Complaint Letter

Suppose you purchased a television from Samsung Electronics Limited, Dakbangla, Khulna. The television is defective and you want a refund or exchange. Write a complaint letter to the customer manager seeking prompt action.

25, Cemetery Road


April 12, 2022

Customer Manager

Samsung Electronics Limited

Dakbangla, Khulna.

Subject: Complaint about a Defective TV.

Dear Sir

The purpose of this letter is to express my dismay at the product at your Dakbangla Showroom.

On March 01, 2022, I bought a smart television, model number 12121, serial number 12345-6789 from your Showroom located at Dakbangla, Khulna. I paid 100000/- for the television on my credit card. You delivered the television to my home on the same day.

Unfortunately, your product has not performed well because the television is defective. The television becomes very hot after running for an hour and stops working. It takes about half an hour to cool and run again. I have not used this television in a way that would cause any damage. I informed your serviceman over the telephone on 02 March, but nobody took any action. This is very disappointing as I am a regular customer of your goods.  

It is a legal requirement that the goods you supply must be fit for the purpose. As there is a problem with the television when I bought it, I request that you replace it with a new one or give me a full refund. Copies of my records, including my receipt, delivery invoice, and photos of the television are enclosed herewith for your kind perusal.

I look forward to hearing from you by March 05, 2022; otherwise, I will take the matter to the Consumer Affairs Department. Please contact me at the above address or by phone at 01715458425.

Yours faithfully