University Admission Questions

University Admission Questions on Transformation MCQs 3

University Admission Questions on Transformation MCQs 3

Select the correct answer


'I know nothing about what he did in London.' Identify the simple form of the sentence from the following options: [RU 2017-18]<

I know nothing about him in London.
I know nothing about what happened in London.
I know nothing about his activities in London.
I know nothing about what happened to him in London.

The sculpture is very enchanting. (Make it exclamatory.) [RU 2017-18]

What a enchanting the sculpture is!
How enchanting the sculpture is!
How enchanting sculpture this is!
How enchanting sculpture!

Everybody should admit the truth. (Make it negative without changing the meaning) [RU 2017-18]

Nobody should admit the truth.
Nobody should deny the truth.
Everybody should not admit the truth.
Everybody should deny the truth.

Had I the wings of a bird! (Make it assertive) [RU 2017-18]

I wish I had the wings of a bird.
I had the wings of a bird.
I should have the wings of a bird.
May I have the wings of a bird.

‘He is the best student of the class.’ The sentence means: [RU 2017-18]

He is no better than all other students of the class.
He is better than any other boys in the class.
He is as good as any other boy in the class.
No other boy in the class is as good as he.

"Everybody knows that he is an honest man." Identify the simple form of the sentence from the following options: [RU 2017-18]

Everybody knows him as an honest man.
Nobody knows about his dishonesty.
Everybody's knowledge about his honesty is not certain.
What everybody knows about his honesty.

'I know his birthday'- the complex of this sentence is: [CU 2018-19]

I know about his birth and its day.
His birthday is known to me.
I know when he was born.
This is his birthday and I know it.

‘Business must improve soon. Or the company will have to close.’ Choose one from the following that can replace the above sentence. [CU 2018-19] Although business will improve soon, the company has to be closed down.

The company will not close in case business gets improved.
The company will have to close unless business improves soon.
The company will not close in case business improves soon.

The exclamatory form of the sentence- 'A little learning is a dangerous thing' is: [JU 2017-18]

How dangerous a little learning is!
What a dangerous thing a little learning is!
Isn't little learning is 'a' dangerous thing!
What a dangerous a little learning is!

'I will kill you if you don't speak the truth'. Compound form of this sentence is: [JU 2017-18]

Speak the truth, or I will kill you.
I will kill you, if you do not speak the truth.
I will not kill you, if you speak the truth.
Speak the truth, then I will not kill you.

‘The battle has been won but the war isn't over yet.’ The complex form of this sentence is: [JU 2017-18]

Though the battle has won, the war has not been over yet.
Though the battle has been won, the war has not over yet.
Though the battle had won, the war isn't over yet.
Though the battle has been won, the war isn't over yet.

‘The boy was diligent, so the teacher praised him.’ The simple form of this sentence is: [JU 2017-18]

The boy was diligence as the teacher praised him.
The teacher praised the boy for his diligent.
The teacher praised the boy for his diligence.
The boy was praised by the teacher for his diligence.

-----scoring the highest marks in the class, Rohit failed to impress his teacher. [Ctg. U 2017-18]

Even though

'Our present house suits us.' Make it complex. [KNIU 2019-20]

The house which we live suits us.
The house is suitable where we live.
The house in which we live is suitable.
The house in which we live at present suits us.

In case of your failure to move, you will die. (Make compound sentence) [KNIU 2019-20]

You will to move to die.
You shall move to die.
If you do not move, you will die.
Move or die.

The grass was so wet that we couldn't sit on it. (Simple) [KNIU 2018-19]

The grass was very wet to sit.
The grass was too wet for us to sit on.
The grass was wet enough for us to sit.
The grass was much wet for us to sit.

The pressure at the centre of the earth is enormous because of the entire weight of the world. (complex) [KNIU 2018-19]

Since the entire weight of the world is on the earth, the pressure at the centre of the earth is enormous,
As the entire weight of the world is on the earth and so the pressure at the centre of the earth is enormous.
The pressure at the centre of the earth is enormous because the entire weight of the world is on the earth.
Both A and C.

'If I were a child again' what will be the assertive form? [JSTU 2019-20]

I expect to be a child again.
I hope I was a child again.
I wish I am a child again.
I wish I were a child again.

He studied hard in order that-----. Complete the sentence with the appropriate option. [JSTU 2019-20]

he may do well in the examination.
he could cut a good figure in the examination.
he ought to do well in the examination.
he can do well in the examination.

No sooner had the bowler bowled than the umpire called it a 'No'. Transform the sentence into positive. [JSTU 2019-20]

As soon as the bowler bowled, the umpire called it a 'No'.
Hardly had the bowler bowled when the umpire called it a 'No'.
Scarcely had the bowler bowled when the umpire called it a 'No'.
When the bowler bowled, the umpire called a 'No'