Class Six English Model Question: Q2

Read the following story and answer the questions that follow:

Worksheet 1: "The Brave Squirrel"

Read the following story and answer the questions that follow:

Story: One day, a small squirrel was looking for food. She climbed a tall tree and found a nut. As she was about to eat it, a strong wind blew, and she dropped the nut. The squirrel quickly ran down the tree to get it. But when she reached the ground, the nut had rolled away into a stream. The squirrel was sad because she had lost her food.

Just then, a wise old owl flew by. He saw the sad squirrel and asked what had happened. The squirrel explained, and the owl told her not to worry. "You can always find another nut if you keep looking." The squirrel smiled and went off to search for more food.

a) Read the statements and write whether they are true or false. If false, give the correct answer. 1x5=5

i. The squirrel found the nut near a stream. 

ii. The squirrel was happy when she dropped the nut. 

iii. The owl helped the squirrel find another nut. 

iv. The squirrel gave up after losing the nut. 

v. The owl told the squirrel to keep searching. 

b) Read the story again and match column A with column B. 1x5=5

Column A
Column B
a) The squirrel lost her nut
i. because it rolled into the water.
b) She climbed down the tree
ii. after the wind blew it from her grip.
c) The owl gave the squirrel advice
iii. when she couldn't find her nut.
d) The squirrel was sad
iv. because she dropped her food.
e) The squirrel found new hope
v. and went searching for another nut.

Worksheet 1: "The Brave Squirrel"

True/False Answers:

i. False – The squirrel found the nut in a tree, not near a stream.

ii. False – The squirrel was sad when she dropped the nut.

iii. False – The owl gave the squirrel advice but did not find another nut for her.

iv. False – The squirrel did not give up; she decided to keep searching for food.

v. True

Matching Activity Answers:

a) + ii. The squirrel lost her nut after the wind blew it from her grip.

b) + i. She climbed down the tree because it rolled into the water.

c) + iv. The owl gave the squirrel advice when she couldn't find her nut.

d) + iii. The squirrel was sad because she dropped her food.

e) + v. The squirrel found new hope and went searching for another nut.

Worksheet 2: "The Helpful Dog"

Read the following story and answer the questions that follow:

Story: A boy was flying a kite in the park. Suddenly, the string broke, and the kite flew away into a tree. The boy tried to climb the tree, but it was too high for him. He sat down and started crying. His dog, Max, saw him and ran over.

Max barked and jumped around, trying to cheer the boy up. Then, he got an idea! Max ran to the tree and started barking loudly. A man who was passing by noticed the dog and asked what was wrong. The boy told the man about the kite, and the man kindly helped him get it down. The boy was happy and thanked the man and Max.

a) Read the statements and write whether they are true or false. If false, give the correct answer. 1x5=5

i. The boy was flying a kite in the backyard. 

ii. The boy was upset because his kite broke. 

iii. Max ran away when the boy cried. 

iv. The man didn’t notice Max barking. 

v. The boy was thankful for the help he received. 

b) Read the story again and match column A with column B. 1x5=5

Column A
Column B
a) The kite flew into a tree
i. and started barking for help.
b) Max saw the boy crying
ii. and the boy couldn't reach it.
c) A man came to help
iii. and the boy was very grateful.
d) Max tried to get help
iv. when he heard Max barking loudly.
e) The boy was happy again
v. when his dog ran to cheer him up.

Worksheet 2: "The Helpful Dog"

True/False Answers:

i. False – The boy was flying a kite in the park, not in the backyard.

ii. True

iii. False – Max ran over to the boy, he did not run away.

iv. False – The man noticed Max barking and came to help.

v. True

Matching Activity Answers:

a) + ii. The kite flew into a tree and the boy couldn't reach it.

b) + v. Max saw the boy crying and ran to cheer him up.

c) + iii. A man came to help and the boy was very grateful.

d) + i. Max tried to get help when he heard Max barking loudly.

e) + iv. The boy was happy again when his dog ran to cheer him up.

Worksheet 3: "The Lost Hat"
Read the following story and answer the questions that follow:
Story: On a windy day, a little girl named Sara was walking with her mother. Sara wore her favorite red hat, which her grandmother had given her. Suddenly, a gust of wind blew the hat off her head, and it flew across the street. Sara chased after it, but the wind carried the hat even farther away.
Sara's mother called her back, worried that she might get lost. A kind man saw what happened and picked up the hat for Sara. He returned it to her, and Sara was so happy to have her hat back. She thanked the man and promised to hold on to her hat tightly next time.
a) Read the statements and write whether they are true or false. If false, give the correct answer. 1x5=5
i. Sara was wearing a hat given by her mother. 
ii. The wind blew Sara's hat away. 
iii. A man helped Sara by chasing the hat. 
iv. Sara’s mother wasn’t worried at all. 
v. Sara was thankful for the help. 
b) Read the story again and match column A with column B. 1x5=5
Column A
Column B
a) Sara wore her favorite red hat
i. but a kind man retrieved it for her.
b) The wind blew her hat off
ii. and she promised to hold on next time.
c) Her mother called her back
iii. because she was afraid Sara might get lost.
d) Sara was happy to get her hat back
iv. which her grandmother gave her.
e) The man gave the hat to Sara
v. after seeing what happened.
Worksheet 3: "The Lost Hat"
True/False Answers:
i. False – Sara was wearing a hat given by her grandmother, not her mother.
ii. True
iii. False – A man helped Sara by retrieving the hat for her.
iv. False – Sara's mother was worried when the hat flew away.
v. True
Matching Activity Answers:

a) + iv. Sara wore her favorite red hat which her grandmother gave her.
b) + i. The wind blew her hat off but a kind man retrieved it for her.
c) + iii. Her mother called her back because she was afraid Sara might get lost.
d) + v. Sara was happy to get her hat back after seeing what happened.
e) + ii. The man gave the hat to Sara and she promised to hold on next time.

Worksheet 4: "The Hungry Rabbit"
Read the following story and answer the questions that follow:
Story: A rabbit named Ben was hopping through a forest looking for food. He was very hungry but couldn't find anything to eat. After searching for a while, he finally found a patch of carrots growing near a farmer's field. He hopped over to the carrots and began eating.
As Ben was enjoying his meal, he heard footsteps. The farmer was coming! Ben quickly grabbed one last carrot and hopped away before the farmer could see him. He felt happy and full after his adventure.
a) Read the statements and write whether they are true or false. If false, give the correct answer. 1x5=5
i. Ben found food easily in the forest. 
ii. Ben found carrots near a field. 
iii. Ben got scared when he heard the farmer.
iv. Ben took all the carrots with him. 
v. Ben was hungry after his adventure. 
b) Read the story again and match column A with column B. 1x5=5
Column A
Column B
a) Ben was hopping through the forest
i. when the farmer started coming.
b) He found a patch of carrots
ii. after eating some of the carrots.
c) Ben was scared
iii. because he was very hungry.
d) He took one last carrot
iv. and ran away with it.
e) Ben was full

v. near a farmer's field.

Worksheet 4: "The Hungry Rabbit"
True/False Answers:
i. False – Ben could not find food easily in the forest.
ii. True
iii. True
iv. False – Ben did not take all the carrots; he grabbed one last carrot.
v. False – Ben felt happy and full after his adventure.
Matching Activity Answers:
a) + iii. Ben was hopping through the forest because he was very hungry.
b) + v. He found a patch of carrots near a farmer's field.
c) + i. Ben was scared when the farmer started coming.
d) + iv. He took one last carrot and ran away with it.
e) + ii. Ben was full after eating some of the carrots.
Worksheet 5: "The Friendly Dolphin"
Read the following story and answer the questions that follow:
Story: Lily and her family went to the beach one sunny afternoon. While they were swimming, Lily noticed a dolphin swimming nearby. She was very excited and waved at the dolphin. To her surprise, the dolphin swam closer and started playing with her. Lily laughed as the dolphin splashed water and jumped in the air.
After a while, the dolphin swam away, and Lily felt so happy. She couldn’t wait to tell her friends about the friendly dolphin. It was the best part of her day at the beach.
a) Read the statements and write whether they are true or false. If false, give the correct answer. 1x5=5
i. Lily was afraid of the dolphin. 
ii. The dolphin swam away when Lily waved. 
iii. The dolphin played with Lily in the water. 
iv. Lily wasn’t happy to see the dolphin. 
v. Lily wanted to tell her friends about the dolphin. 
b) Read the story again and match column A with column B. 1x5=5
Column A
Column B
a) Lily went to the beach
i. and waved at it.
b) She saw a dolphin
ii. as it swam near her.
c) The dolphin swam closer
iii. after playing with the dolphin.
d) Lily laughed
iv. and played in the water.
e) The dolphin swam away
v. with her family one afternoon.
Worksheet 5: "The Friendly Dolphin"
True/False Answers:
i. False – Lily was excited to see the dolphin.
ii. False – The dolphin swam closer when Lily waved.
iii. True
iv. False – Lily was very happy to see the dolphin.
v. True
Matching Activity Answers:
a) + v. Lily went to the beach with her family one afternoon.
b) + i. She saw a dolphin and waved at it.
c) + ii. The dolphin swam closer as it swam near her.
d) + iv. Lily laughed and played in the water.
e) + iii. The dolphin swam away after playing with the dolphin.
Worksheet 6: "The Kind Deer"
Read the following story and answer the questions that follow:
Story: In a big forest, a deer named Daisy lived with her animal friends. One day, a young rabbit hurt his leg while playing. Daisy saw the rabbit limping and went over to help. She gently carried the rabbit on her back to a safe place and took care of him.
Daisy’s friends were amazed by her kindness. The rabbit soon got better, and everyone in the forest thanked Daisy for her help. Daisy felt proud to have made a difference.
a) Read the statements and write whether they are true or false. If false, give the correct answer. 1x5=5
The rabbit hurt his leg while running. 
Daisy ignored the injured rabbit. 
Daisy carried the rabbit to safety. 
Daisy’s friends were surprised by her kindness. 
The rabbit stayed hurt for a long time. 
b) Read the story again and match column A with column B. 1x5=5
Column A
Column B
a) Daisy lived in a forest
i. and helped him.
b) The rabbit hurt his leg
ii. and carried him on her back.
c) Daisy saw the rabbit
iii. and everyone thanked her.
d) Daisy took the rabbit to a safe place
iv. with other animals as her friends.
e) The forest animals thanked Daisy
v. while he was playing.
Worksheet 6: "The Kind Deer"
True/False Answers:
i. False – The rabbit hurt his leg while playing.
ii. False – Daisy helped the injured rabbit.
iii. True
iv. True
v. False – The rabbit soon got better.
Matching Activity Answers:
a) + iv. Daisy lived in a forest with other animals as her friends.
b) + v. The rabbit hurt his leg while he was playing.
c) + i. Daisy saw the rabbit and helped him.
d) + ii. Daisy took the rabbit to a safe place and carried him on her back.
e) + iii. The forest animals thanked Daisy and everyone thanked her.

Worksheet 7: "The Lost Puppy"
Read the following story and answer the questions that follow:
Story: Tom was walking home from school when he heard a puppy barking. He looked around and found a small puppy sitting by the road. The puppy seemed lost and scared. Tom gently picked it up and decided to help find its owner.
Tom went to the nearby houses, asking if anyone had lost a puppy. After a short while, a woman recognized the puppy as hers. She thanked Tom for bringing her puppy back, and the puppy happily wagged its tail. Tom felt proud of himself for helping.
a) Read the statements and write whether they are true or false. If false, give the correct answer. 1x5=5
i. Tom found a kitten by the road.
ii. The puppy looked happy when Tom found it.
iii. Tom took the puppy to different houses.
iv. The puppy’s owner was a man.
v. Tom felt proud after helping the puppy. 
b) Read the story again and match column A with column B. 1x5=5
Column A
Column B
a) Tom heard barking
i. as it was lost and scared.
b) He found a puppy
ii. and decided to help the puppy.
c) Tom took the puppy
iii. when he saw a small dog by the road.
d) A woman thanked Tom
iv. for bringing her lost dog home.
e) Tom was happy
v. after finding the puppy’s owner.
Worksheet 7: "The Lost Puppy"
True/False Answers:
i. False – Tom found a puppy by the road.
ii. False – The puppy looked scared when Tom found it.
iii. True
iv. False – The puppy’s owner was a woman.
v. True
Matching Activity Answers:
a) + iii. Tom heard barking when he saw a small dog by the road.
b) + i. He found a puppy as it was lost and scared.
c) + ii. Tom took the puppy and decided to help the puppy.
d) + iv. A woman thanked Tom for bringing her lost dog home.
e) + v. Tom was happy after finding the puppy’s owner.

Worksheet 8: "The Busy Ants"
Read the following story and answer the questions that follow:
Story: In a garden, there was a big anthill where many ants lived. Every day, the ants worked hard to gather food for their colony. They carried leaves, seeds, and tiny pieces of food back to the anthill. The ants worked together, never stopping until the sun went down.
One day, a grasshopper came by and laughed at the ants for working so hard. But when winter came, the ants had plenty of food stored, while the grasshopper was hungry. The ants shared their food with him, and the grasshopper learned the value of hard work.
a) Read the statements and write whether they are true or false. If false, give the correct answer. 1x5=5
i. The ants gathered food for themselves only. 
ii. The grasshopper made fun of the ants’ hard work. 
iii. The ants stopped working before sunset. 
iv. The grasshopper had food for winter. 
v. The ants helped the grasshopper in the end. 
b) Read the story again and match column A with column B. 1x5=5
Column A
Column B
a) The ants gathered food
i. even when the grasshopper laughed at them.
b) The grasshopper laughed
ii. when winter came.
c) The ants kept working
iii. because they were hungry in winter.
d) The grasshopper was hungry
iv. to store for the winter.
e) The ants shared their food
v. when he saw the ants working hard.
Worksheet 8: "The Busy Ants"
True/False Answers:
i. False – The ants gathered food for their colony.
ii. True
iii. False – The ants worked until the sun went down.
iv. False – The grasshopper did not have food for winter.
v. True
Matching Activity Answers:
a) + iv. The ants gathered food to store for the winter.
b) + v. The grasshopper laughed when he saw the ants working hard.
c) + i. The ants kept working even when the grasshopper laughed at them.
d) + iii. The grasshopper was hungry because they were hungry in winter.
e) + ii. The ants shared their food when winter came.

Worksheet 9: "The Helpful Bird"
Read the following story and answer the questions that follow:
Story: There was a bird named Coco who lived in a tall tree. One day, a small mouse fell into a puddle and couldn’t get out. Coco saw the mouse struggling and flew down to help. Coco picked up a big leaf and placed it near the mouse, so the mouse could climb onto it and get out of the puddle.
The mouse was very thankful and said, “You saved me, Coco!” From that day, the mouse and the bird became best friends, and they always looked out for each other.
a) Read the statements and write whether they are true or false. If false, give the correct answer. 1x5=5
i. Coco was a mouse living in a tree. 
ii. The mouse fell into a puddle. 
iii. Coco helped the mouse by giving it food. 
iv. The mouse was very thankful to Coco. 
v. Coco and the mouse became enemies. 
b) Read the story again and match column A with column B. 1x5=5
Column A
Column B
a) Coco saw the mouse
i. and placed it near the mouse.
b) The mouse was stuck
ii. after falling into a puddle.
c) Coco used a big leaf
iii. and became close friends.
d) The mouse thanked Coco
iv. and asked for help.
e) Coco and the mouse helped each other
v. for helping him get out of the puddle.
Worksheet 9: "The Helpful Bird"
True/False Answers:
i. False – Coco was a bird living in a tree.
ii. True
iii. False – Coco helped the mouse by placing a leaf for him.
iv. True
v. False – Coco and the mouse became best friends.
Matching Activity Answers:
a) + iv. Coco saw the mouse and asked for help.
b) + ii. The mouse was stuck after falling into a puddle.
c) + i. Coco used a big leaf and placed it near the mouse.
d) + v. The mouse thanked Coco for helping him get out of the puddle.
e) + iii. Coco and the mouse helped each other and became close friends.

Worksheet 10: "The Happy Frog" Read the following story and answer the questions that follow:
Story: A frog named Freddy lived in a small pond. Every day, he jumped from one lily pad to another, enjoying the sunshine. One afternoon, it started to rain heavily, and the pond began to fill up with water. Freddy didn’t mind the rain; in fact, he loved it! He jumped around happily as the rain poured down.
When the rain finally stopped, Freddy saw a rainbow in the sky. He smiled and thought, “What a beautiful day!” Freddy was happy that he could enjoy both the sunshine and the rain.
a) Read the statements and write whether they are true or false. If false, give the correct answer. 1x5=5
i. Freddy the frog lived in a large lake. 
ii. Freddy enjoyed the rain. 
iii. Freddy was scared when the pond filled up with water. 
iv. Freddy saw a rainbow after the rain stopped. 
v. Freddy didn’t like jumping on lily pads. 
b) Read the story again and match column A with column B. 1x5=5

Column A
Column B
a) Freddy lived in a pond
i. because he loved both sunshine and rain.
b) Freddy jumped around
ii. as soon as the rain began.
c) The pond filled with water
iii. after the rain stopped.
d) Freddy saw a rainbow
iv. when the rain poured down.
e) Freddy was happy
v. and loved to hop on lily pads.
Worksheet 10: "The Happy Frog"
True/False Answers:
i. False – Freddy the frog lived in a small pond.
ii. True
iii. False – Freddy didn’t mind the rain.
iv. True
v. False – Freddy loved jumping on lily pads.
Matching Activity Answers:
a) + v. Freddy lived in a pond and loved to hop on lily pads.
b) + iv. Freddy jumped around when the rain poured down.
c) + ii. The pond filled with water as soon as the rain began.
d) + iii. Freddy saw a rainbow after the rain stopped.
e) + i. Freddy was happy because he loved both sunshine and rain.