Adjective Worksheet

Adjective Worksheet

(i) Find out the colour adjectives, size adjectives, shape adjectives, adjectives of physical condition and adjective of mental condition in it.

Lily, a small but happy puppy, lived in a big, cozy house with her playful friend, Max the fluffy cat. The house had a bright red door and tall, green trees growing beside it. Lily loved chasing the tiny, brown butterflies that fluttered in the garden, while Max preferred napping in the warm sunshine that peeked through the round window. One day, Lily found a big, juicy bone hidden under the soft, blue rug. Excited, she wagged her short, floppy tail and ran inside to share it with Max. But grumpy Max was already fast asleep, curled up in a tight ball on the soft, yellow couch. Feeling a bit sad, Lily decided to bury her bone for later and take a nap too. Soon, both friends were dreaming happy dreams in their big, comfy home.

(ii) Instructions: Read each sentence carefully and underline the adjectives you find. Remember, adjectives describe nouns or pronouns and tell us more about them, like their size, color, shape, feeling, or condition.

  1. The golden sun peeked over the snow-capped mountains.
  2. The sleepy cat stretched its long claws before napping in the warm patch of sunlight.
  3. The excited children built a gigantic sandcastle on the wet beach.
  4. The fragrant flowers attracted a swarm of buzzing bees.
  5. The tiny mouse scurried through the dark maze, searching for cheese.
  6. The tall oak tree swayed gently in the cool breeze.
  7. The delicious pizza disappeared quickly at the hungry dinner party.
  8. The crystal-clear water reflected the bright blue sky.
  9. The brave knight battled the fierce dragon with his shiny sword.
  10. The cheerful songbird chirped a melodic tune on the branch of a tree.
  11. The frazzled chef juggled several pots and pans in the busy kitchen.
  12. The mysterious creature left tiny footprints in the damp soil.
  13. The patient gardener waited for his colorful flowers to bloom.
  14. The curious kitten chased its own fluffy tail in circles.
  15. The rough waves crashed against the smooth rocks on the shore.
  16. The ancient castle stood proudly on the rocky hilltop.
  17. The chilly rain fell on the dry pavement, creating a steamy mist.
  18. The cheerful child shared his bright red apple with his friend.
  19. The tired runner crossed the finish line, feeling a sense of great accomplishment.
  20. The sparkling stars illuminated the vast night sky.

(iii) Fill in the gaps with appropriate adjectives from the bracket. [few, high, sudden, next, little, two, empty]

  1. My cousin lives in the — village.
  2.  — vessels sound much.
  3. I bought — kilos of mangoes.
  4. The — death of his brother made us sad.
  5. He is a man of — ambition

(iv) Fill in the gaps with appropriate adjectives from the bracket. [ancient, many, proud, free, sweet, asleep, sweetly]

  1. We are — of our ancient culture.
  2. He is now — from danger.
  3. I found her lying — on the floor.
  4. Cowards die — times before their death.
  5. I dreamt a — dream last night.

(v) Fill in the gaps with appropriate adjectives from the bracket. [enough, much, many, amusing, little, riverine]

  1. We have — land.
  2. Bangladesh is a — country.
  3. The story is —.
  4. A — learning is a dangerous things.
  5. — people attended the meeting.

(vi) Fill in the gaps with appropriate adjectives from the bracket. [cloudy, clumsy, quiet, lazy, pure]

  1. It is a — afternoon
  2. He was so — that he didn't do anything to help himself.
  3. The sky mostly remains —.
  4.  — water is necessary for good health.
  5. Her handwriting is not as — as yours.

(vii) Fill in the gaps with appropriate adjectives from the bracket. [last, simple, five, each, political, smart, any]

  1. Salamis a — boy.
  2. His — views are identical to mine.
  3.  — student has five choices.
  4. The rich man leads a very — life.
  5. They arrived at the station at the — moment.

(viii) Fill in the gaps with appropriate adjectives from the bracket. [keen, fond, attentive, afraid, happy]

  1. Girls are very — of ice-cream.
  2. We should be — to our teachers.
  3. We are not — of hard work.
  4. I will be extremely — if you get scholarship.
  5. They were very — to know the matter.

(ix) Fill in the gaps with appropriate adjectives from the bracket. [suitable, hot, sunny, tired, flaming, wet]

  1. They love to see the — forge.
  2. The land was always —.
  3. The land was — for gardening.
  4. The students worked on a — day.
  5. The students got —.

(x) Fill in the gaps with appropriate adjectives from the bracket. [children, comfortable, darks, which, every]

  1.  — pen do you want?
  2.  — movement of our life is important.
  3. Yesterday we went to the — park.
  4. He sat on a — chair.
  5. The night is very —.

(xi) Fill in the gaps with appropriate adjectives from the bracket. [the, another, fresh, some, dirty, curly, black]

  1. Everyone is feeling —.
  2. They grew out of — hair.
  3. Beautiful things often need — work.
  4. Who can give me — example?
  5. There stood — fertilizer in a bamboo bin.

(xii) Fill in the gaps with appropriate adjectives from the bracket. [sweet, ripe, possible, sure, hard-working]

  1. It is — for him to do the work.
  2. I am — that he will come.
  3. We like — persons.
  4. The mangoes looked —.
  5. The mangoes did not taste —.