Class Six English Model Question: Q9

Write a story based on the following situations.


1. Write a story based on the following situations.

  • Fact: You lost your favorite toy
  • Situation: At a park
  • Characters: Yourself, your sibling, a stranger
  • Time: Last Saturday evening

Story Guide:

  • Beginning: When did you notice your toy was missing?
  • Theme: How did you feel when you lost it?
  • Setting: What did the park look like? Were there many people?
  • Characters: Who helped you look for your toy?
  • Closing: Did you find your toy, or was it gone?

2. Write a story based on the following situations.

  • Fact: You got a surprise gift
  • Situation: At your grandparent’s house
  • Characters: Yourself, your grandparents
  • Time: Last weekend

Story Guide:

  • Beginning: When did you get the surprise?
  • Theme: How did you feel when you got the gift?
  • Setting: Describe your grandparent’s house.
  • Characters: Who gave you the surprise gift?
  • Closing: What did you do with the gift?

3. Write a story based on the following situations.

  • Fact: You saw a cute animal
  • Situation: In a village
  • Characters: Yourself, a villager, the animal
  • Time: Last Sunday morning

Story Guide:

  • Beginning: Where did you see the animal?
  • Theme: How did you feel when you saw it?
  • Setting: Describe the village. Was it peaceful or busy?
  • Characters: Did anyone else see the animal with you?
  • Closing: What did you do with the animal?

4. Write a story based on the following situations.

  • Fact: You went to the zoo
  • Situation: A fun trip to the zoo
  • Characters: Yourself, a classmate, the animals
  • Time: Last Saturday

Story Guide:

  • Beginning: How did your trip to the zoo start?
  • Theme: What was your favorite animal at the zoo?
  • Setting: Describe the zoo and how it looked.
  • Characters: Did you go with a friend?
  • Closing: How did the day end? Did you enjoy your time?

5. Write a story based on the following situations.

  • Fact: You got wet in the rain
  • Situation: On the way back from school
  • Characters: Yourself, a friend, your umbrella
  • Time: Last Tuesday afternoon

Story Guide:

  • Beginning: When did it start raining?
  • Theme: Were you happy or upset about the rain?
  • Setting: Describe the street or road you were on.
  • Characters: Was anyone with you when it started raining?
  • Closing: How did you get home? Did you dry off quickly?


Here are the answer stories written in simple and easy English for class six students:

1. I Lost My Favorite Toy

Last Saturday evening, I went to the park with my little brother. I brought my favorite toy car with me. We were playing for a while, but then I realized my toy car was gone. I felt very sad and started crying. A nice stranger saw me crying and asked, “What’s wrong?” I told him I lost my toy car. He helped me look around the park, and finally, we found it under a bench. I was so happy and thanked him!

1. Lost Toy in the Park

Last Saturday evening, my brother and I went to the park to play. I brought my favorite toy car with me. The park was full of people. Some children were playing, while others were sitting with their parents. We played for a long time. But suddenly, I noticed that my toy car was missing! I felt very sad and scared because it was my favorite toy.

I told my brother about it, and we started looking around. We checked the swings, the slides, and the benches. Just then, a kind stranger came and asked us what happened. I told him about my lost toy. He smiled and said he would help us look for it. We searched together, and finally, we found it under a big tree! I was so happy and thanked the stranger. My brother and I went home with big smiles on our faces.

1. I Lost My Favorite Toy

Last Saturday, I went to the park with my sister. We had so much fun playing on the swings and climbing the jungle gym. Suddenly, I realized my favorite teddy bear was missing! I looked everywhere, but I couldn't find it.

I felt really sad because my teddy bear was my best friend. My sister tried to help me look, but we still couldn't find it. We asked a kind stranger if they had seen it, but they hadn't.

Just as we were about to give up, I heard a little voice calling my name. It was a small boy holding my teddy bear! He had found it on the ground. I was so happy to have my teddy bear back.

2. I Got a Surprise Gift

Last weekend, I went to visit my grandparents. When I got there, they said they had a surprise for me. I was very excited! My grandfather gave me a small box, and when I opened it, I found a new set of crayons! I love drawing, so I was so happy to get the crayons. My grandmother said I could draw a picture for them, and I did. It was a great surprise, and I loved spending time with my grandparents.

2. Surprise Gift at Grandparents’ House

Last weekend, I went to visit my grandparents at their house. Their house is very beautiful, with a big garden and many flowers. After lunch, my grandfather called me and said, "I have a surprise for you!" I felt very excited. He then took out a big box wrapped in colorful paper and gave it to me. I opened the box quickly and found a beautiful new doll inside. It was the best surprise!

I hugged my grandparents and thanked them. My grandmother smiled and said, “We knew you would love it.” I was so happy that I played with the doll the whole evening. I named her Lily. After that, I took Lily everywhere with me. It was such a special day, and I will always remember the surprise gift my grandparents gave me.

2. A Surprise Gift

Last weekend, I went to visit my grandparents at their house. It's a big, old house with a beautiful garden. I love spending time there.

While I was playing in the garden, my grandpa called me over. He had a big, wrapped box in his hands. I was so excited! He said it was a surprise for me. I carefully opened the box and found a new toy car inside.

I was so happy and grateful to my grandparents for the surprise gift. I played with my new toy car all afternoon.

3. I Saw a Cute Animal

Last Sunday morning, I went to visit my uncle’s village. While walking around, I saw a small, fluffy kitten near a tree. It was so cute! I wanted to pet it, but it was a little shy. A villager came by and told me that the kitten belonged to him. He said the kitten was very friendly, so I could pet it. I played with the kitten for a while, and it made me so happy. I hope I can see it again next time I visit.

3. A Cute Animal in the Village

Last Sunday morning, I went to visit a village with my parents. The village was very peaceful, with green fields and small houses. The air was fresh, and I could hear birds singing. While walking around, I saw a small, cute puppy playing under a tree. The puppy had soft, brown fur and a tiny black nose. I felt so happy to see the little puppy and wanted to play with it.

Just then, a kind villager came and told me that the puppy was only two months old. He let me hold the puppy for a while. The puppy wagged its tail and licked my hand. It was so cute! After playing for some time, I had to say goodbye to the puppy. I promised to come back and see it again someday. It was such a lovely experience, and I couldn’t stop thinking about the cute puppy.

3. A Friendly Goat

Last Sunday morning, I went for a walk in the village with my mom. The village was very peaceful and quiet. As we were walking, I saw a cute little goat standing in someone's yard.

I was so excited! I'd never seen a goat up close before. I asked the villager if I could pet it. She said yes, but I had to be gentle. I slowly approached the goat and scratched its head. It was so soft and cuddly!

I spent a few minutes playing with the goat before we had to leave. It was a fun experience.

4. I Went to the Zoo

Last Saturday, my class went on a trip to the zoo. I was so excited because I love animals. When we got there, I saw lions, tigers, and even elephants. My favorite animal was the giraffe because it was so tall and gentle. I took a lot of pictures with my classmate. We had lunch at the zoo and talked about our favorite animals. The day ended with a fun bus ride back to school. I had a lot of fun!

4. A Fun Day at the Zoo

Last Saturday, my friend and I went on a trip to the zoo. We were very excited! The zoo was big, with many trees and paths. We saw many animals—lions, monkeys, zebras, and elephants. My favorite animal was the giraffe. It was so tall, with a long neck and big spots on its body. We watched it eat leaves from the top of a tree.

We spent the whole day exploring the zoo. We took pictures and learned many new things about the animals. My friend loved the monkeys because they were jumping and playing around. Before leaving, we visited the bird section, where we saw colorful parrots. As the sun set, we felt tired but happy. It was a fun day, and I will never forget my wonderful trip to the zoo.

4. A Fun Day at the Zoo

Last Saturday, my class went on a trip to the zoo. It was so much fun! We saw so many different animals. My favorite was the lion. It was so big and strong.

The zoo was huge and had lots of different areas. We saw monkeys swinging from trees, elephants splashing in the water, and even a few snakes.

I went with my best friend, and we had a great time. We took lots of pictures and learned about all the animals we saw. At the end of the day, we were tired but happy.

5. I Got Wet in the Rain

Last Tuesday afternoon, I was walking home from school with my friend. Suddenly, it started raining, but I didn’t have an umbrella. My friend had one, and she shared it with me, but the rain was so heavy that we both got wet. We laughed as we walked in the rain, splashing in the puddles. When I got home, my mother gave me a towel and some warm clothes. It was fun, even though we got wet!

5. Getting Wet in the Rain

Last Tuesday afternoon, I was walking home from school with my friend. Suddenly, dark clouds appeared in the sky, and it started raining. We both had umbrellas, but mine was broken. I felt upset because I didn’t want to get wet. My friend opened her umbrella and asked me to share it with her.

We walked slowly because the road was slippery. Water was everywhere, and the sound of raindrops made me feel happy. Even though I got a little wet, I started to enjoy the rain. By the time we reached home, I was almost soaked. I quickly changed my clothes and dried off. My mother gave me a warm towel, and I felt much better. In the end, I wasn’t upset at all because walking in the rain with my friend was a lot of fun!

5. Caught in the Rain

Last Tuesday afternoon, I was walking home from school with my friend when it started to rain. We didn't have umbrellas, so we got wet very quickly.

I wasn't very happy about getting wet, but my friend said it was fun. We tried to run to get home faster, but it was still raining hard.

When we finally got home, we were soaked. I had to change my clothes and dry my hair. Even though it was a bit of a mess, I still had fun with my friend.