Using Right Forms of Verbs

Question Number 4 [Read the following passage and rewrite it using the right forms of verbs. 0.5x10=5]


1. Read the following passage and rewrite it using the right forms of verbs. 0.5x10=5 

Rahul wakes up early every morning. He starts his day by brushing his teeth and (a) ___ (eat) a healthy breakfast. Yesterday, he (b) ___ (eat) pancakes with honey. After breakfast, he (c) ___ (go) to school where he (d) ___ (learn) many new things. In the afternoon, Rahul and his friends often (e) ___ (ride) their bicycles. His friends (f)___ (feel)happy when he joins them. In the evening, Rahul (g) ___ (finish) his homework and reads a book before dinner. He (h)___ (read) the same book for a few days now. After dinner, he (i)___ (watch) TV with his family. In sum, he (j) ___ (maintain) daily routine. 

2. Read the following passage and rewrite it using the right forms of verbs. 0.5x10=5

Sarah always (a) ___ (wake) up at 6 AM. Yesterday, she (b) ___ (wake) up even earlier. After getting up, she (c) ___ (go) for a run. She usually (d) ___ (run) for about 30 minutes. Today, she (e) ___ (run) for 45 minutes. After her run, she (f) ___ (take) a shower. She (g) ___ (take) showers every day. Before breakfast, she (h) ___ (do) some yoga. She (i) ___ (practice) yoga regularly. She (j) ___ (feel) great afterward.

3. Read the following passage and rewrite it using the right forms of verbs. 0.5x10=5

John (a) ___ (like) to play basketball. He (b) ___ (play) with his friends every weekend. Last weekend, he (c) ___ (play) for three hours. His team (d) ___ (win) the game. He (e) ___ (feel) very happy. After the game, they (f) ___ (go) for ice cream. John (g) ___ (choose) his favorite flavor. He (h) ___ (love) chocolate. His friends (i) ___ (enjoy) their ice cream too. They all (j) ___ (have) a great time together.

4. Read the following passage and rewrite it using the right forms of verbs. 0.5x10=5

Emma (a) ___ (study) hard for her exams. She (b) ___ (study) every night. Last night, she (c) ___ (study) until midnight. She (d) ___ (need) to pass her exams. She (e) ___ (hope) to get good grades. Today, she (f) ___ (take) a math test. She (g) ___ (think) it was difficult. After the test, she (h) ___ (talk) with her friends. They (i) ___ (discuss) the questions. Emma (j) ___ (feel) relieved that it was over.

5. Read the following passage and rewrite it using the right forms of verbs. 0.5x10=5

Tom (a) ___ (enjoy) reading books. He (b) ___ (read) every day. Yesterday, he (c) ___ (buy) a new book. He (d) ___ (start) reading it immediately. The book (e) ___ (be) very interesting. He (f) ___ (read) 50 pages already. He (g) ___ (plan) to finish it by the weekend. After reading, he (h) ___ (write) a summary. He always (i) ___ (write) summaries of the books he reads. It (j) ___ (help) him remember the stories.
6. Read the following passage and rewrite it using the right forms of verbs. 0.5x10=5
Lisa (a) ___ (help) her mom in the kitchen. She (b) ___ (help) every evening. Last evening, she (c) ___ (help) make dinner. They (d) ___ (cook) spaghetti. Lisa (e) ___ (chop) the vegetables. She (f) ___ (enjoy) cooking. After dinner, they (g) ___ (clean) the kitchen together. They always (h) ___ (work) as a team. Lisa (i) ___ (like) spending time with her mom. They (j) ___ (talk) about their day while cooking.

7. Read the following passage and rewrite it using the right forms of verbs. 0.5x10=5

Alex (a) ___ (play) the guitar. He (b) ___ (practice) every day. Last week, he (c) ___ (learn) a new song. He (d) ___ (play) it for his family. They (e) ___ (clap) and (f) ___ (cheer). Alex (g) ___ (feel) proud. He (h) ___ (want) to be a musician. He (i) ___ (dream) of performing on stage. His family (j) ___ (support) his dream.

8. Read the following passage and rewrite it using the right forms of verbs. 0.5x10=5

Maya (a) ___ (love) painting. She (b) ___ (paint) every weekend. Yesterday, she (c) ___ (paint) a beautiful landscape. She (d) ___ (use) bright colors. Her friends (e) ___ (admire) her work. They (f) ___ (ask) her to teach them. Maya (g) ___ (agree) to give a lesson. She (h) ___ (prepare) some materials. They (i) ___ (meet) at her house. Maya (j) ___ (enjoy) teaching her friends.

9. Read the following passage and rewrite it using the right forms of verbs. 0.5x10=5

Kevin (a) ___ (enjoy) playing video games. He (b) ___ (play) after finishing his homework. Last night, he (c) ___ (play) a new game. He (d) ___ (find) it challenging. He (e) ___ (like) games that (f) ___ (make) him think. His friends (g) ___ (invite) him to join their online game. Kevin (h) ___ (accept) the invitation. They (i) ___ (have) a great time together. Kevin (j) ___ (win) several rounds.

10. Read the following passage and rewrite it using the right forms of verbs. 0.5x10=5

Anna (a) ___ (like) to bake cookies. She (b) ___ (bake) every Sunday. Last Sunday, she (c) ___ (bake) chocolate chip cookies. They (d) ___ (smell) delicious. Her family (e) ___ (eat) them all. They (f) ___ (say) they were the best cookies ever. Anna (g) ___ (be) happy to hear that. She (h) ___ (decide) to bake more next time. Baking (i) ___ (be) her favorite hobby. She (j) ___ (plan) to try new recipes.

11. Read the following passage and rewrite it using the right forms of verbs. 0.5x10=5

Peter (a) ___ (play) soccer. He (b) ___ (join) a local team. They (c) ___ (practice) twice a week. Last week, they (d) ___ (have) a match. Peter (e) ___ (score) a goal. His teammates (f) ___ (cheer) for him. Peter (g) ___ (feel) proud. After the match, they (h) ___ (go) for pizza. They (i) ___ (celebrate) their victory. Peter (j) ___ (enjoy) being part of the team.

12. Read the following passage and rewrite it using the right forms of verbs. 0.5x10=5

Olivia (a) ___ (walk) to school. She (b) ___ (walk) with her friend Lily. Yesterday, they (c) ___ (see) a stray cat. They (d) ___ (stop) to pet it. The cat (e) ___ (purr) happily. Olivia (f) ___ (wish) she could take it home. Lily (g) ___ (agree) it was a cute cat. They (h) ___ (talk) about it all the way to school. Olivia (i) ___ (hope) the cat (j) ___ (find) a good home.

13. Read the following passage and rewrite it using the right forms of verbs. 0.5x10=5

Mark (a) ___ (ride) his bike to the park. He (b) ___ (enjoy) the fresh air. Last weekend, he (c) ___ (ride) for two hours. He (d) ___ (feel) tired afterward. He (e) ___ (take) a rest on a bench. While resting, he (f) ___ (see) some ducks. He (g) ___ (feed) them some bread. The ducks (h) ___ (quack) happily. Mark (i) ___ (decide) to come back next weekend. He (j) ___ (love) spending time in nature.

14. Read the following passage and rewrite it using the right forms of verbs. 0.5x10=5

Chloe (a) ___ (like) to swim. She (b) ___ (go) to the pool every Saturday. Last Saturday, she (c) ___ (swim) 20 laps. She (d) ___ (feel) very accomplished. After swimming, she (e) ___ (relax) in the sun. She (f) ___ (meet) some friends at the pool. They (g) ___ (have) a great time together. Chloe (h) ___ (plan) to swim even more next time. Swimming (i) ___ (be) her favorite sport. She (j) ___ (feel) happy and healthy.

15. Read the following passage and rewrite it using the right forms of verbs. 0.5x10=5

David (a) ___ (love) to fish. He (b) ___ (go) to the lake every Sunday. Last Sunday, he (c) ___ (catch) a big fish. He (d) ___ (take) a picture of it. He (e) ___ (show) the picture to his friends. They (f) ___ (be) impressed. David (g) ___ (clean) the fish and (h) ___ (cook) it for dinner. His family (i) ___ (enjoy) the meal. David (j) ___ (feel) proud of his catch.

16. Read the following passage and rewrite it using the right forms of verbs. 0.5x10=5

Emily (a) ___ (love) to garden. She (b) ___ (plant) flowers every spring. Last spring, she (c) ___ (plant) roses. They (d) ___ (bloom) beautifully. Her neighbors (e) ___ (compliment) her garden. Emily (f) ___ (spend) a lot of time taking care of her plants. She (g) ___ (water) them every day. Gardening (h) ___ (bring) her joy. She (i) ___ (look) forward to seeing her garden grow. Emily (j) ___ (plan) to plant even more flowers next year.

17. Read the following passage and rewrite it using the right forms of verbs. 0.5x10=5

Jack (a) ___ (love) to travel. He (b) ___ (visit) new places every year. Last year, he (c) ___ (go) to Japan. He (d) ___ (experience) a different culture. He (e) ___ (try) new foods. He (f) ___ (meet) many friendly people. Jack (g) ___ (take) lots of pictures. He (h) ___ (share) them with his family. They (i) ___ (enjoy) looking at the photos. Jack (j) ___ (want) to travel to Europe next.

18. Read the following passage and rewrite it using the right forms of verbs. 0.5x10=5

Sophia (a) ___ (like) to knit. She (b) ___ (knit) scarves for her friends. Last winter, she (c) ___ (make) ten scarves. Her friends (d) ___ (appreciate) her gifts. Sophia (e) ___ (choose) different colors for each scarf. She (f) ___ (enjoy) the process. Knitting (g) ___ (relax) her. She (h) ___ (plan) to learn more knitting patterns. She (i) ___ (want) to make sweaters next. Her friends (j) ___ (look) forward to her creations.

19. Read the following passage and rewrite it using the right forms of verbs. 0.5x10=5

Harry (a) ___ (enjoy) photography. He (b) ___ (take) pictures of nature. Last weekend, he (c) ___ (go) to the forest. He (d) ___ (capture) beautiful scenes. He (e) ___ (love) the peaceful environment. Harry (f) ___ (edit) the photos on his computer. He (g) ___ (share) them online. His followers (h) ___ (like) his photos. Harry (i) ___ (feel) proud of his work. He (j) ___ (plan) to visit the forest again.

20. Read the following passage and rewrite it using the right forms of verbs. 0.5x10=5

Ella (a) ___ (love) to write stories. She (b) ___ (write) every day. Yesterday, she (c) ___ (finish) a new story. She (d) ___ (read) it to her family. They (e) ___ (enjoy) it a lot. Ella (f) ___ (be) happy with their feedback. She (g) ___ (decide) to write more stories. Writing (h) ___ (be) her passion. She (i) ___ (dream) of becoming an author. Her family (j) ___ (support) her dream.

21. Read the following passage and rewrite it using the right forms of verbs. 0.5x10=5

Ben (a) ___ (enjoy) hiking. He (b) ___ (go) to the mountains every summer. Last summer, he (c) ___ (hike) to the top of a high peak. He (d) ___ (take) in the stunning view. He (e) ___ (feel) accomplished. Hiking (f) ___ (be) a challenging activity. Ben (g) ___ (train) for it regularly. He (h) ___ (encourage) his friends to join him. They (i) ___ (have) a great time together. Ben (j) ___ (plan) to explore new trails next summer.

22. Read the following passage and rewrite it using the right forms of verbs. 0.5x10=5

Maya loves to (a) ___ (read) books. Every evening, she (b) ___ (sits) down and (c) ___ (reads) for hours. Yesterday, she (d) ___ (finished) a new fantasy novel. She often (e) ___ (shares) her favorite books with her friends. Maya (f) ___ (dreams) of becoming a writer one day. She (g) ___ (believes) that reading is essential for learning and growth. She (h) ___ (encourages) her friends to read as well. Maya (i) ___ (hopes) to write her own book someday. She (j) ___ (knows) that it will take hard work and dedication.

23. Read the following passage and rewrite it using the right forms of verbs. 0.5x10=5

Arif is a talented artist. He (a) ___ (loves) to (b) ___ (draw) and (c) ___ (paint). Yesterday, he (d) ___ (created) a beautiful landscape painting. He often (e) ___ (joins) art competitions. Arif (f) ___ (dreams) of becoming a professional artist. He (g) ___ (believes) that art is a powerful form of expression. He (h) ___ (encourages) others to explore their creativity. Arif (i) ___ (hopes) to have his own art gallery someday. He (j) ___ (knows) that it will take hard work and dedication.

24. Read the following passage and rewrite it using the right forms of verbs. 0.5x10=5

Rina is a great swimmer. She (a) ___ (goes) swimming every day. Yesterday, she (b) ___ (swam) for two hours. She (c) ___ (wants) to become a professional swimmer. Rina (d) ___ (practices) swimming for several hours every day. She (e) ___ (participates) in swimming competitions regularly. Rina (f) ___ (dreams) of winning an Olympic gold medal. She (g) ___ (believes) that swimming is a great way to stay healthy. She (h) ___ (encourages) others to learn how to swim. Rina (i) ___ (hopes) to inspire others to pursue their dreams. She (j) ___ (knows) that it will take hard work and dedication.

25. Read the following passage and rewrite it using the right forms of verbs. 0.5x10=5

Karim is a good dancer. He (a) ___ (practices) dancing every day. Yesterday, he (b) ___ (learned) a new dance move. He (c) ___ (enjoys) performing at parties. Karim (d) ___ (takes) dance classes regularly. He (e) ___ (participates) in dance competitions. Karim (f) ___ (dreams) of becoming a professional dancer. He (g) ___ (believes) that dance is a form of art. He (h) ___ (encourages) others to dance. Karim (i) ___ (hopes) to choreograph his own dance routines someday. He (j) ___ (knows) that it will take hard work and dedication.

26. Read the following passage and rewrite it using the right forms of verbs. 0.5x10=5

Zainab is a skilled musician. She (a) ___ (plays) the guitar. Yesterday, she (b) ___ (composed) a new song. She (c) ___ (dreams) of becoming a famous musician. Zainab (d) ___ (practices) playing the guitar for several hours every day. She (e) ___ (performs) at local music venues. Zainab (f) ___ (dreams) of recording her own album. She (g) ___ (believes) that music is a universal language. She (h) ___ (encourages) others to learn to play an instrument. Zainab (i) ___ (hopes) to inspire others to pursue their musical passions. She (j) ___ (knows) that it will take hard work and dedication.

27. Read the following passage and rewrite it using the right forms of verbs. 0.5x10=5

Farhan is a helpful person. He (a) ___ (volunteers) at the local animal shelter. Yesterday, he (b) ___ (helped) clean the cages. He (c) ___ (loves) spending time with animals. Farhan (d) ___ (volunteers) at the animal shelter every weekend. He (e) ___ (helps) to care for the animals. Farhan (f) ___ (dreams) of opening his own animal shelter someday. He (g) ___ (believes) that all animals deserve a loving home. He (h) ___ (encourages) others to volunteer at animal shelters. Farhan (i) ___ (hopes) to make a difference in the lives of animals. He (j) ___ (knows) that it will take hard work and dedication.

28. Read the following passage and rewrite it using the right forms of verbs. 0.5x10=5

Sadia is a good cook. She (a) ___ (bakes) delicious cakes. Yesterday, she (b) ___ (made) a chocolate cake for her birthday. She (c) ___ (enjoys) cooking for her family and friends. Sadia (d) ___ (takes) cooking classes regularly. She (e) ___ (experiments) with new recipes. Sadia (f) ___ (dreams) of opening her own restaurant someday. She (g) ___ (believes) that food is a way to connect with people. She (h) ___ (encourages) others to learn how to cook. Sadia (i) ___ (hopes) to share her passion for cooking with the world. She (j) ___ (knows) that it will take hard work and dedication.

29. Read the following passage and rewrite it using the right forms of verbs. 0.5x10=5

Nazmul is a good athlete. He (a) ___ (plays) soccer. Yesterday, he (b) ___ (scored) two goals in a match. He (c) ___ (hopes) to play for the national team one day. Nazmul (d) ___ (practices) soccer for several hours every day. He (e) ___ (participates) in soccer tournaments. Nazmul (f) ___ (dreams) of becoming a professional soccer player. He (g) ___ (believes) that soccer is a great way to stay healthy and fit. He (h) ___ (encourages) others to play sports. Nazmul (i) ___ (hopes) to inspire others to pursue their athletic goals. He (j) ___ (knows) that it will take hard work and dedication.

30. Read the following passage and rewrite it using the right forms of verbs. 0.5x10=5

Ayesha is a good student. She (a) ___ (studies) hard every day. Yesterday, she (b) ___ (finished) her homework early. She (c) ___ (wants) to get good grades. Ayesha (d) ___ (joins) study groups with her classmates. She (e) ___ (asks) her teacher for help when she needs it. Ayesha (f) ___ (dreams) of going to a prestigious university. She (g) ___ (believes) that education is the key to success. She (h) ___ (encourages) others to study hard. Ayesha (i) ___ (hopes) to make a positive impact on the world. She (j) ___ (knows) that it will take hard work and dedication.

31. Read the following passage and rewrite it using the right forms of verbs. 0.5x10=5

Shakib is a good gardener. He (a) ___ (plants) flowers in his garden. Yesterday, he (b) ___ (watered) the plants. He (c) ___ (likes) spending time in nature. Shakib (d) ___ (tends) to his garden every day. He (e) ___ (removes) weeds and pests. Shakib (f) ___ (dreams) of having a beautiful garden. He (g) ___ (believes) that gardening is a relaxing hobby. He (h) ___ (encourages) others to start their own gardens. Shakib (i) ___ (hopes) to share his love of gardening with others. He (j) ___ (knows) that it will take hard work and dedication.

32. Read the following passage and rewrite it using the right forms of verbs. 0.5x10=5

Taslima is a good singer. She (a) ___ (sings) every day. Yesterday, she (b) ___ (recorded) a new song. She (c) ___ (dreams) of becoming a famous singer. Taslima (d) ___ (takes) singing lessons regularly. She (e) ___ (performs) at local music venues. Taslima (f) ___ (dreams) of releasing her own album. She (g) ___ (believes) that singing is a way to express herself. She (h) ___ (encourages) others to sing. Taslima (i) ___ (hopes) to inspire others to pursue their musical dreams. She (j) ___ (knows) that it will take hard work and dedication.

33. Read the following passage and rewrite it using the right forms of verbs. 0.5x10=5

Rakib is a good athlete. He (a) ___ (plays) basketball. Yesterday, he (b) ___ (scored) 10 points in a game. He (c) ___ (hopes) to play for a professional team one day. Rakib (d) ___ (practices) basketball for several hours every day. He (e) ___ (participates) in basketball tournaments. Rakib (f) ___ (dreams) of becoming a professional basketball player. He (g) ___ (believes) that basketball is a great way to stay healthy and fit. He (h) ___ (encourages) others to play sports. Rakib (i) ___ (hopes) to inspire others to pursue their athletic goals. He (j)__(try) to train the young people to become good athletes. 

34. Read the following passage and rewrite it using the right forms of verbs. 0.5x10=5

Hasina is a good artist. She (a) ___ (draws) beautiful pictures. Yesterday, she (b) ___ (created) a portrait of her mother. She (c) ___ (loves) painting nature scenes. Hasina (d) ___ (takes) art classes regularly. She (e) ___ (experiments) with different art techniques. Hasina (f) ___ (dreams) of becoming a professional artist. She (g) ___ (believes) that art is a form of expression. She (h) ___ (encourages) others to explore their creativity. Hasina (i) ___ (hopes) to have her own art exhibition someday. She (j) ___ (knows) that it will take hard work and dedication.

35. Read the following passage and rewrite it using the right forms of verbs. 0.5x10=5

Afzal is a good dancer. He (a) ___ (practices) dancing every day. Yesterday, he (b) ___ (learned) a new dance style. He (c) ___ (enjoys) performing at parties. Afzal (d) ___ (takes) dance classes regularly. He (e) ___ (participates) in dance competitions. Afzal (f) ___ (dreams) of becoming a professional dancer. He (g) ___ (believes) that dance is a form of expression. He (h) ___ (encourages) others to dance. Afzal (i) ___ (hopes) to choreograph his own dance routines someday. He (j) ___ (knows) that it will take hard work and dedication.

36. Read the following passage and rewrite it using the right forms of verbs. 0.5x10=5

Nusrat is a good writer. She (a) ___ (writes) stories. Yesterday, she (b) ___ (finished) a short story. She (c) ___ (dreams) of becoming a published author. Nusrat (d) ___ (joins) writing workshops regularly. She (e) ___ (gets) feedback from other writers. Nusrat (f) ___ (dreams) of writing a best-selling novel. She (g) ___ (believes) that writing is a way to connect with others. She (h) ___ (encourages) others to write. Nusrat (i) ___ (hopes) to inspire others to pursue their writing dreams. She (j) ___ (knows) that it will take hard work and dedication.

37. Read the following passage and rewrite it using the right forms of verbs. 0.5x10=5

Nazia is a good swimmer. She (a) ___ (swims) every day. Yesterday, she (b) ___ (won) a swimming competition. She (c) ___ (wants) to represent her country at the Olympics. Nazia (d) ___ (practices) swimming for several hours every day. She (e) ___ (participates) in swimming tournaments. Nazia (f) ___ (dreams) of becoming an Olympic champion. She (g) ___ (believes) that swimming is a great way to stay healthy and fit. She (h) ___ (encourages) others to learn how to swim. Nazia (i) ___ (hopes) to inspire others to pursue their athletic goals. She (j) ___ (knows) that it will take hard work and dedication.

38. Read the following passage and rewrite it using the right forms of verbs. 0.5x10=5

Shahid is a good musician. He (a) ___ (plays) the piano. Yesterday, he (b) ___ (composed) a new piece of music. He (c) ___ (dreams) of becoming a famous composer. Shahid (d) ___ (takes) piano lessons regularly. He (e) ___ (performs) at local music venues. Shahid (f) ___ (dreams) of conducting a symphony orchestra. He (g) ___ (believes) that music is a universal language. He (h) ___ (encourages) others to learn to play an instrument. Shahid (i) ___ (hopes) to inspire others to pursue their musical passions. He (j) ___ (knows) that it will take hard work and dedication.

39. Read the following passage and rewrite it using the right forms of verbs. 0.5x10=5

Sabina is a good cook. She (a) ___ (bakes) delicious cookies. Yesterday, she (b) ___ (made) a batch of chocolate chip cookies. She (c) ___ (enjoys) cooking for her family and friends. Sabina (d) ___ (takes) cooking classes regularly. She (e) ___ (experiments) with new recipes. Sabina (f) ___ (dreams) of opening her own bakery someday. She (g) ___ (believes) that food is a way to connect with people. She (h) ___ (encourages) others to learn how to cook. Sabina (i) ___ (hopes) to share her passion for cooking with the world. She (j) ___ (knows) that it will take hard work and dedication.

40. Read the following passage and rewrite it using the right forms of verbs. 0.5x10=5

Nazmul is a good athlete. He (a) ___ (plays) cricket. Yesterday, he (b) ___ (scored) a century in a match. He (c) ___ (hopes) to play for the national team one day. Nazmul (d) ___ (practices) cricket for several hours every day. He (e) ___ (participates) in cricket tournaments. Nazmul (f) ___ (dreams) of becoming a professional cricket player. He (g) ___ (believes) that cricket is a great way to stay healthy and fit. He (h) ___ (encourages) others to play sports. Nazmul (i) ___ (hopes) to inspire others to pursue their athletic goals. He (j) ___ (knows) that it will take hard work and dedication.

41. Read the following passage and rewrite it using the right forms of verbs. 0.5x10=5

Ayesha is a good student. She (a) ___ (studies) hard every day. Yesterday, she (b) ___ (finished) her homework early. She (c) ___ (wants) to get good grades. Ayesha (d) ___ (joins) study groups with her classmates. She (e) ___ (asks) her teacher for help when she needs it. Ayesha (f) ___ (dreams) of going to a prestigious university. She (g) ___ (believes) that education is the key to success. She (h) ___ (encourages) others to study hard. Ayesha (i) ___ (hopes) to make a positive impact on the world. She (j) ___ (knows) that it will take hard work and dedication.

Answers for Exams:

In your script, you will write only the answers. 

Answer 1. 

(a) eats, (b) ate, (c) goes, (d) learns, (e) ride, (f) feel, (g) finishes, (h) has been reading, (i) watches, (j) maintains

Answer 2. 

(a) wakes, (b) woke, (c) goes, (d) runs, (e) ran, (f) takes, (g) takes, (h) does, (i) practices, (j) feels

Answer 3. 

(a) likes, (b) plays, (c) played, (d) won, (e) felt, (f) went, (g) chose, (h) loves, (i) enjoyed, (j) had

Answer 4. 

(a) studies, (b) studies, (c) studied, (d) needed, (e) hopes, (f) takes, (g) thought, (h) talked, (i) discussed, (j) felt

Answer 5. 

(a) enjoys, (b) reads, (c) bought, (d) started, (e) is, (f) has read, (g) plans, (h) writes, (i) writes, (j) helps

Answer 6. 

(a) helps, (b) helps, (c) helped, (d) cooked, (e) chopped, (f) enjoys, (g) cleaned, (h) work, (i) likes, (j) talked

Answer 7. 

(a) plays, (b) practices, (c) learned, (d) played, (e) clapped, (f) cheered, (g) felt, (h) wants, (i) dreams, (j) supports

Answer 8. 

(a) loves, (b) paints, (c) painted, (d) used, (e) admired, (f) asked, (g) agreed, (h) prepared, (i) met, (j) enjoyed

Answer 9. 

(a) enjoys, (b) plays, (c) played, (d) found, (e) likes, (f) make, (g) invited, (h) accepted, (i) had, (j) won

Answer 10.

(a) likes, (b) bakes, (c) baked, (d) smelled, (e) ate, (f) said, (g) was, (h) decided, (i) is, (j) plans

Answer 11.

(a) plays, (b) joined, (c) practiced, (d) had, (e) scored, (f) cheered, (g) felt, (h) went, (i) celebrated, (j) enjoyed

Answer 12.

(a) walks, (b) walked, (c) saw, (d) stopped, (e) purred, (f) wished, (g) agreed, (h) talked, (i) hoped, (j) finds

Answer 13.

(a) rode, (b) enjoyed, (c) rode, (d) felt, (e) took, (f) saw, (g) fed, (h) quacked, (i) decided, (j) loved

Answer 14.

(a) likes, (b) goes, (c) swam, (d) felt, (e) relaxed, (f) met, (g) had, (h) planned, (i) is, (j) felt

Answer 15.

(a) loves, (b) goes, (c) caught, (d) took, (e) showed, (f) were, (g) cleaned, (h) cooked, (i) enjoyed, (j) felt

Answer 16.

(a) loves, (b) plants, (c) planted, (d) bloomed, (e) complimented, (f) spends, (g) waters, (h) brings, (i) looks, (j) plans

Answer 17.

(a) loves, (b) visits, (c) went, (d) experienced, (e) tried, (f) met, (g) took, (h) shared, (i) enjoyed, (j) wants

Answer 18.

(a) likes, (b) knits, (c) made, (d) appreciated, (e) chose, (f) enjoyed, (g) relaxes, (h) plans, (i) wants, (j) looks

Answer 19.

(a) enjoys, (b) took, (c) went, (d) captured, (e) loved, (f) edited, (g) shared, (h) liked, (i) felt, (j) plans

Answer 20.

(a) loves, (b) writes, (c) finished, (d) read, (e) enjoyed, (f) was, (g) decided, (h) is, (i) dreams, (j) supports

Answer 21.

(a) enjoys, (b) goes, (c) hiked, (d) took, (e) felt, (f) is, (g) trains, (h) encourages, (i) had, (j) plans

Answer 22.

(a) loves, (b) sits, (c) reads, (d) finished, (e) shares, (f) dreams, (g) believes, (h) encourages, (i) hopes, (j) knows

Answer 23.

(a) loves, (b) draws, (c) paints, (d) created, (e) joins, (f) dreams, (g) believes, (h) encourages, (i) hopes, (j) knows

Answer 24.

(a) goes, (b) swam, (c) wants, (d) practices, (e) participates, (f) dreams, (g) believes, (h) encourages, (i) hopes, (j) knows

Answer 25.

(a) practices, (b) learned, (c) enjoys, (d) takes, (e) participates, (f) dreams, (g) believes, (h) encourages, (i) hopes, (j) knows

Answer 26.

(a) plays, (b) composed, (c) dreams, (d) practices, (e) performs, (f) dreams, (g) believes, (h) encourages, (i) hopes, (j) knows

Answer 27.

(a) volunteers, (b) helped, (c) loves, (d) volunteers, (e) helps, (f) dreams, (g) believes, (h) encourages, (i) hopes, (j) knows

Answer 28.

(a) bakes, (b) made, (c) enjoys, (d) takes, (e) experiments, (f) dreams, (g) believes, (h) encourages, (i) hopes, (j) knows

Answer 29.

(a) plays, (b) scored, (c) hopes, (d) practices, (e) participates, (f) dreams, (g) believes, (h) encourages, (i) hopes, (j) knows

Answer 30.

(a) studies, (b) studies, (c) finished, (d) shared, (e) enjoyed, (f) was, (g) decided, (h) is, (i) dreams, (j) supports

Answer 31.

(a) plants, (b) watered, (c) likes, (d) tends, (e) removes, (f) dreams, (g) believes, (h) encourages, (i) hopes, (j) knows

Answer 32.

(a) sings, (b) recorded, (c) dreams, (d) takes, (e) performs, (f) dreams, (g) believes, (h) encourages, (i) hopes, (j) knows

Answer 33.

(a) plays, (b) scored, (c) hopes, (d) practices, (e) participates, (f) dreams, (g) believes, (h) encourages, (i) hopes, (j) tries

Answer 34.

(a) draws, (b) created, (c) loves, (d) takes, (e) experiments, (f) dreams, (g) believes, (h) encourages, (i) hopes, (j) knows,

Answer 35.

(a) practices, (b) learned, (c) enjoys, (d) takes, (e) participates, (f) dreams, (g) believes, (h) encourages, (i) hopes, (j) knows

Answer 36.

(a) writes, (b) finished, (c) dreams, (d) joins, (e) gets, (f) dreams, (g) believes, (h) encourages, (i) hopes, (j) knows

Answer 37.

(a) swims, (b) won, (c) wants, (d) practices, (e) participates, (f) dreams, (g) believes, (h) encourages, (i) hopes, (j) knows

Answer 38.

(a) plays, (b) composed, (c) dreams, (d) takes, (e) performs, (f) dreams, (g) believes, (h) encourages, (i) hopes, (j) knows

Answer 39.

(a) bakes, (b) made, (c) enjoys, (d) takes, (e) experiments, (f) dreams, (g) believes, (h) encourages, (i) hopes, (j) knows

Answer 40.

(a) plays, (b) scored, (c) hopes, (d) practices, (e) participates, (f) dreams, (g) believes, (h) encourages, (i) hopes, (j) knows

Answer 41.

(a) studies, (b) finished, (c) wants, (d) joins, (e) asks, (f) dreams, (g) believes, (h) encourages, (i) hopes, (j) knows

Answers for Easy Understanding:

This format makes it easier for students to see the answers and understand how the verbs are used in context.

Answer 1.

Rahul wakes up early every morning. He starts his day by brushing his teeth and (a) eating a healthy breakfast. Yesterday, he (b) ate pancakes with honey. After breakfast, he (c) went to school where he (d) learned many new things. In the afternoon, Rahul and his friends often (e) ride their bicycles. His friends (f) feel happy when he joins them. In the evening, Rahul (g) finishes his homework and reads a book before dinner. He (h) has been reading the same book for a few days now. After dinner, he (i) watches TV with his family. In sum, he (j) maintains a daily routine.

Answer 2.

Sarah always (a) wakes up at 6 AM. Yesterday, she (b) woke up even earlier. After getting up, she (c) went for a run. She usually (d) runs for about 30 minutes. Today, she (e) ran for 45 minutes. After her run, she (f) took a shower. She (g) takes showers every day. Before breakfast, she (h) does some yoga. She (i) practices yoga regularly. She (j) feels great afterward.

Answer 3.

John (a) likes to play basketball. He (b) plays with his friends every weekend. Last weekend, he (c) played for three hours. His team (d) won the game. He (e) felt very happy. After the game, they (f) went for ice cream. John (g) chose his favorite flavor. He (h) loves chocolate. His friends (i) enjoyed their ice cream too. They all (j) had a great time together.

Answer 4.

Emma (a) studies hard for her exams. She (b) studies every night. Last night, she (c) studied until midnight. She (d) needed to pass her exams. She (e) hopes to get good grades. Today, she (f) took a math test. She (g) thought it was difficult. After the test, she (h) talked with her friends. They (i) discussed the questions. Emma (j) felt relieved that it was over.

Answer 5.

Tom (a) enjoys reading books. He (b) reads every day. Yesterday, he (c) bought a new book. He (d) started reading it immediately. The book (e) was very interesting. He (f) has read 50 pages already. He (g) plans to finish it by the weekend. After reading, he (h) writes a summary. He always (i) writes summaries of the books he reads. It (j) helps him remember the stories.

Answer 6.

Lisa (a) helps her mom in the kitchen. She (b) helps every evening. Last evening, she (c) helped make dinner. They (d) cooked spaghetti. Lisa (e) chopped the vegetables. She (f) enjoys cooking. After dinner, they (g) cleaned the kitchen together. They always (h) work as a team. Lisa (i) likes spending time with her mom. They (j) talk about their day while cooking.

Answer 7.

Alex (a) plays the guitar. He (b) practices every day. Last week, he (c) learned a new song. He (d) played it for his family. They (e) clapped and (f) cheered. Alex (g) felt proud. He (h) wants to be a musician. He (i) dreams of performing on stage. His family (j) supports his dream.

Answer 8.

Maya (a) loves painting. She (b) paints every weekend. Yesterday, she (c) painted a beautiful landscape. She (d) used bright colors. Her friends (e) admired her work. They (f) asked her to teach them. Maya (g) agreed to give a lesson. She (h) prepared some materials. They (i) met at her house. Maya (j) enjoyed teaching her friends.

Answer 9.

Kevin (a) enjoys playing video games. He (b) plays after finishing his homework. Last night, he (c) played a new game. He (d) found it challenging. He (e) likes games that (f) make him think. His friends (g) invited him to join their online game. Kevin (h) accepted the invitation. They (i) had a great time together. Kevin (j) won several rounds.

Answer 10.

Anna (a) likes to bake cookies. She (b) bakes every Sunday. Last Sunday, she (c) baked chocolate chip cookies. They (d) smelled delicious. Her family (e) ate them all. They (f) said they were the best cookies ever. Anna (g) was happy to hear that. She (h) decided to bake more next time. Baking (i) is her favorite hobby. She (j) plans to try new recipes.

Answer 11.

Peter (a) plays soccer. He (b) joined a local team. They (c) practice twice a week. Last week, they (d) had a match. Peter (e) scored a goal. His teammates (f) cheered for him. Peter (g) felt proud. After the match, they (h) went for pizza. They (i) celebrated their victory. Peter (j) enjoys being part of the team.

Answer 12.

Olivia (a) walks to school. She (b) walks with her friend Lily. Yesterday, they (c) saw a stray cat. They (d) stopped to pet it. The cat (e) purred happily. Olivia (f) wished she could take it home. Lily (g) agreed it was a cute cat. They (h) talked about it all the way to school. Olivia (i) hoped the cat (j) would find a good home.

Answer 13.

Mark (a) rides his bike to the park. He (b) enjoys the fresh air. Last weekend, he (c) rode for two hours. He (d) felt tired afterward. He (e) took a rest on a bench. While resting, he (f) saw some ducks. He (g) fed them some bread. The ducks (h) quacked happily. Mark (i) decided to come back next weekend. He (j) loves spending time in nature.

Answer 14.

Chloe (a) likes to swim. She (b) goes to the pool every Saturday. Last Saturday, she (c) swam 20 laps. She (d) felt very accomplished. After swimming, she (e) relaxed in the sun. She (f) met some friends at the pool. They (g) had a great time together. Chloe (h) plans to swim even more next time. Swimming (i) is her favorite sport. She (j) feels happy and healthy.

Answer 15.

David (a) loves to fish. He (b) goes to the lake every Sunday. Last Sunday, he (c) caught a big fish. He (d) took a picture of it. He (e) showed the picture to his friends. They (f) were impressed. David (g) cleaned the fish and (h) cooked it for dinner. His family (i) enjoyed the meal. David (j) felt proud of his catch.

Answer 16.

Emily (a) loves to garden. She (b) plants flowers every spring. Last spring, she (c) planted roses. They (d) bloomed beautifully. Her neighbors (e) complimented her garden. Emily (f) spends a lot of time taking care of her plants. She (g) waters them every day. Gardening (h) brings her joy. She (i) hopes to grow more flowers next year. Emily (j) feels happy when she is outside.

Answer 17.

Grace (a) enjoys photography. She (b) takes pictures of nature. Last weekend, she (c) took her camera to the park. She (d) captured beautiful sunsets. Her friends (e) loved her photos. Grace (f) shared them on social media. Many people (g) commented on her work. She (h) feels proud of her talent. Grace (i) wants to improve her skills. She (j) plans to take a photography class.

Answer 18.

Jack (a) enjoys cooking. He (b) cooks dinner for his family every Friday. Last Friday, he (c) made spaghetti. Everyone (d) liked it very much. He (e) uses fresh ingredients. His mom (f) helps him sometimes. Jack (g) wants to try new recipes. He (h) plans to cook a different dish next week. Cooking (i) makes him happy. Jack (j) hopes to be a chef one day.

Answer 19.

Sophie (a) loves animals. She (b) volunteers at the animal shelter. Last Saturday, she (c) helped take care of the dogs. She (d) played with them outside. The dogs (e) enjoyed her company. Sophie (f) wants to adopt a dog someday. She (g) dreams of having a pet. She (h) thinks animals bring joy. Volunteering (i) makes her feel fulfilled. Sophie (j) plans to return next week.

Answer 20.

Brian (a) collects stamps. He (b) started his collection when he was a child. Last month, he (c) found a rare stamp at a market. He (d) was very excited. His friends (e) admire his collection. Brian (f) takes good care of his stamps. He (g) keeps them in a special album. Stamps (h) tell stories about different places. Brian (i) hopes to complete his collection one day. He (j) feels proud of his hobby.

Answer 21.

Nina (a) enjoys dancing. She (b) takes ballet lessons every week. Last week, she (c) performed in a recital. She (d) was nervous but excited. Her parents (e) cheered for her. Nina (f) practices every day. She (g) wants to be a professional dancer. Dancing (h) brings her joy. She (i) dreams of performing on a big stage. Nina (j) feels happy when she dances.

Answer 22.

Leo (a) loves to hike. He (b) hikes every month. Last month, he (c) went to the mountains. He (d) enjoyed the beautiful views. Leo (e) took many pictures. He (f) shared them with his friends. They (g) want to join him next time. Hiking (h) helps him stay fit. Leo (i) plans to explore new trails. He (j) feels at peace in nature.

Answer 23.

Ella (a) enjoys writing stories. She (b) writes in her journal every day. Last week, she (c) wrote a short story. She (d) shared it with her class. Her teacher (e) praised her work. Ella (f) wants to be an author. She (g) dreams of publishing a book. Writing (h) makes her feel creative. Ella (i) plans to keep writing every day. She (j) believes in her talent.

Answer 24.

Oliver (a) loves technology. He (b) builds computers as a hobby. Last month, he (c) assembled a new computer. He (d) enjoyed the process. His friends (e) ask him for help. Oliver (f) teaches them about computers. He (g) wants to study computer science. Technology (h) interests him a lot. He (i) plans to work in tech someday. Oliver (j) feels excited about the future.

Answer 25.

Zoe (a) loves to travel. She (b) has been to many countries. Last summer, she (c) visited Italy. She (d) took lots of pictures. The food (e) was amazing. Zoe (f) enjoyed exploring new places. She (g) wants to visit Japan next. Traveling (h) opens her mind. Zoe (i) dreams of traveling the world. She (j) feels happy when she travels.

Answer 26.

Ryan (a) enjoys painting. He (b) paints landscapes and portraits. Last month, he (c) exhibited his work at a local gallery. People (d) admired his talent. Ryan (e) felt proud of his accomplishment. He (f) wants to become a professional artist. Painting (g) brings him joy. He (h) spends hours in his studio. Ryan (i) hopes to have more exhibitions. He (j) loves expressing himself through art.

Answer 27.

Sophia (a) loves music. She (b) plays the piano beautifully. Last month, she (c) performed at a concert. The audience (d) gave her a standing ovation. Sophia (e) felt thrilled. She (f) practices every day. She (g) wants to compose her own music. Playing music (h) fills her with happiness. Sophia (i) dreams of becoming a famous musician. She (j) believes in her talent.

Answer 28.

Daniel (a) enjoys playing video games. He (b) plays with his friends online. Last week, they (c) competed in a tournament. Daniel (d) won first place! His friends (e) cheered for him. He (f) feels proud of his achievement. Gaming (g) brings him joy. He (h) wants to join more tournaments. Daniel (i) plans to practice regularly. He (j) loves the excitement of gaming.

Answer 29.

Kara (a) loves to read. She (b) reads a book every week. Last week, she (c) finished a mystery novel. She (d) couldn’t put it down! Kara (e) enjoys discussing books with her friends. They (f) recommend new books to each other. Reading (g) expands her imagination. She (h) plans to join a book club. Kara (i) hopes to find more great stories. She (j) feels happy when she reads.

Answer 30.

Michael (a) enjoys cycling. He (b) rides his bike every weekend. Last weekend, he (c) went on a long ride. He (d) explored new trails. Cycling (e) makes him feel free. He (f) wants to participate in a cycling event. Michael (g) trains regularly to stay fit. He (h) dreams of cycling across the country. Michael (i) feels accomplished when he rides. He (j) loves the thrill of cycling.

Answer 31.

Shakib is a good gardener. He (a) plants flowers in his garden. Yesterday, he (b) watered the plants. He (c) likes spending time in nature. Shakib (d) tends to his garden every day. He (e) removes weeds and pests. Shakib (f) dreams of having a beautiful garden. He (g) believes that gardening is a relaxing hobby. He (h) encourages others to start their own gardens. Shakib (i) hopes to share his love of gardening with others. He (j) knows that it will take hard work and dedication.

Answer 32.

Taslima is a good singer. She (a) sings every day. Yesterday, she (b) recorded a new song. She (c) dreams of becoming a famous singer. Taslima (d) takes singing lessons regularly. She (e) performs at local music venues. Taslima (f) dreams of releasing her own album. She (g) believes that singing is a way to express herself. She (h) encourages others to sing. Taslima (i) hopes to inspire others to pursue their musical dreams. She (j) knows that it will take hard work and dedication.

Answer 33.

Rakib is a good athlete. He (a) plays basketball. Yesterday, he (b) scored 10 points in a game. He (c) hopes to play for a professional team one day. Rakib (d) practices basketball for several hours every day. He (e) participates in basketball tournaments. Rakib (f) dreams of becoming a professional basketball player. He (g) believes that basketball is a great way to stay healthy and fit. He (h) encourages others to play sports. Rakib (i) hopes to inspire others to pursue their athletic goals. He (j) tries to train the young people to become good athletes.

Answer 34.

Hasina is a good artist. She (a) draws beautiful pictures. Yesterday, she (b) created a portrait of her mother. She (c) loves painting nature scenes. Hasina (d) takes art classes regularly. She (e) experiments with different art techniques. Hasina (f) dreams of becoming a professional artist. She (g) believes that art is a form of expression. She (h) encourages others to explore their creativity. Hasina (i) hopes to have her own art exhibition someday. She (j) knows that it will take hard work and dedication.

Answer 35.

Afzal is a good dancer. He (a) practices dancing every day. Yesterday, he (b) learned a new dance style. He (c) enjoys performing at parties. Afzal (d) takes dance classes regularly. He (e) participates in dance competitions. Afzal (f) dreams of becoming a professional dancer. He (g) believes that dance is a form of expression. He (h) encourages others to dance. Afzal (i) hopes to choreograph his own dance routines someday. He (j) knows that it will take hard work and dedication.

Answer 36.

Nusrat is a good writer. She (a) writes stories. Yesterday, she (b) finished a short story. She (c) dreams of becoming a published author. Nusrat (d) joins writing workshops regularly. She (e) gets feedback from other writers. Nusrat (f) dreams of writing a best-selling novel. She (g) believes that writing is a way to connect with others. She (h) encourages others to write. Nusrat (i) hopes to inspire others to pursue their writing dreams. She (j) knows that it will take hard work and dedication.

Answer 37.

Nazia is a good swimmer. She (a) swims every day. Yesterday, she (b) won a swimming competition. She (c) wants to represent her country at the Olympics. Nazia (d) practices swimming for several hours every day. She (e) participates in swimming tournaments. Nazia (f) dreams of becoming an Olympic champion. She (g) believes that swimming is a great way to stay healthy and fit. She (h) encourages others to learn how to swim. Nazia (i) hopes to inspire others to pursue their athletic goals. She (j) knows that it will take hard work and dedication.

Answer 38.

Shahid is a good musician. He (a) plays the piano. Yesterday, he (b) composed a new piece of music. He (c) dreams of becoming a famous composer. Shahid (d) takes piano lessons regularly. He (e) performs at local music venues. Shahid (f) dreams of conducting a symphony orchestra. He (g) believes that music is a universal language. He (h) encourages others to learn to play an instrument. Shahid (i) hopes to inspire others to pursue their musical passions. He (j) knows that it will take hard work and dedication.

Answer 39.

Sabina is a good cook. She (a) bakes delicious cookies. Yesterday, she (b) made a batch of chocolate chip cookies. She (c) enjoys cooking for her family and friends. Sabina (d) takes cooking classes regularly. She (e) experiments with new recipes. Sabina (f) dreams of opening her own bakery someday. She (g) believes that food is a way to connect with people. She (h) encourages others to learn how to cook. Sabina (i) hopes to share her passion for cooking with the world. She (j) knows that it will take hard work and dedication.

Answer 40.

Nazmul is a good athlete. He (a) plays cricket. Yesterday, he (b) scored a century in a match. He (c) hopes to play for the national team one day. Nazmul (d) practices cricket for several hours every day. He (e) participates in cricket tournaments. Nazmul (f) dreams of becoming a professional cricket player. He (g) believes that cricket is a great way to stay healthy and fit. He (h) encourages others to play sports. Nazmul (i) hopes to inspire others to pursue their athletic goals. He (j) knows that it will take hard work and dedication.

Answer 41.

Ayesha is a good student. She (a) studies hard every day. Yesterday, she (b) finished her homework early. She (c) wants to get good grades. Ayesha (d) joins study groups with her classmates. She (e) asks her teacher for help when she needs it. Ayesha (f) dreams of going to a prestigious university. She (g) believes that education is the key to success. She (h) encourages others to study hard. Ayesha (i) hopes to make a positive impact on the world. She (j) knows that it will take hard work and dedication.