Class Six English Model Question: Q1

Read the text about cultural and social behavioural similarities and dissimilarities between Bangladesh and the United Kingdom, and answer the questions that follow:

Model Questions

1. NCTB Sample Question

Read the text about cultural and social behavioural similarities and dissimilarities between Bangladesh and the United Kingdom, and answer the questions that follow:

Bangladesh and the United Kingdom (UK) have distinct cultural and social behaviours shaped by their unique histories and environments. Both countries value family and community, though the ways these values are expressed may differ. In Bangladesh, extended families often live together, and there is a strong emphasis on respecting the elders. In the UK, while there is a greater focus on nuclear families and individualism.

Socially, both countries enjoy festivals and public holidays, but the types of celebrations vary. Bangladesh celebrates religious festivals like Eid and Pohela Boishakh, while the UK celebrates Christmas, Easter, and Bonfire Night. Both countries have a rich tradition of literature and arts. Bangladesh is known for its poetry and music, and the UK for its contributions to literature and theatre.

Behaviourally, there are differences in social etiquette. In Bangladesh, hospitality is a key aspect of social behaviour, and guests are treated with great respect. In the UK, politeness and queuing are important social norms. Despite these differences, both societies value education, and have made significant efforts to improve literacy and educational opportunities for their citizens.

a) Choose the best answer from the alternatives: 1x5=5

i. What type of family structure is more common in Bangladesh?

  • a) nuclear family
  • b) extended family
  • c) Single-parent family
  • d) Childless family

ii. Which festival is celebrated in Bangladesh?

  • a) Christmas
  • b) Easter
  • c) Eid
  • d) Bonfire Night

iii. What is a key aspect of social behaviour in Bangladesh?

  • a) queuing
  • b) individualism
  • c) hospitality
  • d) punctuality

iv. What is one thing that is valued by both societies?

  • a) theatre
  • b) individualism
  • c) politeness
  • d) education

v. Which country is known for its contributions to literature and theatre?

  • a) Bangladesh
  • b) The UK
  • c) Both
  • d) Neither

b) Write short answers to the following questions: 5x2=10

  • i. How do family structures in Bangladesh differ from those in the UK?
  • ii. Name one festival celebrated in Bangladesh and one in the UK.
  • iii. Describe a key aspect of social behaviour in the UK.
  • iv. What are some cultural contributions of Bangladesh?
  • v. How do both countries value education?

Questionnaire 2

1. Read the text answer the questions that follow:

Once upon a time, there was an old king named Lear. He had three daughters: Goneril, Regan, and Cordelia. King Lear wanted to divide his kingdom among his daughters. But first, he asked each daughter to tell him how much she loved him.

Goneril, the eldest daughter, said, "I love you more than anything in the world!" Regan, the second daughter, said, "I love you just as much as my sister!" King Lear was happy with their answers and gave them each part of his kingdom.

When it was Cordelia's turn, she said, "I love you, Father, as much as a daughter should love her father." But Lear was upset because Cordelia didn’t flatter him like her sisters. So, he gave her nothing and sent her away.

Later, King Lear found out that Goneril and Regan were not kind to him. They treated him badly, and he realized they only pretended to love him to get his kingdom. King Lear became very sad and felt sorry for what he did to Cordelia.

In the end, Cordelia came back to help her father, but it was too late. King Lear was heartbroken and died, and Cordelia, who truly loved him, also died trying to save him.

The story teaches us that true love cannot be measured by words and that we should value those who love us sincerely.

a) Choose the best answer from the alternatives: 1x5=5

i. What did King Lear ask his daughters to do before dividing his kingdom? 

  • a) Sing a song
  • b) Tell him how much they loved him
  • c) Write a letter
  • d) Bring him a gift

ii. What did Goneril, the eldest daughter, say to King Lear? 

  • a) "I love you more than anything in the world!"
  • b) "I love you as much as a daughter should."
  • c) "I don't love you."
  • d) "I love you just as much as my sister."

iii. Why was King Lear upset with Cordelia? 

  • a) She refused to talk to him
  • b) She didn’t flatter him like her sisters
  • c) She left the kingdom
  • d) She took all the kingdom

iv. What happened after King Lear gave Goneril and Regan parts of his kingdom?

  • a) They treated him badly
  • b) They loved him more
  • c) They helped him rule the kingdom
  • d) They sent him away

v. What lesson does the story of King Lear teach us? 

  • a) True love is shown by giving gifts
  • b) Words are more important than actions
  • c) True love cannot be measured by words
  • d) Parents should give everything to their children

b) Write short answers to the following questions 5x2=10

  • i. What did King Lear ask his daughters before dividing his kingdom?
  • ii. How did Goneril and Regan show their love to their father?
  • iii. Why did King Lear send Cordelia away?
  • iv. What did King Lear realize later about Goneril and Regan?
  • v. What happened to King Lear and Cordelia in the end?

Probable Answers 2.

a) Choose the best answer from the alternatives: 1x5=5

i. What did King Lear ask his daughters to do before dividing his kingdom? 

Answer: b) Tell him how much they loved him

ii. What did Goneril, the eldest daughter, say to King Lear? 

Answer: a) "I love you more than anything in the world!"

iii. Why was King Lear upset with Cordelia? 

Answer: b) She didn’t flatter him like her sisters

iv. What happened after King Lear gave Goneril and Regan parts of his kingdom? 

Answer: a) They treated him badly

v. What lesson does the story of King Lear teach us? 

Answer: c) True love cannot be measured by words

b) Write short answers to the following questions 5x2=10

i. What did King Lear ask his daughters before dividing his kingdom?

Answer: He asked them to tell him how much they loved him.

ii. How did Goneril and Regan show their love to their father?

Answer: They flattered him with big words, pretending to love him.

iii. Why did King Lear send Cordelia away?

Answer: He was upset because she didn’t flatter him like her sisters.

iv. What did King Lear realize later about Goneril and Regan?

Answer: He realized that they only pretended to love him to get his kingdom and treated him badly.

v. What happened to King Lear and Cordelia in the end?

Answer: Both King Lear and Cordelia died; Lear was heartbroken, and Cordelia died trying to save him.

Questionnaire 3

1. Read the text answer the questions that follow:

In Bangladesh, students address people with respect by adding terms like "brother," "sister," "uncle," or "auntie" after their first name, especially for elders. This reflects the cultural value placed on showing respect through language. Teachers are also never called by their names directly, as it's considered disrespectful to address elders or authority figures by their names. Greetings in Bangladesh vary based on religion, with Muslims saying "salam," Hindus saying "namaskar," and people from other religions greeted with "adaab." It’s common to use "good morning" or "good evening" as well.

In Canada, students generally call people by their first names if they are familiar with them, but for strangers or formal situations, they use the last name with "Mr." or "Ms." before it. Teachers are usually addressed by their last names as a sign of respect. Canadians greet others with "hello" for elders and strangers, while "hi" is used for friends and younger people. Saying "good morning" or "good night" is also common. In Canada, it's polite to avoid saying "no" directly. Instead, phrases like "I’m afraid" or "sorry, but" are used before giving a refusal, which softens the response and maintains politeness.

a) Choose the best answer from the alternatives: 1x5=5

i. How do students in Bangladesh show respect when addressing elders? 

  • a) By using last names
  • b) By adding "brother," "sister," "uncle," or "auntie" after their first name
  • c) By calling them by their first names
  • d) By avoiding greetings altogether

ii. How are teachers addressed in Bangladesh?

  • a) By their first names
  • b) By nicknames
  • c) Teachers are never called by their names directly
  • d) Using "Mr." or "Ms."

iii. What greeting do Muslims in Bangladesh commonly use?

  • a) Namaskar
  • b) Adaab
  • c) Good morning
  • d) As-salamu-alaikum

iv. How do students in Canada typically address teachers?

  • a) By their first names
  • b) By their last names with "Mr." or "Ms."
  • c) By nicknames
  • d) By calling them "auntie" or "uncle"

v. Which phrase do Canadians often use to soften a refusal?

  • a) "No"
  • b) "I'm afraid" or "sorry, but"
  • c) "Not at all"
  • d) "Absolutely not"

b) Write short answers to the following questions 5x2=10

  • i. How do students in Bangladesh address elders to show respect? 
  • ii. Why are teachers in Bangladesh not called by their names directly? 
  • iii. What greetings are used in Bangladesh based on religion? 
  • iv. How do Canadians greet people they are familiar with? 
  • v. What is a polite way to refuse something in Canada? 

Probable Answers 3.

a) Choose the best answer from the alternatives: 1x5=5

i. How do students in Bangladesh show respect when addressing elders? 

Answer: b) By adding "brother," "sister," "uncle," or "auntie" after their first name

ii. How are teachers addressed in Bangladesh? 

Answer: c) Teachers are never called by their names directly

iii. What greeting do Muslims in Bangladesh commonly use? 

Answer: d) As-salamu-alaikum

iv. How do students in Canada typically address teachers? 

Answer: b) By their last names with "Mr." or "Ms."

v. Which phrase do Canadians often use to soften a refusal? 

Answer: b) "I'm afraid" or "sorry, but"

b) Write short answers to the following questions 5x2=10

i. How do students in Bangladesh address elders to show respect? 

Answer: They add terms like "brother," "sister," "uncle," or "auntie" after the first name.

ii. Why are teachers in Bangladesh not called by their names directly? 

Answer: It is considered disrespectful to address elders or authority figures by their names.

iii. What greetings are used in Bangladesh based on religion? 

Answer: Muslims say "salam," Hindus say "namaskar," and people from other religions use "adaab."

iv. How do Canadians greet people they are familiar with? 

Answer: They usually call them by their first names.

v. What is a polite way to refuse something in Canada? 

Answer: By using phrases like "I'm afraid" or "sorry, but" before refusing.

Questionnaire 4

1. Read the text answer the questions that follow:

One day, six friends went on an adventure to the forest. They were very excited to see the trees and birds, and they also brought a picnic with them. While walking, they found a small stream. They decided to jump on the rocks to cross the stream. Each friend jumped over the water and had fun.

When they reached the other side, Sam, one of the friends, asked, "Did everyone cross safely?" He started counting his friends but only counted five people. He became worried and said, "One person is missing!" The friends were scared and looked around, calling for their missing friend. But every time they counted, they always found only five people.

Just then, an old man came by and asked what was wrong. The friends told him the problem. The old man smiled and said, "Count again, but this time, count yourself too." Sam counted again, including himself, and found six people! The friends laughed because they had forgotten to count themselves. They thanked the old man and happily continued their adventure.

a) Choose the best answer from the alternatives: 1x5=5

i. How many friends went on the adventure to the forest? 

  • a) Five
  • b) Six
  • c) Seven
  • d) Eight

ii. What did the friends bring with them on their adventure? 

  • a) Games
  • b) A camera
  • c) A picnic
  • d) Fishing rods

iii. What problem did Sam notice after they crossed the stream? 

  • a) They lost their picnic
  • b) One friend was missing
  • c) They couldn't find the stream
  • d) They were lost in the forest

iv. Who helped the friends realize their mistake? 

  • a) A child
  • b) A teacher
  • c) An old man
  • d) A forest ranger

v. What did the friends forget to count when Sam was counting? 

  • a) Their picnic
  • b) The old man
  • c) The stream
  • d) Themselves

b) Write short answers to the following questions 5x2=10

  • i. What did the friends feel when they first started their adventure in the forest? 
  • ii. What did the friends do to cross the stream? 
  • iii. How many people did Sam initially count after crossing the stream? 
  • iv. What advice did the old man give Sam when he was worried about the missing friend? 
  • v. How did the friends feel after realizing their mistake? 

Probable Answers 4.

a) Choose the best answer from the alternatives: 1x5=5

i. How many friends went on the adventure to the forest? 

Answer: b) Six

ii. What did the friends bring with them on their adventure? 

Answer: c) A picnic

iii. What problem did Sam notice after they crossed the stream? 

Answer: b) One friend was missing

iv. Who helped the friends realize their mistake? 

Answer: c) An old man

v. What did the friends forget to count when Sam was counting? 

Answer: d) Themselves

b) Write short answers to the following questions 5x2=10

i. What did the friends feel when they first started their adventure in the forest? 

Answer: They felt very excited to see the trees and birds.

ii. What did the friends do to cross the stream? 

Answer: They jumped on the rocks to cross the stream.

iii. How many people did Sam initially count after crossing the stream? 

Answer: Sam initially counted five people.

iv. What advice did the old man give Sam when he was worried about the missing friend? 

Answer: The old man advised Sam to count himself too.

v. How did the friends feel after realizing their mistake? 

Answer: They laughed because they had forgotten to count themselves and happily continued their adventure.

Questionnaire 5

1. Read the text answer the questions that follow:

One rainy morning, Sara was on her way to school. The road was wet and slippery. As she walked, she saw an old lady trying to cross the street. Suddenly, the old lady slipped. Sara quickly ran to help her stand up. The old lady smiled and said, "Thank you, young girl! You are so kind!"

After that, Sara kept walking and saw a small cat stuck in a bush. A little girl nearby was crying because she was scared for the cat. Sara, without any fear, helped the cat out of the bush. The little girl smiled and said, "Thank you, sister! You are so brave!"

Later, Sara met her friend on the way to school. Her friend’s shoes were soaked from the rain. Sara lent her a pair of dry socks she had in her bag. Her friend was so happy and said, "Sara, you are always so helpful!"

When they arrived at school, the guard smiled and said, "You made it on time in this weather! Well done, Sara!" She went to her class, finished her homework, and listened carefully to the teacher. The teacher praised her and said, "You are such a good student, Sara!"

At the end of the day, even though Sara couldn’t play outside because of the rain, she went home feeling happy about helping others.

a) Choose the best answer from the alternatives: 1x5=5

i. What did Sara see while walking to school on a rainy morning? 

  • a) A dog running
  • b) An old lady trying to cross the street
  • c) A car accident
  • d) A group of children playing

ii. How did the old lady react after Sara helped her? 

  • a) She ignored Sara
  • b) She scolded Sara
  • c) She smiled and thanked Sara
  • d) She asked Sara for more help

iii. What did Sara do when she saw the small cat stuck in the bush? 

  • a) She called for help
  • b) She ignored the situation
  • c) She helped the cat out of the bush
  • d) She took the cat home

iv. What did Sara lend to her friend on the way to school? 

  • a) An umbrella
  • b) A pair of dry socks
  • c) A book
  • d) Her raincoat

v. How did Sara feel at the end of the day? 

  • a) Sad
  • b) Angry
  • c) Happy about helping others
  • d) Tired and upset

b) Write short answers to the following questions 5x2=10

  • i. Why was the road slippery when Sara was walking to school? 
  • ii. What did the little girl say to Sara after she helped the cat? 
  • iii. How did Sara's friend feel when she received the dry socks? 
  • iv. What did the school guard say to Sara when she arrived at school? 
  • v. What did Sara do in class after arriving at school? 

Probable Answers 5. 

a) Choose the best answer from the alternatives: 1x5=5

i. What did Sara see while walking to school on a rainy morning? 

Answer: b) An old lady trying to cross the street

ii. How did the old lady react after Sara helped her? 

Answer: c) She smiled and thanked Sara

iii. What did Sara do when she saw the small cat stuck in the bush? 

Answer: c) She helped the cat out of the bush

iv. What did Sara lend to her friend on the way to school? 

Answer: b) A pair of dry socks

v. How did Sara feel at the end of the day? 

Answer: c) Happy about helping others

b) Write short answers to the following questions 5x2=10

i. Why was the road slippery when Sara was walking to school? 

Answer: The road was wet because it was raining.

ii. What did the little girl say to Sara after she helped the cat? 

Answer: The little girl smiled and said, "Thank you, sister! You are so brave!"

iii. How did Sara's friend feel when she received the dry socks? 

Answer: Sara's friend was very happy.

iv. What did the school guard say to Sara when she arrived at school? 

Answer: The guard smiled and said, "You made it on time in this weather! Well done, Sara!"

v. What did Sara do in class after arriving at school? 

Answer: She finished her homework and listened carefully to the teacher.

Questionnaire 6: Healthy Eating and Nutrition

Read the passage and answer the questions below:

Healthy eating is essential for maintaining a balanced and nutritious diet. It involves consuming a variety of foods, including fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and proteins. A healthy diet provides the body with essential vitamins, minerals, and energy. In Bangladesh, there is a growing awareness of the importance of nutrition, as poor diet can lead to health issues such as obesity, diabetes, and malnutrition.

Eating too much fast food and processed snacks, which are high in sugar, salt, and fat, can negatively affect one's health. On the other hand, including natural foods in the diet, such as fresh fruits and leafy greens, helps in boosting immunity and overall well-being. For children, a nutritious diet is crucial for growth and development.

a) Choose the best answer from the alternatives: 1x5=5

i. What is essential for maintaining a balanced diet?

  • a) Eating fast food
  • b) Drinking soda
  • c) Healthy eating
  • d) Skipping meals

ii. Which nutrient is NOT mentioned in the passage?

  • a) Vitamins
  • b) Proteins
  • c) Fats
  • d) Water

iii. What can a poor diet lead to?

  • a) Better health
  • b) Weight gain
  • c) Energy boost
  • d) Strong immunity

iv. What type of food is mentioned as unhealthy?

  • a) Fresh fruits
  • b) Fast food
  • c) Leafy greens
  • d) Whole grains

v. Why is a nutritious diet important for children?

  • a) It helps them sleep better
  • b) It aids their growth and development
  • c) It makes them taller
  • d) It helps them run faster

b) Write short answers to the following questions: 5x2=10

  • i. What does healthy eating involve?
  • ii. Name one health issue caused by a poor diet.
  • iii. What foods should be avoided for a healthy diet?
  • iv. Why are natural foods important?
  • v. How does a nutritious diet benefit children?

Questionnaire 7: The Importance of Physical Exercise

Read the passage and answer the questions below:

Physical exercise is vital for maintaining both physical and mental health. Regular exercise helps to keep the body strong, reduces the risk of chronic diseases, and improves mental clarity. In Bangladesh, more people are realizing the benefits of staying active by walking, jogging, or playing sports. Exercise can also relieve stress and improve mood by releasing endorphins, known as "happy hormones."

Despite its benefits, many people still lead sedentary lifestyles, which can lead to weight gain and other health issues. Encouraging children to participate in outdoor activities is important for building strong muscles and maintaining a healthy weight.

a) Choose the best answer from the alternatives: 1x5=5

i. What is one benefit of regular physical exercise?

  • a) Chronic diseases
  • b) Mental clarity
  • c) Weight gain
  • d) Loss of energy

ii. What is the role of endorphins?

  • a) Cause stress
  • b) Promote sadness
  • c) Improve mood
  • d) Decrease energy levels

iii. What kind of lifestyle leads to health issues?

  • a) Active lifestyle
  • b) Sedentary lifestyle
  • c) Outdoor activities
  • d) Balanced lifestyle

iv. What type of activities can children participate in to stay healthy?

  • a) Watching TV
  • b) Playing video games
  • c) Outdoor activities
  • d) Sleeping

v. Why is physical exercise important for mental health?

  • a) It increases stress
  • b) It improves focus and reduces stress
  • c) It tires the brain
  • d) It makes people sleep longer

b) Write short answers to the following questions: 5x2=10

  • i. Why is physical exercise important for health?
  • ii. What benefits do endorphins provide?
  • iii. What is a sedentary lifestyle?
  • iv. How can children benefit from exercise?
  • v. Name two types of physical activities mentioned in the passage.

Questionnaire 8: The Greedy Farmer

Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow:

Once upon a time, there was a farmer who had a goose that laid golden eggs. Every day, the farmer would collect the egg and sell it at the market, making him wealthier day by day. However, the farmer was greedy. He thought to himself, "If this goose can lay golden eggs, then there must be gold inside it. Why wait for one egg a day when I can have all the gold at once?"

The farmer, driven by greed, decided to cut open the goose to get all the golden eggs at once. To his surprise, there was no gold inside the goose. Worse still, by killing the goose, he lost the ability to get even a single golden egg. The farmer realized his mistake, but it was too late. His greed had cost him everything.

a) Choose the best answer from the alternatives: 1x5=5

i. What did the farmer have that made him wealthy?
  • a) A cow
  • b) A goose that laid golden eggs
  • c) A field of wheat
  • d) A large barn

ii. What did the farmer think was inside the goose?

  • a) More geese
  • b) A large treasure of gold
  • c) Silver eggs
  • d) Nothing at all

iii. Why did the farmer kill the goose?

  • a) He wanted all the gold at once
  • b) The goose stopped laying eggs
  • c) He wanted to eat the goose
  • d) The goose was sick

iv. What did the farmer find when he cut open the goose?

  • a) A lot of gold
  • b) Many golden eggs
  • c) Nothing
  • d) Silver coins

v. What lesson did the farmer learn?

  • a) Hard work is rewarding
  • b) Greed leads to loss
  • c) Money cannot buy happiness
  • d) Honesty is the best policy

b) Write short answers to the following questions: 5x2=10

  • i. Why did the farmer become wealthy?
  • ii. What did the farmer think when he saw the goose laying golden eggs?
  • iii. What mistake did the farmer make?
  • iv. How did the farmer feel after he lost the goose?
  • v. What is the moral of the story?

Questionnaire 9: The Brave Firefighter

Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow:

In a bustling city, there was a brave firefighter named Alex. Alex had always dreamed of helping people, so when he became a firefighter, he was determined to be the best. One summer, a huge fire broke out in an apartment building, trapping several families inside. Without hesitation, Alex rushed into the building, determined to save as many people as he could.

With smoke filling the air and flames growing higher, Alex rescued family after family, carrying children on his back and guiding the elderly to safety. His bravery inspired others, and soon more firefighters joined him to help. After hours of battling the flames, the fire was finally extinguished, and thanks to Alex’s courage, everyone survived.

The city honored Alex for his bravery, but he remained humble. "I was just doing my job," he said. "Helping others is what matters the most."

a) Choose the best answer from the alternatives: 1x5=5

i. What was Alex's profession?
  • a) Doctor
  • b) Firefighter
  • c) Police officer
  • d) Teacher

ii. What happened in the city during the summer?

  • a) A flood occurred
  • b) A fire broke out
  • c) A tornado hit
  • d) A robbery happened

iii. Why did Alex rush into the burning building?

  • a) To put out the fire
  • b) To save the trapped families
  • c) To find his friend
  • d) To stop the fire from spreading

iv. What did Alex do during the fire?

  • a) Guided families to safety
  • b) Called for help
  • c) Took a break
  • d) Watched from a distance

v. How did Alex feel after being honored by the city?

  • a) Proud
  • b) Humble
  • c) Arrogant
  • d) Disappointed

b) Write short answers to the following questions: 5x2=10

  • i. What was Alex’s dream when he was young?
  • ii. How did Alex save the families trapped in the fire?
  • iii. What did other firefighters do when they saw Alex's bravery?
  • iv. How did the city reward Alex for his actions?
  • v. What did Alex say about his act of bravery?

Questionnaire 10: The Fox and the Crow

Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow:

One day, a hungry fox was wandering through the forest when he saw a crow perched on a branch with a large piece of cheese in its beak. The fox wanted the cheese, but he knew he couldn’t just take it. So, he came up with a clever plan.

"Good day, dear crow!" the fox said sweetly. "You are the most beautiful bird I have ever seen! Your feathers shine in the sunlight, and your eyes are as bright as stars. But I have heard that your voice is even more beautiful. Will you not sing a song for me?"

The crow, flattered by the fox’s words, opened its beak to sing. As soon as it did, the cheese fell to the ground, and the clever fox quickly grabbed it. "Thank you for the cheese," the fox said as he ran away, leaving the crow to realize that he had been tricked by flattery.

a) Choose the best answer from the alternatives: 1x5=5

i. What did the crow have in its beak?

  • a) A piece of bread
  • b) A piece of cheese
  • c) A shiny stone
  • d) A worm

ii. What did the fox want from the crow?

  • a) To become friends
  • b) To hear the crow sing
  • c) The cheese
  • d) To scare the crow away

iii. How did the fox try to get what he wanted?

  • a) By asking politely
  • b) By scaring the crow
  • c) By flattering the crow
  • d) By offering the crow something

iv. What happened when the crow opened its beak to sing?

  • a) The cheese fell to the ground
  • b) The fox ran away
  • c) The crow flew away
  • d) The fox left without the cheese

v. What lesson can be learned from this story?

  • a) Flattery can be dangerous
  • b) Always share with others
  • c) Hard work leads to success
  • d) Trust everyone you meet

b) Write short answers to the following questions: 5x2=10

  • i. What did the fox see when he was wandering in the forest?
  • ii. How did the fox flatter the crow?
  • iii. What did the crow do when the fox praised him?
  • iv. What happened to the cheese in the end?
  • v. What is the moral of the story?

Questionnaire 11: The Power of Teamwork

Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow:

There was once a group of children who loved to play soccer. However, they never won any matches because they always played individually, each child trying to score a goal by themselves. One day, their coach gathered them and said, "Soccer is a team sport. If you want to win, you need to work together."

The children listened to the coach’s advice and started practicing as a team. They passed the ball to one another, helped defend their goal, and celebrated each other’s successes. Soon, they started winning matches. The more they played together, the better they became. The children realized that teamwork was the key to success, and from then on, they always supported one another on and off the field.

a) Choose the best answer from the alternatives: 1x5=5

i. What sport did the children play?
  • a) Basketball
  • b) Soccer
  • c) Baseball
  • d) Volleyball

ii. Why did the children keep losing their matches?

  • a) They didn’t practice enough
  • b) They didn’t follow the rules
  • c) They played individually
  • d) They were too slow

iii. What did the coach tell the children to do?

  • a) Play harder
  • b) Work as a team
  • c) Practice every day
  • d) Be more competitive

iv. What happened when the children started playing as a team?

  • a) They lost more matches
  • b) They won more matches
  • c) They stopped playing soccer
  • d) They became frustrated

v. What did the children learn from playing as a team?

  • a) Teamwork leads to success
  • b) Winning is everything
  • c) Soccer is too difficult
  • d) Individual effort is better

b) Write short answers to the following questions: 5x2=10

  • i. Why did the children always lose their soccer matches?
  • ii. What advice did the coach give to the children?
  • iii. How did the children improve after they followed the coach’s advice?
  • iv. How did the children’s attitude toward soccer change after learning to work together?
  • v. What is the key lesson from this story?

Questionnaire 12: The Honest Woodcutter

Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow:

Once upon a time, there was an honest woodcutter who lived near a forest. One day, while cutting down a tree by the river, his axe slipped from his hands and fell into the deep water. The woodcutter was devastated because he had no money to buy another axe.

Suddenly, a water spirit appeared and offered to help. The spirit dove into the river and returned with a golden axe. "Is this your axe?" the spirit asked. The woodcutter shook his head and said, "No, that is not my axe." The spirit went back into the river and returned with a silver axe. Again, the woodcutter shook his head, saying, "No, that is not my axe either." Finally, the spirit retrieved the woodcutter’s simple iron axe. The woodcutter smiled and said, "Yes, that is my axe."

Impressed by his honesty, the spirit rewarded the woodcutter by giving him all three axes—gold, silver, and iron. The woodcutter returned home, grateful for the reward and proud of his honesty.

a) Choose the best answer from the alternatives: 1x5=5

i. Where did the woodcutter lose his axe?

  • a) In the forest
  • b) In the river
  • c) In his house
  • d) In the field

ii. What did the water spirit first bring to the woodcutter?

  • a) A silver axe
  • b) A golden axe
  • c) An iron axe
  • d) A bronze axe

iii. How did the woodcutter respond when the spirit showed him the golden axe?

  • a) He said it was his axe
  • b) He claimed it was too valuable
  • c) He said it wasn’t his
  • d) He took it silently

iv. What was the woodcutter’s reward for being honest?

  • a) The golden axe only
  • b) Nothing
  • c) All three axes
  • d) The silver axe

v. What lesson does the story teach?

  • a) Hard work pays off
  • b) Honesty is the best policy
  • c) Wealth brings happiness
  • d) Greed is dangerous

b) Write short answers to the following questions: 5x2=10

  • i. Why was the woodcutter sad when he lost his axe?
  • ii. How did the water spirit help the woodcutter?
  • iii. Why did the woodcutter refuse the golden and silver axes?
  • iv. How did the water spirit reward the woodcutter?
  • v. What is the moral of the story?

Questionnaire 13: The Lion and the Mouse

Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow:

One day, a mighty lion was sleeping in the jungle when a little mouse ran across his paw. The lion woke up and grabbed the mouse with his huge claws. "How dare you wake me up!" roared the lion, preparing to eat the mouse.

"Please spare me," begged the mouse. "If you let me go, I will repay your kindness someday." The lion laughed at the thought of a tiny mouse helping him, but he decided to let the mouse go.

A few days later, the lion was caught in a hunter’s net and struggled to break free. Hearing the lion’s roars, the little mouse ran to his rescue. Using his sharp teeth, the mouse gnawed through the ropes and freed the lion. "You were right," said the lion gratefully, "even a small friend can be a great help."

a) Choose the best answer from the alternatives: 1x5=5

i. Why did the lion capture the mouse?

  • a) The mouse stole food
  • b) The mouse woke him up
  • c) The mouse was running too fast
  • d) The mouse was caught in a trap

ii. What did the mouse promise to do if the lion spared him?

  • a) Give him food
  • b) Help him in the future
  • c) Be his friend
  • d) Never wake him up again

iii. How did the mouse help the lion?

  • a) By warning the lion about the hunters
  • b) By finding food for the lion
  • c) By gnawing through the hunter’s net
  • d) By leading the lion to safety

iv. What was the lion’s reaction after being freed by the mouse?

  • a) He laughed at the mouse
  • b) He roared angrily
  • c) He thanked the mouse
  • d) He ran away without saying anything

v. What lesson does the story teach?

  • a) Always be brave
  • b) Small acts of kindness can be powerful
  • c) Be careful who you trust
  • d) Size doesn’t matter

    b) Write short answers to the following questions: 5x2=10

    • i. How did the lion capture the mouse?
    • ii. What did the mouse promise to the lion?
    • iii. How did the mouse save the lion?
    • iv. How did the lion react after being freed?
    • v. What is the moral of the story?

    Questionnaire 14: The Ant and the Grasshopper

    Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow:

    In a field one summer day, a grasshopper was singing and dancing while an ant was working hard to store food for the winter. "Why are you working so hard?" asked the grasshopper. "The weather is warm, and there’s plenty of food!"

    The ant replied, "Winter is coming, and I must prepare while I can." The grasshopper laughed and continued to enjoy the summer without a care.

    When winter came, the grasshopper had no food and was cold and hungry. He went to the ant’s home and begged for food. The ant shared some of his food but reminded the grasshopper, "You should have worked hard during the summer to prepare for the winter."

    a) Choose the best answer from the alternatives: 1x5=5

    i. What was the grasshopper doing during the summer?

    • a) Storing food
    • b) Singing and dancing
    • c) Building a house
    • d) Resting

    ii. Why was the ant working hard?

    • a) He wanted to impress the grasshopper
    • b) He was preparing for winter
    • c) He didn’t like having fun
    • d) He wanted to avoid the grasshopper

    iii. How did the grasshopper feel when winter arrived?

    • a) Happy
    • b) Excited
    • c) Hungry and cold
    • d) Warm and comfortable

    iv. What did the grasshopper ask the ant for during the winter?

    • a) A place to stay
    • b) Some food
    • c) A warm coat
    • d) Help with building a home

    v. What lesson does the story teach?

    • a) Hard work brings rewards
    • b) Singing and dancing are important
    • c) Always rely on others
    • d) Sharing is caring

      b) Write short answers to the following questions: 5x2=10

      • i. What was the grasshopper doing during the summer?
      • ii. Why did the ant work hard all summer?
      • iii. How did the grasshopper feel when winter came?
      • iv. What did the ant say when he shared his food with the grasshopper?
      • v. What is the moral of the story?

      Questionnaire 15: The Boy Who Cried Wolf

      Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow:

      There was once a shepherd boy who looked after a flock of sheep near his village. One day, feeling bored, he decided to play a trick on the villagers. He ran to the village and shouted, "Wolf! Wolf! A wolf is attacking the sheep!"

      The villagers rushed to help, but when they arrived, they found no wolf. The boy laughed at how easily they were fooled. A few days later, he repeated the trick, and again, the villagers came running only to find no wolf.

      Then, one evening, a real wolf appeared. The boy shouted for help, but this time, the villagers didn’t believe him. The wolf attacked the sheep, and the boy learned a painful lesson about lying.

      a) Choose the best answer from the alternatives: 1x5=5

      i. Why did the boy cry "Wolf!" the first time?

      • a) To warn the villagers
      • b) To play a trick on the villagers
      • c) To save his sheep
      • d) To catch the wolf

      ii. How did the villagers react the first time they heard the boy cry "Wolf!"?

      • a) They ignored him
      • b) They ran to help
      • c) They scolded him
      • d) They laughed with him

      iii. What happened when the wolf actually appeared?

      • a) The villagers came to help
      • b) The boy scared the wolf away
      • c) The villagers didn’t believe the boy
      • d) The wolf ran away

      iv. What did the wolf do when no one came to help the boy?

      • a) It ran away
      • b) It attacked the sheep
      • c) It attacked the boy
      • d) It waited for the villagers

      v. What lesson does the story teach?

      • a) Always tell the truth
      • b) Be careful of wolves
      • c) Lying can be fun
      • d) Don’t play tricks on your friends

        b) Write short answers to the following questions: 5x2=10

        • i. Why did the boy cry "Wolf!" when there was no wolf?
        • ii. How did the villagers react when they found out there was no wolf?
        • iii. What happened when a real wolf appeared?
        • iv. Why didn’t the villagers come to help the boy when the wolf attacked?
        • v. What is the moral of the story?

        Questionnaire 16: The Tortoise and the Hare

        Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow:

        There was once a speedy hare who bragged about how fast he could run. Tired of hearing him boast, the tortoise challenged the hare to a race. The hare laughed and accepted the challenge, sure he would win.

        The race began, and the hare quickly left the tortoise far behind. Confident of his victory, the hare decided to take a nap halfway through the race. Meanwhile, the tortoise continued moving steadily, determined to finish the race.

        When the hare woke up, he saw the tortoise near the finish line. He ran as fast as he could, but it was too late—the tortoise had already won the race. The hare learned that slow and steady wins the race.

        a) Choose the best answer from the alternatives: 1x5=5

        i. Why did the tortoise challenge the hare to a race?

        • a) To prove he was faster
        • b) To have fun
        • c) To teach the hare a lesson
        • d) Because he was bored

        ii. How did the hare feel about the race in the beginning?

        • a) Nervous
        • b) Confident
        • c) Scared
        • d) Excited

        iii. What did the hare do halfway through the race?

        • a) He stopped to rest
        • b) He continued running
        • c) He helped the tortoise
        • d) He quit the race

        iv. How did the tortoise win the race?

        • a) By running faster than the hare
        • b) By moving steadily without stopping
        • c) By tricking the hare
        • d) By using shortcuts

        v. What is the moral of the story?

        • a) Speed is everything
        • b) Slow and steady wins the race
        • c) Always take a nap
        • d) Bragging is a good thing

          b) Write short answers to the following questions: 5x2=10

          • i. Why did the hare accept the tortoise’s challenge?
          • ii. How did the hare behave during the race?
          • iii. What did the tortoise do while the hare was sleeping?
          • iv. How did the hare feel when he saw the tortoise near the finish line?
          • v. What is the moral of the story?