Class Nine English Model Question: Q6

Writing compare-contrast essay


1. Village Life vs City Life


The Venn diagram below shows some similarities and differences between village life and city life. Write an essay describing the Venn diagram in not more than 250 words.

You should follow the instructions below:

Start with an engaging sentence to grab the reader’s attention.

Use 3 Body Paragraphs to explain the differences and similarities.

Use specific examples, facts, or simple experiences to support your points.

Briefly recap the main points in the conclusion.

Village Life

Peaceful and quiet

Surrounded by nature and greenery

Close-knit community

City Life

Busy and crowded

Many facilities like schools, hospitals, and shopping malls

Fast-paced lifestyle

Common Areas

People go to work or school daily.

Both have good and bad sides.

People enjoy festivals and cultural events.

2. Bus Journey vs Train Journey


The Venn diagram below shows the similarities and differences between a bus journey and a train journey. Write an essay describing the Venn diagram in not more than 250 words.

You should follow the instructions below:

Begin with an interesting sentence to introduce the topic.

Use 3 Body Paragraphs to explain the differences and similarities.

Use examples from your own experience or what you have read.

Conclude by briefly summarizing your points.

Bus Journey

Flexible routes

Can travel to remote places

Often slower due to traffic

Train Journey

Fixed routes and schedule

Faster and more comfortable for long distances

No traffic issues

Common Areas

Both are popular means of travel.

Both require tickets.

Both can be crowded during peak times.

3. IT Sector vs Education Sector


The Venn diagram below shows some similarities and differences between the IT sector and the education sector. Write an essay describing the Venn diagram in not more than 250 words.

You should follow the instructions below:

Start with an engaging introduction.

Use 3 Body Paragraphs to cover the differences and similarities.

Use real-world examples to support your ideas.

Summarize the main points briefly at the end.

IT Sector

Focuses on software development, data management, and digital solutions.

Fast-paced and technology-driven.

High demand for skilled workers.

Education Sector

Focuses on teaching and learning.

Involves classrooms, books, and educational tools.

Prepares students for various careers.

Common Areas

Use of technology in teaching.

Need for skilled professionals.

Both sectors contribute to national development.

4. Tomato vs Apple


The Venn diagram below shows some similarities and differences between a tomato and an apple. Write an essay describing the Venn diagram in not more than 250 words.

You should follow the instructions below:

Begin with a catchy sentence to draw the reader’s interest.

Use 3 Body Paragraphs to highlight the differences and similarities.

Use simple details like color, shape, taste, and usage.

Briefly conclude with a recap of the main points.


Red, round, and soft.

Used in cooking.

More acidic in taste.


Red, green, or yellow.

Eaten fresh as a snack.

Sweeter and firmer.

Common Areas

Both are fruits.

Both have seeds.

Both are good for health.

5. Online Class vs Offline Class


The Venn diagram below shows some similarities and differences between an online class and an offline class. Write an essay describing the Venn diagram in not more than 250 words.

You should follow the instructions below:

Start with an engaging sentence to introduce the topic.

Use 3 Body Paragraphs to cover the differences and similarities.

Use examples from your own experience or what you have read.

Conclude by briefly summarizing your points.

Online Class

Conducted over the internet.

Students use computers or smartphones.

Flexible schedule.

Offline Class

Held in a classroom.

Face-to-face interaction with teachers and friends.

Fixed schedule.

Common Areas

Both involve teaching and learning.

Both require attention and participation.

Both have assignments and exams.

Additional Worksheets

Worksheet 1:

The Venn diagram below shows some similarities, some dissimilarities, and some common features between the Agriculture sector and the Tourism sector of Bangladesh. Now write an essay describing the Venn diagram in not more than 250 words.

Agriculture sector | Tourism sector


Growing crops and producing food

Common Areas:

Economic growth

Employment opportunities

Dependence on natural resources

Use of technology for improvement


Promoting and managing travel destinations

Worksheet 2:

The Venn diagram below shows the similarities, dissimilarities, and common features between Public transportation and Private vehicles in Bangladesh. Now write an essay based on this Venn diagram in no more than 250 words.

Public Transportation | Private Vehicles


Buses, trains, rickshaws, and other forms of shared transportation

Common Areas:

Road safety

Traffic management

Fuel consumption

Pollution control


Personal cars, motorcycles, and other individual vehicles

Worksheet 3:

The Venn diagram below shows the similarities, dissimilarities, and common features between Traditional education and Online education in Bangladesh. Write an essay describing the Venn diagram in no more than 250 words.

Traditional Education | Online Education


Classroom learning, face-to-face interaction with teachers

Common Areas:

Learning resources

Need for good teachers

Access to study materials

Assessment and exams


Learning through digital platforms, virtual classes

Worksheet 4:

The Venn diagram below shows the similarities, dissimilarities, and common features between Urban life and Rural life in Bangladesh. Write an essay based on the Venn diagram in no more than 250 words.

Urban Life | Rural Life


Living in cities with more modern facilities

Common Areas:

Cultural diversity

Education opportunities

Community bonds

Economic activities


Living in villages with simpler and nature-based living

Worksheet 5:

The Venn diagram below shows the similarities, dissimilarities, and common features between Newspapers and Online news portals in Bangladesh. Write an essay based on this Venn diagram in no more than 250 words.

Newspapers | Online News Portals


Printed news delivered daily or weekly

Common Areas:

News coverage

Information sources

Journalistic ethics

Importance in society


News delivered via websites and social media platforms

Worksheet 6:

The Venn diagram below shows the similarities, dissimilarities, and common features between Local businesses and Multinational companies operating in Bangladesh. Write an essay based on the Venn diagram in no more than 250 words.

Local Businesses | Multinational Companies


Small, locally owned shops and companies

Common Areas:

Employment generation

Product variety

Marketing strategies

Customer satisfaction


International brands with branches in Bangladesh

Worksheet 7:

The Venn diagram below shows the similarities, dissimilarities, and common features between Government schools and Private schools in Bangladesh. Write an essay based on this Venn diagram in no more than 250 words.

Government Schools | Private Schools


State-funded education for all students

Common Areas:

Curriculum and exams

Extracurricular activities

Teacher-student ratio

Role in society


Independently run schools with a fee structure

Worksheet 8:

The Venn diagram below shows the similarities, dissimilarities, and common features between Cricket and Football in Bangladesh. Write an essay describing the Venn diagram in no more than 250 words.

Cricket | Football


Popular sport involving bat and ball, played in teams

Common Areas:

Team spirit

Physical fitness

Huge fan base

Role in national pride


Global sport involving kicking a ball into a goal

Worksheet 9:

The Venn diagram below shows the similarities, dissimilarities, and common features between Traditional markets and Supermarkets in Bangladesh. Write an essay based on the Venn diagram in no more than 250 words.

Traditional Markets | Supermarkets


Open-air markets with fresh produce and local goods

Common Areas:

Buying and selling goods

Customer service

Product quality

Price competition


Large stores offering a wide range of products under one roof

Worksheet 10:

The Venn diagram below shows the similarities, dissimilarities, and common features between Mobile banking and Traditional banking in Bangladesh. Write an essay based on this Venn diagram in no more than 250 words.

Mobile Banking | Traditional Banking


Banking services through mobile phones

Common Areas:

Financial transactions

Customer service

Security measures

Importance in the economy


Banking services through physical branches


Village Life vs City Life


Although village life and city life are apparently two different things, they share some common traits which are really interesting. A village is known for its peace and simplicity, while a city is busy and full of modern facilities. Each has its own advantages and disadvantages, and people choose them depending on their preferences and needs. Understanding the differences and similarities between village life and city life can help us choose which one is suitable for living. 

Village Life

Village life is often quiet and close to nature. People living in villages enjoy a calm atmosphere surrounded by greenery, trees, rivers, and open fields. Life moves slowly, and the air is fresh. The community is close-knit, meaning people know each other well and often treat each other like family. Festivals and events are celebrated together, which makes the village a warm and welcoming place to live. However, villages may lack good schools, big hospitals, and shopping centers, which can make life a bit challenging.

City Life

City life, on the other hand, is full of activity. Cities are busy and crowded with tall buildings, many vehicles, and lots of people. The pace of life is fast, as people are always on the move, going to work or school. Cities have many facilities like schools, hospitals, parks, restaurants, and shopping malls, which make life more comfortable and convenient. However, cities can also be noisy and polluted. People in cities often do not know their neighbors well because everyone is busy with their own work and activities.

Common Areas

Even though village life and city life are different in many ways, they also have some similarities. In both places, people go to school or work every day. They enjoy cultural festivals, events, and family gatherings. Whether in a village or a city, people can find happiness and challenges. Both village and city life have good and bad sides, and it depends on personal preference whether one prefers a simple village life or a modern city lifestyle.


In conclusion, village life and city life are two contrasting ways of living. Villages offer peace and close connections with nature, while cities provide modern facilities and a fast-paced life. Both have their own charm and importance. Understanding these differences and similarities helps us respect and appreciate both types of lifestyles. Each person has their own choice based on what suits their needs and desires best.

Bus Journey vs Train Journey


Although bus journey and train journey are apparently two different things, they share some common traits which are really interesting. A bus journey is known for its availability, while train journey is not available everywhere in Bangladesh. Each has its own advantages and disadvantages, and people choose them depending on their preferences and needs. Understanding the differences and similarities between bus journey and train journey can help us choose which one is suitable for travelling. 

Bus Journey

A bus journey is often preferred for short distances or when travelling to remote areas. Buses can reach almost any place because they have flexible routes. For example, a bus can travel through small villages and towns where trains do not go. However, bus journeys are sometimes slower due to traffic jams, especially in busy cities. Passengers may also feel less comfortable because buses can become crowded, and there is not much space to move around. Despite these issues, buses are a good option when people need to reach places that are not connected by trains.

Train Journey

On the other hand, train journeys are ideal for travelling long distances. Trains run on fixed tracks and schedules, which means they do not face the problem of traffic jams. This makes trains faster and more reliable for reaching faraway cities. Additionally, trains are usually more spacious and comfortable than buses. There are seats where passengers can relax, and some trains even have sleeping compartments and food services. Because of these advantages, people often choose trains when they want a comfortable and smooth journey for long trips.

Common Areas

Even though bus and train journeys have differences, they also have some similarities. Both buses and trains are popular means of transportation. People need to buy tickets before travelling by either mode. During busy times, like holidays or weekends, both can become crowded, making it difficult to find seats. Whether on a bus or a train, passengers need to plan their travel time and buy tickets early to avoid inconvenience.


In conclusion, bus and train journeys offer different travel experiences depending on the route and distance. Buses are suitable for short trips and can reach places where trains cannot go, while trains are faster and more comfortable for long distances. Despite their differences, both are important and widely used means of transport. Choosing between a bus or a train depends on personal needs and the type of journey one prefers.

IT Sector vs Education Sector


Although IT sector and education sector are apparently two different things, they share some common traits which are really important to know. The IT sector is mainly related to information technology whereas education sector is related to teaching and learning. Both the IT and education sectors play a vital role in the progress and development of any country. Understanding the differences and similarities between IT sector and education sector can help us appreciate both the things. 

IT Sector

The IT sector mainly focuses on technology, software development, data management, and digital solutions. It is a fast-paced industry where new technologies and ideas come up rapidly. People working in the IT sector often develop computer programs, mobile apps, and websites. This sector needs highly skilled workers who have knowledge of computers and technology. For example, an IT professional might work on creating software that helps manage a company’s finances or design a website for a business. The demand for skilled workers in the IT field is always high because technology keeps growing and changing.

Education Sector

In contrast, the education sector focuses on teaching and learning. Teachers, students, and schools are all part of this sector. The goal of the education sector is to provide knowledge and prepare students for various careers. It involves classrooms, books, online resources, and educational tools. For instance, teachers use different methods to help students learn subjects like math, science, and English. The education sector helps build the foundation of a country by preparing students to become doctors, engineers, teachers, and other professionals.

Common Areas

Despite their differences, the IT and education sectors have some similarities. Both sectors use technology to improve their work. For example, the use of smartboards, projectors, and online learning platforms like Zoom are common in schools today. Additionally, both sectors need skilled professionals to run smoothly and effectively. The IT sector needs programmers and software engineers, while the education sector needs trained teachers and administrators. Both fields contribute to national development by creating skilled workers and advancing society.


In conclusion, while the IT and education sectors have different goals and functions, they both play a crucial role in the progress of a nation. The IT sector focuses on technology and innovation, while the education sector is dedicated to teaching and learning. Despite these differences, both sectors need skilled workers and use technology to achieve their goals. By working together, they help build a stronger and more developed country.

Tomato vs Apple


Tomatoes and apples are two popular fruits that people enjoy in their daily lives, but they are quite different in taste, appearance, and usage. Understanding their similarities and differences can help us appreciate each fruit for its unique qualities. While both tomatoes and apples are good for health and share some common features, they are used in different ways and have distinct characteristics.


A tomato is usually round, red, and soft. It has a shiny, thin skin and juicy inside. The taste of a tomato is more acidic, which means it has a slightly sour flavor. People often use tomatoes in cooking. They are added to salads, soups, sauces, and curries to make the dishes tasty. For example, tomato soup is a popular starter in many restaurants, and tomato sauce is commonly used in pasta and pizza recipes. Due to their high-water content and sour taste, tomatoes are not often eaten alone as snacks.


On the other hand, apples are generally sweeter and firmer than tomatoes. They come in different colors, such as red, green, and yellow. Apples have a thicker skin, and their flesh is crisp and juicy. People usually eat apples fresh as a snack or in desserts. For example, apple slices are a common healthy snack for children, and apple pie is a favorite dessert in many places. Apples are not typically used in cooking savory dishes like tomatoes, but they are often found in sweet dishes like fruit salads and cakes.

Common Areas

Despite these differences, tomatoes and apples have some similarities. Both are classified as fruits, even though some people think of tomatoes as vegetables because of their use in cooking. Both tomatoes and apples contain seeds inside and are packed with vitamins and nutrients that are good for health. Eating both fruits regularly can help maintain a healthy diet, as they provide essential nutrients like vitamin C and fiber.


In conclusion, tomatoes and apples are different in appearance, taste, and usage, but they share some common health benefits. Tomatoes are soft, sour, and used mainly in cooking, while apples are firm, sweet, and eaten fresh. Despite their differences, both are delicious and healthy fruits that can be enjoyed in various ways. Appreciating the unique features of both fruits helps us understand how versatile and nutritious they are.

Online Class vs Offline Class


With the rise of technology, the way students learn has changed significantly, giving rise to both online and offline classes. While both methods aim to educate students, they differ in how the teaching and learning take place. Each has its own benefits and challenges, depending on the needs and preferences of the students and teachers. Understanding the differences and similarities between online and offline classes can help us see how each mode of learning works.

Online Class

Online classes are conducted over the internet. Students attend these classes using computers, laptops, or smartphones from their homes. One of the biggest advantages of online classes is that they offer a flexible schedule. For example, students can access recorded lessons at any time, which helps those who have other responsibilities or want to review a lesson again. However, online classes can sometimes feel isolating, as students miss face-to-face interaction with their teachers and classmates. Also, internet problems can make it difficult for students to attend classes regularly.

Offline Class

On the other hand, offline classes take place in a traditional classroom setting. Students and teachers meet in person, which allows for better interaction and communication. This face-to-face environment helps students understand lessons clearly and ask questions directly. For example, students can participate in group activities, play educational games, and learn through practical experiences in science labs. However, offline classes have a fixed schedule, which may not be flexible for everyone. If a student misses a class, it is harder to catch up.

Common Areas

Despite these differences, both online and offline classes share some similarities. In both types of classes, students need to pay attention and participate actively to learn. Teachers in both modes assign homework, give tests, and take exams to check students' understanding. Whether online or offline, students need to be serious about their studies and complete their assignments on time.


In conclusion, online and offline classes are two different ways of learning, each with its own strengths and weaknesses. Online classes provide flexibility and convenience, while offline classes offer better interaction and engagement. However, both types aim to educate students and require their participation and effort. Choosing between online and offline classes depends on what suits a student’s lifestyle and learning style better.

Answers to Additional Worksheets:

Worksheet 1: Agriculture sector and Tourism sector

The agriculture and tourism sectors both contribute significantly to Bangladesh’s economy, though they are different in their focus. The agriculture sector focuses on growing crops, raising animals, and producing food. On the other hand, the tourism sector focuses on promoting travel destinations and managing visitor experiences.

Despite these differences, both sectors share some common features. For example, they both help the country's economy by providing jobs to many people. Both sectors also depend on natural resources. Agriculture depends on land, water, and climate, while tourism depends on beautiful places like beaches, hills, and forests. Technology is also used in both fields to improve productivity and services.

However, the sectors are unique in how they work. Agriculture directly affects the country’s food supply, while tourism promotes the country’s culture and natural beauty to visitors. While agriculture ensures that people have enough food to eat, tourism encourages foreigners and locals to explore different regions of Bangladesh.

In conclusion, while agriculture and tourism may seem different, they share important similarities. Both are key to Bangladesh’s economic development and use natural resources to benefit the country. They provide different types of jobs and services but work together to support the nation.

Worksheet 2: Public Transportation and Private Vehicles

Public transportation and private vehicles are common ways to travel in Bangladesh, but they serve different purposes. Public transportation, such as buses, trains, and rickshaws, is used by many people at once. Private vehicles like cars and motorcycles are used by individuals or families.

Both forms of transportation help people get to work, school, and other places. They also play a role in managing road safety and fuel consumption. For example, both types of vehicles contribute to traffic, and both use fuel like petrol or CNG.

However, public transportation is more affordable and can carry many people at the same time. This helps reduce traffic and pollution. Private vehicles, on the other hand, offer more comfort and flexibility, as people can choose when and where to go without waiting for a bus or train.

In conclusion, public transportation and private vehicles are both important in Bangladesh. Public transportation is useful for reducing traffic and helping the environment, while private vehicles provide convenience and comfort. Both have their advantages, and people choose based on their needs.

Worksheet 3: Traditional Education and Online Education

Traditional education and online education are two ways of learning, and both have their benefits. In traditional education, students attend classes in a school with a teacher in front of them. In online education, students learn through the internet, using computers or mobile phones.

Both types of education focus on helping students understand subjects and prepare for exams. In both cases, students need good teachers and proper learning resources. Whether in a classroom or online, education helps develop skills and knowledge.

However, traditional education allows for face-to-face interaction, which makes it easier to ask questions and work with classmates. Online education, on the other hand, gives students the chance to study from home, which is convenient. It also allows students to access learning materials anytime, anywhere.

In conclusion, traditional and online education have their own strengths. Traditional education provides a personal connection with teachers, while online education offers flexibility. Both methods help students grow and succeed.

Worksheet 4: Urban Life and Rural Life

Urban life and rural life in Bangladesh are very different, yet both offer unique experiences. Urban life refers to living in cities like Dhaka or Chattogram, where there are many modern facilities such as shopping malls, schools, and hospitals. Rural life, on the other hand, is in villages, where life is quieter, and people live closer to nature.

Both urban and rural areas contribute to the economy. In cities, people work in offices and factories, while in villages, most people are farmers. Both places offer opportunities for education and jobs, although the opportunities in cities are usually more advanced.

However, city life is fast-paced, with busy roads and crowded areas. People in cities often have less time to relax. In villages, life is slower, and people have more time to enjoy nature. Villages have fresh air and open spaces, but fewer modern conveniences.

In conclusion, both urban and rural life have their own charm. Cities provide modern facilities and more job opportunities, while villages offer peace and a connection to nature. People choose where to live based on what they need and enjoy.

Worksheet 5: Newspapers and Online News Portals

Newspapers and online news portals are two ways people in Bangladesh get news. Newspapers are printed daily or weekly, and they cover events, stories, and updates from around the world. Online news portals deliver news through websites, and people can read them on their phones or computers.

Both newspapers and online portals share the same goal: to inform people about important events. They both use journalists to gather facts and report on different topics like politics, sports, and weather. Both play a role in keeping the public informed.

However, newspapers are delivered once a day, while online news is updated all the time. People can check the news online anytime they want. Online news also allows people to share and comment on stories easily. Newspapers, on the other hand, are easy to carry, and some people prefer reading the paper in their hands.

In conclusion, newspapers and online news portals both provide valuable information. Newspapers offer a traditional reading experience, while online news is fast and interactive. People can choose the one that suits them best.

Worksheet 6: Local Businesses and Multinational Companies

Local businesses and multinational companies both operate in Bangladesh, but they differ in size and reach. Local businesses are small shops or companies that serve a specific area, while multinational companies are big businesses that operate in many countries.

Both local businesses and multinational companies provide jobs and contribute to the economy. They both aim to satisfy their customers and improve their services. They also use marketing strategies to promote their products.

However, local businesses are usually owned by families or individuals and often sell handmade or locally produced goods. Multinational companies sell products like smartphones, clothing, or food, and they have bigger budgets for advertising and expanding their business.

In conclusion, local businesses and multinational companies both play an important role in Bangladesh. Local businesses support the local economy, while multinational companies bring global products and services. Both contribute to job creation and customer satisfaction.

Worksheet 7: Government Schools and Private Schools

Government schools and private schools are both popular options for education in Bangladesh, but they have some differences. Government schools are funded by the state and provide free education to students. Private schools, on the other hand, are owned by individuals or organizations and charge fees.

Both types of schools aim to provide quality education to students. They follow the same national curriculum and prepare students for the same board exams. Both government and private schools also offer extracurricular activities like sports and arts to help students grow.

However, government schools are more affordable because they are funded by the government, so more students can attend without paying fees. Private schools charge higher fees and usually have more resources, such as better facilities, modern classrooms, and smaller class sizes. This allows for more individual attention from teachers.

In conclusion, both government and private schools play an important role in educating students in Bangladesh. Government schools make education accessible to all, while private schools often provide more resources and smaller class sizes. Families choose based on their financial situation and preferences.

Worksheet 8: Cricket and Football

Cricket and football are two of the most popular sports in Bangladesh, but they are played very differently. Cricket is played with a bat and ball, while football is played by kicking a ball into a goal. Both sports are loved by millions of people in the country.

One of the main similarities between cricket and football is that they are team sports, requiring players to work together. Both games help improve physical fitness and teach the value of teamwork. Cricket and football also have huge fan bases in Bangladesh, with many people following national and international matches.

However, cricket is more popular in Bangladesh, and the country’s national cricket team has achieved success in international tournaments. Football, though popular, is more of a global sport, with famous leagues like the English Premier League being followed by many people.

In conclusion, while cricket and football are very different sports, they both bring joy to people in Bangladesh. Cricket has a strong national following, while football connects fans with the global sports community. Both sports encourage teamwork and fitness.

Worksheet 9: Traditional Markets and Supermarkets

Traditional markets and supermarkets are common places to buy goods in Bangladesh, but they operate differently. Traditional markets are open-air and often sell fresh fruits, vegetables, and other local products. Supermarkets are large, modern stores where a variety of products are sold under one roof.

Both traditional markets and supermarkets help people buy essential items like food and household products. They both rely on customer service and sell goods that people need every day. Whether in a traditional market or a supermarket, customers look for fresh and affordable products.

However, traditional markets are usually cheaper, and customers can bargain with the sellers. Supermarkets, on the other hand, offer fixed prices and a more comfortable shopping experience. They have air conditioning, shopping carts, and a wider range of products, from groceries to electronics.

In conclusion, both traditional markets and supermarkets are important for shopping in Bangladesh. Traditional markets offer a more local and affordable experience, while supermarkets provide a modern and convenient way to shop. People choose based on their preferences and budget.

Worksheet 10: Mobile Banking and Traditional Banking

Mobile banking and traditional banking are two ways people in Bangladesh manage their money. Mobile banking allows customers to use their phones to send money, pay bills, or check their balance. Traditional banking, on the other hand, requires customers to visit a bank branch to do their banking.

Both mobile banking and traditional banking allow people to carry out important financial transactions. They both offer services like money transfers, savings accounts, and paying bills. Both systems are important for the country's economy and help people manage their finances.

However, mobile banking is more convenient because it can be done anytime and anywhere, as long as you have a mobile phone. It’s faster, especially for sending money to someone quickly. Traditional banking, while reliable, often requires people to wait in lines, and it has specific working hours. It also offers more in-person services like loan applications.

In conclusion, mobile banking and traditional banking both offer useful services to people in Bangladesh. Mobile banking is more convenient and faster, while traditional banking provides more face-to-face services. People use both methods based on what they need.