MCQ Quiz on Tag Questions4160

MCQ Quiz on Tag Questions4160

MCQ Quiz on Tag Questions4160

Select the correct answer

Q1. Choose the correct tag: "Let me do the work,-----?"
wasn't they?
were they?
shall we?
will you?
Q2. He seems to be happy with his achievement,-----?
wasn't he
doesn't he
does it
has he
Q3. The fan is not working,-----?
will it
hasn't it
is it
isn't it
Q4. You'll remember to call me,-----?
will you?
would you?
won't you?
wouldn't you?
Q5. She has little time,-----?
hasn't her
has she
doesn’t she
haven’t she
Q6. Let's go to the market,-----?
do we
shall we
doesn't we
aren't we
Q7. I am late,-----?
isn't it
shan't I
aren't I?
am I
Q8. Choose the correct tag question of the sentence: Zara knows how to swim,-----?
don't she
does she
doesn't she
do she
Q9. You knew everything,-----?
did you?
didn't you?
were you?
haven't you?
Q10. Choose the correct question tag to complete the sentence below: You have bought the book already,-----?
isn't it
haven't you
didn't you
did you
Q11. Neither of the stakeholders was happy with new regulations,-----?
weren't they
were they
didn't they
did they
Q12. Shut the windows,-----?
will you
shall we
do you
don't you
Q13. My friend has little money left in his pocket,-----?
hasn't he
does he
has he
is he
Q14. I have done my duty,-----? (Fill in the gap)
have I
did I
haven't I
didn't I
Q15. He has a cold bath every morning,-----?
does he
does not he
did not
hasn't he
Q16. It rained here yesterday,-----? The appropriate tag question here will be:
wasn't it?
didn't it?
isn't it?
did it?
Q17. We won't be late,-----?
won't we?
are we?
will we?
should we?
Q18. Germany has won the football match,-----?
has it
hasn't it
does it
did it
Q19. You'd rather I kept quiet about it,-----?
did you
do you
had you
wouldn't you
Q20. I don't believe the election results will reflect true reaction of the public to the government in power,-----?
will they
won't they
do I
will it