KUET Admission Questions 2015-16: English
KUET Admission Questions 2015-16: English
76. Bangladesh expects every man to do his duty. Here "every" is used as-
(a) Numeral adjective
(b) Demonstrative adjective
(c) Possessive adjective
(d) Distributive adjective
(e) Adjective of quantity
77. Choose the correct feminine gender of the word "Monk"
(a) Queen
(b) Maid
(c) Nun
(d) Wido
(e) Monkess
78. Fill in the blank: He was success, painting not for the sake of fame or monetary award, but for the sheer love of art.
(a) indifferent to
(b) mad for
(c) avid for
(d) full of
(e) mad by
79. Find out the correct gender/one.
(a) Bull-Duck
(b) Stage-Mare
(c) Swain-Ewe
(d) Stallion-Mare
(e) Fox-Nun
80. Choose the correct indirect speech of the sentence-
"Have you bought a pen for me?" the girl said to her father.
(a) The girl asked to her father whether he had brought a pen for her.
(b) The girl asked her father whether he brought a pen for her.
(c) The girl asked her father if he had bought a pen for her.
(d) The girl asked her father if he bought a pen for her.
(e) The girl asked to her father whether he had brought a pen for her.
81. Choose the correct sentence from the followings-
(a) The Jury is divided in his opinions.
(b) The Jury are divided in their opinions.
(c) Jury is divided in their opinion.
(d) The Jurys are divided in their opinions
(e) None of the above
82. Choose the correct passive form of the sentence:
"They had a nice car".
(a) A nice car had by them.
(b) A nice car was had by them.
(c) A nice car had been by them.
(d) A nice car is had by them.
(e) No passive form
83. Find the correct English translation of the sentence-"সবুরে মেওয়া ফলে।"
(a) Patient is bitter but its fruit is sweet.
(b) Patients are bitter but fruits are sweet.
(c) Patience is bitter but fruits are not sweet.
(d) Patient is sweet but its fruit is bitter.
(e) Patience is bitter but its fruit is sweet.
84. "Don't run away sons" said their mum. Choose the indirect speech of this sentence.
(a) Addressing the sons, their mum said to them ne to run away,
(b) Addressing the sons, their mum told then not run away.
(c) Addressing the sons, their mum asked them run away.
(d) Addressing the sons, their mum asked them n to run away.
(e) Their mum said not to run away.
85. Choose the correct preposition to fill the blank of the sentence- "Every mother yearns her child
(b) of
(c) with
(d) for
(c) by
(a) to
86. Which one is the correct translation of the sentence "সে নিজেই এ সুযোগ গ্রহণ করবে।"
(a) He will avail him of this opportunity.
(b) He shall avail him of this opportunity.
(c) He will avail himself of this opportunity.
(d) He would avail this opportunity.
(e) He will avail this opportunity.
87. What is the synonym of "Adroit"?
(a) Reject
(b) Clumsy
(c) Capture
(d) Skillful
(e) Confirm
88. What is the antonym of "Capricious"?
(a) Consistent
(b) Honest
(c) Whimsical
(d) Revenge
(e) Hypocritical
89. Choose the voice change of the sentence- "Keep your word".
(a) Let keep your word.
(b) Let not your word be kept.
(c) Your word should be kept.
(d) Your word might be kept
(c) Your word can be kept
90. Choose the correct preposition for the sentence "Water eats irons".
(a) up
(b) down
(c) away
(d) off
(e) to
91. Point out the sentence with correct use of adverb.
(a) He is carefully examining the script.
(b) He is carefully looking the script.
(c) He is examining the script with full care.
(d) He is carefully looking after script.
(e) He is watching the script carefully.
92. Find the correct adverb form of the noun "Improvement".
(a) Improve
(b) Improvement
(c) Improved
(d) Improving
(e) Improvably
93. Which collective noun is used to describe a number of sheep?
(a) herd
(b) gang
(с) Поск
(d) pack
(c) crowd
94. What is the noun form of "Brief"?
(a) Briefness
(b) Short
(c) Briefable
(d) Brevity
(e) Brifty
95. In the sentence "Even during the winter, the American sparrow is heard in short, brief snatches of song of sunny days". Which word is not appropriate here?
(a) heard
(b) even during
(c) brief
(d) snatches
(e) sunny days
96. Which one is the incorrect sentence?
(a) In spite of having a headache, I enjoyed the film.
(b) We have to cut down on our driving because of the shortage of gas.
(c) How much of a mathematician are you?
(d) The committee had a long discussion last night but could not reach a consensus of opinions
(e) None of the above
97. Choose the correct group verb to complete the following sentence- "Why are you looking so much following sentence-
(a) run down
(c) run into
(b) run across
(d) run off
(e) run out
98. Choose the correct sentence from the followings.
(a) Riches are not always happy.
(b) Rich is not always happy.
(c) The rich is not always happy.
(d) The rich are not always happy.
(e) Rich are not always happy.
Read the following passage carefully and choose the correct answer to question no. 99 and 100:
Man is the architect of his own life. If he makes proper division of his time and does his duties accordingly, he is sure to prosper in life. But if he does otherwise, he is sure to repent when it is too late. Our life is nothing but the sum of total of hours, days and years. Youth is the golden season of life. In youth mind is soft and can be moulded in any form we like. If we waste the precious time of our youth, we shall have to suffer afterwards. Youth is called the seed time of life. If we sow good seeds in our life, we shall reap good harvest when we gown up to manhood.
99. How is life defined here?
(a) Life is defined to do our duties in time
(b) Life is defined to enjoy in youth time.
(c) Life is defined to as the sum of total of hours, and years.
(d) Life is defined as childhood, youth and old.
(e) Life is not a bed of roses.
100. Why youth is regarded as the golden season of life?
(a) Because youth is the mid age of life.
(b) Because during this time our mind is soft and it can be moulded in any form we like.
(c) Because youth is the time to prosper in life.
(d) Because youth is the vital time to prosper in life.
(e) Because youth is the time to sow seeds in our life.