Changing Sentences


1. Transform the following sentences as directed in brackets. (JSC—2011) 

(a) The old man was unable to carry the load. (Negative)

(b) Very few metals are as precious as gold. (Comparative)

(c) Cricket is a very exciting game. (Exclamatory)

(d) Don't go out in the rain. (Assertive)

(e) Everybody hates a liar. (Interrogative)

2. Transform the following sentences as directed in brackets. (JSC—2010)

(a) Keats was one of the greatest romantic poets in the world. (Positive)

(b) Who does not wish to be happy? (Assertive)

(c) There is no room in the bench' (Interrogative)

(d) I wish I were a child again. (Exclamatory)

(e) He was present in the meeting. (Negative)

3. Transform the following sentences as directed in brackets. (Barishal Zone—2009)

(a) None but Allah can help us. (Affirmative)

(b) Everybody wants to be happy. (Interrogative)

(c) He is too weak to talk (Negative)

(d) Cuckoo sings very sweetly. (Exclamatory)

(e) Gold is one of the most precious metals. (Positive)

4. Transform the following sentences as directed in brackets. (Rajshahi Zone—2009) 

(a) Samir is a regular student. (Negative)

(b) He is very lucky. (Exclamatory)

(c) Dhaka is the largest city in Bangladesh. (Positive)

(d) Tell me what is true. (Simple)

(e) He is too weak to move (Negative)

5. Transform the following sentences as directed in brackets. (Khulna Zone—2009) 

(a) He has nothing but a few friends. (Affirmative)

(b) Very few metals are as precious as gold. (Superlative)

(c) Everybody wishes to be happy. (Interrogative)

(d) He is too weak to walk. (Negative) 

(e) What a nice plan it is! (Assertive)

6. Transform the following sentences as directed in brackets. (Mymensing Zone—2009) 

(a) You must obey your parents (Negative)

(b) Smoking is a bad habit. (Interrogative)

(c) If I were a king. (Assertive)

(d) If you work hard, you will prosper in life. (Negative)

(e) In 1996, I was born. (Complex)

7. Transform the following sentences as directed in brackets. (Chittagong Zone—2009) 

(a) Very few students in the class are as small as Sami. (Superlative)

(b) No one could deny that she was pretty. (Affirmative)

(c) You should think before you leap. (Imperative)

(d) The peasantry of our country lead unhappy life. (Exclamatory)

(e) The boy did his best. (Interrogative)

8. Transform the following sentences as directed in brackets. (Rangpur Zone—2009) 

(a) Who does not want to be happy? (Assertive)

(b) Every mother loves her child. (Negative)

(c) Fie! You are a cheat. (Assertive)

(d) Gold is one of the most precious metals' {Positive)

(e) Health is wealth. (Complex)'

9. Transform the following sentences as directed in brackets. (Sylhet Zone—2009) 

(a) As soon as the thief saw the police, he ran away. (Negative)

(b) Akbar was one of the greatest kings of India. (Positive)

(c) The Cuckoo sings very sweetly. (Exclamatory)

(d) What a lonely garden is! (Assertive)

(e) We should take care of our health. (Imperative)

10. Transform the following sentences as directed in brackets. (Dhaka Zone—2009) 

(a) Rabindranath Tagore is one of the greatest poets in the world. (Comparative)

(b) This is a fact. (Negative)

(c) The flowers are very charming' (Exclamatory)

(d) Everybody wants to be rich. (Interrogative)

(e) Bangladesh is more populous than any other country. (Positive)

11. Transform the following sentences as directed in brackets. (Comilla Zone—2009) 

(a) He is better than most other boys in the class. (Positive)

(b) Every teacher loves his students. (Negative)

(c) I shall never forget you. (Affirmative)

(d) They were as wise as the Magi. (Comparative)

(e) Nobody trusts a liar. (Question)

12. Transform the following sentences as directed in brackets. (Dhaka Zone—2008)

(a) As soon as the thief saw the police, he ran away. (Negative) 

(b) There is no use of this law. (Interrogative) 

(c) Alas! He has failed. (Assertive) 

(d) I wish I could be a child again. (Exclamatory) 

(e) Dhaka is one of the biggest cities of Bangladesh. (Positive)

13. Transform the following sentences as directed in brackets. (Mymensing Zone—2008)

(a) Very few cities of the world are as famous as London. (Superlative) 

(b) Their problem was so difficult that we could not solve. (Affirmative) 

(c) He had nothing to say in this matter. (Interrogative) 

(d) I wish I had the wings of a dove. (Exclamatory) 

(e) Never tell a lie. (Assertive)

14. Transform the following sentences as directed in brackets. ( Rajshahi Zone—2008) 

(a) Only Allah can save us. (Negative)

(b) Dhaka is the largest city in Bangladesh. (Positive)

(c) A little learning is a dangerous thing. (Exclamatory)

(d) Everybody hates a liar. (Interrogative)

(e) How nice the bird is! (Assertive)

15. Transform the following sentences as directed in brackets. (Rangpur Zone—2008)

(a) Everybody fears death. (Question) 

(b) Akbar was one of the greatest kings of India. (Positive) 

(c) No sooner had he seen the bear than he ran away. (Affirmative) 

(d) What a miserable life he leads! (Statement) 

(e) We should settle the dispute. (Imperative)

16. Transform the following sentences as directed in brackets. (Khulna Zone—2008)

(a) Gold is one of the most precious metals. (Positive) 

(b) Every mother loves her child. (Negative) 

(c) You should not laugh at a lame man. (Imperative) 

(d) I never drink tea. (Interrogative) 

(e) It is a very cheering report. (Exclamatory)

17. Transform the following sentences as directed in brackets. (Comilla Zone—2008)

(a) Prevention is better than cure. (Positive) 

(b) He leads a most unhappy life. (Exclamatory) 

(c) Man cannot help obeying some social rules. (Affirmative) 

(d) Their glory can never fade. (Interrogative) 

(e) We do not hate the poor. (Imperative)

18. Transform the following sentences as directed in brackets. (Chittagong Zone—2008) 

(a) Cricket is one of the most popular games in Bangladesh. (Positive)

(b) A little learning is a dangerous thing. (Exclamatory)

(c) There is no mother but loves her child. (Affirmative) 

(d) As soon as he reached home, the rain started. (Negative) 

(e) Hurrah! We have won the game. (Assertive) 

19. Transform the following sentences as directed in brackets. (Sylhet—2008) 

(a) Gold is one of the most precious metals. (Positive) 

(b) Her parents always liked her. (Negative)

(c) None believes a liar. (Interrogative)

(d) This pen is not as fine as mine. (Comparative) 

(e) He leads a very unhappy life. (Exclamatory) 

20. Transform the following sentences as directed in brackets. (Junior Scholarship Question: Barishal Zone—2008) 

(a) Keo Karadong is one of the highest peaks in Bangladesh. (Positive) 

(b) I will be ever loyal to my country. (Negative) 

(c) None could say that the shy boy would be the famous Einstein. (Interrogative) 

(d) We should have the courage to say the right things. (Imperative) 

(e) Fie! You are a cheat. (Assertive)

21. Transform the following sentences as directed in brackets. (Dh—2007)

(a) We eat to live. (Interrogative) 

(b) The crow looks very ugly. (Exclamatory) 

(c) Cure is not so good as prevention. (Comparative) 

(d)   No one could deny that she was pretty. (Affirmative) 

(e) You should think before you leap. (Imperative)

22. Transform the following sentences as directed in brackets. (Mym—2007)

(a) Imran   Khan   is   greater   than   most   other cricketers. (Positive)

(b) None likes to forget  his country. (Interrogative) 

(c) The Cuckoo sings very sweetly. (Exclamatory) 

(d) The boy is very agile. (Negative)  

(e) Don't go out in the rain. (Assertive)

23. Transform the following sentences as directed in brackets. (Raj—2007)

(a) I wish I had been rich. (Exclamatory) 

(b) They spent a pleasant day. (Interrogative) 

(c) Very few metals are so precious as gold. (Comparative) 

(d) Everybody must die. (Negative) 

(e) He lives in peace. (Negative-interrogative)

24. Transform the following sentences as directed in brackets. (Com—2007)

(a) No sooner had he seen the police than he ran away. (Affirmative) 

(b) Everybody lives in society. (Negative) 

(c) There is no use of this book. (Interrogative) 

(d) His hand writing is very clear. (Exclamatory) 

(e) Arabian Nights is better than most other story books. (Superlative),

25. Transform the following sentences as directed in brackets. (Rang—2007)

(a) What a lonely garden! (Assertive) 

(b) Calcutta is bigger than most other cities in India. (Positive) 

(c) I shall never forget him. (Affirmative) 

(d) Nobody believes a liar. (Question) 

(e) He wants to go out. (Imperative)

26. Transform the following sentences as directed in brackets.   (Kh—2007)

(a) Akbar was one of the greatest kings of India. (Positive) 

(b) The police punished the thief. (Negative) 

(c) The fox is a very cunning animal. (Exclamatory) 

(d) Everybody loves her mother. (Question) 

(e) You should not kill your time. (Imperative)

27. Transform the following sentences as directed in brackets. (Ctg—2007; Rang—2008)

(a) Allah alone can save us. (Negative) 

(b) Nobody trusts a liar. (Question) 

(c) Every mother loves her child. (Negative) 

(d) Maradona   is   one   of   the   most   famous footballers in the world. (Positive) 

(e) Chittagong is the biggest port in Bangladesh. (Comparative)

28. Transform the following sentences as directed in brackets. (Syl—2007)

(a) He is better than most other boys in the class. (Positive)

(b) Would that I were a king! (Assertive) 

(c) Every teacher loves his students. (Negative) 

(d) I shall never forget you. (Affirmative) 

(e) They were as wise as the Magi. (Comparative)

29. Transform the following sentences as directed in brackets. (Bar—2007)

(a) Every mother loves her child. (Negative) 

(b) Everybody hates a liar. (Interrogative) 

(c) Only Allah can save us. (Negative) 

(d) How nice the bird is! (Assertive) 

(e) He plays football. (Imperative)

30. Transform the following sentences as directed in brackets.  (Dh—2006)

(a) How beautiful the bird is! (Assertive) 

(b) Dhaka   is   bigger   than   any   other   city   in Bangladesh. (Positive) 

(c) I always remember you. (Negative) 

(d) Nobody trusts a liar. (Question) 

(e) Very few animals are as ferocious as the tiger. (Comparative)

31. Transform the following sentences as directed in brackets. (Kh—2007)

(a) We should take care of our health. (Imperative) 

(b) He was a very honest boy. (Exclamatory) 

(c) There is no man but loves his country. (Affirmative) 

(d) Everybody turned to look at Bahadur. (Question) 

(e) Very few metals are as precious as gold. (Superlative)

32. Transform the following sentences as directed in brackets. (Mym—2008)

(a) Very few cities of the world are as famous as London. (Superlative) 

(b) The problem was so difficult that we could not solve. (Affirmative) 

(c) He had nothing to say in this matter. (Interrogative) 

(d) I wish I had the wings of a dove. (Exclamatory) 

(e) Never tell a lie. (Assertive)

33. Transform the following sentences as directed in brackets. (Syl—2008)

(a) Gold is one of the most precious metals. (Positive) 

(b) Her parents always liked her. (Negative) 

(c) None believes a liar. (Interrogative) 

(d) His pen is not as fine as mine. (Comparative) 

(e) He leads a very unhappy life. (Exclamatory)

34. Transform the following sentences as directed in brackets.

(a) As soon as the thief saw the police, he ran away. (Negative)

(b) There is no use of this law. (Interrogative)

(c) Alas! He has failed. (Assertive)

(d) I wish I could be a child again.'(Exclamatory)

(e) Dhaka is one of the biggest cities of Bangladesh. (Positive)

35. Transform the following sentences as directed in brackets.

(a) Very few cities of the world are as famous as London. (Superlative)

(b) The problem was so difficult that we couldn't solve. (Affirmative) 

(c) They had nothing to say in this regard. (Interrogative)

(d) I wish I had the wings of a dove! (Exclamatory)

(e) Never tell a lie. (Assertive)

36. Transform the following sentences as directed in brackets.  (Mym—2006)

(a) Every king has a crown. (Negative) 

(b) I have never been to Cox's Bazar. (Interrogative) 

(c) I wish I were a bird. (Exclamatory) 

(d) He is one of the most intelligent students in the class. (Comparative) 

(e) The problem is so difficult that we can't solve it. (Affirmative)

37. Transform the following sentences as directed in brackets. (Bar—2006)

(a) All Bangladeshis are polite. (Negative) 

(b)  Everybody wants to be rich. (Interrogative) 

(c) Would that I were a child again! (Assertive) 

(d) He leads a very unhappy life. (Exclamatory) 

(e) Keats is one of the greatest romantic poets in the world. (Positive)

38. Transform the following sentences as directed in brackets. (Syl—2006)

(a) Achilles also died. (W/H Question) 

(b) The cuckoo sings very sweetly. (Exclamatory) 

(c) You should not find fault with others. (Imperative) 

(d) No other spinner in Bangladesh is as perfect as Rafiq. (Comparative) 

(e) Never tell a lie. (Affirmative)

49. Transform the following sentences as directed in brackets. (Ctg—2006)

(a) Every rose has thorn. (Negative) 

(b) No other man in the village is as wise as he. (Comparative) 

(c) It is a very splendid building. (Exclamatory) 

(d) Nobody trusts a liar. (Question) 

(e) He wants to go out. (Imperative)

50. Transform the following sentences as directed in brackets. (Com—2006)

(a) Who can do this sum? (Negative) 

(b) Bhutan is one of the smallest states in Asia. (Comparative) 

(c) Nothing but the book is found. (Affirmative) 

(d) He leads an unhappy life. (Exclamatory) 

(e) We should settle the dispute. (Imperative)

51. Transform the following sentences as directed in brackets. (Rang—2006)

(a) Tufan is one of the best boys in the class. (Positive degree) 

(b) Everybody likes an honest man. (Question) 

(c) It is a very cheering report. (Exclamatory) 

(d) Man is mortal. (Make it negative) 

(e) How beautiful the flower is! (Assertive) 

52. Transform the following sentences as directed in brackets. (Raj—2006)

(a) What a fool he is! (Assertive) 

(b) He is the worst boy in the class. (Positive) 

(c) Nobody trusts a liar. (Question) 

(d) As soon as he reached home, the rain started. (Negative) 

(e)   A little learning is a dangerous thing. (Exclamatory)

53. Transform the following sentences as directed in brackets.

(a) It was one of the most memorable journeys in my life. (Positive).

(b) Those were fertile. (Negative).

(c) Mr. Ahamed is the wisest man in the village. (Comparative Degree).

(d) He never eats more than one thing. (Positive Degree).

(e) What a pity! (Assertive)

54. Transform the following sentences as directed in brackets.

(a) Cox's Bazar is the longest sea-beach in the world. (Positive).

(b) Everyone knows this. (Interrogative). 

(c) It is more powerful than anything else. (Superlative degree).

(d) Only   education   gives   us   the   light   of knowledge. (Negative).

(e) Karim is one of the oldest men in the village. (Comparative)

55. Transform the following sentences as directed in brackets.

(a) Would that I were a poet like Nazrul. (Assertive).

(b) He became rich. (Negative).

(c) She was one of the most wonderful geese of the world. (Positive).

(d) She is not the poorest country in the world. (Positive).

(e) Mohammad Muhsin was a kind man.(Negative).

56. Transform the following sentences as directed in brackets.

(a) Very few countries in the world are as populous as it. (comparative)

(b) He inherited vast property from his father and sister. (Interrogative).

(c) He did not marry. (Affirmative).

(d) They are honest and pious. (Negative)

(e) So we speak French. (Passive).

57. Transform the following sentences as directed in brackets.

(a) Meena needed as much food as Raju. (Comparative).

(b) Raju thought that he worked harder than Meena. (Positive).

(c) Raju found out that it was not easy to light the fire. (Affirmative).

(d) But Meena's father disagreed. (Negative).

(e) She passed her time in reading and writing. (Interrogative).

58. Transform the following sentences as directed in brackets.

(a) Her parents liked her very much. (Negative).

(b) Everybody hates a dishonest man. (Interrogative)

(c) Only the fools will say so. (Negative)

(d) Snow white was the fairest of all women. (Positive)

(e) Very few poets in Bengali literature are as famous as Kazi Nazrul. (Superlative)

59. Transform the following sentences as directed in brackets.

(a) Who has ever seen such a wonderful sight? (Assertive)

(b)  No one will deny his courage. (Affirmative) 

(c) Man is born free. (Interrogative)

(d) Please help him in his distress. (Assertive)

(e) No other woman was as clever as the lady guest. (Superlative)

60. Transform the following sentences as directed in brackets.

(a)   Every rose has a thorn. (Negative)

(b)  No other dramatist is as great as Shakespeare. (Superlative)

(c)  Have you ever heard such a story? (Assertive)

(d)  He did not listen to his parents. (Interrogative)

(e)   Don't neglect your duties. (Assertive)

61. Transform the following sentences as directed in brackets.

(a)  It burns the prettiest of any wood. (Comparative)

(b)  Is his purpose clear? (Assertive)

(c) All men must die. (Negative)

(d)  We shall not talk to him. (Interrogative)

(e)  Shut up. (Assertive)

62. Transform the following sentences as directed in brackets.

(a) Iron is the most useful of all metals. (Comparative)

(b) Mustn't we work hard? (Assertive)

(c)  I did not find many people there. (Affirmative)

(d) The meeting ended at 5 pm. (Interrogative)

(e)  Please finish .the work in time. (Assertive)

63. Transform the following sentences as directed in brackets.

(a) Ratan is the best boy in the class. (Comparative) 

(b) Take care of your health. (Assertive)

(c) You must obey your teachers. (Negative)

(d) Didn't we pass an anxious hour? (Assertive)

(e) She liked the late spring. (Interrogative)

64. Transform the following sentences as directed in brackets.

(a) She was the best housewife.  (Comparative)

(b) Don't neglect your duties. (Assertive)

(c)  He was not a dishonest boy. (Affirmative) 

(d) She likes white gloves. (Interrogative)

(e) Didn't they welcome the good news? (Assertive)

65. Transform the following sentences as directed in brackets.

(a)  Bhutan is smaller than most other countries in the world. (Positive)

(b) Man must submit to destiny. (Negative)

(c)  Please help my brother.   (Assertive)

(d)  Prevention is better than cure. (Interrogative)

(e) Who does not know the owl? (Assertive)

66. Transform the following sentences as directed in brackets.

(a) Tomatoes are cheaper than oranges. (Positive)

(b) You cannot help going there. (Affirmative)

(c) Let him be warned. (Assertive)

(d) Addiction to drinking is dangerous. (Interrogative)

(e) Does it make a good profit? (Assertive)

67. Transform the following sentences as directed in brackets.

(a)  Milk is the most nutritious of all foods. (Positive)

(b)  He lives alone in the house. (Negative)

(c)  Please post the letter. (Assertive)

(d)  I have had my revenge at last. (Interrogative)

(e)  Can we get admission without a ticket? (Assertive)

68. Transform the following sentences as directed in brackets.

(a)  English is the richest of all languages in the world. (Positive)

(b)  He was never late. (Affirmative)

(c)  Always speak the right thing. (Assertive)

(d)  Cotton is softer than many other fibres. (Superlative)

(e) Was it as nice as ours? (Assertive)

69. Transform the following sentences as directed in brackets.

(a)  Sohel is the noblest person. (Positive)

(b)   Only the moon was visible. (Negative)

(c) Never oppose me. (Assertive)

(d) They could not drink salty sea water. (Interrogative)

(e)  Have you any doubt about it? (Assertive)

70. Transform the following sentences as directed in brackets.

(a)  It burns the prettiest of any wood. (Positive)

(b)  Never tell a lie. (Affirmative)

(c) The smell of the melted butter tickled my nostrils. (Interrogative)

(d)  21st February is more memorable than any other day. (Superlative)

(e)  How deliberately they thought of the matter. (Assertive)

71. Transform the following sentences as directed in brackets.

(a) January is the coldest month in Bangladesh. (Positive)

(b)  Only the brave deserve the fair. (Negative)

(c)  The flavour of the food becomes monotonous. (Interrogative)

(d)  Bangladesh is one of the smallest countries in the world. (Comparative)

(e)  How cheap the mangoes are! (Assertive)

72. Transform the following sentences as directed in brackets.

(a) The cow is the most useful of all animals. (Positive)

(b) The car moves very slowly. (Exclamatory)

(c)  None but the fool will say so. (Affirmative)

(d)  I shall never forget your advice. (Interrogative)

(e) How breath taking the game was. (Assertive)

73. Transform the following sentences as directed in brackets.

(a)  Shakespeare is the greatest of all dramatists. (Positive)

(b) The passengers received serious injuries. (Exclamatory)

(c)  Only the graduates should apply. (Negative)

(d)  I never went there. (Interrogative)

(e)   Fie! He does not take care of his health! (Assertive)

74. Transform the following sentences as directed in brackets.

(a) The lady was the cleverest woman. (Positive)

(b) Would that we could hear the song again!  (Assertive)

(c) They bought a very fine house. (Exclamatory)

(d)  None but Allah can help us. (Affirmative)

(e) Their glory can never fade. (Interrogative)

75. Transform the following sentences as directed in brackets.

(a) Akbar was greater than all other kings of India. (Superlative)

(b)  How social the man is. (Assertive)

(c)  He built a nice building. (Exclamatory)

(d)   The old man was alone alive. (Negative)

(e)  He is not a great fool. (Interrogative)

76. Transform the following sentences as directed in brackets.

(a)  A train runs faster than a bus. (Positive)

(b)  The machine runs very fine. (Exclamatory)

(c)  He was a fool to act thus. (Interrogative)

(d) This news is so absurd that it cannot be believed. (Affirmative)

(e)  He was not a fool. (Interrogative)

77. Transform the following sentences as directed in brackets.

(a)  He was the cleverest of all per sons. (Positive)

(b) The clock goes very slow. (Exclamatory)

(c)  But for your help he would have failed. (Affirmative)

(d)  He can prove his innocence.   (Interrogative)

(e) This place is cleaner than that one. (Superlative)

78. Transform the following sentences as directed in brackets.

(a) This is one of the greatest pictures in the world. (Positive)

(b) Age has come upon him very abruptly. (Exclamatory)

(c)  It does not matter if we fail. (Affirmative)

(d) We should a never tell a lie.  (Imperative)

(e)   There is no hope of his recovery. (Interrogative)

79. Transform the following sentences as directed in brackets.

(a) The mutton chop was the cheapest dish on the menu. (Positive)

(b) The price of rice has gone very high. (Exclamatory)

(c)  He came in very quietly. (Interrogative)

(d) They do not sell books other than novels. (Affirmative)

(e) You ought to obey your parents.  (Imperative)

80. Transform the following sentences as directed in brackets.

(a)  Bhutan is one of the smallest countries in the world. (Positive)

(b) She was a very good student. (Exclamatory)

(c)  There is no rise without a fall. (Affirmative)

(d) The value of exercise is great. (Interrogative)

(e)  He plays football. (Imperative)

81. Transform the following sentences as directed in brackets.

(a)  No other city in Bangladesh is as big as Dhaka. (Comparative)

(b) The phone rang very loudly. (Exclamatory)

(c) The two brothers are not unlike each other. (Affirmative)

(d) We do not look down upon the poor. (Imperative)

(e)   Mr. Anik worked hard from morning until night. (Interrogative)

82. Transform the following sentences as directed in brackets.

(a)  No other wood burns so pretty as the apple log. (Comparative)

(b) The bell produced a heavy sound. (Exclamatory)

(c) There was no one present who did not cheer. (Affirmative)

(d)  Don't tell a lie. (Assertive)

(e)  They are really beautiful. (Interrogative)

83. Transform the following sentences as directed in brackets.

(a)  No other story book is as popular as the Arabian Nights. (Comparative)

(b)  The girl sings very sweetly. (Exclamatory)

(c)  I am not happy. (Affirmative)

(d) You do not go out. (Imperative)

(e) We have made our school garden. (Interrogative)

84. Transform the following sentences as directed in brackets.

(a)  Prevention is better than cure. (Positive)

(b) The crow is a very clever bird. (Exclamatory)

(c)  No one could deny that she was pretty. (Affirmative)

(d)  You should not kill your time. (Imperative)

(e)   I will remind you about it in the morning. (Interrogative)

85. Transform the following sentences as directed in brackets.

(a) You are older than I. (Positive)

(b) The fox is a very cunning animal. (Exclamatory)

(c) You read the book. (Imperative)

(d)  He did not live many years in Chittagong. (Affirmative)

(e)   Anwar will discuss his feelings with his mother. (Interrogative)