Class Nine English Model Question: Q3

3. Read the following text on cybercrime. Then complete the activities that follow.

Worksheet 1: Cybercrime

Read the following text on cybercrime. Then complete the activities that follow.

Cybercrime is a growing concern, involving illegal activities conducted online or using computers. Common types include hacking, identity theft, and online fraud. These crimes can cause significant harm to individuals and organizations, leading to financial loss and data breaches. Awareness is crucial to prevent cybercrime. People should use strong passwords, avoid sharing personal information online, and be cautious of suspicious emails and links. The government and organizations in Bangladesh are working to implement robust cyber security measures and educate the public about safe online practices.

Complete the following table writing effect and preventive measures in respective columns. 2x5=10

Preventive Measures

Identity Theft

Online Fraud


Malware attacks

Here is the completed table based on the text:

Preventive Measures
Unauthorized access to data, financial losses
Use strong, unique passwords and multi-factor authentication
Identity Theft
Personal information misused, financial fraud
Avoid sharing personal information online, regularly monitor accounts
Online Fraud
Financial scams, loss of money
Be cautious of suspicious offers, verify legitimacy of websites
Data theft through deceptive emails or links
Avoid clicking on unknown links, verify sender identity in emails
Malware attacks
System damage, data breaches
Install reliable antivirus software, avoid downloading from untrusted sites

Worksheet 1: Water Scarcity


Water scarcity occurs when the demand for water exceeds the available supply. This problem is mainly caused by overuse, population growth, and climate change. Water sources, such as rivers and lakes, are drying up, and groundwater levels are depleting. As a result, many communities face a shortage of clean drinking water. Agriculture and industries also suffer, leading to reduced crop yields and economic losses. To address water scarcity, people need to conserve water by reducing wastage, and governments should promote efficient water management practices, such as rainwater harvesting and recycling wastewater.


Complete the following table by writing effects and preventive measures.

Preventive Measures
Overuse of water

Population growth

Climate change

Drying rivers

Depleting groundwater

Answer to Worksheet 1: Water Scarcity

Preventive Measures
Overuse of water
Water sources dry up and become scarce.
Conserve water, use it efficiently.
Population growth
Increased demand for water, leading to shortages.
Implement family planning, manage water usage.
Climate change
Droughts and irregular rainfall patterns.
Reduce carbon emissions, adapt to climate changes.
Drying rivers
Loss of drinking water and irrigation sources.
Rehabilitate rivers, conserve ecosystems.
Depleting groundwater
Groundwater levels fall, leading to water crises.
Use rainwater harvesting, recharge aquifers.

Worksheet 2: Overpopulation


Overpopulation occurs when the number of people in an area exceeds the resources available to support them. This leads to a shortage of food, water, and housing, as well as increased pollution and environmental degradation. Overcrowded cities face problems like traffic congestion, unemployment, and inadequate healthcare. Overpopulation also puts pressure on natural resources like forests and freshwater. To control overpopulation, governments can implement family planning programs, provide education about population control, and promote sustainable development to ensure resources are used efficiently.


Complete the following table by writing effects and preventive measures.

Preventive Measures
High birth rate

Lack of family planning

Overcrowded cities

Strain on resources

Environmental degradation

Answer to Worksheet 2: Overpopulation

Preventive Measures
High birth rate
Strain on food, water, and housing resources.
Family planning, education on population control.
Lack of family planning
Uncontrolled population growth.
Promote birth control and reproductive health programs.
Overcrowded cities
Traffic congestion, unemployment, and pollution.
Develop urban infrastructure, decentralize opportunities.
Strain on resources
Depletion of natural resources like forests and water.
Encourage sustainable resource use.
Environmental degradation
Deforestation, loss of biodiversity, and pollution.
Promote conservation, sustainable development.

Worksheet 3: Urbanization


Urbanization refers to the movement of people from rural areas to cities in search of better opportunities. While cities offer jobs, education, and healthcare, rapid urbanization can lead to overcrowding, inadequate housing, and increased pollution. Traffic congestion and waste management become major challenges. The natural environment is often damaged as cities expand, leading to the loss of green spaces. To manage urbanization, governments need to develop infrastructure, improve public transportation, and create more sustainable cities with green spaces and better planning.


Complete the following table by writing effects and preventive measures.

Preventive Measures
Rural-to-urban migration

Overcrowded cities


Loss of green spaces

Traffic congestion

Answer to Worksheet 3: Urbanization

Preventive Measures
Rural-to-urban migration
Overcrowding and pressure on city infrastructure.
Develop rural areas, provide opportunities outside cities.
Overcrowded cities
Housing shortages, traffic jams, and pollution.
Build more affordable housing, improve transport systems.
Air and water pollution from industrial and vehicle emissions.
Implement strict environmental regulations, encourage green energy.
Loss of green spaces
Destruction of parks and forests for city expansion.
Preserve and create more green spaces in cities.
Traffic congestion
Longer travel times and increased fuel consumption.
Improve public transportation systems.

Worksheet 4: Child Labour


Child labour refers to the employment of children in work that deprives them of their childhood, education, and well-being. In many countries, children are forced to work in hazardous conditions for long hours and low wages. This prevents them from attending school and limits their future opportunities. Child labour is often driven by poverty and lack of access to education. To eliminate child labour, governments need to enforce laws that protect children’s rights, provide free education, and support families in need so that children can go to school instead of work.


Complete the following table by writing effects and preventive measures.

Preventive Measures

Lack of education

Hazardous work

Long working hours

Children missing school

Answer to Worksheet 4: Child Labour

Preventive Measures
Families rely on children's income, leading to child labor.
Provide financial support to low-income families.
Lack of education
Children are unable to attend school, limiting future opportunities.
Make education free and accessible for all.
Hazardous work
Children face physical and mental harm in unsafe conditions.
Enforce strict child labor laws and workplace safety standards.
Long working hours
Children work for long hours, affecting their health and development.
Regulate working hours for children, promote education.
Children missing school
Future opportunities are limited, leading to a cycle of poverty.
Raise awareness about the importance of education and child rights.

Worksheet 5: Noise Pollution


Noise pollution is the excessive or harmful levels of noise in the environment. It is commonly caused by traffic, construction, and industrial activities. Prolonged exposure to loud noise can cause hearing loss, stress, and sleep disturbances. Noise pollution also affects wildlife by disturbing their natural habitats and behavior. To reduce noise pollution, governments can regulate noise levels in urban areas, promote the use of soundproofing materials in buildings, and encourage the use of quieter technology in industries and transportation.


Complete the following table by writing effects and preventive measures.

Preventive Measures
Traffic noise

Construction activities

Industrial activities

Hearing loss

Disturbance to wildlife

Answer to Worksheet 5: Noise Pollution

Preventive Measures
Traffic noise
Causes stress, hearing problems, and sleep disturbances.
Implement noise regulations, promote quieter vehicles.
Construction activities
Disrupts daily life, increases stress and discomfort.
Use soundproof barriers around construction sites.
Industrial activities
Continuous loud noises affect workers' health.
Install noise control systems in industries.
Hearing loss
Prolonged exposure leads to permanent damage.
Encourage the use of ear protection and regulate noise levels.
Disturbance to wildlife
Noise affects animals' behavior and habitats.
Protect wildlife areas from industrial noise.

Worksheet 6: Human Trafficking


Human trafficking is the illegal trade of humans for forced labor, sexual exploitation, or other forms of abuse. It is a violation of human rights and often involves the use of force, fraud, or coercion. Victims are often women and children, and they face physical and emotional harm. Human trafficking is driven by poverty, lack of education, and corruption. To combat this crime, governments must strengthen laws, increase awareness, and provide support to victims. International cooperation is also essential to track down traffickers and bring them to justice.


Complete the following table by writing effects and preventive measures.

Preventive Measures

Lack of education

Forced labour

Exploitation of victims

Trafficking networks

Answer to Worksheet 6: Human Trafficking

Preventive Measures
Vulnerable people are exploited due to lack of financial resources.
Provide financial aid and education to at-risk communities.
Lack of education
People fall victim to trafficking due to ignorance and lack of awareness.
Raise awareness through education campaigns.
Forced labour
Victims are exploited for labour, often in dangerous conditions.
Enforce labour laws, protect worker rights.
Exploitation of victims
Physical and emotional abuse, health issues, and loss of dignity.
Provide support services for victims, increase law enforcement efforts.
Trafficking networks
Organized crime syndicates profit from trafficking.
Strengthen international cooperation to combat human trafficking.

Worksheet 7: Climate Change

Reading Passage:

Climate change refers to long-term shifts in temperatures and weather patterns, primarily caused by human activities like burning fossil fuels and deforestation. These activities increase greenhouse gases, which trap heat in the Earth's atmosphere, leading to global warming. As a result, glaciers melt, sea levels rise, and extreme weather events such as floods, droughts, and hurricanes become more frequent. Mitigating climate change requires reducing greenhouse gas emissions, using renewable energy sources, and adopting sustainable practices.

Activity: Complete the table below.

Preventive Measures
Greenhouse gas emissions


Melting glaciers

Sea level rise

Extreme weather

Answer to Worksheet 7: Climate Change

Preventive Measures
Greenhouse gas emissions
Global warming
Use renewable energy sources, reduce emissions
Loss of forest cover, disrupted ecosystems
Reforestation, afforestation
Melting glaciers
Rising sea levels, loss of freshwater resources
Reduce carbon footprint, protect polar regions
Sea level rise
Coastal flooding, displacement of populations
Build resilient infrastructure, reduce emissions
Extreme weather
More frequent and intense storms, floods, droughts
Promote sustainable practices, reduce pollution

Worksheet 8: Deforestation

Reading Passage:

Deforestation is the large-scale removal of forests for agriculture, logging, and urban development. Forests play a vital role in absorbing carbon dioxide, releasing oxygen, and maintaining biodiversity. When forests are cut down, habitats are destroyed, leading to the extinction of wildlife species. Deforestation also contributes to climate change, soil erosion, and disrupted water cycles. To prevent deforestation, reforestation, afforestation, and sustainable land management practices should be promoted.

Activity: Complete the table below.

Preventive Measures
Logging for timber

Agriculture expansion

Loss of biodiversity

Soil degradation

Carbon absorption

Answer to Worksheet 8: Deforestation

Preventive Measures
Logging for timber
Loss of forest habitat, reduced biodiversity
Implement sustainable logging practices
Agriculture expansion
Destruction of forests, habitat loss
Promote sustainable agriculture, agroforestry
Loss of biodiversity
Extinction of species, disrupted ecosystems
Protect endangered species, conserve biodiversity
Soil degradation
Reduced fertility, increased erosion
Use soil-friendly farming techniques
Carbon absorption
Increased carbon in the atmosphere, climate change
Reforestation, protect existing forests

Worksheet 9: Soil Erosion

Reading Passage:

Soil erosion occurs when wind, water, or human activities like farming strip away the top layer of soil. This layer is rich in nutrients essential for growing crops. When the soil erodes, it leads to the loss of fertile land, reduced agricultural productivity, and increased risk of floods and landslides. Preventive measures include planting trees, using contour plowing, and maintaining healthy vegetation cover to protect the soil.

Activity: Complete the table below.

Preventive Measures


Wind erosion

Water erosion

Farming practices

Answer to Worksheet 9: Soil Erosion

Preventive Measures
Depletion of grass cover, increased erosion
Rotate grazing areas, manage livestock
Increased soil erosion due to loss of tree cover
Reforestation, plant trees
Wind erosion
Loss of topsoil, reduced fertility
Plant windbreaks, use cover crops
Water erosion
Riverbank collapse, sediment buildup in water bodies
Use contour plowing, terracing
Farming practices
Loss of soil fertility, reduced agricultural productivity
Adopt sustainable farming methods

Worksheet 10: Air Pollution

Reading Passage:

Air pollution is caused by harmful gases, particulates, and chemicals released into the atmosphere from vehicles, factories, and burning fossil fuels. Polluted air can cause serious health problems such as respiratory diseases, heart conditions, and even lung cancer. It also contributes to environmental issues like acid rain and global warming. Reducing air pollution requires switching to clean energy, limiting vehicle emissions, and promoting green technologies.

Activity: Complete the table below.

Preventive Measures
Vehicle emissions

Industrial pollution

Burning fossil fuels

Respiratory diseases

Global warming

Answer to Worksheet 10: Air Pollution

Preventive Measures
Vehicle emissions
Air contamination, respiratory diseases
Promote public transport, electric vehicles
Industrial pollution
Smog, acid rain, global warming
Enforce emission standards, use cleaner technologies
Burning fossil fuels
Increased CO2 levels, global warming
Switch to renewable energy
Respiratory diseases
Health issues like asthma, lung cancer
Improve air quality standards
Global warming
Climate change, rising temperatures
Reduce fossil fuel use, promote clean energy

Worksheet 11: Drug Addiction

Reading Passage:

Drug addiction is a chronic condition characterized by the compulsive use of substances despite harmful consequences. It can lead to physical and mental health problems, including depression, anxiety, and severe damage to organs like the heart and liver. Addiction often leads to social issues like strained relationships and job loss. Preventing drug addiction involves raising awareness, offering counseling services, and providing rehabilitation programs.

Activity: Complete the table below.

Preventive Measures
Peer pressure

Mental health issues

Physical dependence

Social problems


Answer to Worksheet 11: Drug Addiction

Preventive Measures
Peer pressure
Increased likelihood of substance abuse
Encourage positive peer influences, educate youth
Mental health issues
Substance abuse as a form of escape
Provide counseling and mental health support
Physical dependence
Withdrawal symptoms, inability to stop
Offer rehabilitation and medical support
Social problems
Broken relationships, unemployment
Promote awareness and support programs
Treatment of addiction, recovery
Increase access to rehabilitation centers

Worksheet 12: Educational Inequality

Reading Passage:

Educational inequality occurs when students do not have equal access to quality education due to factors like economic status, gender, or geographic location. Poor infrastructure, lack of resources, and limited teacher training contribute to this issue. Educational inequality hinders social progress and economic development. Solutions include increasing funding for schools, improving teacher training, and providing scholarships for underprivileged students.

Activity: Complete the table below.

Preventive Measures
Poor infrastructure

Economic disparities

Limited teacher training

Geographic barriers

Gender discrimination

Answer to Worksheet 12: Educational Inequality

Preventive Measures
Poor infrastructure
Lack of access to quality education
Increase funding for schools, improve infrastructure
Economic disparities
Children from poorer backgrounds lack resources
Provide scholarships, equalize opportunities
Limited teacher training
Poor quality of education, lack of innovation
Improve teacher training and development
Geographic barriers
Lack of education in rural/remote areas
Build schools in remote areas, provide transport
Gender discrimination
Girls face restricted access to education
Promote gender equality, support for girls' education

Worksheet 13: Gender Discrimination

Reading Passage:

Gender discrimination occurs when individuals are treated unfairly based on their gender. This often results in unequal opportunities in education, employment, and healthcare. In many cultures, women face higher levels of discrimination, leading to gender wage gaps, restricted job opportunities, and underrepresentation in leadership roles. Promoting gender equality requires creating policies that ensure equal opportunities for all, regardless of gender.

Activity: Complete the table below.

Preventive Measures
Unequal pay

Employment discrimination

Lack of education for girls

Gender stereotypes

Underrepresentation in leadership

Answer to Worksheet 13: Gender Discrimination

Preventive Measures
Unequal pay
Women earn less than men for the same job
Implement equal pay laws, promote workplace equality
Employment discrimination
Women face limited job opportunities
Enforce anti-discrimination policies
Lack of education for girls
Lower literacy rates, fewer opportunities
Promote girls' education and empowerment
Gender stereotypes
Women are excluded from leadership positions
Challenge stereotypes, promote gender-neutral opportunities
Underrepresentation in leadership
Fewer women in decision-making roles
Encourage women's participation in leadership roles

Worksheet 14: Plastic Pollution

Reading Passage:

Plastic pollution is a serious environmental issue caused by the widespread use of single-use plastic products. These plastics take hundreds of years to decompose, often ending up in oceans, rivers, and landfills. Wildlife mistake plastic for food, leading to severe harm and death. To reduce plastic pollution, people should use reusable products, recycle plastic waste, and support policies that ban single-use plastics.

Activity: Complete the table below.

Preventive Measures
Single-use plastics

Ocean pollution

Wildlife harm

Non-biodegradable waste


Answer to Worksheet 14: Plastic Pollution

Preventive Measures
Single-use plastics
Piles up in landfills, pollutes water bodies
Reduce single-use plastics, promote alternatives
Ocean pollution
Marine animals ingest or get trapped in plastic
Clean-up campaigns, reduce plastic usage
Wildlife harm
Animals die from ingesting plastic
Protect wildlife habitats, promote recycling
Non-biodegradable waste
Takes hundreds of years to decompose
Promote biodegradable alternatives
Reduces plastic waste but is not widely practiced
Increase recycling efforts, create awareness

Worksheet 15: Wildlife Poaching

Reading Passage:

Wildlife poaching refers to the illegal hunting, capturing, or killing of animals, often for their valuable body parts like tusks, fur, or bones. Poaching threatens endangered species, disrupts ecosystems, and affects biodiversity. Efforts to combat poaching include strict law enforcement, creating protected areas, and educating people on the importance of wildlife conservation.

Activity: Complete the table below.

Preventive Measures
Illegal hunting

Demand for animal products

Loss of biodiversity

Disruption of ecosystems

Conservation efforts

Answer to Worksheet 15: Wildlife Poaching

Preventive Measures
Illegal hunting
Reduces wildlife populations, threatens extinction
Strict law enforcement, fines for poachers
Demand for animal products
Endangered species hunted for fur, tusks, bones
Reduce demand for animal products, public awareness campaigns
Loss of biodiversity
Disrupts ecosystems, loss of species
Conservation programs, protected areas
Disruption of ecosystems
Loss of natural predators, overpopulation of certain species
Restore balance, protect endangered animals
Conservation efforts
Helps prevent species extinction, maintain biodiversity
Increase funding for conservation, strengthen laws

Worksheet 16: Wasting Food

Reading Passage:

Wasting food is a significant global issue, with nearly one-third of all food produced for human consumption being thrown away. This not only wastes resources like water and energy but also contributes to greenhouse gas emissions when food decomposes in landfills. Preventing food waste involves proper meal planning, reducing portion sizes, and supporting initiatives that redistribute surplus food to those in need.

Activity: Complete the table below.

Preventive Measures
Overbuying food

Food spoilage

Landfill waste

Greenhouse gas emissions

Meal planning

Answer to Worksheet 16: Wasting Food

Preventive Measures
Overbuying food
Excess food spoils, wasted resources
Plan meals carefully, buy only what is needed
Food spoilage
Wasted food leads to environmental problems
Store food properly, reduce portion sizes
Landfill waste
Contributes to greenhouse gas emissions
Compost food waste, redistribute surplus
Greenhouse gas emissions
Food decomposition releases methane
Reduce food waste, compost organic matter
Meal planning
Prevents food waste by buying just enough
Encourage meal planning, proper storage