy.
  • He prefers working in a team environment. Conversely, she thrives in a more independent role.
  • This plant prefers full sun. Conversely, some flowers do best in partial shade.
  • Public transportation can be crowded and slow. Conversely, driving your own car offers more flexibility.

6. While:

  • He enjoys outdoor activities, while she prefers indoor pursuits.
  • While I prefer coffee in the morning, she enjoys a cup of tea.
  • We can watch a movie while we wait for the pizza to arrive.
  • While he practiced his guitar, she worked on her painting.
  • While some people enjoy crowded beaches, others prefer quieter spots.
  • You can listen to music while you exercise to make it more enjoyable.

7. Yet:

  • The project was challenging; yet, they managed to complete it on time.
  • I've finished reading the first chapter, yet I still don't quite understand the plot.
  • We practiced all week, yet we're still a bit nervous about the performance.
  • They've traveled to many countries, yet they still dream of visiting Japan.
  • He seems like a nice person, yet I haven't had a chance to get to know him well yet.

8. Although:

  • Although it was raining, they decided to go for a picnic.
  • Although I love spending time with friends, I also need some alone time to recharge.
  • Although she studied hard for the exam, she still felt a little nervous.
  • Although this restaurant is a bit expensive, the food is absolutely delicious.
  • Although this phone has a lot of features, the battery life isn't very good.
  • Although they live in a small town, they enjoy a close-knit community.

9. Even so:

  • The car is expensive; even so, it is worth the investment due to its fuel efficiency.
  • It rained all day, even so, we decided to go for a walk with umbrellas.
  • The traffic was terrible, even so, we managed to reach the airport on time.
  • The class was very difficult, even so, I learned a lot and feel proud of myself for sticking with it.
  • He doesn't usually enjoy public speaking, even so, he volunteered to give the presentation because he felt passionate about the topic.

10. Despite this:

  • The team faced setbacks; despite this, they remained motivated to achieve their goals.

11. In spite of that:

  • The company faced financial difficulties; in spite of that, it continued to innovate.
  • The movie had a slow start, in spite of that, the ending was very satisfying.
  • The recipe seemed complicated, in spite of that, I followed the steps and the dish turned out delicious.
  • Traffic was bumper-to-bumper, in spite of that, we arrived at the concert on time.
  • He wasn't feeling well, in spite of that, he insisted on going to work to meet an important deadline.

12. On the contrary:

  • She thought the movie was boring; on the contrary, he found it quite entertaining.
  • Town life is noisy and crowded. On the contrary, village life is peaceful and charming.
  • The forecast predicted rain all day. On the contrary, the sun came out and it turned into a beautiful day.
  • He thought learning a new language would be difficult. On the contrary, he found it surprisingly easy and enjoyable.
  • They expected the restaurant to be expensive. On the contrary, the prices were very reasonable.

(iii) To Give Examples or Evidence 

When you want to provide examples or evidence to support your statements in writing, cohesive devices help connect your ideas and make your argument more persuasive. Here are examples of cohesive devices for giving examples or evidence:

1. For example:

  • Many fruits are rich in vitamins; for example, oranges are high in vitamin C.
  • Many fruits are good sources of vitamin C. For example, oranges, grapefruits, and kiwis are all packed with this essential nutrient.
  • There are many ways to stay healthy. For example, eating a balanced diet, exercising regularly, and getting enough sleep are all important factors.
  • There are many fun things to do in the park. For example, you can go for a walk, play frisbee, or have a picnic.
  • Taking care of pets requires responsibility. For example, you need to feed them, walk them, and clean up after them.
  • I'm learning to cook new dishes. For example, I recently mastered making a delicious pasta dish and a refreshing salad.

2. For instance:

  • Several countries have successfully implemented green energy solutions; for instance, Denmark generates a significant portion of its electricity from wind power.
  • The library offers a variety of resources. For instance, you can borrow books, audiobooks, and even DVDs.
  • There are many ways to save money. For instance, you can cook meals at home instead of eating out or bring your lunch to work.
  • Our village is full of friendly people. For instance, we help one another when needed.
  • Having a hobby can be a great way to relax. For instance, some people enjoy gardening, painting, or playing sports.
  • Many careers require teamwork. For instance, doctors and nurses need to work together to provide patient care.
  • There are countless ways to express yourself creatively. For instance, you could write, draw, dance, or play music.

3. Such as:

  • There are various programming languages, such as Python, Java, and C++.
  • The bakery offers a wide variety of delicious treats, such as cupcakes, cookies, and pastries.
  • Many cultures celebrate weddings with unique traditions, such as exchanging rings or wearing special clothing.
  • There are many ways to stay healthy, such as eating nutritious foods, exercising regularly, and getting enough sleep.
  • My favorite way to relax is spending time outdoors, such as going for a walk in the park or hiking in nature.
  • Many skills are important for a successful job search, such as communication skills, problem-solving abilities, and teamwork.
  • A healthy breakfast can include various options, such as fruits, yogurt, whole grains, or eggs.

4. Including:

  • Many animals, including cats, dogs, and birds, make great pets.
  • The park offers a variety of activities, including playgrounds, sports fields, and walking trails.
  • A healthy diet should include different food groups, including fruits, vegetables, grains, and protein.
  • The party offers many attractions, including music, dance performances, and delicious food.
  • We're planning a fun weekend, including visits to museums, historical sites, and a relaxing spa day.
  • The new community center provides a variety of resources, including after-school programs, fitness classes, and senior citizen gatherings.

5. To illustrate:

  • The experiment yielded valuable results; to illustrate, the data showed a clear correlation between temperature and plant growth.
  • Learning a new language opens doors to new opportunities. To illustrate, ability to speak English fluently helps you to use internet, get higher study and get a good job.
  • Strong communication skills are important in all aspects of life. To illustrate, being able to clearly express your ideas is essential for success in school, work, and personal relationships.
  • There are many ways to stay fit and healthy. To illustrate, you can join a gym, go for walks, or participate in team sports.
  • Reading can be a great way to relax and learn new things. To illustrate, a good book can give you pleasure and new ideas.
  • Music can evoke a wide range of emotions. To illustrate, a sad song can make you feel melancholy, while a happy song can make you want to dance.

6. In particular:

  • The company focuses on customer satisfaction; in particular, it offers a 30-day money-back guarantee.
  • The restaurant is known for its fresh seafood, in particular, their lobster dishes are highly delicious.
  • The upcoming exam will cover several topics, in particular, focus on chapters five and six of the textbook.
  • Volunteering is a rewarding experience, in particular, it allows you to give back to your community and make a difference.
  • Learning a new language needs practice, in particular, daily vocabulary practice and conversation skills.
  • A healthy lifestyle includes various elements, in particular, maintaining a balanced diet and getting enough sleep are essential.

7. Namely:

  • The endangered species face various threats, namely habitat loss and illegal poaching.
  • The park offers a variety of activities, namely, swimming, playing tennis, and picnicking on the lawn.
  • The recipe requires a few simple ingredients, namely flour, eggs, sugar, and milk.
  • The upcoming festival promises a vibrant celebration, namely, music, dance performances, and delicious food.
  • The class discussed different art forms, namely, painting, sculpting, and photography.
  • My favorite hobby includes several activities, namely reading books, listening to music, or taking a walk-in nature.
  • Many skills are important for a successful job search, namely, strong communication skills, problem-solving abilities, and good IT skills.

8. As an illustration:

  • The concept is complex; as an illustration, consider the intricate workings of a computer processor.
  • Learning a new language opens doors to new opportunities. As an illustration, ability to speak English fluently helps you to use internet, get higher study and get a good job.
  • Strong communication skills are important in all aspects of life. As an illustration, being able to clearly express your ideas is essential for success in school, work, and personal relationships.
  • There are many ways to stay fit and healthy. As an illustration, you can join a gym, go for walks, or participate in team sports.
  • Reading can be a great way to relax and learn new things. As an illustration, a good book can give you pleasure and new ideas.
  • Music can evoke a wide range of emotions. As an illustration, a sad song can make you feel melancholy, while a happy song can make you want to dance.

9. To give an example:

  • Time management is crucial in the workplace; to give an example, completing tasks before deadlines enhances productivity.
  • Learning a new language opens doors to new opportunities. To give an example, ability to speak English fluently helps you to use internet, get higher study and get a good job.
  • Strong communication skills are important in all aspects of life. To give an example, being able to clearly express your ideas is essential for success in school, work, and personal relationships.
  • There are many ways to stay fit and healthy. To give an example, you can join a gym, go for walks, or participate in team sports.
  • Reading can be a great way to relax and learn new things. To give an example, a good book can give you pleasure and new ideas.
  • Music can evoke a wide range of emotions. To give an example, a sad song can make you feel melancholy, while a happy song can make you want to dance.

10. This is evident in:

  • The impact of climate change is evident in extreme weather events, such as hurricanes and wildfires.
  • The popularity of social media platforms is undeniable. This is evident in the vast amount of time people spend scrolling through feeds and engaging with online content.
  • Technology plays a significant role in modern education. This is evident in the use of interactive whiteboards, online learning platforms, and educational apps in classrooms.
  • Music can evoke a wide range of emotions. This is evident in the way a powerful song can bring you to tears or a catchy tune can make you want to dance.
  • Effective communication is essential for building strong relationships. This is evident in the way clear and empathetic communication fosters trust and connection.
  • A healthy diet provides your body with the nutrients it needs to function properly. This is evident in the increased energy levels and overall well-being that comes from eating nutritious foods.

11. As proof:

  • Her consistent achievements serve as proof of her dedication to her work.
  • The park is a popular hangout spot. As proof, the benches are always occupied and the laughter of children fills the air.
  • Learning a new language takes time and dedication. As proof, even after months of practice, basic conversations can still feel challenging.
  • Regular exercise offers numerous health benefits. As proof, people who exercise regularly report feeling more energetic and having a stronger immune system.
  • Reading can be a great way to relax. As proof, getting lost in a good book can help melt away stress and leave you feeling refreshed.
  • Music has the power to evoke emotions. As proof, a sad song can bring tears to your eyes, while an upbeat tune can instantly lift your spirits.
  • A balanced diet is essential for good health. As proof, eating plenty of fruits and vegetables can provide your body with the vitamins and minerals it needs to thrive.

12. In support of this:

  • The survey results, in support of this, demonstrate a high level of customer satisfaction.
  • Spending time in nature can reduce stress levels. In support of this, research suggests that being outdoors can lower blood pressure and improve overall well-being.
  • Music can evoke a wide range of emotions. In support of this, scientific studies have shown that music can activate different parts of the brain, influencing our moods and emotional states.
  • Volunteering is a rewarding experience. In support of this, if you help others in your community, they will help you when you need.
  • Regular exercise offers numerous health benefits. In support of this, people who exercise regularly report feeling more energetic and having a stronger immune system.
  • A balanced diet is essential for good health. In support of this, eating plenty of fruits and vegetables can provide your body with the vitamins and minerals it needs to thrive.

(iv) To Explain Results 

  • When you want to explain the results of an experiment, study, or analysis, cohesive devices help to connect your findings and present them in a coherent manner. Here are examples of cohesive devices for explaining results:

1. As a result:

  • The team implemented the new marketing strategy, and as a result, sales increased by 20%.

2. Therefore:

  • The data indicated a strong correlation between exercise and improved health; therefore, regular physical activity is recommended.

3. Consequently:

  • The company implemented cost-cutting measures; consequently, profitability improved in the following quarter.

4. Hence:

  • The study revealed a decline in air quality; hence, stricter pollution control measures are necessary.

5. Thus:

  • The experiment tested different variables, and thus, we can conclude that temperature significantly affects the reaction rate.

6. In consequence:

  • The delays in project completion had serious consequences; in consequence, the team revised its timeline and workflow.

7. Due to this:

  • The software update addressed several security vulnerabilities, and due to this, the system is now more resilient to cyber threats.

8. Owing to this:

  • The successful implementation of quality control measures improved product reliability, owing to this, customer satisfaction increased.

9. For this reason:

  • The survey results indicated a need for better communication within the team; for this reason, weekly meetings were scheduled.

10. In light of this:

  • The analysis of customer feedback highlighted certain areas for improvement; in light of this, the company decided to revamp its customer service policies.

11. Because of this:

  • The changes in market trends had a significant impact on sales; because of this, the company had to adapt its marketing strategy.

12. In conclusion:

  • The research examined various factors affecting job satisfaction, and in conclusion, work-life balance emerged as a key determinant.

(v) To Sequence 

Cohesive devices for sequencing are crucial for organizing ideas and events in a logical order. They help guide the reader through a sequence of events or steps. Here are examples of cohesive devices for sequencing:

1. Firstly:

  • Firstly, gather all the necessary materials before starting the experiment.

2. Secondly:

  • Secondly, conduct a thorough literature review to understand the existing research on the topic.

3. Thirdly:

  • Thirdly, analyze the data collected during the survey to identify patterns and trends.

4. Next:

  • Complete the first draft, and next, focus on revising and refining your writing.

5. Then:

  • Mix the ingredients thoroughly, and then, let the batter rest for at least 30 minutes before baking.

6. After that:

  • Submit your application, and after that, wait for the admissions office to review your materials.

7. Subsequently:

  • The project was approved, and subsequently, the team began the implementation phase.

8. Following that:

  • Complete the online registration, and following that, you will receive a confirmation email.

9. Meanwhile:

  • Let the dough rise for an hour. Meanwhile, preheat the oven to 350°F.

10. Simultaneously:

  • Simultaneously, the marketing team launched a social media campaign to promote the new product.

11. At the same time:

  • The negotiations were ongoing, and at the same time, both parties were exploring alternative solutions.

12. In the final step:

  • In the final step, compile all the research findings into a comprehensive report.

(vi) To Provide Explanations 

When providing explanations, cohesive devices play a crucial role in connecting ideas and ensuring a smooth flow of information. Here are examples of cohesive devices for providing explanations:

1. Because:

  • The experiment was conducted in a controlled environment because external variables could influence the results.

2. Since:

  • The software has been updated regularly since security is a top priority for the company.

3. As:

  • The project was completed ahead of schedule as the team had efficient collaboration and clear communication.

4. Due to:

  • The delay in delivery was due to unforeseen circumstances, such as extreme weather conditions.

5. Owing to:

  • The success of the marketing campaign was owing to the careful analysis of consumer behavior and preferences.

6. Therefore:

  • The budget was revised to allocate more funds for research and development; therefore, innovation could be prioritized.

7. Thus:

  • The data showed a consistent pattern of customer satisfaction; thus, the company decided to expand its product line.

8. In other words:

  • The findings indicated a high level of employee engagement; in other words, employees were actively involved in decision-making processes.

9. That is to say:

  • The new policy aimed to streamline workflows; that is to say, it intended to reduce unnecessary bureaucracy.

10. In that case:

  • If the initial hypothesis is proven incorrect, adjustments to the research methodology must be made. In that case, the experiment should be repeated with necessary modifications.

11. To explain further:

  • The initial meeting outlined the project goals. To explain further, each team member was assigned specific tasks and responsibilities.

12. For this reason:

  • The company invested in employee training programs. For this reason, staff members acquired new skills and knowledge relevant to their roles.

(vii) To Introduce Your Opinion 

When introducing your opinion in writing, cohesive devices help signal to the reader that the following statements represent your personal viewpoint. Here are examples of cohesive devices for introducing your opinion:

1. In my opinion:

  • In my opinion, the proposed changes to the curriculum will enhance the students' learning experience.

2. I believe that:

  • I believe that adopting a flexible work schedule can improve employee satisfaction and productivity.

3. From my perspective:

  • From my perspective, the new policy will have a positive impact on customer relations.

4. As I see it:

  • The new design is innovative, and as I see it, it aligns well with our brand image.

5. To my mind:

  • To my mind, investing in renewable energy is crucial for addressing climate change.

6. It seems to me that:

  • It seems to me that incorporating more interactive elements into the presentation will engage the audience.

7. I am of the opinion that:

  • I am of the opinion that remote work offers flexibility and autonomy, which can lead to increased job satisfaction.

8. Personally, I think:

  • Personally, I think the company's decision to prioritize sustainability is a commendable move.

9. My view is that:

  • My view is that implementing diversity and inclusion initiatives is essential for fostering a positive workplace culture.

10. In my view:

  • In my view, the government should allocate more funds to support scientific research.

11. As far as I'm concerned:

  • As far as I'm concerned, the project's success hinges on effective communication among team members.

12. It is my contention that:

  • It is my contention that promoting a healthy work-life balance contributes to long-term employee satisfaction.

(viii) To Draw Conclusions 

When drawing conclusions, cohesive devices are essential for summarizing information and presenting the key findings. Here are examples of cohesive devices for drawing conclusions:

1. In conclusion:

  • After analyzing the data, in conclusion, it can be stated that there is a clear correlation between exercise and improved mental health.

2. To sum up:

  • To sum up, the research suggests that the new drug has a positive impact on reducing symptoms in patients with the disease.

3. Therefore:

  • The evidence supports the hypothesis; therefore, we can confidently conclude that the experiment was successful.

4. Consequently:

  • The marketing strategies implemented had a significant impact on brand awareness; consequently, sales increased by 30%.

5. In summary:

  • In summary, the study highlights the importance of early intervention in preventing the spread of infectious diseases.

6. As a result:

  • The changes in management practices were implemented, and as a result, employee satisfaction and productivity increased.

7. Henceforth:

  • The recommendations outlined in the report should be implemented; henceforth, the company is likely to experience improved efficiency and profitability.

8. To conclude:

  • To conclude, the findings indicate that the educational program positively influenced students' academic performance.

9. In essence:

  • The project aimed to promote sustainability in the community. In essence, it succeeded in raising awareness and encouraging eco-friendly practices.

10. Ultimately:

  • The negotiations were challenging, but ultimately, both parties reached a mutually beneficial agreement.

11. All in all:

  • The project faced various challenges, but all in all, it was completed successfully within the specified timeframe.

12. In a nutshell:

  • In a nutshell, the study suggests that a balanced diet and regular exercise contribute to overall health and well-being.

So, next time you're writing, be sure to sprinkle in some cohesive devices to make your work shine!

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