Dialogue Writing

Class Six English Model Question Q8


1. Suppose you are a student of class six. You meet an unknown elderly lady standing for a long time just outside your house. You want to help the lady. 

Now write a conversation between you and the lady.

2. Shreya and Raya are both students at the same school. Shreya meets Raya standing just outside her house. Raya is looking for a house. Shreya wants to help her friend to find an address. 

Now write a conversation between Shreya and Raya.

3. Imagine that Silvia, one of your friends, had to go to the village home because her school was closed due to the Corona situation. Now the face-to-face classes have started, and Silvia needs help in English and Mathematics.

Write a short conversation offering your help.

4. Suppose you are a student of class six. You met your class teacher in a shopping mall.

Write a short conversation between you and your class teacher.

5. Suppose you are Rakib. You have a flue and cough with headache. You are at a doctor's chamber. 

Now write a conversation between you and the doctor.


1. A Conversation between Myself and a Lady 

Myself: Hello! Good afternoon aunty.  Looking for someone? May I help you?

Aunty: Oh, hello! Sorry, I didn’t get you?

Myself: I saw you standing here for a long time. Can I help you?

Aunty: Thank you, dear. I am waiting here for my daughter. She should be here in no 


Myself: Okay. It may rain soon. Better you stand under that shade.

Aunty: Oh sure! Thank you.

Myself: That’s okay. Have a good day.

Aunty: You too.

1. A Conversation between Myself and a Lady

Myself: Excuse me, ma'am. Are you okay? You've been standing here for a while.

Elderly Lady: Oh, dear! Yes, I'm a bit tired. I'm trying to find my way to the hospital.

Myself: Would you like me to help you? I know the area well.

Elderly Lady: Oh, that would be so kind of you. Thank you.

Myself: No problem at all. Where is the hospital?

Elderly Lady: It's near the old church.

Myself: I know exactly where it is. Let's go. I'll show you the way.

1. Conversation with an Elderly Lady

Myself: Good afternoon, Grandma. Are you looking for someone? You have been standing here for a long time. Can I help you?

Lady: Oh, thank you, child. I am trying to find my daughter’s house, but I think I’m lost.

Myself: What’s her name? Maybe I know her. Does she live nearby?

Lady: Her name is Mrs. Khan. She moved here last month. I came to visit her, but I forgot the house number.

Myself: I see. Mrs. Khan is your daughter? She lives two houses down the street. Come, I can walk you there.

Lady: Thank you so much, dear. I am very grateful.

Myself: You’re welcome, Grandma. Let me carry your bag. It must be heavy.

Lady: You are so kind. I was worried, but you have helped me. Thank you again.

Myself: It’s my pleasure! Let’s go. I’ll make sure you reach safely.

2. A Conversation between Shreya and Raya

Shreya: Hey! What’s up?

Raya: Not much.

Shreya: Why are you standing here? Come inside, will you?

Raya: No. I need to be at this address, but I can’t find it. 

Shreya: That’s easy. Go straight and then turn left. This house should be the third on your right. 

Raya: You don’t say! I just have come from that direction. I must have missed it.

Shreya: Yes, you must have.

Raya: I am in a bit of a hurry. Some other time, perhaps.

Shreya: Alright. Don’t forget, I owe you one.

Raya: Yes, of course. See you later.

Shreya: Okay, see you.

2. A Conversation between Shreya and Raya

Shreya: Hey Raya, what's up?

Raya: Hi Shreya! I'm looking for a new house. Do you know of any good places nearby?

Shreya: Sure, I do. There's a nice apartment building just down the street. It's pretty affordable and has a good location.

Raya: That sounds great! Could you tell me more about it?

Shreya: Of course. It has two bedrooms, a kitchen, and a living room. It's also close to the school and the market.

Raya: That's perfect! I'll go check it out tomorrow. Thanks for the help, Shreya.

2. Conversation between Shreya and Raya

Shreya: Hey, Raya! What are you doing here? You seem a bit lost.

Raya: Hi, Shreya! Yes, I’m trying to find my cousin’s house. I think I’m in the right area, but I can’t find the address.

Shreya: Don’t worry, I can help. What’s the address?

Raya: It’s 12 Green Street, but I can’t see the house numbers clearly.

Shreya: Oh, Green Street is just around the corner. Let me take you there. I think I know which house it is.

Raya: Thank you so much, Shreya! I’ve been looking for it for almost thirty minutes.

Shreya: No problem. You should have called me earlier. I’m glad I found you. Let’s walk together. It’s just a short distance.

Raya: That’s really nice of you. I was getting worried.

Shreya: I’m happy to help. Let’s go!

3. Offering Help to a Friend

Myself: Hey Silvia, how are you?

Silvia: Not too bad, thanks. I'm just having a hard time with English and math.

Myself: Don't worry, I can help you. I'm pretty good at those subjects.

Silvia: Really? That would be great.

Myself: We can study together after school. How does that sound?

Silvia: Sounds good to me. Thanks so much!

3. Conversation with Silvia about Offering Help

Myself: Hi, Silvia! It’s so nice to see you again after such a long time. How have you been?

Silvia: Hey! I’m good, but I feel a bit nervous. I missed a lot of classes because I was at my village home.

Myself: Don’t worry. I know it’s tough, but I can help you catch up. Which subjects are you finding difficult?

Silvia: English and Mathematics. I’m really behind, especially in Math.

Myself: No problem! I can help you with both. We can study together after school every day if you like.

Silvia: That would be wonderful! Thank you so much.

Myself: You’re welcome. Let’s make a plan, and I’ll explain everything you missed. Don’t worry, you’ll catch up in no time.

Silvia: You’re the best! I’m glad to have a friend like you.

Myself: Happy to help! Let’s start tomorrow.

4. Conversation with Class Teacher in a Shopping Mall

Myself: Hello, Ma’am! (Formal greeting)

Teacher: Hey, Jahid! How are you? (Informal greeting)

Myself: I’m fine, Ma’am. I hope you are also fine. [NB: Avoidance of direct question, 

as asking direct questions can be perceived as impolite in some situations] 

Teacher: I’m fine too. Shopping for the winter, I guess? [NB: asking direct 

questions such as 'Why are you here?' is impolite in some situations]

Myself: Yes, Ma’am.

Teacher: Me too. [NB: Teacher is giving the answers unasked] Are you with 

your parents? 

Myself: No, Ma’am. I’m with my uncle.

Teacher: Give my regards to your parents.

Myself: Of course, Ma’am.

Ms. Shakina: Well, enjoy your shopping.

Myself: Thank you, Ma’am. You too enjoy your shopping. [NB: Avoid saying only “you 

too” as it is not very formal]

Teacher: See you later.

Myself: Yes, Ma’am. [NB: Avoid saying something like “see you” as it is not formal]

4. Conversation with Class Teacher in a Shopping Mall

Myself: Hello, Ma'am!

Class Teacher: Hello [Your Name], how are you?

Myself: I'm fine, thank you, ma'am. It's a surprise to see you here.

Class Teacher: Yes, I was just doing some shopping. How have your studies been?

Myself: They're going well, ma'am. I'm working hard.

Class Teacher: That's great to hear. Keep up the good work.

Myself: Thank you, ma'am.

4. Conversation with Class Teacher in a Shopping Mall

Myself: Good evening, Sir! I’m surprised to see you here. How are you?

Teacher: Good evening! I’m fine, thank you. And how are you doing? Enjoying your weekend?

Myself: Yes, Sir. I came here with my family for some shopping. Are you here with your family too?

Teacher: No, I’m just picking up a few things. I didn’t expect to see my student here.

Myself: It’s nice to see you outside of school. I wanted to ask you about our homework. I had some questions.

Teacher: Oh, really? I’ll be happy to help. But let’s discuss it in class tomorrow. Today, enjoy your time with your family.

Myself: Sure, Sir. Thank you! See you at school tomorrow.

Teacher: See you tomorrow. Take care!

5. A Visit to the Doctor

Doctor: Hello, how can I help you today?

Rakib: Hello, doctor. I'm not feeling well. I have a fever, cough, and headache.

Doctor: I see. Let me examine you. Can you tell me when these symptoms started?

Rakib: They started yesterday evening.

Doctor: I think you have a flu. I'll prescribe some medicine for you. Make sure you get plenty of rest.

Rakib: Thank you, doctor.

5. Conversation between Rakib and the Doctor

Doctor: Hello, young man. What seems to be the problem?

Rakib: Good evening, Doctor. I have been having a headache, and I also have a flu and a bad cough.

Doctor: I see. How long have you been feeling like this?

Rakib: It’s been three days now. I’ve been taking some medicine, but it’s not helping.

Doctor: Hmm, let me check your temperature. (Checks temperature) You have a mild fever as well. Have you been resting?

Rakib: Not really. I have school, so I’ve been studying.

Doctor: You should rest more. I’ll prescribe some medicine for the cough and flu. Drink plenty of water and avoid cold food.

Rakib: Okay, Doctor. Will I get better soon?

Doctor: Yes, just follow my advice and take the medicines on time. You’ll feel better in a few days.

Rakib: Thank you, Doctor. I’ll take care of myself.

Doctor: You’re welcome, Rakib. Get well soon!