Active to Passive Voice

Active to Passive Voice

Interrogative Sentence

1. Yes / No Questions - Simple Present

(a)  Active: Do you like this?

Passive: Is this liked by you?

(b)  Active: Does the boy read books?

Passive: Are books read by the boy?

(c)  Active: Do they help you? 

Passive: Are you helped by them?

(d)  Active: Does she write English? 

Passive: Is English written by her?

(e)  Active: Do we need it? 

Passive: Is English needed by us?

(f)  Active: Does he call you?

Passive: Are you called by him?

2. Yes / No Questions - Simple Past

(a)  Active: Did you like this?

Passive: Was this liked by you?

(b)  Active: Did the boy read books?

Passive: Were books read by the boy?

(c)  Active: Did they help you? 

Passive: Were you helped by them?

(d)  Active: Did she write English? 

Passive: Was English written by her?

(e)  Active: Did he call you? 

Passive: Were you called by him?

(f)  Active: Did you break my glass? 

Passive: Was my glass broken by you?

3. Yes / No Questions - Continuous Tense

(a) Active: Is she writing a letter?

Passive: Is a letter being written by her?

(b) Active: Are they helping him?

Passive: Is he being helped by them?

(c) Active: Was it disturbing you?

Passive: Were you being disturbed by it?

(d) Active: Were they doing the sum? 

Passive: Was the sum being done by them?

(e) Active: Are we helping the man? 

Passive:  Is the man being helped by us?

(f) Active: Is he buying a phone? 

Passive: Is a phone being bought by the man?

(g) Active: Am I getting the money?

Passive: Is the money being got by me?

4. Yes / No Questions - Perfect Tense

(a)  Active: Have I helped him?

Passive: Has he been helped by me?

(b)  Active: Has he invited you?

Passive: Have you been invited by him?

(c)  Active: Had we done it?

Passive: Had it been done by us?

(d)  Active: Have you done your duty? 

Passive: Has your duty been done by you?

(e)  Active: Has he called us? 

Passive: Have we been called by him?

(f)  Active: Have they finished the work in time? 

Passive: Has the work been finished in time by them?

(g)  Active: Had we written it?

Passive: Had it been written by us?

5. Yes / No Questions - Modals

(a)  Active: Shall I do it?

Passive: Will it be done by me?

(b)  Active: Can they invite you?

Passive: Can you be invited by them?

(c)  Active: Should we like it?

Passive: Should it be liked by us?

(d)  Active: Will you help me? 

Passive: Shall I be helped by you?

(e)  Active: Shall we read the book? 

Passive: Will the book be read by us?

(f)  Active: Would you sell vegetables? 

Passive: Would vegetables be sold by you?

(g)  Active: Can you do the sum? 

Passive: Can the sum be done by you?

(h)  Active: Could they solve the problem?

Passive: Could the problem be solved by them?

6. Yes / No Question - All Tenses

(a) Active: Shall I ever forget those happy days?

Passive: Will those happy days be ever forgotten?

(b) Active: Is he eating fruit?

Passive: Is fruit being eaten by him?

(c) Active: Do you know them?

Passive: Are they known to you?

(d) Active: Did the boy catch a bird?

Passive: Was a bird caught by the boy?

(e) Active: Will Runa sing a song?

Passive: Will a song be sung by Runa?

(f) Active: Did they kill the tiger?

Passive: Was the tiger killed by them?

(g) Active: Does he speak English well?

Passive: Is English spoken well by him?

(h) Active: Can you help us?

Passive: Can we be helped by you?

(i) Active: Do you know me?

Passive: Am I known to you? 

(j) Active: Did he keep it clean and tidy?

Passive: Was it kept clean and tidy by him? 

(k) Active: Did they make a noise?

Passive: Was a noise made by them? 

(l) Active: Are you going to do the work?

Passive: Is the work going to be done by you? 

7. Wh-questions - Who

(a) Active: Who killed the bird?

Passive: By whom was the bird killed?

(b) Active: Who will do the work?

Passive: By whom will the work be done?

(c)Active: Who did the sum?  

Passive: By whom was the sum done?

(d)Active: Who has made the cage?   

Passive:  By whom has the case been made?

(e)Active: Who gave you the watch?   

Passive:  By whom were you given the watch?

(f)Active: Who has broken the plates?   

Passive: By whom have the plates been broken?

(g)Active: Who teaches you English?

Passive: By whom are you taught English?

(h) Active: Who can do the work?

Passive: By whom can the work be done? 

(i) Active: Who will save you from this danger?

Passive: By whom will you be saved from this danger? 

(j) Active: Who has broken the chair?

Passive: By whom has the chair been broken? 

(k) Active: Who has broken the plate?

Passive: By whom has the plate been broken? 

(l) Active: Who has broken the glass?

Passive: By whom has the glass been broken? 

(m) Active: Who is going to take class?

Passive: By whom is the class going to be taken? 

(n) Active: Who will save you now?

Passive: By whom will you be saved now? 

(o) Active: Who gave you the watch?

Passive: By whom were you given the watch? 

(p) Active: Who gave you this pen?

Passive: By whom were you given the pen? 

(q) Active: Who is going to help the poor?

Passive: By whom are the poor going to be helped? 

8. Wh-questions - Whom

(a)Active : Whom did you see?

Passive : Who was seen by you?

(b) Active: Whom can you recognize?

Passive : Who can be recognized by you?

(c)Active : Whom did you meet?  

Passive : Who was met by you?

(d)Active : Whom do you want?   

Passive : Who is wanted by you?

(e)Active : Whom did you give the book?   

Passive : Who was given the book by you?

(f)Active : Whom should we help? 

Passive : Who should be helped by us?

(g) Active: Whom are you talking to?

Passive : Who is being talked to by you?

(h) Active: Whom do you know well?

Passive: Who is known well to you? /Who is well known to you? 

(i) Active: Whom do you want?

Passive: Who is wanted by you? 

(j) Active: Whom is he teaching English?

Passive: Who is being taught English by him? 

(k)  Active: Whom did you see on the road?

Passive: Who was seen on the road by you? 


9. Wh-questions - What

(a) Active: What does he want?

Passive: What is wanted by him?

(b) Active: What are you doing?

Passive: What is being wanted by you?

(c) Active: What will you read?   

Passive: What will be read by you?

(d) Active: What has he seen?   

Passive: What has been seen by him?

(e) Active: What can you say? 

Passive: What can be said by you?

(f) Active: What did they want? 

Passive: What was wanted by them?

(g) Active: What should we learn?

Passive: What should be learnt by us?

(h) Active: What did you make?

Passive: What was made by you?

10. Wh-questions - Which

(a) Active: Which book does he want?   

Passive: Which book is wanted by him?

(b) Active: Which pens are you buying?

Passive: Which pens are being bought by you?

(c) Active: Which book do you want?   

Passive: Which book is wanted by you?

(d) Active: Which pen has he bought?   

Passive: Which pen has been bought by him?

(e) Active: Which one will you choose? 

Passive: Which one will be chosen by you?

(f) Active: Which boy will help you? 

Passive: Which boy will you be helped by?

(g) Active: Which people did she like?   

Passive: Which people were liked by her?

(h) Active: Which pen do you choose?

Passive: Which pen was chosen by you? 

11. Interrogative Sentence — When / Where / Why / How

(a) Active: Why did you catch the bird?

Passive: Why was the bird caught by you? 

(b) Active: When will you return my book?

Passive: When will my book be returned by you? 

(c) Active: How dare you insult me?

Passive: How dare I be insulted by you? 

(d) Active: When will you return the book?

Passive: When will the book be returned by you? 

(e) Active: How did you solve the problem?

Passive: How was the problem solved by you? 

(f) Active: Where did you find him? 

Passive: Where was he found by you?

(g) Active: When will you write the letter?   

Passive: When will the letter be written by you?

(h) Active: Why did he beat the boy?  

Passive: Why was the boy beaten by him?

(i) Active: When will you return my book?  

Passive: When will my book be returned by you?

(j) Active: When did you meet her?   

Passive: When was she met by you?

(k) Active: Where did you find him? 

Passive: Where was he found by you?

12. Wh—questions

(a) Active: Who stole the pen?

Passive: By whom was the pen stolen?

(b) Active: Who defied the order?

Passive: By whom was the order defied?

(c) Active: Who is doing the work?

Passive: By whom is the work being done?

(d) Active: Who taught you such tricks as these?

Passive: By whom were you taught such tricks as these?

(e) Active: When will you write the letter?

Passive: When will the letter be written by you?

(f) Active: Who gave you this pen?

Passive: By whom were you given this pen?

(g) Active: What can you do for me?

Passive: What can be done for me by you?

(h) Active: Who has broken the glass?

Passive: By whom has the glass been broken?

13. Passive to Active — Interrogative

(a) Passive: Is the picture being drawn by him?

Active: Is he drawing the picture? 

(b) Passive: Who has been taught English by him?

Active: Whom has he taught English? 

(c) Passive: Who is wanted by you?

Active: Whom do you want? 

(d) Passive: Was the criminal arrested last night?

Active: Did the police arrest the criminal last night? 

(e) Passive: By whom are you taught English?

Active: Who teaches you English? 

(f) Passive: When was the station reached by you?

Active: When did you reach the station? 

(g) Passive: Will the window be opened by you?

Active: Will you open the window?

(h) Passive: By whom was the song being sung?

Active: Who was singing the song? 

(i) Passive: What is wanted by him?

Active: What does he want? 

Interrogative Sentence

1. Yes / No Questions - Simple Present

(a)  Active: Do you like this?

Passive: Is this liked by you?

(b)  Active: Does the boy read books?

Passive: Are books read by the boy?

(c)  Active: Do they help you? 

Passive: Are you helped by them?

(d)  Active: Does she write English? 

Passive: Is English written by her?

(e)  Active: Do we need it? 

Passive: Is English needed by us?

(f)  Active: Does he call you?

Passive: Are you called by him?

2. Yes / No Questions - Simple Past

(a)  Active: Did you like this?

Passive: Was this liked by you?

(b)  Active: Did the boy read books?

Passive: Were books read by the boy?

(c)  Active: Did they help you? 

Passive: Were you helped by them?

(d)  Active: Did she write English? 

Passive: Was English written by her?

(e)  Active: Did he call you? 

Passive: Were you called by him?

(f)  Active: Did you break my glass? 

Passive: Was my glass broken by you?

3. Yes / No Questions - Continuous Tense

(a) Active: Is she writing a letter?

Passive: Is a letter being written by her?

(b) Active: Are they helping him?

Passive: Is he being helped by them?

(c) Active: Was it disturbing you?

Passive: Were you being disturbed by it?

(d) Active: Were they doing the sum? 

Passive: Was the sum being done by them?

(e) Active: Are we helping the man? 

Passive:  Is the man being helped by us?

(f) Active: Is he buying a phone? 

Passive: Is a phone being bought by the man?

(g) Active: Am I getting the money?

Passive: Is the money being got by me?

4. Yes / No Questions - Perfect Tense

(a)  Active: Have I helped him?

Passive: Has he been helped by me?

(b)  Active: Has he invited you?

Passive: Have you been invited by him?

(c)  Active: Had we done it?

Passive: Had it been done by us?

(d)  Active: Have you done your duty? 

Passive: Has your duty been done by you?

(e)  Active: Has he called us? 

Passive: Have we been called by him?

(f)  Active: Have they finished the work in time? 

Passive: Has the work been finished in time by them?

(g)  Active: Had we written it?

Passive: Had it been written by us?

5. Yes / No Questions - Modals

(a)  Active: Shall I do it?

Passive: Will it be done by me?

(b)  Active: Can they invite you?

Passive: Can you be invited by them?

(c)  Active: Should we like it?

Passive: Should it be liked by us?

(d)  Active: Will you help me? 

Passive: Shall I be helped by you?

(e)  Active: Shall we read the book? 

Passive: Will the book be read by us?

(f)  Active: Would you sell vegetables? 

Passive: Would vegetables be sold by you?

(g)  Active: Can you do the sum? 

Passive: Can the sum be done by you?

(h)  Active: Could they solve the problem?

Passive: Could the problem be solved by them?

6. Yes / No Question - All Tenses

(a) Active: Shall I ever forget those happy days?

Passive: Will those happy days be ever forgotten?

(b) Active: Is he eating fruit?

Passive: Is fruit being eaten by him?

(c) Active: Do you know them?

Passive: Are they known to you?

(d) Active: Did the boy catch a bird?

Passive: Was a bird caught by the boy?

(e) Active: Will Runa sing a song?

Passive: Will a song be sung by Runa?

(f) Active: Did they kill the tiger?

Passive: Was the tiger killed by them?

(g) Active: Does he speak English well?

Passive: Is English spoken well by him?

(h) Active: Can you help us?

Passive: Can we be helped by you?

(i) Active: Do you know me?

Passive: Am I known to you? 

(j) Active: Did he keep it clean and tidy?

Passive: Was it kept clean and tidy by him? 

(k) Active: Did they make a noise?

Passive: Was a noise made by them? 

(l) Active: Are you going to do the work?

Passive: Is the work going to be done by you? 

7. Wh-questions - Who

(a) Active: Who killed the bird?

Passive: By whom was the bird killed?

(b) Active: Who will do the work?

Passive: By whom will the work be done?

(c)Active: Who did the sum?  

Passive: By whom was the sum done?

(d)Active: Who has made the cage?   

Passive:  By whom has the case been made?

(e)Active: Who gave you the watch?   

Passive:  By whom were you given the watch?

(f)Active: Who has broken the plates?   

Passive: By whom have the plates been broken?

(g)Active: Who teaches you English?

Passive: By whom are you taught English?

(h) Active: Who can do the work?

Passive: By whom can the work be done? 

(i) Active: Who will save you from this danger?

Passive: By whom will you be saved from this danger? 

(j) Active: Who has broken the chair?

Passive: By whom has the chair been broken? 

(k) Active: Who has broken the plate?

Passive: By whom has the plate been broken? 

(l) Active: Who has broken the glass?

Passive: By whom has the glass been broken? 

(m) Active: Who is going to take class?

Passive: By whom is the class going to be taken? 

(n) Active: Who will save you now?

Passive: By whom will you be saved now? 

(o) Active: Who gave you the watch?

Passive: By whom were you given the watch? 

(p) Active: Who gave you this pen?

Passive: By whom were you given the pen? 

(q) Active: Who is going to help the poor?

Passive: By whom are the poor going to be helped? 

8. Wh-questions - Whom

(a)Active : Whom did you see?

Passive : Who was seen by you?

(b) Active: Whom can you recognize?

Passive : Who can be recognized by you?

(c)Active : Whom did you meet?  

Passive : Who was met by you?

(d)Active : Whom do you want?   

Passive : Who is wanted by you?

(e)Active : Whom did you give the book?   

Passive : Who was given the book by you?

(f)Active : Whom should we help? 

Passive : Who should be helped by us?

(g) Active: Whom are you talking to?

Passive : Who is being talked to by you?

(h) Active: Whom do you know well?

Passive: Who is known well to you? /Who is well known to you? 

(i) Active: Whom do you want?

Passive: Who is wanted by you? 

(j) Active: Whom is he teaching English?

Passive: Who is being taught English by him? 

(k)  Active: Whom did you see on the road?

Passive: Who was seen on the road by you? 


9. Wh-questions - What

(a) Active: What does he want?

Passive: What is wanted by him?

(b) Active: What are you doing?

Passive: What is being wanted by you?

(c) Active: What will you read?   

Passive: What will be read by you?

(d) Active: What has he seen?   

Passive: What has been seen by him?

(e) Active: What can you say? 

Passive: What can be said by you?

(f) Active: What did they want? 

Passive: What was wanted by them?

(g) Active: What should we learn?

Passive: What should be learnt by us?

(h) Active: What did you make?

Passive: What was made by you?

10. Wh-questions - Which

(a) Active: Which book does he want?   

Passive: Which book is wanted by him?

(b) Active: Which pens are you buying?

Passive: Which pens are being bought by you?

(c) Active: Which book do you want?   

Passive: Which book is wanted by you?

(d) Active: Which pen has he bought?   

Passive: Which pen has been bought by him?

(e) Active: Which one will you choose? 

Passive: Which one will be chosen by you?

(f) Active: Which boy will help you? 

Passive: Which boy will you be helped by?

(g) Active: Which people did she like?   

Passive: Which people were liked by her?

(h) Active: Which pen do you choose?

Passive: Which pen was chosen by you? 

11. Interrogative Sentence — When / Where / Why / How

(a) Active: Why did you catch the bird?

Passive: Why was the bird caught by you? 

(b) Active: When will you return my book?

Passive: When will my book be returned by you? 

(c) Active: How dare you insult me?

Passive: How dare I be insulted by you? 

(d) Active: When will you return the book?

Passive: When will the book be returned by you? 

(e) Active: How did you solve the problem?

Passive: How was the problem solved by you? 

(f) Active: Where did you find him? 

Passive: Where was he found by you?

(g) Active: When will you write the letter?   

Passive: When will the letter be written by you?

(h) Active: Why did he beat the boy?  

Passive: Why was the boy beaten by him?

(i) Active: When will you return my book?  

Passive: When will my book be returned by you?

(j) Active: When did you meet her?   

Passive: When was she met by you?

(k) Active: Where did you find him? 

Passive: Where was he found by you?

12. Wh—questions

(a) Active: Who stole the pen?

Passive: By whom was the pen stolen?

(b) Active: Who defied the order?

Passive: By whom was the order defied?

(c) Active: Who is doing the work?

Passive: By whom is the work being done?

(d) Active: Who taught you such tricks as these?

Passive: By whom were you taught such tricks as these?

(e) Active: When will you write the letter?

Passive: When will the letter be written by you?

(f) Active: Who gave you this pen?

Passive: By whom were you given this pen?

(g) Active: What can you do for me?

Passive: What can be done for me by you?

(h) Active: Who has broken the glass?

Passive: By whom has the glass been broken?

13. Passive to Active — Interrogative

(a) Passive: Is the picture being drawn by him?

Active: Is he drawing the picture? 

(b) Passive: Who has been taught English by him?

Active: Whom has he taught English? 

(c) Passive: Who is wanted by you?

Active: Whom do you want? 

(d) Passive: Was the criminal arrested last night?

Active: Did the police arrest the criminal last night? 

(e) Passive: By whom are you taught English?

Active: Who teaches you English? 

(f) Passive: When was the station reached by you?

Active: When did you reach the station? 

(g) Passive: Will the window be opened by you?

Active: Will you open the window?

(h) Passive: By whom was the song being sung?

Active: Who was singing the song? 

(i) Passive: What is wanted by him?

Active: What does he want?