Active to Passive Voice

Active to Passive Voice

Voice Change - All Sentences

1. Change the voice.

(a) We must listen to his words.

Ans. His words must be listened to.

(b) Shall I ever forget those happy days?

Ans. Will those happy days be ever forgotten?

(c) The book exhibition was opened by the Education Minister.

Ans. The Education Minister opened the book exhibition.

(d) When was the station reached by you?

Ans. When did you reach the station?

(e) Is he eating fruit?

Ans. Is fruit being eaten by him?

(f) I offered him a chair.

Ans. He was offered a chair by me.

(g) We shall be blamed.

Ans. Everyone will blame us.

(h) We must endure what we cannot cure.

Ans. What cannot be cured must be endured.

(i) Tell him to go.

Ans. Let him be told to go.

(j) Who stole the pen?

Ans. By whom was the pen stolen?

2. Change the voice.

(a) The teacher saw the students playing in the field.

Ans. The students playing in the field were seen by the teacher.

(b) Open the door softly.

Ans. Let the door be opened softly.

(c) He is reading a novel.

Ans. A novel is being read by him.

(d)Who defied the order?

Ans. By whom was the order defied?

(e) Rice is eaten mainly in Asia.

Ans. People in Asia mainly eat rice.

(f)  The book reads easy.

Ans. The book is easy when it is read.

(g)We had a camera.

Ans. A camera was had by us.

(h) You will be helped by me.

Ans. I shall help you.

(i) Will the window be opened by you?

Ans. Will you open the window?

(j)  Do this sum.

Ans. Let this sum be done.

3. Change the voice.

(a) Who is doing the work?

Ans. By whom is the work being done?

(b) Do away with it.

Ans. Let it be done away with.

(c) She hurt her brother.

Ans. Her brother was hurt by her.

(d) Do you know them?

Ans. Are they known to you?

(e) I saw the boy crying.

Ans. The boy crying was seen by me.

(f) Mother showed me a picture.

Ans. I was shown a picture by mother.

(g) I have to do it.

Ans. It has to be done by me.

(h) He gave me the book.

Ans. I was given the book by him.

(i) The telegraph wires have been cut.

Ans.  Someone has cut the telegraph wires.

(j) He is going to set up a school.

Ans. A school is going to be set up by him.

4. Change the voice.

(a)The rich man was building a house.

Ans. A house was being built by the rich man.

(b) By whom was the song being sung?

Ans. Who was singing the song?

(c) Take care of the furniture.

Ans. Let the furniture be taken care of.

(d) The motor car ran over the dog.

Ans. The dog was run over by the motor car.

(e) When will you write the letter?

Ans. When will the letter be written by you?

(f) That the work is hard is known to me.

Ans. I know that the work is hard.

(g) The ladies fan themselves.

Ans. The ladies are fanned by themselves.

(h) Did the boy catch a bird?

Ans.  Was a bird caught by the boy.

(i) Don't look down upon the poor.

Ans.  Let not the poor be looked down upon.

(j) We shall be blamed.

Ans.  Everyone will blame us.

5. Change the voice.

(a) Our teacher is going to give me a prize.

Ans. A prize is going to be given me by our teacher.

(b) Pen through the word.

Ans. Let the word be penned through.

(c) He is writing a letter.

Ans.  A letter is being written by him.

(d) Do not laugh at the poor.

Ans. Let not the poor be laughed at.

(e) Will Runa sing a song?

Ans. Will a song be sung by Runa? 

(f)Who has broken the glass?

Ans. By whom has the glass been broken?

(g) He said that he knew me.

Ans. That I was known to him was said by him.

(h) Who taught you such tricks as these?

Ans.  By whom were you taught such tricks as these?

(i) We shall be blamed.

Ans. Everyone will blame us.

(j) The book exhibition was opened by the Education Minister.

Ans. The Education Minister opened the book exhibition.

6. Change the voice.

(a) He has cut his finger.

Ans. His finger has been cut by him.

(b)He pleases us.

Ans. We are pleased with him.

(c) Do not open the door.

Ans. Let not the door be opened.

(d)What is wanted by him?

Ans. What does he want?

(e) He made me drive his car.

Ans. I was made to drive his car by him.

(f) She fans herself.

Ans. She is fanned by herself.

(g) He is thought to be a poet.

Ans. We think him to be a poet.

(h) The telegraph wires have been cut.

Ans. Someone has cut the telegraph wires.

(i) I offered him a chair.

Ans.  He was offered a chair by me.

(j) Did the boy catch a bird?

Ans. Was a bird caught by the boy?

7. Change the voice.

(a) I will do my duty.

Ans. My duty will be done by me.

(b) Fortune favours the brave.

Ans. The brave are favoured by fortune.

(c) Did they kill the tiger?

Ans. Was the tiger killed by them?

(d) The Lilliputians made Gulliver prisoner.

Ans. Gulliver was made prisoner by the Lilliputians.

(e) Bring me the book.

Ans. Let the book be brought for me.

(f) You should keep your promise.

Ans. Your promise should be kept by you.

(g) She is weaving a sari.

Ans. A sari is being woven by her.

(h) Do not insult the weak.

Ans. Let not the weak be insulted.

(i) Don't look down upon the poor.

Ans. Let not the poor be looked down upon.

(j) The book exhibition was opened by the Education Minister.

Ans. The Education Minister opened the book exhibition.

8. Change the voice.

(a)Who gave you this Pen?

Ans. By whom were you given this pen?

(b)The cat kills mice.

Ans. Mice are killed by the cat.

(c) You should have done it.

Ans. It should have been done by you.

(d) They are going to start a business.

Ans. A business is going to be started by them.

(e) Take care of your health.

Ans. Let your health be taken care of.

(f) We know that the earth is round.

Ans. That the earth is round is known to us.

(g) He slept a sound sleep.

Ans. A sound sleep was slept by him.

(h) I know him well.

Ans. He is well known to me. 

(i) We shall be blamed.

Ans. Everyone will blame us.

(j) I shall do the work.

Ans. The work will be done by me.

9. Change the voice.

(a) Can you help us?

Ans. Can we be helped by you?

(b) He is going to start a business.

Ans. A business is going to be started by him.

(c) He caught me by the hand.

Ans. I was caught by the hand by him.

(d) Let me do the sum.

Ans. Let the sum be done by me.

(e) My watch has been repaired by the watch maker.

Ans. The watch maker has repaired my watch.

(f) The pill is bitter when it is tasted.

Ans. The pill tastes bitter.

(g) we heard her sing.

Ans. She was heard to sing by us.

(h) Does he speak English well?

Ans. Is English spoken well by him?

(i) He is going to give me a prize.

Ans. I am going to be given a prize by him.

(j) Let not the ball be kicked.

Ans. Don't kick the ball.

10. Change the voice.

(a) Open the door.

Ans. Let the door be opened.

(b)They pleased us all.

Ans. We all were pleased with them.

(c)This mango tastes sweet.

Ans. This mango is sweet when it is tasted.

(d) What can you do for me?

Ans. What can be done for me by you?

(e)The Padma has been dredged.

Ans. The Government has dredged the Padma.

(f) He is known to be an honest man.

Ans. Everyone knows him to be an honest man.

(g) I saw a man carrying some books.

Ans. A man carrying some books was seen by me.

(h) Fortune favours the brave.

Ans. The brave are favoured by fortune.

(i) You have written a good letter.

Ans. A good letter has been written by you.

(j) I know the boy.

Ans. The boy is known to me.

11. Change the voice.

(a) Give the orders.

Ans. Let the orders be given.

(b) His behaviour annoys me sometimes.

Ans. Sometimes I am annoyed at his behavior.

(c) You should keep your promise.

Ans. Your promise should be kept by you.

(d) Who gave you this Pen?

Ans. By whom were you given this pen?

(e) He was made prisoner by us.

Ans. We made him prisoner.

(f) My watch has been repaired by the watch maker.

Ans. The watch maker has repaired my watch.

Voice Change - All Sentences

1. Change the voice.

(a) We must listen to his words.

Ans. His words must be listened to.

(b) Shall I ever forget those happy days?

Ans. Will those happy days be ever forgotten?

(c) The book exhibition was opened by the Education Minister.

Ans. The Education Minister opened the book exhibition.

(d) When was the station reached by you?

Ans. When did you reach the station?

(e) Is he eating fruit?

Ans. Is fruit being eaten by him?

(f) I offered him a chair.

Ans. He was offered a chair by me.

(g) We shall be blamed.

Ans. Everyone will blame us.

(h) We must endure what we cannot cure.

Ans. What cannot be cured must be endured.

(i) Tell him to go.

Ans. Let him be told to go.

(j) Who stole the pen?

Ans. By whom was the pen stolen?

2. Change the voice.

(a) The teacher saw the students playing in the field.

Ans. The students playing in the field were seen by the teacher.

(b) Open the door softly.

Ans. Let the door be opened softly.

(c) He is reading a novel.

Ans. A novel is being read by him.

(d)Who defied the order?

Ans. By whom was the order defied?

(e) Rice is eaten mainly in Asia.

Ans. People in Asia mainly eat rice.

(f)  The book reads easy.

Ans. The book is easy when it is read.

(g)We had a camera.

Ans. A camera was had by us.

(h) You will be helped by me.

Ans. I shall help you.

(i) Will the window be opened by you?

Ans. Will you open the window?

(j)  Do this sum.

Ans. Let this sum be done.

3. Change the voice.

(a) Who is doing the work?

Ans. By whom is the work being done?

(b) Do away with it.

Ans. Let it be done away with.

(c) She hurt her brother.

Ans. Her brother was hurt by her.

(d) Do you know them?

Ans. Are they known to you?

(e) I saw the boy crying.

Ans. The boy crying was seen by me.

(f) Mother showed me a picture.

Ans. I was shown a picture by mother.

(g) I have to do it.

Ans. It has to be done by me.

(h) He gave me the book.

Ans. I was given the book by him.

(i) The telegraph wires have been cut.

Ans.  Someone has cut the telegraph wires.

(j) He is going to set up a school.

Ans. A school is going to be set up by him.

4. Change the voice.

(a)The rich man was building a house.

Ans. A house was being built by the rich man.

(b) By whom was the song being sung?

Ans. Who was singing the song?

(c) Take care of the furniture.

Ans. Let the furniture be taken care of.

(d) The motor car ran over the dog.

Ans. The dog was run over by the motor car.

(e) When will you write the letter?

Ans. When will the letter be written by you?

(f) That the work is hard is known to me.

Ans. I know that the work is hard.

(g) The ladies fan themselves.

Ans. The ladies are fanned by themselves.

(h) Did the boy catch a bird?

Ans.  Was a bird caught by the boy.

(i) Don't look down upon the poor.

Ans.  Let not the poor be looked down upon.

(j) We shall be blamed.

Ans.  Everyone will blame us.

5. Change the voice.

(a) Our teacher is going to give me a prize.

Ans. A prize is going to be given me by our teacher.

(b) Pen through the word.

Ans. Let the word be penned through.

(c) He is writing a letter.

Ans.  A letter is being written by him.

(d) Do not laugh at the poor.

Ans. Let not the poor be laughed at.

(e) Will Runa sing a song?

Ans. Will a song be sung by Runa? 

(f)Who has broken the glass?

Ans. By whom has the glass been broken?

(g) He said that he knew me.

Ans. That I was known to him was said by him.

(h) Who taught you such tricks as these?

Ans.  By whom were you taught such tricks as these?

(i) We shall be blamed.

Ans. Everyone will blame us.

(j) The book exhibition was opened by the Education Minister.

Ans. The Education Minister opened the book exhibition.

6. Change the voice.

(a) He has cut his finger.

Ans. His finger has been cut by him.

(b)He pleases us.

Ans. We are pleased with him.

(c) Do not open the door.

Ans. Let not the door be opened.

(d)What is wanted by him?

Ans. What does he want?

(e) He made me drive his car.

Ans. I was made to drive his car by him.

(f) She fans herself.

Ans. She is fanned by herself.

(g) He is thought to be a poet.

Ans. We think him to be a poet.

(h) The telegraph wires have been cut.

Ans. Someone has cut the telegraph wires.

(i) I offered him a chair.

Ans.  He was offered a chair by me.

(j) Did the boy catch a bird?

Ans. Was a bird caught by the boy?

7. Change the voice.

(a) I will do my duty.

Ans. My duty will be done by me.

(b) Fortune favours the brave.

Ans. The brave are favoured by fortune.

(c) Did they kill the tiger?

Ans. Was the tiger killed by them?

(d) The Lilliputians made Gulliver prisoner.

Ans. Gulliver was made prisoner by the Lilliputians.

(e) Bring me the book.

Ans. Let the book be brought for me.

(f) You should keep your promise.

Ans. Your promise should be kept by you.

(g) She is weaving a sari.

Ans. A sari is being woven by her.

(h) Do not insult the weak.

Ans. Let not the weak be insulted.

(i) Don't look down upon the poor.

Ans. Let not the poor be looked down upon.

(j) The book exhibition was opened by the Education Minister.

Ans. The Education Minister opened the book exhibition.

8. Change the voice.

(a)Who gave you this Pen?

Ans. By whom were you given this pen?

(b)The cat kills mice.

Ans. Mice are killed by the cat.

(c) You should have done it.

Ans. It should have been done by you.

(d) They are going to start a business.

Ans. A business is going to be started by them.

(e) Take care of your health.

Ans. Let your health be taken care of.

(f) We know that the earth is round.

Ans. That the earth is round is known to us.

(g) He slept a sound sleep.

Ans. A sound sleep was slept by him.

(h) I know him well.

Ans. He is well known to me. 

(i) We shall be blamed.

Ans. Everyone will blame us.

(j) I shall do the work.

Ans. The work will be done by me.

9. Change the voice.

(a) Can you help us?

Ans. Can we be helped by you?

(b) He is going to start a business.

Ans. A business is going to be started by him.

(c) He caught me by the hand.

Ans. I was caught by the hand by him.

(d) Let me do the sum.

Ans. Let the sum be done by me.

(e) My watch has been repaired by the watch maker.

Ans. The watch maker has repaired my watch.

(f) The pill is bitter when it is tasted.

Ans. The pill tastes bitter.

(g) we heard her sing.

Ans. She was heard to sing by us.

(h) Does he speak English well?

Ans. Is English spoken well by him?

(i) He is going to give me a prize.

Ans. I am going to be given a prize by him.

(j) Let not the ball be kicked.

Ans. Don't kick the ball.

10. Change the voice.

(a) Open the door.

Ans. Let the door be opened.

(b)They pleased us all.

Ans. We all were pleased with them.

(c)This mango tastes sweet.

Ans. This mango is sweet when it is tasted.

(d) What can you do for me?

Ans. What can be done for me by you?

(e)The Padma has been dredged.

Ans. The Government has dredged the Padma.

(f) He is known to be an honest man.

Ans. Everyone knows him to be an honest man.

(g) I saw a man carrying some books.

Ans. A man carrying some books was seen by me.

(h) Fortune favours the brave.

Ans. The brave are favoured by fortune.

(i) You have written a good letter.

Ans. A good letter has been written by you.

(j) I know the boy.

Ans. The boy is known to me.

11. Change the voice.

(a) Give the orders.

Ans. Let the orders be given.

(b) His behaviour annoys me sometimes.

Ans. Sometimes I am annoyed at his behavior.

(c) You should keep your promise.

Ans. Your promise should be kept by you.

(d) Who gave you this Pen?

Ans. By whom were you given this pen?

(e) He was made prisoner by us.

Ans. We made him prisoner.

(f) My watch has been repaired by the watch maker.

Ans. The watch maker has repaired my watch.