Cohesive Devices

Cohesive Devices

Read the following passage and identify five cohesive devices used in the text and analyze the purpose of using them in the sentences. Use the table below to complete the activity. 2x5=10

 Cohesive Devices Based on Their Purpose  

Study Notes

If you can commit the following cohesive devices and their purpose of using to memory, you can easily get 100% marks in your exam.  

List of Cohesive Devices Based on Their Purpose of Using

Purpose 1. To Add Information:

  • and
  • also
  • moreover
  • furthermore
  • in addition
  • besides
  • as well as
  • additionally
  • not only... but also
  • for example
  • for instance
  • equally important

Purpose 2. To Show Contrast or Opposition:

  • but
  • however
  • on the other hand
  • nevertheless
  • yet
  • still
  • in contrast
  • conversely
  • despite
  • although
  • even though
  • instead
  • whereas
  • on the contrary

Purpose 3. To Show Cause and Effect:

  • because
  • so
  • therefore
  • thus
  • as a result
  • consequently
  • hence
  • for this reason
  • due to
  • since
  • accordingly
  • owing to
  • in that case
  • then

Purpose 4. To Show Order or Sequence:

  • first
  • second
  • third
  • next
  • then
  • after that
  • finally
  • before
  • meanwhile
  • subsequently
  • at first
  • later
  • eventually
  • earlier
  • at the same time

Purpose 5. To Summarize or Conclude:

  • in conclusion
  • to sum up
  • in summary
  • all in all
  • overall
  • to conclude
  • in brief
  • in short
  • finally
  • ultimately
  • thus
  • in the end
  • in essence
  • as a result

Purpose 6. To Give Examples/ To Clarify:

  • for example
  • for instance
  • such as
  • to illustrate
  • namely
  • in particular
  • specifically
  • that is
  • to be specific
  • as an illustration
  • in other words
  • put simply
  • to clarify
  • as shown

Questions & Answers

Text 1: 

Education is the backbone of a nation. Therefore, every country must ensure education for all. However, many children are still deprived of this basic right. As a result, the development of the country is hampered. In addition, a lack of education often leads to increased poverty. Consequently, it creates more social problems in the country. Thus, education is crucial for national development. 


Cohesive Device
Purpose of using it
To show cause and effect
To show contrast
As a result
To show cause and effect
In addition
To add information
To show cause and effect
To summarize or conclude

Click here to learn about cohesive devices.

Text 2:

Water is essential for life. In fact, no living being can survive without it. Therefore, we need to conserve water resources. On the contrary, we waste a lot of water in our daily lives. Besides, water pollution is another issue that poses a threat to our health and the environment. Furthermore, the scarcity of clean water affects millions of people around the world.


Cohesive Device: Purpose of using it

  1. In fact: To add information.
  2. Therefore: To show cause and effect.
  3. On the contrary: To show contrast.
  4. Besides: To add information.
  5. Furthermore: To add information.

Text 3:

Reading books is a good habit. Moreover, it helps in gaining knowledge and improving language skills. However, in today's digital age, fewer people prefer reading books. Instead, they spend more time on their devices. As a result, people are losing interest in reading physical books. Additionally, this habit is affecting their attention span and critical thinking abilities.


Cohesive Device: Purpose of using it

  1. Moreover: To add information.
  2. However: To show contrast.
  3. Instead: To show contrast.
  4. As a result: To show cause and effect.
  5. Additionally: To add information.

Text 4:

The internet has revolutionized communication. For example, emails and social media have made it easier to stay connected. However, this convenience has also led to problems like cyberbullying. Furthermore, many people spend too much time online, neglecting real-life interactions. As a result, social skills are deteriorating. In contrast, those who balance online and offline time maintain healthier relationships.


Cohesive Device: Purpose of using it

  1. For example: To give example.
  2. However: To show contrast.
  3. Furthermore: To add information.
  4. As a result: To show cause and effect.
  5. In contrast: To show contrast.

Text 5:

Sports are important for physical and mental health. First of all, they help in developing teamwork and leadership skills. Besides, they promote discipline and perseverance. In contrast, a sedentary lifestyle leads to obesity and health problems. Thus, engaging in sports is beneficial for overall well-being. Moreover, sports help in reducing stress and improving focus.


Cohesive Device: Purpose of using it

  1. First of all: To show order.
  2. Besides: To add information.
  3. In contrast: To show contrast.
  4. Thus: To summarize or conclude.
  5. Moreover: To add information.

Text 6:

Bangladesh is a beautiful country with rich natural resources. However, rapid urbanization and deforestation are causing damage to the environment. Moreover, industrial pollution is another major concern. As a result, the government is taking steps to protect the environment. Besides, NGOs and local communities are also contributing to these efforts. Furthermore, awareness campaigns are being conducted to promote eco-friendly practices.


Cohesive Device: Purpose of using it

  1. However: To show contrast.
  2. Moreover: To add information.
  3. As a result: To show cause and effect.
  4. Besides: To add information.
  5. Furthermore: To add information.

Text 7:

Time management is crucial for success. First of all, it helps you complete tasks efficiently. Moreover, it reduces stress by allowing you to prioritize your responsibilities. Therefore, mastering time management is essential for both personal and professional growth. On the other hand, poor time management can lead to missed deadlines and stress. Consequently, people with better time management tend to be more productive.


Cohesive Device: Purpose of using it

  1. First of all: To show order.
  2. Moreover: To add information.
  3. Therefore: To show cause and effect.
  4. On the other hand: To show contrast.
  5. Consequently: To show cause and effect.

Text 8:

Healthy eating is important for maintaining good health. For instance, eating fruits and vegetables provides essential nutrients. On the other hand, junk food leads to weight gain and other health issues. Furthermore, unhealthy eating habits can cause long-term damage to organs. Consequently, it is important to make better food choices. Moreover, a balanced diet keeps the body energized and improves overall well-being.


Cohesive Device: Purpose of using it

  1. For instance: To give example.
  2. On the other hand: To show contrast.
  3. Furthermore: To add information.
  4. Consequently: To show cause and effect.
  5. Moreover: To add information.

Text 9:

Bangladesh is prone to natural disasters like floods and cyclones. Therefore, it is essential to have a disaster preparedness plan. In addition, people should be educated about safety measures. As a result, they can take quick action during emergencies. Moreover, local authorities should ensure timely warnings. Thus, the impact of these disasters can be minimized.


Cohesive Device: Purpose of using it

  1. Therefore: To show cause and effect.
  2. In addition: To add information.
  3. As a result: To show cause and effect.
  4. Moreover: To add information.
  5. Thus: To summarize or conclude.

Text 10:

Learning a new language can be challenging. However, with practice, it becomes easier over time. Furthermore, it opens up opportunities for communication and cultural exchange. As a result, learning languages is a valuable skill. Additionally, it enhances memory and cognitive abilities. Consequently, more people are encouraged to learn new languages.


Cohesive Device: Purpose of using it

  1. However: To show contrast.
  2. Furthermore: To add information.
  3. As a result: To show cause and effect.
  4. Additionally: To add information.
  5. Consequently: To show cause and effect.

Text 11

Climate change is a pressing global issue. Consequently, it affects weather patterns and ecosystems. Furthermore, rising temperatures contribute to ice melting in polar regions. As a result, sea levels are increasing. Moreover, extreme weather events are becoming more frequent. Therefore, it is crucial to implement measures to combat climate change. Additionally, reducing carbon emissions can help mitigate its effects.


Cohesive Device: Purpose of using it

  1. Consequently: To show cause and effect.
  2. Furthermore: To add information.
  3. As a result: To show cause and effect.
  4. Moreover: To add information.
  5. Therefore: To show cause and effect.
  6. Additionally: To add information.

Text 12

Technology has transformed the way we live. For instance, smartphones have made communication easier. Moreover, advancements in medicine have improved healthcare. However, there are negative aspects as well. On the one hand, technology can lead to increased screen time and reduced physical activity. On the other hand, it provides tools for learning and productivity. Thus, it is important to find a balance.


Cohesive Device: Purpose of using it

  1. For instance: To give example.
  2. Moreover: To add information.
  3. However: To show contrast.
  4. On the one hand: To show contrast.
  5. On the other hand: To show contrast.
  6. Thus: To summarize or conclude.

Text 13

Exercise is beneficial for overall health. First of all, it strengthens muscles and bones. Besides, it improves cardiovascular health. Additionally, regular exercise helps in maintaining a healthy weight. In contrast, a lack of physical activity can lead to various health issues. Therefore, incorporating exercise into daily routines is essential. Moreover, it enhances mood and reduces stress.


Cohesive Device: Purpose of using it

  1. First of all: To show order.
  2. Besides: To add information.
  3. Additionally: To add information.
  4. In contrast: To show contrast.
  5. Therefore: To show cause and effect.
  6. Moreover: To add information.

Text 14

Traveling broadens the mind. For example, it exposes individuals to different cultures and lifestyles. Furthermore, it promotes personal growth and learning. However, traveling can be expensive and time-consuming. Therefore, planning and budgeting are important. Moreover, sustainable travel practices can help protect the environment. As a result, travelers can enjoy their experiences while minimizing their impact.


Cohesive Device: Purpose of using it

  1. For example: To give example.
  2. Furthermore: To add information.
  3. However: To show contrast.
  4. Therefore: To show cause and effect.
  5. Moreover: To add information.
  6. As a result: To show cause and effect.

Text 15

Renewable energy is crucial for sustainable development. First, it reduces reliance on fossil fuels. Additionally, it lowers greenhouse gas emissions. However, the initial cost of renewable energy infrastructure can be high. Therefore, government incentives and subsidies are important. Besides, public awareness and support are needed. Consequently, the transition to renewable energy can be accelerated. Moreover, it creates job opportunities in the green energy sector.


Cohesive Device: Purpose of using it

  1. First: To show order.
  2. Additionally: To add information.
  3. However: To show contrast.
  4. Therefore: To show cause and effect.
  5. Besides: To add information.
  6. Consequently: To show cause and effect.
  7. Moreover: To add information.

Text 16

Digital literacy is increasingly important in today's world. For instance, knowing how to navigate the internet safely is crucial. Moreover, digital skills are essential for many jobs. However, not everyone has access to technology. Therefore, closing the digital divide is important. Besides, continuous learning is necessary to keep up with technological advancements. Consequently, improving digital literacy can enhance career prospects. Furthermore, it empowers individuals in their personal lives.


Cohesive Device: Purpose of using it

  1. For instance: To give example.
  2. Moreover: To add information.
  3. However: To show contrast.
  4. Therefore: To show cause and effect.
  5. Besides: To add information.
  6. Consequently: To show cause and effect.
  7. Furthermore: To add information.

Text 17

Mental health awareness is essential for a healthy society. First of all, it reduces stigma around mental illness. Besides, it encourages people to seek help. However, mental health services are often underfunded. Therefore, increasing funding is crucial. In addition, education on mental health can promote understanding. Consequently, a supportive environment is created. Moreover, early intervention can prevent more serious issues.


Cohesive Device: Purpose of using it

  1. First of all: To show order.
  2. Besides: To add information.
  3. However: To show contrast.
  4. Therefore: To show cause and effect.
  5. In addition: To add information.
  6. Consequently: To show cause and effect.
  7. Moreover: To add information.

Text 18

Recycling is an effective way to reduce waste. For example, it conserves natural resources. Furthermore, it reduces pollution from waste disposal. However, not everyone participates in recycling programs. Therefore, raising awareness about recycling benefits is important. Besides, providing convenient recycling facilities can increase participation. Consequently, recycling can significantly reduce the environmental footprint. Moreover, it can create economic opportunities in recycling industries.


Cohesive Device: Purpose of using it

  1. For example: To give example.
  2. Furthermore: To add information.
  3. However: To show contrast.
  4. Therefore: To show cause and effect.
  5. Besides: To add information.
  6. Consequently: To show cause and effect.
  7. Moreover: To add information.

Text 19

Online education has become more popular. For instance, it offers flexibility for students. Moreover, it provides access to a wide range of resources. However, there are challenges such as lack of interaction. Therefore, creating interactive online learning environments is crucial. In addition, technical issues can hinder learning. Consequently, technical support is essential. Furthermore, online education can cater to diverse learning needs.


Cohesive Device: Purpose of using it

  1. For instance: To give example.
  2. Moreover: To add information.
  3. However: To show contrast.
  4. Therefore: To show cause and effect.
  5. In addition: To add information.
  6. Consequently: To show cause and effect.
  7. Furthermore: To add information.

Text 20

Urbanization brings both opportunities and challenges. First, it creates jobs and improves infrastructure. Moreover, it provides better access to education and healthcare. However, rapid urbanization can lead to overcrowding and pollution. Therefore, sustainable urban planning is essential. Besides, investing in public transportation can reduce traffic congestion. Consequently, urban areas can become more livable. Furthermore, green spaces are important for residents' well-being.


Cohesive Device: Purpose of using it

  1. First: To show order.
  2. Moreover: To add information.
  3. However: To show contrast.
  4. Therefore: To show cause and effect.
  5. Besides: To add information.
  6. Consequently: To show cause and effect.
  7. Furthermore: To add information.

Text 21

Renewable energy is vital for sustainable development. For instance, solar and wind power are clean energy sources. Moreover, they reduce greenhouse gas emissions. However, the initial investment can be high. Therefore, government incentives are necessary. In addition, research and development can lower costs. Consequently, more people will adopt renewable energy. Furthermore, it creates jobs in the green energy sector.


Cohesive Device: Purpose of using it

  1. For instance: To give example.
  2. Moreover: To add information.
  3. However: To show contrast.
  4. Therefore: To show cause and effect.
  5. In addition: To add information.
  6. Consequently: To show cause and effect.
  7. Furthermore: To add information.

Text 22

Artificial intelligence (AI) is transforming various industries. For example, AI is used in healthcare for diagnosis and treatment. Moreover, it enhances customer service through chatbots. However, there are concerns about job displacement. Therefore, reskilling and upskilling are important. Besides, ethical considerations must be addressed. Consequently, responsible AI development is essential. Furthermore, AI can improve efficiency and productivity.


Cohesive Device: Purpose of using it

  1. For example: To give example.
  2. Moreover: To add information.
  3. However: To show contrast.
  4. Therefore: To show cause and effect.
  5. Besides: To add information.
  6. Consequently: To show cause and effect.
  7. Furthermore: To add information.

Text 23

Healthy eating is essential for overall well-being. For instance, a balanced diet provides necessary nutrients. Moreover, it helps maintain a healthy weight. However, unhealthy eating habits can lead to various health issues. Therefore, making informed food choices is crucial. In addition, regular physical activity complements a healthy diet. Consequently, individuals can lead healthier lives. Furthermore, it can improve mental health.


Cohesive Device: Purpose of using it

  1. For instance: To give example.
  2. Moreover: To add information.
  3. However: To show contrast.
  4. Therefore: To show cause and effect.
  5. In addition: To add information.
  6. Consequently: To show cause and effect.
  7. Furthermore: To add information.

Text 24

Public transportation offers many benefits. First, it reduces traffic congestion. Additionally, it lowers carbon emissions. However, many cities lack efficient public transport systems. Therefore, investing in public infrastructure is important. Besides, encouraging public transport use can alleviate traffic. Consequently, urban areas can become more sustainable. Moreover, it is more cost-effective for individuals.


Cohesive Device: Purpose of using it

  1. First: To show order.
  2. Additionally: To add information.
  3. However: To show contrast.
  4. Therefore: To show cause and effect.
  5. Besides: To add information.
  6. Consequently: To show cause and effect.
  7. Moreover: To add information.

Text 25

Teamwork is essential in the workplace. First, it fosters collaboration and creativity. Besides, it improves productivity. However, conflicts can arise within teams. Therefore, effective communication is crucial. In addition, team-building activities can strengthen bonds. Consequently, teams become more cohesive. Moreover, a positive team environment enhances job satisfaction.


Cohesive Device: Purpose of using it

  1. First: To show order.
  2. Besides: To add information.
  3. However: To show contrast.
  4. Therefore: To show cause and effect.
  5. In addition: To add information.
  6. Consequently: To show cause and effect.
  7. Moreover: To add information.

Text 26

Cybersecurity is crucial in today's digital age. For instance, protecting personal data is essential. Moreover, businesses must safeguard sensitive information. However, cyber threats are becoming more sophisticated. Therefore, implementing robust security measures is necessary. Besides, regular training can help employees recognize threats. Consequently, cybersecurity breaches can be minimized. Furthermore, it builds trust with customers and clients.


Cohesive Device: Purpose of using it

  1. For instance: To give example.
  2. Moreover: To add information.
  3. However: To show contrast.
  4. Therefore: To show cause and effect.
  5. Besides: To add information.
  6. Consequently: To show cause and effect.
  7. Furthermore: To add information.

Text 27

Exercise is vital for health. First of all, it improves cardiovascular fitness. Besides, it strengthens muscles and bones. However, many people do not exercise regularly. Therefore, promoting physical activity is important. In addition, creating accessible fitness programs can help. Consequently, more people will lead healthier lives. Moreover, exercise can reduce stress and improve mental health.


Cohesive Device: Purpose of using it

  1. First of all: To show order.
  2. Besides: To add information.
  3. However: To show contrast.
  4. Therefore: To show cause and effect.
  5. In addition: To add information.
  6. Consequently: To show cause and effect.
  7. Moreover: To add information.

Text 28

Sustainable tourism benefits both tourists and locals. For example, it promotes cultural exchange. Moreover, it supports local economies. However, mass tourism can harm the environment. Therefore, responsible tourism practices are essential. Besides, educating tourists can promote sustainability. Consequently, destinations can be preserved for future generations. Furthermore, it enhances the travel experience.


Cohesive Device: Purpose of using it

  1. For example: To give example.
  2. Moreover: To add information.
  3. However: To show contrast.
  4. Therefore: To show cause and effect.
  5. Besides: To add information.
  6. Consequently: To show cause and effect.
  7. Furthermore: To add information.

Text 29

Reading books enhances imagination. For example, fiction can transport readers to different worlds. Moreover, it improves vocabulary and language skills. However, the habit of reading is declining. Therefore, encouraging reading from a young age is important. Besides, libraries can play a crucial role in promoting reading. Consequently, more people will develop a love for reading. Furthermore, it can improve focus and concentration.


Cohesive Device: Purpose of using it

  1. For example: To give example.
  2. Moreover: To add information.
  3. However: To show contrast.
  4. Therefore: To show cause and effect.
  5. Besides: To add information.
  6. Consequently: To show cause and effect.
  7. Furthermore: To add information.

Text 30

Work-life balance is crucial for well-being. First of all, it reduces stress and burnout. Besides, it improves overall productivity. However, achieving work-life balance can be challenging. Therefore, setting clear boundaries is important. In addition, employers should support flexible working arrangements. Consequently, employees can achieve a better balance. Moreover, it can enhance job satisfaction and loyalty.


Cohesive Device: Purpose of using it

  1. First of all: To show order.
  2. Besides: To add information.
  3. However: To show contrast.
  4. Therefore: To show cause and effect.
  5. In addition: To add information.
  6. Consequently: To show cause and effect.

Text 31

Environmental education is vital for sustainability. For instance, it teaches the importance of conservation. Moreover, it promotes eco-friendly practices. However, environmental education is often overlooked. Therefore, integrating it into school curricula is essential. In addition, community programs can raise awareness. Consequently, people can make informed decisions. Furthermore, it can inspire future generations to protect the planet.


Cohesive Device: Purpose of using it

  1. For instance: To give example.
  2. Moreover: To add information.
  3. However: To show contrast.
  4. Therefore: To show cause and effect.
  5. In addition: To add information.
  6. Consequently: To show cause and effect.
  7. Furthermore: To add information.