Writing Formal Letters

Class Six English Model Question Q7


1.  Leave of Absence 

Suppose you are a student of Khulna Zilla School. You could not come to yesterday because you were suffering from cold. You had a bad headache and runny nose. You had high fever and weakness. 

Now, write an application to your Headmaster for leave of absence. In your letter include appropriate salutations and closing, mention the main purpose and follow the format of a formal letter. 

2.  Permission to Play a Friendly Football Match

Suppose you are a student of Khulna Zilla School. Your school football team wants to play a friendly match with Govt. Khulna Model School. You want to participate in the match.

Write a letter to your Headmaster asking for permission to participate in the match. In your letter include appropriate salutations and closing, mention the main purpose and follow the format of a formal letter.

3.  Early Leave from School

Suppose you are a student of Khulna Zilla School. You need to leave school early because you have a doctor’s appointment. Your mother has come to take you with her.

Now, write an application to your Headmaster requesting permission for early leave. In your letter include appropriate salutations and closing, mention the main purpose and follow the format of a formal letter.

4. Request for Permission to Organize a Class Party

Suppose you are a student of Khulna Zilla School. Your class wants to arrange a class party at your school campus after school next Sunday. Your class teachers will be with be with you and help you arrange the class party.

Now, write a letter requesting permission to organize a class picnic. In your letter include appropriate salutations and closing, mention the main purpose and follow the format of a formal letter.

5. Request for a New Identity Card

Suppose you are a student of Khulna Zilla School. You have lost your identity card, and you need to request a new one.

Now, write a letter to the librarian requesting a replacement library card. In your letter include appropriate salutations and closing, mention the main purpose and follow the format of a formal letter.


1. Application for Leave of Absence 


Date: October 21, 2024


The Headmaster,

Khulna Zilla School,


Subject: Application for Leave of Absence

Respected Sir,

With due respect, I would like to inform you that I am a student of Class Three in your school. I could not come to school on October 20, 2024, because I was sick. I had a bad cold with a headache, a runny nose, and a high fever. I was feeling very weak.

Please allow me leave for that day. I will come back to school as soon as I feel better.

Thank you for your kind help.

Yours obediently,


Class 3

Roll No. 5

Khulna Zilla School 

2.  Permission to Play a Friendly Football Match

Date: October 21, 2024


The Headmaster,

Khulna Zilla School,


Subject: Application for Permission to Participate in a Football Match

Respected Sir,

With due respect, I would like to inform you that I am a student of Class Three in your school. Our school football team is going to play a friendly match with Govt. Khulna Model School. I am very interested in playing in this match as part of our school team.

I kindly request you to give me permission to participate in the match. I promise to follow all the rules and try my best for our team. Playing in this match will make me happy and help me improve my football skills.

I hope you will allow me to join the match.

Thank you very much for your kind support.

Yours obediently,


Class 3

Roll No. 5

Khulna Zilla School  

3.  Early Leave from School


Date: October 21, 2024


The Headmaster,

Khulna Zilla School,


Subject: Application for Early Leave

Respected Sir,

With due respect, I would like to inform you that I am a student of Class Three in your school. I need to leave school early today because I have a doctor’s appointment. My mother has come to take me to the doctor.

I kindly request you to give me permission to leave early. I will make sure to attend my classes as usual after the appointment.

I hope you will allow me to go with my mother for the doctor’s visit.

Thank you for your kind help.

Yours obediently,


Class 3

Roll No. 5

Khulna Zilla School 

4. Request for Permission to Organize a Class Party


Date: October 21, 2024


The Headmaster,

Khulna Zilla School,


Subject: Application for Permission to Arrange a Class Picnic

Respected Sir,

With due respect, I would like to inform you that I ama student of Class Three in your school. Our class wants to arrange a class party next Sunday after school on the school campus. Our class teachers have kindly agreed to help us organize the party and will be with us during the event.

We want to have some fun together and enjoy the day with our friends and teachers. We plan to bring some food and games to share. It will be a small and happy event for our class.

I kindly request you to give us permission to organize the class party. We promise to keep everything clean and follow all the school rules.

Thank you for your kind help.

Yours obediently,


Class 3

Roll No. 7

Khulna Zilla School 

5. Request for a New Identity Card


Date: October 21, 2024


The Headmaster,

Khulna Zilla School,


Subject: Application for a Replacement Identity Card

Respected Sir,

With due respect, I would like to inform you that I am a student of Class Three in your school. I have lost my school identity card and I need a new one. I have looked for it everywhere, but I cannot find it.

The identity card is important for me to enter the school and to show when needed. I kindly request you to issue me a new identity card so that I can use it for school purposes.

I promise to take good care of my new card and not lose it again.

Thank you very much for your help.

Yours obediently,


Class 3

Roll No. 7

Khulna Zilla School 

More Answers:




The Headmaster,

Khulna Zilla School,


Subject: Application for Leave of Absence.


I am a student of class VI in your school. I could not attend school yesterday because I was suffering from a severe cold. I had a bad headache, runny nose, high fever, and weakness. Therefore, I respectfully request you to grant me leave of absence for yesterday.

I hope you will consider my request.

Thank you for your understanding and consideration.

Yours obediently,

[Your Name],

Class VI,

Roll No: [Your Roll Number] 

1. Application for Leave of Absence




The Headmaster,

Khulna Zilla School,


Subject: Application for Leave of Absence.


I am a student of class VI in your school. I could not attend school yesterday because I was suffering from a severe cold. I had a bad headache, a runny nose, and high fever, along with general weakness. I was unable to study or do any classwork due to my illness. Therefore, I respectfully request you to grant me leave of absence for yesterday.

I hope you will consider my request and grant me permission for the leave.

Thank you for your understanding and consideration.

Yours obediently,

[Your Name],

Class VI,

Roll No: [Your Roll Number] 

1. Application for Leave of Absence




The Headmaster,

Khulna Zilla School.

Subject: Application for Leave of Absence

Dear Sir,

I am writing to request a leave of absence from school on [Date] due to illness. I was suffering from a severe cold, accompanied by a high fever, headache, and a runny nose.

I was unable to attend classes due to my weakened condition. I apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.

respectfully request you to grant me leave for [Number] days.

Thank you for your understanding and consideration.

Yours faithfully,

[Your Name]

Class [Class]

Roll No. [Roll No.] 

2. Application for Permission to Participate in a Friendly Football Match




The Headmaster,

Khulna Zilla School,


Subject: Permission to Participate in a Friendly Football Match.


I am a student of class VI in your school. Our school football team wants to play a friendly match with Govt. Khulna Model School. I would like to participate in this match. Therefore, I kindly request you to grant me permission to join the match.

I will be very grateful if you allow me to participate.

Thanking you,

Yours obediently,

[Your Name],

Class VI,

Roll No: [Your Roll Number] 

2. Application for Permission to Participate in a Friendly Football Match




The Headmaster,

Khulna Zilla School,


Subject: Permission to Participate in a Friendly Football Match.


I am a student of class VI in your school. Our school football team is planning to play a friendly match with the team of Govt. Khulna Model School. As I am interested in sports and enjoy playing football, I would like to participate in this match. Therefore, I kindly request you to grant me permission to join our school team and play in the match. I assure you that I will maintain discipline and follow the rules during the game.

I will be very grateful if you allow me to participate.

Thanking you,

Yours obediently,

[Your Name],

Class VI,

Roll No: [Your Roll Number] 

2. Application for Participation in Football Match




The Headmaster,

Khulna Zilla School.

Subject: Application for Participation in Football Match

Dear Sir,

I am writing to request your permission to participate in a friendly football match between our school team and Govt. Khulna Model School.

I am keen to represent our school and showcase my football skills. I believe this will be a valuable opportunity for me to learn and improve my game.

I assure you that I will prioritize my studies and ensure that my participation in the match does not affect my academic performance.

Thank you for your consideration.

Yours faithfully,

[Your Name]

Class [Class]

Roll No. [Roll No.] 

3. Application for Early Leave Due to Doctor’s Appointment




The Headmaster,

Khulna Zilla School,


Subject: Request for Early Leave.


I am a student of class VI in your school. I need to leave school early today as I have a doctor’s appointment. My mother has come to take me. Therefore, I respectfully request you to grant me early leave.

I hope you will consider my request.

Thanking you,

Yours obediently,

[Your Name],

Class VI,

Roll No: [Your Roll Number]. 

3. Application for Early Leave Due to Doctor’s Appointment




The Headmaster,

Khulna Zilla School,


Subject: Request for Early Leave.


I am a student of class VI in your school. I need to leave school early today as I have a doctor’s appointment for a health check-up. My mother has come to take me to the clinic. Since the appointment is scheduled during school hours, I will not be able to stay till the end of the day. Therefore, I respectfully request you to grant me early leave so that I can attend the appointment on time.

I hope you will consider my request and allow me to leave early.

Thanking you,

Yours obediently,

[Your Name],

Class VI,

Roll No: [Your Roll Number]. 

3. Application for Early Leave




The Headmaster,

Khulna Zilla School.

Subject: Application for Early Leave

Dear Sir,

I am writing to request permission to leave school early today, [Date], as I have a doctor's appointment. My mother has accompanied me to the appointment.

I apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.

Thank you for your understanding.

Yours faithfully,

[Your Name]

Class [Class]

Roll No. [Roll No.] 

4. Application for Permission to Organize a Class Party




The Headmaster,

Khulna Zilla School,


Subject: Request for Permission to Organize a Class Party.


I am a student of class VI in your school. Our class wants to arrange a class party on the school campus next Sunday after school hours. Our class teachers have agreed to help us in organizing the party. Therefore, I respectfully  request you to grant us permission to arrange the class party.

I hope you will consider our request.

Thanking you,

Yours obediently,

[Your Name],

Class VI,

Roll No: [Your Roll Number]. 

4. Application for Permission to Organize a Class Party




The Headmaster,

Khulna Zilla School,


Subject: Request for Permission to Organize a Class Party.


I am a student of class VI in your school. Our class is planning to organize a small class party on the school campus next Sunday after school hours. We want to celebrate our recent exam results and have some fun together. Our class teachers have agreed to be present at the party and have promised to help us organize it properly. We have planned various activities and small refreshments for the event.

Therefore, I respectfully request you to grant us permission to arrange the class party on the school premises. It would be a memorable experience for all of us.

Thanking you,

Yours obediently,

[Your Name],

Class VI,

Roll No: [Your Roll Number]. 

4. Application for Class Party




The Headmaster,

Khulna Zilla School.

Subject: Request for Permission to Organize a Class Party

Dear Sir,

We, the students of Class [Class], would like to request your permission to organize a class party on the school campus next Sunday. We believe that this would be a great opportunity for us to bond and have fun.

Our class teachers will be present to supervise and assist us in organizing the party. We will ensure that the event is conducted in a responsible and orderly manner.

We hope that you will grant us permission for this event.

Thank you for your consideration.

Yours faithfully,

[Your Name]

Class [Class]

Roll No. [Roll No.] 

5. Application for a Replacement Identity Card




The Librarian,

Khulna Zilla School,


Subject: Request for a Replacement Identity Card.


I am a student of class VI in your school. I have lost my identity card and need a new one. Therefore, I respectfully request you to issue me a replacement identity card at the earliest.

I will be very grateful for your help.

Thanking you,

Yours obediently,

[Your Name],

Class VI,

Roll No: [Your Roll Number]. 

5. Application for a Replacement Identity Card




The Librarian,

Khulna Zilla School,


Subject: Request for a Replacement Identity Card.


I am a student of class VI in your school. Unfortunately, I have lost my identity card, which is required for entering the library and attending various school events. Without it, I am facing difficulties in participating in school activities. Therefore, I respectfully request you to issue me a replacement identity card at the earliest. I will be very careful with the new card to avoid such problems in the future.

I will be very grateful for your assistance and quick response.

Thanking you,

Yours obediently,

[Your Name],

Class VI,

Roll No: [Your Roll Number]. 

5. Application for Replacement Library Card




The Headmaster,

Khulna Zilla School.

Subject: Request for Replacement Library Card

Dear Sir,

I am writing to request a replacement library card as I have lost my original card.

I have been a member of the school library for [Number] years and have always valued the resources and services it provides.

respectfully request you to issue me a new library card.

Thank you for your assistance.

Yours faithfully,

[Your Name]

Class [Class]

Roll No. [Roll No.]