Class Seven English Model Question: Q2

Read the dialogue and answer the questions that follow:

Dialogue 1

1. Read the dialogue and answer the questions that follow:

[Two students, Rakib and Rima, are talking about their experience at a school science fair.]

  • Rakib: Did you see the project on renewable energy at the science fair yesterday?
  • Rima: Yes, I did! It was amazing how they used solar panels to generate electricity.
  • Rakib: I agree. Bangladesh really needs to focus on renewable energy sources, especially since we face power shortages.
  • Rima: Absolutely. I think our government is also encouraging solar energy in rural areas.
  • Rakib: That's great! By the way, did you visit the stall about water purification?
  • Rima: Yes, the one about turning river water into clean drinking water using simple filters. It could be really helpful in villages.
  • Rakib: True. Access to clean water is still a big issue in many parts of our country.
  • Rima: I hope these projects inspire more young people to come up with practical solutions for Bangladesh’s challenges.

a) Read the statements and write whether they are true or false. If false, give the correct answer. 2x5=10

  • i) Rakib and Rima are talking about a science project on agriculture.
  • ii) Rakib thinks Bangladesh should focus on renewable energy sources.
  • iii) Rima believes solar energy is only important in cities.
  • iv) They both agree that clean drinking water is a major concern in rural areas.
  • v) Rima did not visit the water purification stall at the science fair.

b) Read the dialogues again and match column A with column B.  1x5=5

Column A
Column B
a) Rakib and Rima discussed
i) renewable energy at the science fair.
b) Solar energy is encouraged
ii) clean drinking water in villages.
c) The water purification project focused on
iii) a science project on water filtration.
d) Rakib believes power shortages are
iv) a big issue in Bangladesh.
e) Rima visited the stall about
v) solar energy in rural areas.

Dialogue 2

2. Read the dialogue and answer the questions that follow:

[A father, Mr. Hasan, and his son, Imran, discuss the importance of the Bangla language.]

  • Mr. Hasan: Imran, do you know why we celebrate 21st February as International Mother Language Day?
  • Imran: Yes, father. It is to honor the martyrs who sacrificed their lives for our mother language, Bangla, in 1952.
  • Mr. Hasan: Correct! Many people don’t know that the Language Movement played a big role in shaping our identity as Bangladeshis.
  • Imran: I understand. Without our language, we wouldn't have such a strong cultural identity.
  • Mr. Hasan: That's right. Language is a symbol of our freedom and pride. You should always value it and continue to learn it well.
  • Imran: I will, father. We are lucky to have Bangla as our national language, and we should do our best to protect it.

a) Read the statements and write whether they are true or false. If false, give the correct answer. 2x5=10

  • i) Mr. Hasan explains the importance of 26th March to Imran.
  • ii) Imran believes that language is a symbol of national identity.
  • iii) The Language Movement in Bangladesh took place in 1965.
  • iv) Mr. Hasan encourages his son to value the Bangla language.
  • v) Imran disagrees with his father's views about the importance of Bangla.

b) Read the dialogues again and match column A with column B.  1x5=5

Column A
Column B
a) 21st February is celebrated as
i) gave their lives for the Bangla language.
b) The Language Movement helped
ii) the National Language Day in Bangladesh.
c) Many martyrs in 1952
iii) shape the identity of Bangladesh.
d) Mr. Hasan believes language is
iv) a symbol of freedom and pride.
e) Imran promises to
v) value and protect Bangla.

Dialogue 3

3. Read the dialogue and answer the questions that follow:

[A teacher, Ms. Anika, and a student, Farzana, are talking about environmental issues.]

  • Ms. Anika: Farzana, did you read the article I gave you on deforestation in Bangladesh?
  • Farzana: Yes, I did, ma’am. I didn’t realize how serious the problem was until I read that.
  • Ms. Anika: Deforestation affects many areas of our country, especially the Sundarbans.
  • Farzana: I know. If we keep cutting down trees, we’ll lose our natural habitats and increase the risk of flooding.
  • Ms. Anika: Exactly. Trees play a vital role in maintaining our environment, and protecting forests is important for our future.
  • Farzana: What can we do to help, ma’am?
  • Ms. Anika: We can raise awareness, plant more trees, and encourage the government to take stronger action.
  • Farzana: That sounds like a good plan. I’ll start by talking to my friends about it.

a) Read the statements and write whether they are true or false. If false, give the correct answer. 2x5=10

  • i) Farzana was already aware of the deforestation problem before reading the article.
  • ii) The teacher mentions that deforestation affects the Sundarbans.
  • iii) Farzana suggests planting more trees to stop deforestation.
  • iv) Ms. Anika believes deforestation is not a serious issue for Bangladesh.
  • v) Farzana decides to talk to her friends about deforestation.

b) Read the dialogues again and match column A with column B.  1x5=5

Column A
Column B
a) Farzana read an article about
i) reducing the number of trees being cut.
b) Deforestation affects areas like
ii) raise awareness and plant trees.
c) Trees help prevent
iii) deforestation in Bangladesh.
d) Ms. Anika suggests ways to
iv) the Sundarbans.
e) Farzana wants to continue raising awareness 
v) by talking to her friends.

Dialogue 4

4. Read the dialogue and answer the questions that follow:

[A mother, Mrs. Rahman, and her daughter, Arifa, are talking about preparing for the upcoming Pohela Boishakh festival.]

  • Mrs. Rahman: Arifa, have you started preparing for Pohela Boishakh yet?
  • Arifa: Yes, Amma. I’ve already bought my new saree, and I’m helping decorate the house.
  • Mrs. Rahman: That’s wonderful! This festival is one of our most colorful traditions. Do you remember why we celebrate it?
  • Arifa: Yes, it marks the Bengali New Year and is a way to celebrate our culture and heritage.
  • Mrs. Rahman: Exactly. It’s important to maintain these traditions so that we can pass them on to the next generation.
  • Arifa: I agree. I’m excited to attend the Boishakhi Mela with my friends this year.
  • Mrs. Rahman: That’s great! Just remember to be careful in the crowd.

a) Read the statements and write whether they are true or false. If false, give the correct answer. 2x5=10

  • i) Arifa has not bought a new saree for Pohela Boishakh yet.
  • ii) Pohela Boishakh marks the Bengali New Year.
  • iii) Mrs. Rahman doesn’t think it’s important to celebrate traditions.
  • iv) Arifa plans to attend the Boishakhi Mela with her friends.
  • v) Mrs. Rahman warns Arifa to be careful at the Mela.

b) Read the dialogues again and match column A with column B.  1x5=5

Column A
Column B
a) Arifa is preparing
i) marks the Bengali New Year.
b) Pohela Boishakh
ii) to be careful in the crowd.
c) The festival celebrates
iii) with new clothes and house decorations.
d) Mrs. Rahman reminds Arifa
iv) our culture and heritage.
e) Arifa is excited to
v) attend the Boishakhi Mela.

Dialogue 5

5. Read the dialogue and answer the questions that follow:

[Two students, Rifat and Nadia, are discussing the Padma Bridge and its importance for Bangladesh.]

  • Rifat: Have you seen the new Padma Bridge, Nadia?
  • Nadia: Not yet, but I’ve heard a lot about it. It’s one of the biggest infrastructural projects in Bangladesh.
  • Rifat: Yes, it’s going to connect the southwest part of the country to the rest. It will reduce travel time significantly.
  • Nadia: That’s great news. It will also help boost the economy by making it easier to transport goods.
  • Rifat: Exactly. People in remote areas will have better access to healthcare and education too.
  • Nadia: It’s amazing to see how such projects can transform a country.

a) Read the statements and write whether they are true or false. If false, give the correct answer. 2x5=10

  • i) Nadia has already visited the Padma Bridge.
  • ii) The Padma Bridge is one of the largest infrastructural projects in Bangladesh.
  • iii) The bridge will help connect the northeast part of Bangladesh to the rest.
  • iv) Rifat mentions that the bridge will improve access to healthcare and education.
  • v) Nadia believes projects like the Padma Bridge can bring positive changes to the country.

b) Read the dialogues again and match column A with column B.  1x5=5

Column A
Column B
a) The Padma Bridge
i) remote areas will have better access.
b) It will reduce
ii) the biggest infrastructural projects.
c) The bridge will help boost
iii) connects the southwest to the rest of Bangladesh.
d) Rifat says
iv) the economy and transport goods.
e) Nadia believes
v) such projects can transform the country.

Dialogue 6

6. Read the dialogue and answer the questions that follow:

[A conversation between a shopkeeper, Mr. Rahim, and a customer, Shahana, at a clothing store.]

  • Shahana: Assalamu Alaikum, Mr. Rahim. Do you have any cotton sarees for this summer?
  • Mr. Rahim: Walaikum Assalam, Shahana. Yes, we have a new collection of cotton sarees. They are perfect for the hot weather.
  • Shahana: That’s great! I’m looking for something in light colors. Do you have anything in pastel shades?
  • Mr. Rahim: Yes, we have several light pink, blue, and green sarees. Would you like to see them?
  • Shahana: Yes, please. I need a saree for my cousin’s wedding. Something simple but elegant.
  • Mr. Rahim: I have just the right one for you. Let me show you.

a) Read the statements and write whether they are true or false. If false, give the correct answer. 2x5=10

  • i) Shahana is looking for a cotton saree because of the cold weather.
  • ii) Mr. Rahim suggests pastel-colored sarees to Shahana.
  • iii) Shahana wants the saree for her sister’s wedding.
  • iv) Mr. Rahim shows Shahana light-colored sarees.
  • v) Shahana is looking for a simple but elegant saree.

b) Read the dialogues again and match column A with column B.  1x5=5

Column A
Column B
a) Shahana is looking for
i) her cousin’s wedding.
b) Mr. Rahim shows her
i) pastel-colored sarees.
c) Shahana wants a saree for
iii) light pink, blue, and green sarees.
d) She prefers
iv) something simple but elegant.
e) Mr. Rahim offers
v) a cotton saree for summer.

Dialogue 7

7. Read the dialogue and answer the questions that follow:

[A doctor, Dr. Nabila, and her patient, Karim, discuss his health condition.]

  • Dr. Nabila: Good morning, Karim. How are you feeling today?
  • Karim: Good morning, doctor. I’m feeling much better than last week. The medicine you prescribed has really helped.
  • Dr. Nabila: That’s good to hear. Have you been following the diet and exercise routine I suggested?
  • Karim: Yes, I’ve been eating healthier and walking every day. I feel more energetic now.
  • Dr. Nabila: That’s excellent. Keep up the good work, and make sure to drink plenty of water.
  • Karim: I will. Thank you, doctor.

a) Read the statements and write whether they are true or false. If false, give the correct answer. 2x5=10

  • i) Karim feels worse than he did last week.
  • ii) The medicine prescribed by Dr. Nabila helped Karim.
  • iii) Karim has not followed the diet and exercise routine.
  • iv) Dr. Nabila suggests that Karim drink a lot of water.
  • v) Karim thanks the doctor for her help.

b) Read the dialogues again and match column A with column B.  1x5=5

Column A
Column B
a) Karim is feeling
i) more energetic after following the routine.
b) The medicine
ii) much better than last week.
c) Dr. Nabila advised
iii) Karim to follow a healthy diet and exercise.
d) Karim is now
iv) helped Karim feel better.
e) The doctor reminded Karim
v) to drink plenty of water.

Answer to Dialogue 1

a) True/False Questions: 

i) False - They are talking about a project on renewable energy and water purification.

ii) True

iii) False - Rima believes solar energy is important in rural areas.

iv) True

v) False - Rima did visit the water purification stall.

b) Matching:

a) Rakib and Rima discussed

→ i) renewable energy at the science fair.

b) Solar energy is encouraged

→ v) solar energy in rural areas.

c) The water purification project focused on

→ ii) clean drinking water in villages.

d) Rakib believes power shortages are

→ iv) a big issue in Bangladesh.

e) Rima visited the stall about

→ iii) a science project on water filtration.

Answer to Dialogue 2

a) True/False Questions:

i) False - Mr. Hasan explains the importance of 21st February.

ii) True

iii) False - The Language Movement took place in 1952.

iv) True

v) False - Imran agrees with his father’s views about the importance of Bangla.

b) Matching:

a) 21st February is celebrated as

→ ii) the National Language Day in Bangladesh.

b) The Language Movement helped

→ iii) shape the identity of Bangladesh.

c) Many martyrs in 1952

→ i) gave their lives for the Bangla language.

d) Mr. Hasan believes language is

→ iv) a symbol of freedom and pride.

e) Imran promises to

→ v) value and protect Bangla.

Answer to Dialogue 3

a) True/False Questions:

i) False - Farzana was not aware of the seriousness of deforestation until she read the article.

ii) True

iii) False - Ms. Anika suggests planting more trees.

iv) False - Ms. Anika believes deforestation is a serious issue.

v) True

b) Matching:

a) Farzana read an article about

→ iii) deforestation in Bangladesh.

b) Deforestation affects areas like

→ iv) the Sundarbans.

c) Trees help prevent

→ i) reducing the number of trees being cut.

d) Ms. Anika suggests ways to

→ ii) raise awareness and plant trees.

e) Farzana wants to continue raising awareness

→ v) by talking to her friends.

Answer to Dialogue 4

a) True/False Questions:

i) False - Arifa has already bought a new saree.

ii) True

iii) False - Mrs. Rahman thinks it is important to celebrate traditions.

iv) True

v) True

b) Matching:

a) Arifa is preparing

→ iii) with new clothes and house decorations.

b) Pohela Boishakh

→ i) marks the Bengali New Year.

c) The festival celebrates

→ iv) our culture and heritage.

d) Mrs. Rahman reminds Arifa

→ ii) to be careful in the crowd.

e) Arifa is excited to

→ v) attend the Boishakhi Mela.

Answer to Dialogue 5

a) True/False Questions:

i) False - Nadia has not yet visited the Padma Bridge.

ii) True

iii) False - The bridge will connect the southwest part of Bangladesh.

iv) True

v) True

b) Matching:

a) The Padma Bridge

→ iii) connects the southwest to the rest of Bangladesh.

b) It will reduce

→ i) remote areas will have better access.

c) The bridge will help boost

→ iv) the economy and transport goods.

d) Rifat says

→ ii) the biggest infrastructural projects.

e) Nadia believes

→ v) such projects can transform the country.

Answer to Dialogue 6

a) True/False Questions:

i) False - Shahana is looking for a cotton saree because of the hot weather.

ii) True

iii) False - Shahana wants the saree for her cousin’s wedding.

iv) True

v) True

b) Matching:

a) Shahana is looking for

→ v) a cotton saree for summer.

b) Mr. Rahim shows her

→ iii) light pink, blue, and green sarees.

c) Shahana wants a saree for

→ i) her cousin’s wedding.

d) She prefers

→ iv) something simple but elegant.

e) Mr. Rahim offers

→ ii) pastel-colored sarees.

Answer to Dialogue 7

a) True/False Questions:

i) False - Karim feels better than last week.

ii) True

iii) False - Karim has followed the diet and exercise routine.

iv) True

v) True

b) Matching:

a) Karim is feeling 

→ ii) much better than last week.

b) The medicine

→ iv) helped Karim feel better.

c) Dr. Nabila advised

→ iii) Karim to follow a healthy diet and exercise.

d) Karim is now

→ i) more energetic after following the routine.

e) The doctor reminded Karim

→ v) to drink plenty of water.