

1. Write a dialogue between two friends on the importance of early rising.

2. Write a dialogue between two friends about the importance of learning English.

3. Write a dialogue between you and doctor about your illness.

4. Write a dialogue between your and a librarian regarding borrowing a book

5. Write a dialogue between you and your friend about your aim in life.

1. Dialogue between Abir and Abida on the Importance of Early Rising

Abir: Hi, Abida! How are you?
Abida: Hi, Abir! I’m good. How about you?
Abir: I’m good too. Do you wake up early in the morning, Abida?
Abida: Yes, I do. I wake up at 6 o’clock. What about you?
Abir: I don’t wake up early. I feel very lazy in the morning.
Abida: Oh no! Waking up early is very good for us. You should try it.
Abir: Really? Why is waking up early so important?
Abida: Well, when we wake up early, we feel fresh and strong. We get more time to do many things in the morning.
Abir: That sounds nice! But what can I do with all that time?
Abida: You can go for a walk, play, or read a book. Early morning is very quiet and calm. It helps us think better.
Abir: Hmm, I see. What else is good about waking up early?
Abida: You can have a good breakfast and get ready for school on time. When we wake up late, we rush and feel tired all day.
Abir: You’re right. I often feel sleepy at school because I stay in bed too long.
Abida: If you wake up early, you’ll feel happy and do better in school.
Abir: Thanks for telling me, Abida. I will try waking up early from now on!
Abida: Great! You will see the difference.

2. Dialogue between John and Jessica about the Importance of Learning English

John: Hi, Jessica! How are you today?
Jessica: Hi, John! I’m fine, thank you. How are you?
John: I’m good too. I wanted to ask you something. Do you think learning English is important?
Jessica: Yes, John, it is very important! English is spoken by many people all over the world.
John: Really? Why is it so important?
Jessica: Well, when you know English, you can talk to people from different countries. It helps us make new friends and learn new things.
John: That sounds interesting! But is it only for talking to people?
Jessica: No, John. English is also useful in school. Many of our books are in English. If we learn it well, we can read and understand more easily.
John: Oh, that’s true. We also watch many shows and movies in English.
Jessica: Exactly! And if we know English, we can understand what they say without needing help.
John: Hmm, I see. But is it hard to learn English?
Jessica: It can be, but if we practice every day, it becomes easier. The more we read and speak, the better we get.
John: You’re right, Jessica. I think I’ll try to learn English better now.
Jessica: That’s a great idea, John! You’ll be happy you did.

3. Dialogue between Myself and the Doctor about Your Illness

Doctor: Hello! How are you feeling today?
Myself: Hello, Doctor. I’m not feeling well.
Doctor: Oh, I’m sorry to hear that. What’s wrong? Can you tell me how you feel?
Myself: I have a bad headache, and my throat hurts a lot.
Doctor: Hmm, that doesn’t sound good. Have you had a fever?
Myself: Yes, Doctor. I’ve had a fever for two days now.
Doctor: Okay. Do you feel tired as well?
Myself: Yes, I feel very tired, and I don’t feel like eating anything.
Doctor: I see. Have you been coughing or sneezing?
Myself: Yes, I have been coughing a little, but not too much.
Doctor: Alright. Let me check your temperature and throat. Please open your mouth and say “ahh.”
Myself: Ahh.
Doctor: It looks like you have a sore throat and maybe a cold. Don’t worry, it’s not serious. I’ll give you some medicine.
Myself: Thank you, Doctor. How long will it take to get better?
Doctor: If you take the medicine and rest, you should feel better in a few days.
Myself: Should I stay home from school?
Doctor: Yes, it’s better to rest at home for a couple of days. Drink lots of water and eat soft foods.
Myself: Okay, Doctor. Thank you so much!
Doctor: You’re welcome! Take care and feel better soon.

4. Dialogue between Myself and the Librarian about Borrowing a Book

Myself: Hello, sir! How are you?
Librarian: Hello! I’m good, thank you. How can I help you today?
Myself: I would like to borrow a book, please.
Librarian: Sure! Do you know which book you want to borrow?
Myself: Yes, I’m looking for a storybook called Alice in Wonderland.
Librarian: That’s a great book! Let me check if it’s available. Please wait a moment.
Myself: Okay, thank you!
Librarian: Good news! We have the book. Here it is.
Myself: Yay! Thank you so much. How long can I keep it?
Librarian: You can keep the book for two weeks. After that, you must return it or renew it if you need more time.
Myself: What does ‘renew’ mean?
Librarian: It means you can borrow the book for more days if you are not finished reading it.
Myself: Oh, I understand. How do I renew the book?
Librarian: You just need to come back and ask me to renew it, or you can call the library to do it.
Myself: That’s easy! Thank you, Librarian.
Librarian: You’re welcome! Enjoy reading your book and don’t forget to return it on time.
Myself: I will! Thanks again. Have a good day!
Librarian: You too!

5. Dialogue between Myself and My Friend about Your Aim in Life

Friend: Hi! How are you today?
Myself: Hi! I’m good. How about you?
Friend: I’m good too. I wanted to ask, what do you want to be when you grow up?
Myself: Oh, that’s a good question! I want to be a teacher.
Friend: A teacher? That sounds nice! Why do you want to be a teacher?
Myself: I like teaching and helping people learn new things. I think it would be fun to help children understand things better.
Friend: That’s a great reason! What subject do you want to teach?
Myself: I want to teach English because I really like reading and writing. I think English is very important.
Friend: Wow, that sounds interesting! Do you think being a teacher is hard?
Myself: Yes, it can be hard, but it’s also a job where you can make a difference. Teachers help students grow and do well in life.
Friend: That’s true. It’s a very important job. How will you become a teacher?
Myself: I will study hard in school, go to college, and learn how to be a good teacher.
Friend: I’m sure you’ll be a great teacher! I want to be a doctor and help sick people get better.
Myself: That’s amazing! Both of our dreams are about helping others.
Friend: Yes, they are! We can work hard and reach our goals.
Myself: Yes, we can! Let’s do our best!