Class Seven English Model Question: Q1

Read the text and answer the questions that follow:


1. International Mother Language Day

Read the text about International Mother Language Day in Bangladesh and answer the questions that follow:

International Mother Language Day is celebrated every year on 21 February in Bangladesh. This day honors the language martyrs who sacrificed their lives in 1952 to protect the right to speak Bangla. In 1948, the government of Pakistan declared Urdu as the only national language, ignoring the majority of the Bangla-speaking population. The people of East Pakistan protested against this decision. On 21 February 1952, students in Dhaka organized a peaceful demonstration, demanding Bangla be recognized as a national language. Unfortunately, the police opened fire on the protesters, killing several students. This event sparked a larger movement, eventually leading to the recognition of Bangla as one of the official languages of Pakistan. Today, 21 February is observed as International Mother Language Day worldwide to promote linguistic and cultural diversity.

A. Choose the best answer from the alternatives: 1x5=5

i. What is celebrated on 21 February in Bangladesh?

  • a) Victory Day
  • b) International Mother Language Day
  • c) Independence Day
  • d) Language Movement Day

ii. What language did the government of Pakistan try to impose on East Pakistan?

  • a) Bangla
  • b) Hindi
  • c) Urdu
  • d) English

iii. What happened on 21 February 1952?

  • a) The war began
  • b) Students protested for their language rights
  • c) Pakistan gained independence
  • d) The constitution was changed

iv. Why did the people of East Pakistan protest in 1952?

  • a) They wanted independence
  • b) They wanted economic reforms
  • c) They wanted Bangla to be recognized as a national language
  • d) They wanted more schools

v. What does International Mother Language Day promote?

  • a) Political freedom
  • b) Economic growth
  • c) Linguistic and cultural diversity
  • d) Military strength

B. Write answers to the following questions 2x5=10

  • a) What is International Mother Language Day?
  • b) Why is 21 February important in Bangladesh?
  • c) How did the people protest against the imposition of Urdu?
  • d) What was the result of the Language Movement?
  • e) How is 21 February observed today?

2. The Sundarbans in Bangladesh

Read the text about the Sundarbans in Bangladesh and answer the questions that follow:

The Sundarbans is the largest mangrove forest in the world, located in Bangladesh. It is home to many unique species, including the Royal Bengal Tiger, crocodiles, and a variety of birds. The forest is spread across both Bangladesh and India, covering about 10,000 square kilometers. The Sundarbans is not only important for its biodiversity but also for protecting coastal areas from storms and floods. Mangrove trees, with their strong roots, act as a natural barrier against cyclones and tidal surges. However, the forest is under threat from climate change, illegal logging, and pollution. Conservation efforts are ongoing to protect this valuable ecosystem for future generations.

A. Choose the best answer from the alternatives: 1x5=5

i. Where is the Sundarbans located?

  • a) India and Nepal
  • b) Bangladesh and India
  • c) Sri Lanka and India
  • d) Myanmar and Bangladesh

ii. Which species is famous in the Sundarbans?

  • a) Asian Elephant
  • b) Royal Bengal Tiger
  • c) African Lion
  • d) Polar Bear

iii. What is one of the roles of the mangrove trees in the Sundarbans?

  • a) To provide wood for construction
  • b) To protect against storms and floods
  • c) To supply fruit
  • d) To grow crops

iv. What is a major threat to the Sundarbans?

  • a) Overpopulation
  • b) Deforestation and climate change
  • c) Lack of rainfall
  • d) Industrialization

v. Why is the Sundarbans important?

  • a) It is a large desert
  • b) It has no natural resources
  • c) It supports biodiversity and protects against natural disasters
  • d) It is an urban area

B. Write answers to the following questions 2x5=10

  • a) Where is the Sundarbans located?
  • b) Why is the Sundarbans important for coastal protection?
  • c) Name two animals found in the Sundarbans.
  • d) What are the threats to the Sundarbans?
  • e) What are people doing to protect the Sundarbans?

3. Pahela Baishakh in Bangladesh

Read the text about Pahela Baishakh in Bangladesh and answer the questions that follow:

Pahela Baishakh is the first day of the Bangla calendar and is celebrated with great enthusiasm in Bangladesh. This day marks the beginning of a new year and is considered a time for renewal and hope. People wear new clothes, visit fairs, and enjoy traditional foods like panta bhat and hilsa fish. In the morning, many attend colorful processions, such as the "Mangal Shobhajatra," organized by the students of Dhaka University. Pahela Baishakh is celebrated by people of all religions and communities, symbolizing unity and cultural pride. It is a day to forget past hardships and look forward to a better future.

A. Choose the best answer from the alternatives: 1x5=5

i. What is celebrated on Pahela Baishakh?

  • a) New Year's Day in Bangladesh
  • b) Victory Day
  • c) Independence Day
  • d) International Mother Language Day

ii. What kind of food is commonly eaten on Pahela Baishakh?

  • a) Pizza and burgers
  • b) Rice and fish
  • c) Fried chicken
  • d) Panta bhat and hilsa fish

iii. Which event is part of the Pahela Baishakh celebration in Dhaka?

  • a) Victory Parade
  • b) Mangal Shobhajatra
  • c) Language Rally
  • d) School Graduation

iv. What does Pahela Baishakh symbolize?

  • a) Political change
  • b) Unity and cultural pride
  • c) Economic growth
  • d) Technological development

v. Where is the "Mangal Shobhajatra" organized?

  • a) Chittagong University
  • b) Dhaka University
  • c) Rajshahi University
  • d) Khulna University

B. Write answers to the following questions 2x5=10

  • a) What is Pahela Baishakh?
  • b) How do people celebrate Pahela Baishakh?
  • c) What is "Mangal Shobhajatra"?
  • d) What does Pahela Baishakh symbolize for the people of Bangladesh?
  • e) How is Pahela Baishakh celebrated across the country?

4. Cox’s Bazar in Bangladesh

Read the text about Cox’s Bazar in Bangladesh and answer the questions that follow:

Cox’s Bazar is a famous tourist destination in Bangladesh. It has the longest natural sea beach in the world, stretching over 120 kilometers. Every year, thousands of tourists visit Cox’s Bazar to enjoy the beautiful sandy beaches, blue waters, and vibrant sunsets. The town also offers activities such as surfing, fishing, and boat rides. In addition to the beach, tourists can visit places like Himchari National Park and St. Martin’s Island, which are known for their natural beauty. Tourism in Cox’s Bazar is growing, but there are also concerns about protecting the environment from pollution and overdevelopment.

A. Choose the best answer from the alternatives: 1x5=5

i. What is Cox’s Bazar famous for?

  • a) Historical monuments
  • b) The longest natural sea beach
  • c) Mountains and valleys
  • d) Ancient temples

ii. How long is Cox’s Bazar’s beach?

  • a) 50 kilometers
  • b) 75 kilometers
  • c) 120 kilometers
  • d) 150 kilometers

iii. What activities can tourists enjoy in Cox’s Bazar?

  • a) Skiing and mountain climbing
  • b) Surfing, fishing, and boat rides
  • c) Visiting museums
  • d) Ice skating

iv. What is a concern about the growth of tourism in Cox’s Bazar?

  • a) Lack of hotels
  • b) Environmental damage due to pollution
  • c) Shortage of food
  • d) Overpopulation

v. Which of the following places can tourists visit near Cox’s Bazar?

  • a) Himalayas
  • b) Sundarbans
  • c) Himchari National Park
  • d) Taj Mahal

B. Write answers to the following questions 2x5=10

  • a) Why is Cox’s Bazar a famous tourist destination?
  • b) How long is the beach at Cox’s Bazar?
  • c) What activities can tourists do at Cox’s Bazar?
  • d) What environmental concerns exist in Cox’s Bazar?
  • e) Name two places near Cox’s Bazar that tourists can visit.

5. Rivers of Bangladesh

Read the text about rivers of Bangladesh and answer the questions that follow:

The rivers of Bangladesh are its lifeline. There are over 700 rivers flowing through the country, including major rivers like the Padma, Jamuna, and Meghna. These rivers provide water for agriculture, transportation, and fishing, which are important parts of the country's economy. The rivers also carry fertile silt, which helps farmers grow crops like rice and jute. However, during the monsoon season, these rivers often overflow, causing floods that damage homes and crops. To control floods and manage water resources, the government has built embankments and dams. Protecting the rivers from pollution and ensuring their flow is vital for Bangladesh’s future.

A. Choose the best answer from the alternatives: 1x5=5

i. How many rivers are there in Bangladesh?

  • a) Over 500
  • b) Over 600
  • c) Over 700
  • d) Over 800

ii. Which of the following is a major river in Bangladesh?

  • a) Ganges
  • b) Nile
  • c) Padma
  • d) Amazon

iii. Why are the rivers important for agriculture?

  • a) They bring fish
  • b) They carry fertile silt
  • c) They are used for swimming
  • d) They block the sunlight

iv. What happens during the monsoon season?

  • a) The rivers dry up
  • b) The rivers overflow, causing floods
  • c) The rivers freeze
  • d) The rivers become shallow

v. What has the government done to manage the rivers?

  • a) Built dams and embankments
  • b) Closed the rivers
  • c) Reduced fishing
  • d) Banned agriculture

B. Write answers to the following questions 2x5=10

  • a) How do rivers help the economy of Bangladesh?
  • b) Name two major rivers of Bangladesh.
  • c) Why are floods common during the monsoon season?
  • d) How do rivers help farmers?
  • e) What has the government done to control floods?

6. Golden Fiber of Bangladesh

Read the text about Golden Fiber of Bangladesh and answer the questions that follow:

Jute is one of the most important crops in Bangladesh. Often called the "Golden Fiber," jute is used to make a variety of products like bags, ropes, and carpets. Bangladesh is one of the largest producers of jute in the world. The plant grows well in the country's warm and humid climate, especially in the fertile land near rivers. Jute farming provides jobs for thousands of people, especially in rural areas. However, the demand for jute has decreased in recent years as synthetic materials like plastic have become more popular. To revive the jute industry, the government is encouraging the use of eco-friendly jute products, which are biodegradable and less harmful to the environment.

A. Choose the best answer from the alternatives: 1x5=5

i. What is jute often called?

  • a) Golden Fiber
  • b) Silver Thread
  • c) Plastic Fiber
  • d) Golden Grain

ii. What products are made from jute?

  • a) Furniture and clothes
  • b) Ropes and bags
  • c) Electronics and books
  • d) Vehicles and tools

iii. Where does jute grow best in Bangladesh?

  • a) In the mountains
  • b) In dry deserts
  • c) Near rivers
  • d) In urban areas

iv. Why has the demand for jute decreased?

  • a) It has become expensive
  • b) It takes too long to grow
  • c) Synthetic materials like plastic are more popular
  • d) It is no longer needed for farming

v. What is the government doing to help the jute industry?

  • a) Stopping jute farming
  • b) Encouraging eco-friendly jute products
  • c) Promoting plastic use
  • d) Importing more jute from other countries

B. Write answers to the following questions 2x5=10

  • a) Why is jute called the "Golden Fiber"?
  • b) Name two products made from jute.
  • c) Where in Bangladesh does jute grow well?
  • d) Why has the demand for jute gone down?
  • e) How is the government helping to revive the jute industry?

7. The Royal Bengal Tiger

Read the text about the Royal Bengal Tiger and answer the questions that follow:

The Royal Bengal Tiger is the national animal of Bangladesh. It is found mainly in the Sundarbans, the large mangrove forest shared by Bangladesh and India. The Royal Bengal Tiger is known for its strength, beauty, and unique orange coat with black stripes. This animal is an important part of the ecosystem, helping to maintain the balance of nature by controlling the population of other animals. Unfortunately, the number of Royal Bengal Tigers is decreasing due to poaching and the destruction of their habitat. To protect these magnificent animals, the government and environmental organizations have created wildlife sanctuaries and are working to stop illegal hunting.

A. Choose the best answer from the alternatives: 1x5=5

i. What is the national animal of Bangladesh?

  • a) Elephant
  • b) Lion
  • c) Royal Bengal Tiger
  • d) Leopard

ii. Where is the Royal Bengal Tiger mainly found?

  • a) The Himalayas
  • b) The Sundarbans
  • c) Dhaka City
  • d) The Amazon Rainforest

iii. What is the color of the Royal Bengal Tiger’s coat?

  • a) White with black spots
  • b) Brown with black stripes
  • c) Orange with black stripes
  • d) Yellow with brown spots

iv. Why is the population of the Royal Bengal Tiger decreasing?

  • a) Lack of food
  • b) Poaching and habitat destruction
  • c) Cold weather
  • d) Overpopulation

v. What has been done to protect the Royal Bengal Tiger?

  • a) Nothing
  • b) Stopping all hunting
  • c) Creating wildlife sanctuaries and stopping poaching
  • d) Increasing tiger breeding

B. Write answers to the following questions 2x5=10

  • a) What is the national animal of Bangladesh?
  • b) Where can you find the Royal Bengal Tiger?
  • c) What is special about the Royal Bengal Tiger’s coat?
  • d) Why is the Royal Bengal Tiger in danger?
  • e) How are people trying to protect the Royal Bengal Tiger?

8. The National Flag of Bangladesh

Read the text about the national flag of Bangladesh and answer the questions that follow:

The national flag of Bangladesh is a symbol of pride and independence. The flag is green with a red circle in the middle. The green represents the lush green landscape of Bangladesh, while the red symbolizes the blood of those who died for the country's independence. The flag was officially adopted on 17 January 1972, shortly after Bangladesh gained its independence from Pakistan. The flag is raised on important national days like Victory Day and Independence Day, reminding the people of Bangladesh of their long and brave struggle for freedom. Schools, offices, and homes proudly display the flag to show love for the country.

A. Choose the best answer from the alternatives: 1x5=5

i. What is the color of the national flag of Bangladesh?

  • a) Blue and white
  • b) Green and red
  • c) Yellow and black
  • d) Black and white

ii. What does the red circle on the flag represent?

  • a) The sun
  • b) The struggle for independence
  • c) Love for nature
  • d) National wealth

iii. When was the flag of Bangladesh adopted?

  • a) 21 February 1952
  • b) 17 January 1972
  • c) 26 March 1971
  • d) 16 December 1971

iv. On which occasions is the national flag raised?

  • a) Only on New Year's Day
  • b) During religious festivals
  • c) On national days like Victory Day
  • d) Every Monday

v. Why is the national flag important?

  • a) It shows the country's independence and pride
  • b) It is used to decorate buildings
  • c) It shows the country's economic power
  • d) It represents friendship with other nations

B. Write answers to the following questions 2x5=10

  • a) What does the national flag of Bangladesh look like?
  • b) What do the colors of the flag symbolize?
  • c) When was the flag of Bangladesh officially adopted?
  • d) On which days is the flag of Bangladesh raised?
  • e) Why is the national flag a symbol of pride?

9. The Bay of Bengal

Read the text about the Bay of Bengal and answer the questions that follow:

The Bay of Bengal is the largest bay in the world and is located to the south of Bangladesh. It plays a vital role in the economy of Bangladesh, providing fish and other seafood to millions of people. The bay is also an important route for international trade. Ships carrying goods to and from Bangladesh and neighboring countries pass through the Bay of Bengal. The bay’s waters support a rich marine ecosystem with fish, dolphins, and sea turtles. However, it is also prone to cyclones and storms, which can cause floods and damage coastal areas. Protecting the bay from pollution and maintaining its marine life are important for the future.

A. Choose the best answer from the alternatives: 1x5=5

i. Where is the Bay of Bengal located?

  • a) North of Bangladesh
  • b) South of Bangladesh
  • c) East of Bangladesh
  • d) West of Bangladesh

ii. What does the Bay of Bengal provide to millions of people in Bangladesh?

  • a) Timber and minerals
  • b) Fish and seafood
  • c) Fruits and vegetables
  • d) Freshwater and ice

iii. Why is the Bay of Bengal important for trade?

  • a) It connects to the desert
  • b) It is a major highway for ships
  • c) It provides fertile soil
  • d) It supplies drinking water

iv. What natural disasters are common in the Bay of Bengal?

  • a) Earthquakes
  • b) Floods
  • c) Volcanoes
  • d) Cyclones and storms

v. Why is it important to protect the Bay of Bengal?

  • a) To build more ships
  • b) To maintain the marine ecosystem and prevent pollution
  • c) To stop international trade
  • d) To grow crops

B. Write answers to the following questions 2x5=10

  • a) Where is the Bay of Bengal located?
  • b) Why is the Bay of Bengal important for the economy of Bangladesh?
  • c) Name two types of marine life found in the Bay of Bengal.
  • d) What natural dangers are present in the Bay of Bengal?
  • e) Why is it necessary to protect the Bay of Bengal?

10. Kazi Nazrul Islam

Read the text about Kazi Nazrul Islam and answer the questions that follow:

Kazi Nazrul Islam is known as the Rebel Poet of Bangladesh. He was born on 24 May 1899 in the village of Churulia in West Bengal. Nazrul was a poet, musician, and revolutionary who fought for the rights of the oppressed. His poems and songs, which are filled with themes of rebellion and freedom, inspired many during the fight for independence from British rule. One of his most famous poems, "Bidrohi" (The Rebel), captures his spirit of defiance against oppression. In 1972, he was declared the National Poet of Bangladesh. Kazi Nazrul Islam’s works continue to inspire people to fight for justice and equality.

A. Choose the best answer from the alternatives: 1x5=5

i. When was Kazi Nazrul Islam born?

  • a) 15 August 1947
  • b) 16 December 1971
  • c) 24 May 1899
  • d) 21 February 1952

ii. What is Kazi Nazrul Islam best known for?

  • a) As a scientist
  • b) As the Rebel Poet
  • c) As a politician
  • d) As a painter

iii. What themes are common in Nazrul's poems?

  • a) Nature and love
  • b) Technology and progress
  • c) Rebellion and freedom
  • d) Science and exploration

iv. Which of Nazrul’s works is one of his most famous poems?

  • a) "Bidrohi"
  • b) "Gitanjali"
  • c) "Sonar Bangla"
  • d) "The Old Man and the Sea"

v. When was Kazi Nazrul Islam declared the National Poet of Bangladesh?

  • a) 1952
  • b) 1947
  • c) 1972
  • d) 1999

B. Write answers to the following questions 2x5=10

  • a) Who is Kazi Nazrul Islam?
  • b) Why is Kazi Nazrul Islam called the Rebel Poet?
  • c) What is the theme of the poem "Bidrohi"?
  • d) When was Kazi Nazrul Islam declared the National Poet of Bangladesh?
  • e) How do Kazi Nazrul Islam’s works inspire people?


1. International Mother Language Day

A. Choose the best answer from the alternatives: 1x5=5

i. What is celebrated on 21 February in Bangladesh?

  • b) International Mother Language Day

ii. What language did the government of Pakistan try to impose on East Pakistan?

  • c) Urdu

iii. What happened on 21 February 1952?

  • b) Students protested for their language rights

iv. Why did the people of East Pakistan protest in 1952?

  • c) They wanted Bangla to be recognized as a national language

v. What does International Mother Language Day promote?

  • c) Linguistic and cultural diversity

B. Write answers to the following questions:

a) What is International Mother Language Day?

  • It is a special day to honor people who fought for their language.

b) Why is 21 February important in Bangladesh?

  • It is important because people gave their lives to protect the Bangla language.

c) How did the people protest against the imposition of Urdu?

  • They protested by arranging a peaceful demonstration.

d) What was the result of the Language Movement?

  • The result was that Bangla became an official language.

e) How is 21 February observed today?

  • It is observed to show respect for all languages.

2. The Sundarbans in Bangladesh

A. Choose the correct answer:

i. What type of forest is the Sundarbans?

  • (a) Mangrove forest

ii. What is the main animal in the Sundarbans?

  • (b) Royal Bengal Tiger

iii. Where is the Sundarbans mainly located?

  • (b) Bangladesh and India

iv. Why is the Sundarbans important?

  • (c) Protects the coast from storms

v. Which river flows through the Sundarbans?

  • (a) Ganges

B. Write answers to the following questions:

a) Where is the Sundarbans located?

  • The Sundarbans is located in both Bangladesh and India.

b) Why is the Sundarbans important for coastal protection?

  • The Sundarbans protects coastal areas from storms and floods.

c) Name two animals found in the Sundarbans.

  • Royal Bengal Tiger and crocodiles.

d) What are the threats to the Sundarbans?

  • Climate change, illegal logging, and pollution are threats to the Sundarbans.

e) What are people doing to protect the Sundarbans?

  • People are trying to save the forest by stopping pollution and protecting the animals.

3. Pahela Baishakh in Bangladesh

A. Choose the correct answer:

i. When is Pahela Baishakh celebrated?

  • (b) 14th April

ii. What is a common food item on Pahela Baishakh?

  • (a) Panta Ilish

iii. What is the "Mangal Shobhajatra"?

  • (c) A colorful procession

iv. What is Pahela Baishakh a symbol of?

  • (a) Unity and joy

v. Who organizes cultural programs on Pahela Baishakh?

  • (b) Students and cultural groups

B. Write answers to the following questions:

a) What is Pahela Baishakh?

  • Pahela Baishakh is the first day of the Bangla New Year.

b) How do people celebrate Pahela Baishakh?

  • People wear new clothes, visit fairs, and eat traditional food.

c) What is "Mangal Shobhajatra"?

  • "Mangal Shobhajatra" is a colorful procession organized by students on Pahela Baishakh.

d) What does Pahela Baishakh symbolize for the people of Bangladesh?

  • It symbolizes unity and a fresh start.

e) How is Pahela Baishakh celebrated across the country?

  • People celebrate it with singing, dancing, and different cultural activities everywhere in Bangladesh.

4. Cox’s Bazar in Bangladesh

A. Choose the correct answer:

i. Why is Cox’s Bazar famous?

  • (c) Longest sea beach

ii. How long is the beach in Cox’s Bazar?

  • (a) 120 kilometers

iii. What can tourists do in Cox’s Bazar?

  • (b) Surfing and fishing

iv. What is a problem in Cox’s Bazar?

  • (a) Pollution

v. Which island is near Cox’s Bazar?

  • (c) St. Martin’s Island

B. Write answers to the following questions:

a) Why is Cox’s Bazar a famous tourist destination?

  • It is famous for its long, beautiful sea beach.

b) How long is the beach at Cox’s Bazar?

  • The beach is 120 kilometers long.

c) What activities can tourists do at Cox’s Bazar?

  • Tourists can surf, fish, and take boat rides.

d) What environmental concerns exist in Cox’s Bazar?

  • Pollution and overdevelopment are concerns in Cox’s Bazar.

e) Name two places near Cox’s Bazar that tourists can visit.

  • Tourists can visit Himchari National Park and St. Martin’s Island.

5. Rivers of Bangladesh

A. Choose the correct answer:

i. Which river is the largest in Bangladesh?

  • (b) Padma

ii. Why are rivers important for farmers?

  • (c) They bring fertile soil

iii. What happens during the rainy season?

  • (a) Floods

iv. Which river joins the Padma?

  • (b) Jamuna

v. What is a main problem of rivers?

  • (c) Flooding

B. Write answers to the following questions:

a) How do rivers help the economy of Bangladesh?

  • Rivers help by providing water for farming, transportation, and fishing.

b) Name two major rivers of Bangladesh.

  • Padma and Jamuna are two major rivers.

c) Why are floods common during the monsoon season?

  • Floods happen because rivers overflow during the rainy season.

d) How do rivers help farmers?

  • Rivers bring fertile soil that helps farmers grow crops.

e) What has the government done to control floods?

  • The government has built dams and embankments.

6. Golden Fiber of Bangladesh

A. Choose the correct answer:

i. What is the Golden Fiber of Bangladesh?

  • (a) Jute

ii. Why is jute called the Golden Fiber?

  • (b) Shiny and valuable

iii. What product is made from jute?

  • (c) Bags

iv. Why is jute less popular now?

  • (a) Plastic is used more

v. How is the government helping the jute industry?

  • (b) Promoting eco-friendly products

B. Write answers to the following questions:

a) Why is jute called the "Golden Fiber"?

  • It is called "Golden Fiber" because it is shiny and valuable.

b) Name two products made from jute.

  • Bags and ropes are made from jute.

c) Where in Bangladesh does jute grow well?

  • Jute grows well near rivers.

d) Why has the demand for jute gone down?

  • The demand has gone down because plastic is now more popular.

e) How is the government helping to revive the jute industry?

  • The government is promoting eco-friendly jute products.

7. The Royal Bengal Tiger

A. Choose the correct answer:

i. Where is the Royal Bengal Tiger found?

  • (c) Sundarbans

ii. What color is the Royal Bengal Tiger’s coat?

  • (a) Orange with black stripes

iii. Why is the Royal Bengal Tiger in danger?

  • (b) Hunting and habitat loss

iv. What is being done to protect the tiger?

  • (c) Creating safe places

v. Why is the Royal Bengal Tiger special?

  • (b) It is the national animal

B. Write answers to the following questions:

a) What is the national animal of Bangladesh?

  • The national animal is the Royal Bengal Tiger.

b) Where can you find the Royal Bengal Tiger?

  • You can find it in the Sundarbans.

c) What is special about the Royal Bengal Tiger’s coat?

  • Its coat is orange with black stripes.

d) Why is the Royal Bengal Tiger in danger?

  • It is in danger because of hunting and loss of its home.

e) How are people trying to protect the Royal Bengal Tiger?

  • People are creating safe places and stopping illegal hunting.

8. The National Flag of Bangladesh

A. Choose the correct answer:

i. What color is the national flag?

  • (a) Green with a red circle

ii. What does green in the flag stand for?

  • (c) The land

iii. When was the flag adopted?

  • (b) 1972

iv. Which day is the flag raised?

  • (a) Independence Day

v. Why is the flag important?

  • (b) Symbol of pride

B. Write answers to the following questions:

a) What does the national flag of Bangladesh look like?

  • The flag is green with a red circle in the middle.

b) What do the colors of the flag symbolize?

  • Green is for the land, and red is for the blood of martyrs.

c) When was the flag of Bangladesh officially adopted?

  • It was adopted on 17 January 1972.

d) On which days is the flag of Bangladesh raised?

  • It is raised on days like Independence Day and Victory Day.

e) Why is the national flag a symbol of pride?

  • The flag shows love and respect for the country.

9. The Bay of Bengal

A. Choose the correct answer:

i. Where is the Bay of Bengal?

  • (c) South of Bangladesh

ii. What is found in the Bay of Bengal?

  • (b) Fish and dolphins

iii. What dangers are in the Bay of Bengal?

  • (a) Cyclones

iv. Why is the Bay of Bengal important?

  • (c) Helps in trade

v. Why do we need to protect the Bay of Bengal?

  • (b) Save water and marine life

B. Write answers to the following questions:

a) Where is the Bay of Bengal located?

  • It is located to the south of Bangladesh.

b) Why is the Bay of Bengal important for the economy of Bangladesh?

  • It provides fish and helps with international trade.

c) Name two types of marine life found in the Bay of Bengal.

  • Fish and dolphins live in the Bay of Bengal.

d) What natural dangers are present in the Bay of Bengal?

  • Cyclones and storms are common dangers.

e) Why is it necessary to protect the Bay of Bengal?

  • It is necessary to protect its water and marine life.

10. Kazi Nazrul Islam

A. Choose the correct answer:

i. Who is Kazi Nazrul Islam?

  • (a) National poet

ii. Why is he called the Rebel Poet?

  • (c) Wrote against injustice

iii. What is the theme of "Bidrohi"?

  • (a) Fight against oppression

iv. When was Kazi Nazrul Islam declared National Poet?

  • (b) 1972

v. Why do his works inspire people?

  • (c) To fight for freedom

B. Write answers to the following questions:

a) Who is Kazi Nazrul Islam?

  • He is the national poet of Bangladesh.

b) Why is Kazi Nazrul Islam called the Rebel Poet?

  • He is called the Rebel Poet because his poems were against injustice.

c) What is the theme of the poem "Bidrohi"?

  • The poem is about fighting against oppression.

d) When was Kazi Nazrul Islam declared the National Poet of Bangladesh?

  • He was declared the National Poet in 1972.

e) How do Kazi Nazrul Islam’s works inspire people?

  • His works inspire people to fight for freedom and justice.