Substitution Table

Class 6 & 7: Substitution Table

1. Make four meaningful sentences from the following substitution table: 1x4 =4

One's ambitionneedsto work hard to materialize any ambition
Almost all of usmeansdesire to achieve something
Onecherishsuccessful if one sits idly
Ambitioncan never bea particular ambition
2. Make four meaningful sentences from the following substitution table: 1x4 =4
Bangladeshiscalled a riverine country
Shearealso a very important factor for our existence and economy
also called the queen of all the countries of the world

nature's gifts to us

3. Make four meaningful sentences from the following substitution table: 1x4 =4

A true patriotremainsa slur to his country
Heisthe last drop of his blood for his motherland
A traitorcan shednoble virtue

loyal to his native land

4. Make four meaningful sentences from the following substitution table: 1x4 =4

Corruptionisincreasing with the passage of time.
Ithaveto be aware of it.
The people
a great problem in Bangladesh.

high time we stopped corruption.

5. Make four meaningful sentences from the following substitution table: 1x4 =4

Polythene bagsarenot yet aware of the darker side of polybags
Ithasdisrupting city life
become a threat to our agriculture

become difficult to manage the huge quantity of poly bags used everyday

6. Make four meaningful sentences from the following substitution table: 1x4 =4

Independenceisfight for nine months to achieve it
Wehad tostruggle for it
The enemy
surrender to us at last

the birth right of a nation
7. Make four meaningful sentences from the following substitution table: 1x4 =4
Hamletwasa brave and noble young man
killed in a mysterious way
His father
the prince of Denmark

fond of games and pastimes

8. Make four meaningful sentences from the following substitution table: 1x4 =4

Robert Brucehad tobravely but lost the battle
Enemiesfoughtfamous king
The kingwashis kingdom
Heinvadedflee from his kingdom to save his life

9. Make four meaningful sentences from the following substitution table: 1x4 =4

Physical exerciseistake part in various games and sports, such as football, cricket etc.
Therearenecessary for our good health
The youngshouldmany kinds of physical exercises
But the oldshould nottake part in such types of games and sports

10. Make four meaningful sentences from the following substitution table: 1x4 =4

Bidyasagarwould never violatethe poor
Hehad tothe orders of his mother
He alwayshelpedtake pains to acquire learning

respectedhis parents very much
11. Make four meaningful sentences from the following substitution table: 1x4 =4
Thereliveddoing a lot of mischief there
The master
a number of mice in the house

an old house in a village

12. Make four meaningful sentences from the following substitution table: 1x4 =4

You mayloston the 20 May, 1899 in Burdwan
Hehave heardhis father in his childhood
Nazrul Islamisa rebel poet and our national poet
Hewas bornthe name of Kazi Nazrul Islam

13. Make four meaningful sentences from the following substitution table: 1x4 =4

Peopleisus the outside world like a mirror
Manshowscalled the store house of knowledge
Newspaperexpresscurious by nature
their opinion through it

14. Make four meaningful sentences from the following substitution table: 1x4 =4

Cleanlinessshouldbe followed in every aspect of our life.
Itiswash our hands before we take meals.
cut our nails regularly.

a part of faith.

15. Make four meaningful sentences from the following substitution table: 1x4 =4

Itarereading, listening, speaking and so on
Iisto  improve my English
Therealways trybetter to practice English without too much attention of being correct
The main ways
no single right method of learning a language

16. Make four meaningful sentences from the following substitution table: 1x4 =4

One night Hazrat Omar (R)heardnear the hut.
Suddenly hewentfrom a poor hut
The soundwas walkingalone
Hewas comingthe sound of a cry

17. Make four meaningful sentences from the following substitution table: 1x4 =4

Floodknowin our country
It oftenisaway our home and hearth, cattle, etc.
Weoccurswhat floods do to us
Itwashesa natural disaster

18. Make four meaningful sentences from the following substitution table: 1x4 =4

Food adulterationlosehis/her life eating adulterated food
Itcannow a great problem in Bangladesh
Oneisdetrimental to health

avoid the foods which are adulterated in many ways

19. Make four meaningful sentences from the following substitution table: 1x4 =4

Disciplineshouldthe practice of training people to obey rules and regulations
Itisdo well in exam by following discipline
A studentmeansessential in every aspect of our life
He/shecanessential in every aspect of our lifeabide by discipline

20. Make four meaningful sentences from the following substitution table: 1x4 =4

The selfish giantusednot like it
The childrenhada beautiful garden
But hecouldnot go there to play
So the childrendidto play in it

21. Make four meaningful sentences from the following substitution table: 1x4 =4

Studentsneed/mustget prepared for the examination
Theyneed nottake part in politics
Teachersmust notwaste their time

observe discipline in school

22. Make four meaningful sentences from the following substitution table: 1x4 =4

A winter morningamvery lazy
I usuallyisusually cold and misty.
Idoesn'tget up early in the morning during this season
My parents alsodon'tleave bed early in the morning.
23. Make four meaningful sentences from the following substitution table: 1x4 =4
A dogcalledoutside the kitchen
The farmercame outinside the kitchen
His wifewas waitingto drive away the goats
Shewas cookinghis wife to drive away the goats from the garden
24. Make four meaningful sentences from the following substitution table: 1x4 =4
E-mailistransmitted from one country to another in a second
Messagehas broughtfar cheaper than telephone calls
Itcan beused greatly for trade and commerce

about a revolution in modern communication
25. Make four meaningful sentences from the following substitution table: 1x4 =4
Webedrink polluted water.
Waterhave toan essential element of the environment.
But itdo not have todrink pure water in order to prevent disease.

being polluted in many ways.

26. Make four meaningful sentences from the substitution table. 4

Mr Ant and Mr Grasshopperwasvery good friends.
The villagelivednear the sea.
Theywerein the same village.
Mr. Ant
very hard working but Mr Grasshopper was lazy.

27. Make four meaningful sentences from the substitution table. 4

Once therecalledhim to the palace
Hewasthe capital of the king
A famous astrologervisiteda king
The king
fond of knowing his future from the astrologers

28. Make four meaningful sentences from the substitution table. 4

Arsenic poisoningshould befree from arsenic contamination
If thereisone of the current problems in Bangladesh
Rain waterarepainted red if their water is unsafe for drinking
no source of safe water then water should be filtered properly before drinking

29. Make four meaningful sentences from the substitution table. 4

Theresupportedhim some crops.
Hehadhis family.
The landsliveda few acres of land.
With that heyieldeda farmer in the village.

30. Make four meaningful sentences from the substitution table. 4

Timecannever be regained
Lost wealthshouldnot waste our time
But lost timeisbe restored
So we
very valuable

31. Make four meaningful sentences from the substitution table. 4

One day Taimurbecameto a house
Hedid not getvery hungry

cameanything to eat

was movinghere and there in search of food

32. Make four meaningful sentences from the substitution table. 4

Webecomessick by drinking polluted water
Clean waterbecomepolluted in many ways
Waterisimportant for our health
Polluted water
harmful for us

33. Make four meaningful sentences from the substitution table. 4

Computerrendersit in every sphere of life
Its introductionusea great service to us
Ithas changeda modern invention
Weisour life completely

34. Make four meaningful sentences from the substitution table. 4

35. Make four meaningful sentences from the substitution table. 4

36. Make four meaningful sentences from the substitution table. 4

37. Make four meaningful sentences from the substitution table. 4

38. Make four meaningful sentences from the substitution table. 4

39. Make four meaningful sentences from the substitution table. 4

40. Make four meaningful sentences from the substitution table. 4

41. Make four meaningful sentences from the substitution table. 4

42. Make four meaningful sentences from the substitution table. 4

43. Make four meaningful sentences from the substitution table. 4

44. Make four meaningful sentences from the substitution table. 4

45. Make four meaningful sentences from the substitution table. 4

46. Make four meaningful sentences from the substitution table. 4

47. Make four meaningful sentences from the substitution table. 4

48. Make four meaningful sentences from the substitution table. 4

49. Make four meaningful sentences from the substitution table. 4

50. Make four meaningful sentences from the substitution table. 4