Identifying Adjectives

Read the following passage carefully. Identify five adjectives in the text and write their synonyms in the table provided below. 1x5=5

Positions of Adjectives


Adjectives are words that describe nouns. They can be placed in two main positions within a sentence:

  1. before a noun (attributive position) and
  2. after a linking verb (predicative position).

Attributive Position

When an adjective is placed before the noun it modifies, it is in the attributive position. This is the most common placement for adjectives.


  • red car
  • happy child
  • beautiful sunset

Predicative Position

When an adjective is placed after a linking verb (such as be, become, seem, taste, smell, feel, etc.), it is in the predicative position. The adjective complements the subject of the sentence.


  • The car is red.
  • The child seems happy.
  • The sunset looks beautiful.

Note: Some adjectives can be used in both attributive and predicative positions without changing their meaning.

  • Example: The old man (attributive) is old. (predicative)

1. NCTB Sample Question 

Read the following passage carefully. Identify five adjectives in the text and write their synonyms in the table provided below. 1x5=5

In a remote village surrounded by lush green fields, there lived an old man. He was known for his wise advice and helpful nature. The villagers often came to him with their problems, and his calm and gentle words would always bring them comfort. One day, a smart boy came to the old man with a difficult problem. The old man listened with a patient smile and then gave the boy some valuable advice. The boy was grateful and promised to follow his words.


Questions & Answers

2.  Question 

Read the following passages carefully. Identify the adjectives in the text and write their synonyms in a table below.

Story 1: The Happy Dog

There is a happy dog in the park. The happy dog has a big bone. It runs around the green grass. The dog sees a small ball. It plays with the small ball. The happy dog is very tired now.


Story 2: The Little Cat

A little cat is in the house. The little cat is very cute. It has soft fur. The cat likes to sit on the warm bed. It sees a bright light outside. The little cat wants to play.


Story 3: The Red Car

There is a red car on the road. The red car is very fast. It has shiny wheels. The car stops at the small shop. A man buys some fresh apples. He puts the apples in the red car.


Story 4: The Blue Bird

A blue bird sits on the tall tree. The blue bird sings a sweet song. It has bright feathers. The bird flies over the clear lake. It sees some green leaves. The blue bird is very happy.


Story 5: The Kind Girl

There is a kind girl at school. The kind girl helps her friend. She has a big smile. The girl loves her colorful books. She reads a fun story. The kind girl is very smart.


Story 6: The Strong Boy

A strong boy is in the garden. The strong boy lifts a heavy rock. He has big muscles. The boy likes to climb the tall tree. He sees a bright sun in the sky. The strong boy feels very good.


Story 7: The Pretty Flower

There is a pretty flower in the garden. The pretty flower is very red. It has green leaves. The flower grows in the warm sun. A small bee lands on the flower. The pretty flower smells nice.


Story 8: The Big Elephant

A big elephant is at the zoo. The big elephant has a long trunk. It eats green leaves. The elephant likes to play with the large ball. It drinks cold water. The big elephant is very friendly.


Story 9: The Funny Clown

There is a funny clown at the circus. The funny clown wears a big hat. He has a red nose. The clown makes silly faces. Children laugh at the funny clown. The funny clown is very happy.


Story 10: The Small Fish

A small fish swims in the pond. The small fish is very fast. It has shiny scales. The fish sees a green plant. It hides behind the plant. The small fish feels safe.


Questions & Answers

2.  Question 

Story 1: The Happy Dog

There is a happy dog in the park. The happy dog has a big bone. It runs around the green grass. The dog sees a small ball. It plays with the small ball. The happy dog is very tired now.

happyjoyful, content
biglarge, huge
greenverdant, leafy
smalltiny, little
tiredexhausted, weary

Story 2: The Little Cat

A little cat is in the house. The little cat is very cute. It has soft fur. The cat likes to sit on the warm bed. It sees a bright light outside. The little cat wants to play.

littlesmall, tiny
cuteadorable, charming
softsmooth, tender
warmcozy, heated, hot
brightradiant, luminous

Story 3: The Red Car

There is a red car on the road. The red car is very fast. It has shiny wheels. The car stops at the small shop. A man buys some fresh apples. He puts the apples in the red car.

redcrimson, scarlet
fastquick, speedy
shinyglossy, sparkling
smalltiny, little
freshnew, crisp

Story 4: The Blue Bird

A blue bird sits on the tall tree. The blue bird sings a sweet song. It has bright feathers. The bird flies over the clear lake. It sees some green leaves. The blue bird is very happy.

blueazure, cobalt
tallhigh, lofty
sweetmelodious, pleasant
brightradiant, luminous
cleartransparent, lucid
greenverdant, leafy

Story 5: The Kind Girl

There is a kind girl at school. The kind girl helps her friend. She has a big smile. The girl loves her colorful books. She reads a fun story. The kind girl is very smart.

biglarge, huge
colorfulvivid, bright
funamusing, enjoyable
smartclever, intelligent
kindnice, gentle

Story 6: The Strong Boy

A strong boy is in the garden. The strong boy lifts a heavy rock. He has big muscles. The boy likes to climb the tall tree. He sees a bright sun in the sky. The strong boy feels very good.

strongpowerful, sturdy
heavyweighty, massive
biglarge, huge
tallhigh, lofty
brightradiant, luminous
goodfine, nice

Story 7: The Pretty Flower

There is a pretty flower in the garden. The pretty flower is very red. It has green leaves. The flower grows in the warm sun. A small bee lands on the flower. The pretty flower smells nice.

prettybeautiful, lovely
redcrimson, scarlet
greenverdant, leafy
warmcozy, heated
smalltiny, little
nicepleasant, lovely

Story 8: The Big Elephant

A big elephant is at the zoo. The big elephant has a long trunk. It eats green leaves. The elephant likes to play with the large ball. It drinks cold water. The big elephant is very friendly.

big large, huge

long lengthy, extended

green verdant, leafy

large big, huge

cold chilly, cool

friendly amiable, kind


Story 9: The Funny Clown

There is a funny clown at the circus. The funny clown wears a big hat. He has a red nose. The clown makes silly faces. Children laugh at the funny clown. The funny clown is very happy.

funny humorous, amusing

big large, huge

red crimson, scarlet

silly foolish, goofy

happy joyful, content


Story 10: The Small Fish

A small fish swims in the pond. The small fish is very fast. It has shiny scales. The fish sees a green plant. It hides behind the plant. The small fish feels safe.

small tiny, little

fast quick, speedy

shiny glossy, sparkling

green verdant, leafy

safe secure, protected
